- Robert Alan Bush
- Reference Lewicki, et. al. (2003) Essentials of
Negotiation. Boston, McGraw-Hill.
- Negotiation requires
- Good communication
- Good cultural understanding
3Learning Objectives
- By the end of this session you well be able to
- Describe key factors of the negotiation
situation, the strategy options, actions and
styles of the negotiation process - Understand the use of leverage
- Consider differences in cultural styles
- Adapt universal concepts to the Brunei situation
4Part One - Universal Aspects of the Negotiation
- Can be at interpersonal, inter-group or inter
organizational levels - CONFLICT
- There is a conflict of interest
- People negotiate because they believe they can
influence an outcome - AGREEMENT
- People prefer to get an agreement rather than
fight. Occurs when fixed sets of procedures have
broken down or do not exist
5Universal Aspects of the Negotiation Situation
- In any negotiation there you can expect to give
away something and to gain something. This is the
nature of the process - INTANGIBLE AND TANGIBLE
- There are intangible aspects (psychological)
like needing to save face, dealing with the fear
of something different, showing you have achieved
good. - There are the tangible aspects the upfront
6Universal Aspects of the Negotiation Process
- Inter-dependency
- Both parties need each other
- Goal interdependency win lose, win win
- Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (ref
Fisher et al 1991) as a source of power - Mutual Adjustment
- Needing to recognize that a settlement will mean
making adjustments afterwards and planning for
these - Value Creation
- Differences in Interests, opinions, risk
aversion, timing - Conflict
- Needs to be managed (see later session)
7So When should you not negotiate?
- List and Think of Examples
8So When should you not negotiate?
- When it looks like you will lose everything do
something else - When you have no room to move raise the stakes
instead - When the demands are unethical its illegal
- If you have no stake in the outcome
- When waiting might improve your position
- When you are not prepared well
9Part Two - Strategy
- Strategizing and planning a negotiation is what
you do before you begin negotiating - It involves several steps
10Strategizing - Step One
- Deal with the substantive issues first (those to
be stated in the negotiation) - Deal with these through goals, goal priorities
and multi-goal packages - Address procedural concerns
11Step One
- Address both tangible and intangible goals
- Tangible e.g. price of something
- Intangible e.g. Defending a principle, saving
face, ensuring cultural integrity
12Step One
- Goals Effect Strategy
- What you will be happy with after the negotiation
effects how the negotiation is run. - Know the difference between a wish and a goal
- Recognize that our goals are often linked to the
other parties goals in some way. This defines the
issues to be settled - There will be limits beyond which you will not
negotiate - Goals have to be concrete and specific to be of
13Step Two Strategic Options
- Savage et. al. (1989) Academy of management 3 (1)
37-48 suggest two basic concerns determine
strategy. - How much concern is there to achieve substantive
outcomes? - How much concern is there for the current and
future relationship with the other party?
14Step two Strategic Options
15Step Three Framing the Problem
- People walk into a room and see the same thing
in quite different ways. - One persons hero is another persons loser.
- Disputes are open to different interpretations.
16Different strategies define different frames
- Think about what these strategies imply for
framing - Competition
- Collaboration
- Accommodation
- HINT THINK.Goal, relationships, motivation, key
attitude, remedy for breakdown
- What the negotiators focus on and how they
justify things - Substantive frame
- Aspiration frame
- Conflict management process frame
- Identity frame
- Risk (loss gain) frame
18Other Frames
- The Interests Rights power frame
- Interests want the needs, wants desires are
- Rights - What it is legitimate to have
- Power - Imposing types of power over others
like economic power, withdrawal of labor, denial
of expertese
19Other frames
- Frames change as the negotiation proceeds and
conflict rises and falls - Naming, blaming claming
- Naming occurs when the problem get defined
- Blaming occurs when how the problem that occurred
get defined - Claming occurs when some type of action is taken
20Using Framing in Negotiation
- You can use framing to undertsnad and work out
how to proceed in an a negotiation - we are looking at this this way and we believe
you are looking at this that way, so how can we
find some common ground.
21The Negotiation Process
- Define the issues
- Assembling the issues and defining the bargaining
mix - Defining your interests
- Knowing your limits and alternatives
- Setting targets and openings
- Assessing your constituents
- Assessing the other party (Resources, interests,
needs, reputation, alternatives, targets,
openings, authority, startegy)
- What strategy do I want to pursue
- How I will present the issues to the other party
- What protocols are needed
24Session TWO - Leverage
- Definition
- The tools negotiators use to give themselves
advantage and increase the probability of
achieving their goals
- Leverage is usually understood as power and
influence. There are two basic situations within
which leverage is applied - Where the negotiator believes they have less
leverage than the other party - Where the negotiator believes they have more
leverage than the other party - The tactics used depend upon theses starting
26Leverage with more or less power
- In the less power situation the negotiator uses
power tactics to gain a more level playing field - In the more power situation the negotiator uses
power tactics to stress differences to their own
27Example using Interests, Rights and Power Tactics
- Often used when the other party is reluctant to
negotiate - Focus of Interests used to achieve an working
relationship to achieve mutual goals - Focus on Rights Used when resolution is sought
through drawing up rules, standards, laws and
ideas of fairness - Focus on Power Focus on this when you are
trying to get concessions from the other party
28How do Negotiators acquire Power?
