Title: Class Handout 7 (Chapter 4)
1Class Handout 7 (Chapter 4)
Multiple Linear Regression
multiple linear regression data
a sample of n sets of observations of k
independent variables X1 , X2 , , Xk and a
dependent variable Y (x11 , x21 , , xk1 , y1)
(x1n , x2n , , xkn , yn). Each independent
variable is often called a factor or a predictor.
least squares regression equation
the linear equation which minimizes the sum of
the squared differences between observed values
of Y and predicted values of Y
We again use Y to represent an observed value of
the dependent (response) variable, use Y to
represent a predicted value of the dependent
(response) variable, and use Y to represent the
mean of all observed values of the dependent
(response) variable.
The (estimated) unstandardized regression
equation is
Y a b1X1 b2X2 bk Xk
a is the intercept, which is the (predicted)
value Y when X1 X2 Xk 0 (Note This
predicted value often is not meaningful in
practice.), and
2bi is the regression coefficient for Xi , which
is the (estimated) amount Y changes on average
with each increase of one unit in the variable Xi
with all other independent variables (factors)
remaining fixed.
The (estimated) standardized linear equation is
ZY ?1ZX1 ?2ZX2 ?k ZXk
?i (beta) is the standardized regression
coefficient for Xi , ZXi is the z-score for the
value of Xi , and ZY is the z-score for the
predicted value of Y .
The ordinary (Pearson) correlation between two
variables has been defined previously as a
measure of strength of the linear relationship.
A partial correlation is defined to be a measure
of strength of the linear relationship between
two variables given one more other variables. A
standardized regression coefficient ?i is the
partial correlation between Y and the
corresponding Xi given all of the other Xis. As
an example, consider how, among school children,
the correlation between grip strength and height
would be different from the partial correlation
between grip strength and height given age.
3Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) can be used to
derive hypothesis tests in multiple regression,
concerning the statistical significance of the
overall regression and the statistical
significance of individual independent variables
(factors). The partitioning of the total sum of
squares is analogous to that in simple linear
regression. The basic ANOVA table can be
organized as follows
n k 1
n 1
The f statistic in this ANOVA table is for
deciding whether or not at least one regression
coefficient is significantly different from zero
(0), or in other words, whether or not the
overall regression is statistically significant.
Note that the regression degrees of freedom (df)
is k (since the dependent variable is predicted
from k independent variables), and that the total
degrees of freedom is, as always, one less than
the sample size n. Since the df for regression
and the df for error must sum to the df for
total, then the df for error must be equal to n
k 1.
4When one or more independent variables (factors)
is added to a multiple regression model, then (1)
the total sum of squares remains the same, (2)
the regression sum of squares increases, (3)
the error sum of squares decreases.
A multiple regression model refers to a general
equation which describes all of the independent
variables from which the dependent variable Y is
to be predicted. There are three types of
independent variables that can be included in a
multiple regression model (1) (2) (3)
a quantitative independent variable which is not
a function of any other independent
variable(s), or
a higher-order term which refers to a function of
one or more other independent variable(s), or
a dummy (indicator) variable with possible values
0 or 1 each representing one of the categories of
a dichotomy.
The data stored in the SPSS data file realestate
is to be used in a study concerning the
prediction of sale price of a residential
property (dollars). Appraised land value
(dollars), appraised value of improvements
(dollars), and area of property living space
(square feet) are to be considered as possible
predictors, and the 20 properties selected for
the data set are a random sample.
Does the data appear to be observational or
Since the land value, improvement value, and area
are all random, the data is observational.
Use SPSS to do calculations necessary for
multiple linear regression. Select the Analyzegt
Regressiongt Linear options, select the variable
sale_prc for the Dependent slot, and select the
variables land_val, impr_val, and area for the
Independent(s) section. In the Method slot,
select the Stepwise option. Click on the
Statistics button, and make certain that the
Estimates and Model fit options are selected in
the dialog box which appears. Also, select the R
squared change option, the Descriptives option,
and the Collinearity diagnostics option. Click
the Continue button to close the dialog
box. Click on the Plots button, and select the
Histogram option and the Normal Probability Plot
option in the dialog box which appears. Also,
from the list on the left, select ZRESID for the
Y slot, and ZPRED for the X slot. Click the
Continue button to close the dialog box.
Finally, click the OK button.
6From the histogram of standardized residuals and
the normal probability plot, comment on the
normality assumption for a multiple regression.
Neither the histogram or the normal probability
plot show evidence of serious departure from the
normality assumption for a multiple regression.
From the scatter plot of standardized predicted
values and standardized residuals, comment on the
linearity assumption and the homoscedasticity
assumption for a multiple regression.
The scatter plot does not show any serious
nonlinear pattern (i.e., no substantial departure
from linearity), nor does it show any substantial
difference in variation of the dependent variable
as values of the independent variable(s) change
(i.e., no substantial departure from
From the Correlations table of the SPSS output
comment on the possibility of multicollinearity
in the multiple regression.
Since the correlation matrix does not contain any
correlation greater than 0.8 for any pair of
independent variables, it does not appear that
multicollinearity will be a problem. Also, we
see that tolerance gt 0.10 (i.e., VIF lt 10) for
each independent variable.
8From the Variables Entered/Removed table of the
SPSS output, find the default values of the
significance level to enter an independent
variable into the model and the significance
level to remove an independent variable from the
Respectively these are
0.05 and
9The multiple R square is R2 is the
proportion (often converted to a percentage) of
variation in the dependent variable Y accounted
for by (or explained by) all of the independent
variables X1 , X2 , , Xk .
Regression Mean Square ?????????? Total
Mean Square
The (positive) square root of R2 is sometimes
called the multiple correlation coefficient.
However, only the strength of the relationship
between Y and more than one predictor can be
considered the direction of a relationship
(positive or negative) can only be considered
between Y and one predictor.
When one or more independent variables (factors)
is added to a multiple regression model, then
since the total sum of squares remains the same
and the regression sum of squares increases, then
the value of R2 must increase.
Since the value of R2 can be influenced by the
sample size and the number of parameters in the
model, an alternative measure of the strength of
relationship between Y and all the predictors in
a model is sometimes used. This alternative
measure is called the adjusted R square denoted
Ra2 and is defined by
n 1 Ra2 1 (1 R2)
. n k 1
It will always be true that 0 ? Ra2 ? R2 ? 1 .
The (estimated) standard error of estimate is s
Error Mean Square
10When a large number of predictors are available
in the prediction of a dependent variable Y, it
is desirable to have some method for screening
the predictors, that is, selecting those
predictors which are most important. One
possible method is to select independent
variables that are significantly correlated with
the dependent variable Y. A more sophisticated
method is stepwise regression. Given that
significance levels ?E and ?R are chosen
respectively for entry and removal, stepwise
regression is applied as follows
Note The text description of stepwise regression
is not quite correct.
All possible regressions with exactly one
predictor are fit to the data. Among all
predictors which are statistically significant at
the ?E level, if any, the one for which the
p-value is lowest (i.e., the one which is most
statistically significant) is entered into the
model, and Step 2 is performed next if no
predictors are statistically significant at the
chosen ?E level, no predictors are entered into
the model and the procedure ends.
Step 1
Labeling the predictor entered into the model as
X1, then all possible regressions with X1 and one
other predictor are fit to the data. Among all
predictors which are statistically significant
with X1 in the model at the ?E level, if any, the
one for which the p-value is lowest (i.e., the
one which is most statistically significant) is
entered into the model, and Step 3 is performed
next if no predictors are statistically
significant with X1 in the model at the ?E level,
no predictors are entered into the model and the
procedure ends.
Step 2
11Labeling the predictor entered into the model
after X1 as X2, then a check is performed to see
if X1 is statistically significant with X2 in the
model at the ?R level, and if not, then X1 is
removed. Next, Step 4 is performed.