- Control of/possession of information and
expertise - to get concessions build up shared information
- Expertise requires respect for accomplishments,
mastery over some aspect of knowledge, its a
special form of information
29How do Negotiators acquire Power?
- Power based on control over resources like
- Money
- Supply line
- Human capital
- Time
- Equipment
- Interpersonal support
30How do Negotiators acquire Power?
- Power based on position
- This is power based on a legitimate position and
is not necessarily based upon likeing by others - It may be acquired in a variety of ways _
inheritance for example
31How do Negotiators acquire Power?
- Location in a Network of relationships.
- Both formal and informal. Often the inforaml can
be very powerful - five steps to power
- Example. If you were askedto get the former prime
minister of Malaysia to come and give a talk who
would you go thru to get him here
32Managing power thru messaging
- The use of information and the style and quality
of messages sent by a negotiator and the way
these are received will change perception about
what is important - There are large individual differences in ability
to do this can you be trained for it?
33Managing power thru messaging
- The Petty and Caioppo Two Path Model
- Central Route to integrate the message into the
already existing cognitive structure ( thoughts)
of the receiver - Peripheral Route use of subtle cues and context
that is less cognitive
34The Petty and Caioppo Two Path Model
- Nest session Managing conflict
37Session Three
- Learning Objectives
- Managing conflict
- Cross cultural/international issues
38What is the cause of conflict
- Different needs/wants of the parties
- Misunderstanding
- Other Intangible factors ( personalities)
- Any others????????????????
39Defining Conflict
- Lewicki (2003)
- sharp disagreement or opposition as of interest,
ideas, etc that includes PERVIEVED divergence of
interests, belief, aspiration, at cant be
achieved simultaneously - Not conflict may be different to aggression or
inappropriate cultural behavior
40Conflict levels
- Intra-personal
- Interpersonal
- Intra-group
- Inter-group
41Conflict can be both dysfunctional and functional
- Discuss
- Why is conflict dysfunctional ?
42List of dysfunctional conflict reasons
- Parties believe they must compete becsue they are
different - Conflict distorts perception and bias
- Things get uncomfortable emotional
- Communication decreases
- Issues get blurred
- Communication get ridged
- Differences magnified, similarites diminished
- Conflict escalates
43List of functional aspects of conflict
- Discussing conflict increases peoles ability to
cope - Conflict promises organisational change and
adaptation - Conflict can strengthen relationships
- Can enhance personal development
- Can be stimulating and Fun???????
44Conflict Management
- Focus of research in recent years as been on the
personal style of good resolutions what works,
whats easy and hard to resolve - A two dimensional framework has been used to
understand good conflict resolution SEE DIAGRAM
the dual concerns model
45The Five Strategies of Conflict Resolution Each
has its advantages and disadvantages
- Contending Threats , punishment, intimidation,
domination with no concern for other party - Yielding supporting others outcomes, even
helping them achieve them - Inaction people just withdraw
- Problem solving mixed concern over outcomes
- Compromising conflict management strategy
requiring both parties to give and take something
46Identifying your own interpersonal style in
conflict management
- See separate page for excercise
47Managing very difficult negotiations
- What are difficult situations to negotiate
- Charged atmosphere with anger, mistrust hostility
- Communication closed off
- Issues are blurred
- Negotiators have become identified with some of
the issues - Parties perceive great differences
- Anger increases and parties lock down
48Types of basic responses
- Cognitive - very difficult
- Emotional - easier (trust building)
- Behavioral looking at what parties will do in
the future and how to remove the problem of
conflict in the future by setting up better ways
to resolve issues
49Strategy One Reducing tension and synchronizing
- Separating the parties
- Tension release
- Acknowledging the the others feeling
- Osgoods graduated and reciprocal initiatives in
tensions reduction
50Osgoods model
- Agree to make a public statement about a small
concession on both sides that - Says what the concession is
- That is part of a strategy to reduce tension
- The other side is invited to do the some
- States the timing of the concession
- Will be done whatever happens
51Strategy Two Improving accuracy in Communication
- Role reversal
- Imagining exercises
- Reframing words
52Strategy Three Controlling as a conflict
Resolution Tactic
- Reducing the number of parties at the table
- Reducing the number of issues to be discussed
- Stating issues in concrete terms NOT principles
- Restricting procedural steps
- Breaking down big issues
- Depersonalizing
53Strategy Four Building up good communication
- Superordinate goals
- Looking for common ground
- Search for consensus on expectations
- Changing time management
- Reforming each parties view of the other
- Build an integrity framework (time consuming)
- Trust building, sematic change
- Generate creative alternatives
54Strategy Five Managing the other sides HARD
Tactics (e.g.ultimatums)
- Ignore them
- Call then on
- Respond in kind
- Offer to change to more productive modes of doing
- What are key differences
- Individualism/ collective
- Power distance
- Masculinity
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Risk avoidance
56How do cultural differences influence negotiation
What differences for Brunei? Consider.
- Definition of the situation
- Selection of negotiators
- Protocol
- Communication style
- Timing
- Risk propensity
- Group v individual negotiation
- Nature of agreements