Step 3
All possible regressions with the predictor(s)
currently in the model and one other predictor
are fit to the data. Among all predictors which
are statistically significant after the
predictor(s) currently in the model at the ?E
level, if any, the one for which p-value is
lowest (i.e., the one which is most
statistically significant) is entered into the
model, and Step 5 is performed next if no
predictors are statistically significant after
the predictor(s) currently in the model at the ?E
level, no predictors are entered into the model
and the procedure ends.
Step 4
A check is then performed to see if each of the
predictors in the model is statistically
significant with all other predictors now in the
model. Among all predictors which are not
statistically significant at the ?R level, if
any, the one for which the p-value is highest is
removed from the model, and the check is repeated
until no more variables can be removed.
Step 5
Steps 4 and 5 are repeated successively until no
more variables can be entered or removed .
Step 6
12Other methods to decide which of many predictors
are the most important include the forward
selection method (which is the same as stepwise
regression except there is no option to remove
variables from the model), the backward
elimination method (where we begin with all
predictors in the model and remove the most
statistically insignificant at each step until no
more predictors can be removed), and various
methods which depend on doing all possible
regressions (discussed in Section 6.3). The
hypothesis test to decide whether or not a
predictor is statistically significant when
entered into a model after other predictors are
already in the model is equivalent to the
hypothesis test to decide whether or not the
partial correlation between the dependent
variable Y and the predictor being entered into
the model given all the predictors already in the
model is statistically significant. The results
of only one method with one data set to select
the most important predictors should not be
considered final. Typically, further analysis is
necessary. For instance, several procedures
could be used with the same data to see if the
same results are obtained. Higher order terms
can also be investigated.
13Multicollinearity is said to be present among a
set of independent variables when there is at
least one high correlation among two of the
independent variables or among two different
linear combinations of the independent variables.
Multicollinearity can cause problems with the
calculations involved in a multiple linear
regression. Often, multicollinearity can be
detected by observing that the correlation
between a pair of independent variables is larger
than 0.80.
The tolerance for any given independent variable
is the proportion of variance in that independent
variable unexplained by the other independent
variables, and the variance inflation factor
(VIF) is the reciprocal of the tolerance. A
multicollinearity problem is indicated by
tolerance lt 0.10, that is, VIF gt 10.
Pages 101 to 103 of the textbook list the
assumptions on which the ANOVA for a multiple
linear regression is based. These assumptions
include a normal distribution for the dependent
variable at any given combination of values for
the independent variables in the multiple linear
regression , and also include a linear
relationship with each independent variable and a
homoscedasticity assumption (equal variance of
the dependent variable no matter what the values
of the independent varaible(s)). If these
assumptions are satisfied, then the ANOVA for a
multiple linear regression is an appropriate
statistical technique.
From the Variables Entered/Removed table of the
SPSS output, find the
number of steps in the stepwise multiple
regression, and list the independent variables
selected and removed at each step.
There were two steps in the stepwise multiple
regression the variable appraised value of
improvements was entered in the first step, and
the variable area of property living space was
entered in the second step. No variables were
removed at either step.
From the Correlations table of the SPSS output,
find the ordinary correlation between the
dependent variable sale price and the first
independent variable entered into the model.
The correlation between sale price and appraised
value of improvements is 0.916.
15From the Coefficients table of the SPSS output,
find the partial correlation between the
dependent variable sale price and the second
independent variable entered into the model given
the first independent variable entered into the
model compare this to the ordinary correlation
between the dependent variable sale price and the
second independent variable entered into the
model, which can be found from the Correlations
table of the SPSS output.
The partial correlation between sale price and
area of property living space given appraised
value of improvements is 0.515.
The ordinary correlation between sale price and
area of property living space is 0.849.
17From the Model Summary table of the SPSS output,
find the change(s) in R2 from the model at one
step to the next step.
From the model at Step 1, we see that appraised
value of improvements accounts for 83.8 of the
variance in sale price. From the model at Step
2, we see that appraised value of improvements
and area of property living space together
account for 88.1 of the variance in sale
price. With appraised value of improvements
already in the
model, area of property living space accounts
for an additional 4.3 of the variance in sale
From the Coefficients table of the SPSS output,
write the estimated regression equation for each
sale_prc 8945.575 1.351(impr_val)
Step 1 Step 2
sale_prc 97.521 0.960(impr_val) 16.373(area)
19Use the estimated regression equation from the
final step of the stepwise multiple regression to
predict the sale price of a residential property
where the appraised land value is 8000, the
appraised value of improvements is 20,000, and
area of property living space is 1200 square
97.521 0.960(20000) 16.373(1200) 38,945.12
20A dummy (indicator) variable is one defined to be
1 if a given condition is satisfied and 0
otherwise. Suppose a qualitative-dichotomous
variable is to be used in a regression model to
predict a dependent variable Y. If we label the
categories (levels) of the qualitative-dichotomous
variable as 1 and 2, then this variable can be
represented by defining an appropriate dummy
variable, such as
1 for category 1 X 0 for category 2
A regression equation to predict Y from X can be
written as Y a bX .
a b(0)
a .
When X 0, then the predicted value for Y is Y
a b(1)
When X 1, then the predicted value for Y is Y
a b .
b amount that predicted Y for category 1
exceeds predicted Y for category 2.
21Suppose a qualitative variable with 3 categories
(levels) is to be used in a regression model to
predict a dependent variable Y. If we label the
categories as 1, 2, and 3, then this
qualitative variable can be represented by
defining two appropriate dummy variables, such as
1 for category 1 X1 0 otherwise
1 for category 2 X2 0 otherwise
A regression equation to predict Y from X1 and X2
can be written as Y a b1X1 b2X2 .
a b1(0) b2(0)
a .
When X1 0 and X2 0, then the predicted value
for Y is Y
a b1(1) b2(0)
When X1 1 and X2 0, then the predicted value
for Y is Y
a b1 .
a b1(0) b2(1)
When X1 0 and X2 1, then the predicted value
for Y is Y
a b2 .
b1 amount that predicted Y for category 1
exceeds predicted Y for category 3.
b2 amount that predicted Y for category 2
exceeds predicted Y for category 3.
In practice, which categories are associated with
which dummy variables does not matter. The
category which is not associated with any dummy
variable is sometimes called the reference group
(since each coefficient in the regression model
represents a difference in mean when this group
is compared to one other group).
22Suppose a qualitative variable with k categories
(levels) is to be used in a regression model to
predict a dependent variable Y. If we label the
categories as 1, 2, , k, then this
qualitative variable can be represented by
defining k 1 appropriate dummy variables, such
1 for category 1 X1 0 otherwise
1 for category k 1 Xk 1 0
. . .
A regression equation to predict Y from X1 , X2 ,
, Xk ? 1 can be written as Y a b1X1 b2X2
bk ? 1 Xk ? 1 .
a b1(0) b2(0)
a .
When X1 0 and X2 0, then the predicted value
for Y is Y
a b1(1) b2(0)
When X1 1 and X2 0, then the predicted value
for Y is Y
a b1 .
a b1(0) b2(1)
When X1 0 and X2 1, then the predicted value
for Y is Y
a b2 .
bi amount that predicted Y for category i
exceeds predicted Y for category k .
When a qualitative variable has k categories
(levels) with k gt 2, the k 1 dummy variables X1
, X2 , , Xk 1 are treated as a group so that
either all of them are included in the model or
none of them are included in the model. An
alternative approach (used in the textbook) is to
define one more dummy variable Xk corresponding
to category k, and treating the k dummy
variables as separate, individual variables.
A company conducts a study to see how diastolic
blood pressure is influenced by an employees
age, weight, and job stress level classified as
high stress, some stress, and low stress. A 0.05
significance level is chosen for an analysis of
covariance. Data recorded on 24 employees
treated as a random sample is displayed on the
right. The data has been stored in the SPSS data
file jobstress.
Diastolic Job Age Weight
Blood Stress (years) (lbs.) Pressure High
23 208 102 High 43 215 126 High
34 175 110 High 65 162 124
High 39 197 120 High 35 160
113 High 29 100 81 High 25
188 100 Some 38 164 97 Some
19 173 93 Some 24 209 92
Some 32 150 93 Some 47 209
120 Some 54 212 115 Some 57 112
93 Some 43 215 116 Low 61
162 103 Low 27 116 81
By following the instructions below, add the
following dummy variables for job stress level to
the SPSS data file jobstress
1 for high stress job X 1 0 otherwise
1 for some stress job X 2 0 otherwise
1 for low stress job X 3 0 otherwise
24 Low 40 142 83 Low 26 116
81 Low 36 160 93 Low 50 212
109 Low 59 201 116 Low 49 217
Select the Transformgt Recode into Different
Variables options in SPSS. In the dialog box
which appears, select the variable jobtype for
the Numeric Variable -gt Output Variable section.
In the Output Variable section, type X 1 in the
Name slot of the Output Variable section.
Click the Change button to make X 1 the output
variable, which is indicated in the Numeric
Variable -gt Output Variable section.
Click the Old and New Values button. In the
dialog box which appears, type 3 in the Value
slot of the Old Value section, type 1 in the
Value slot of the New Value section, and click
the Add button. You should now see an indication
that the value 3 for the variable jobtype will
correspond to a value of 1 for the variable X 1.
In a similar manner, set the value 2 for the
variable jobtype to correspond to a value of 0
for the variable X 1, and set the value 1 for the
variable jobtype to correspond to a value of 0
for the variable X 1. Click the Continue button
to close the dialog box. Finally, click the OK
button, after which you should see that variable
X 1 has been added to the data, and that its
values are correct. Now, using a procedure
similar to that for defining variable X 1, define
variables X 2 and X 3.
Use the Analyzegt Regressiongt Lineargt options in
SPSS to display the Linear Regression dialog box.
Select the variable dbp for the Dependent slot,
select the variables age, weight, X 1, X 2, and X
3, for the Independent(s) section. In the Method
slot, select the Stepwise option. Click on the
Statistics button, and make certain that the
Estimates and Model fit options are selected in
the dialog box which appears. Also, select the R
squared change option, the Descriptives option,
and the Collinearity diagnostics option. Click
the Continue button to close the dialog
box. Click on the Plots button, and select the
Histogram option and the Normal Probability Plot
option in the dialog box which appears. Also,
from the list on the left, select ZRESID for the
Y slot, and ZPRED for the X slot. Click the
Continue button to close the dialog box.
Finally, click the OK button.
From the histogram of standardized residuals and
the normal probability plot, comment on the
normality assumption for a multiple regression.
Neither the histogram or the normal probability
plot show evidence of serious departure from the
normality assumption for a multiple regression.
26From the scatter plot of standardized predicted
values and standardized residuals, comment on the
linearity assumption and the homoscedasticity
assumption for a multiple regression.
The scatter plot does not show any serious
nonlinear pattern (i.e., no substantial departure
from linearity), nor does it show any substantial
difference in variation of the dependent variable
as values of the independent variable(s) change
(i.e., no substantial departure from
From the Correlations table of the SPSS output
comment on the possibility of multicollinearity
in the multiple regression.
Since the correlation matrix does not contain any
correlation greater than 0.8 for any pair of
independent variables, it does not appear that
multicollinearity will be a problem. Also, we
see that tolerance gt 0.10 (i.e., VIF lt 10) for
each independent variable
From the Variables Entered/Removed table of the
SPSS output, find the default values of the
significance level to enter an independent
variable into the model and the significance
level to remove an independent variable from the
Respectively these are
0.05 and
From the Variables Entered/Removed table of the
SPSS output, find the number of steps in the
stepwise multiple regression, and list the
independent variables selected and removed at
each step.
There were three steps in the stepwise multiple
regression the variable weight was entered in
the first step, the variable age was entered in
the second step, and the variable X 1 was entered
in the third step. No variables were removed at
any step.
28From the Correlations table of the SPSS output,
find the ordinary correlation between the
dependent variable diastolic blood pressure and
the first independent variable entered into the
The correlation between diastolic blood pressure
and weight is 0.727.
30(No Transcript)
32From the Coefficients table of the SPSS output,
find the partial correlation between the
dependent variable diastolic blood pressure and
the second independent variable entered into the
model given the first independent variable
entered into the model compare this to the
ordinary correlation between the dependent
variable diastolic blood pressure and the second
independent variable entered into the model,
which can be found from the Correlations table of
the SPSS output.
The partial correlation between diastolic blood
pressure and age given weight is 0.442.
The ordinary correlation between diastolic blood
pressure and age is 0.561.
34From the Model Summary table of the SPSS output,
find the change(s) in R2 from the model at one
step to the next step.
From the model at Step 1, we see that weight
accounts for 52.8 of the variance in diastolic
blood pressure.
From the model at Step 2, we see that weight and
age together account for 71.8 of the variance in
diastolic blood pressure. With weight already in
the model, age accounts for an additional 19.0
of the variance in diastolic blood pressure.
From the model at Step 3, we see that weight,
age, and the variable X 1 together account for
87.3 of the variance in diastolic blood
pressure. With weight and age already in the
model, the variable X 1 accounts for an
additional 15.5 of the variance in diastolic
blood pressure.
From the Coefficients table of the SPSS output,
write the estimated regression equation for each
dbp 54.266 0.280(weight)
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
dbp 40.653 0.249(weight) 0.478(age)
dbp 35.279 0.238(weight) 0.559(age)
11.871(X 1)
Use the estimated regression equation from the
final step of the stepwise multiple regression to
predict the diastolic blood pressure of an
employee whose weight is 180 lbs, whose age is
35, and whose job stress level is classified to
be high.
dbp 35.279 0.238(180) 0.559(35) 11.871(1)
36Use the estimated regression equation from the
final step of the stepwise multiple regression to
predict the diastolic blood pressure of an
employee whose weight is 180 lbs, whose age is
35, and whose job stress level is classified to
be some.
dbp 35.279 0.238(180) 0.559(35) 11.871(0)
Use the estimated regression equation from the
final step of the stepwise multiple regression to
predict the diastolic blood pressure of an
employee whose weight is 180 lbs, whose age is
35, and whose job stress level is classified to
be low.
dbp 35.279 0.238(180) 0.559(35) 11.871(0)
REGRESSION ANALYSIS sections of Chapter 4. Open
the version of the SPSS data file Job
Satisfaction that was saved after Exercise 10 on
Class Handout 5.
In the PRACTICAL EXAMPLE section, read the
discussion for assumptions number 1 to 6 in the
subsection Hypothesis Testing then, use the
Analyzegt Descriptive Statisticsgt Explore options
in SPSS to obtain Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1, and
use the Graphsgt Legacy Dialogsgt Scatter/Dot
options in SPSS to obtain Figure 4.2. (The other
tables and figures displayed in this subsection
can be obtained from work to be done in the
subsection which follows.)
In the PRACTICAL EXAMPLE section, read the
discussion for assumptions number 7 and 8 in the
subsection Hypothesis Testing and the remaining
portion of the subsection then, use the
Transformgt Recode into Different Variables
options in SPSS to create the dummy variables
discussed with regard to assumption number
7. Compare the syntax file commands generated by
the output with those shown on page 110 of the
38 (c)
In the PRACTICAL EXAMPLE section, read the
subsection How to Use SPSS to Compute Multiple
Regression Coefficients, and follow the
instructions with SPSS, which should produce much
of the output displayed in Table 4.2 to Table
4.12 and in Figures 4.3 and 4.4. Compare the
syntax file commands generated by the output with
those shown on page 116 of the textbook. Read the
remaining portion of Chapter 4.