Title: The Age of the Great Cathedrals: Gothic Art
1The Age of the Great Cathedrals Gothic Art
- Chapter 18
- Gardners 11th edition
2Ambulatory and radiating chapels Saint Denis
3Plain of the choir, abbey church Saint Denis
4Vaults of the ambulatory and radiating chapels of
the choir Saint Denis 1140-1144
5Aerial view of Chartres Cathedral begun 1134,
rebuilt after 1194
6Royal Portal Chartres Cathedral 1145-1155
7Old Testament queen and two kings Chartres
8West façade of Laon Cathedral begun 1190
9Plan of Laon Cathedral 1160-1205
choir extended after 1210
10Nave of Laon Cathedral begun 1190
11Nave elevations - same scaleLaon, Paris,
Chartres, Amiens
12Notre-Dame - begun 1163
13Plan of Chartres Cathedral as rebuilt after 1194
14Nave of Chartres Cathedral begun 1194
15Virgin and Child with angels window in Chartres
Cathedral 1170
16Rose window and lancets Chartres Cathedral 1220
17Saints Martin, Jerome, and Gregory Chartres
Cathedral 1220-1230
18Saint Theodore Chartres Cathedral 1230
19Plan of Amiens Cathedral Robert de Luzarches,
Thomas de Cormont, Renaud de Cormont1220-1288
20Nave of Amiens Cathedral begun 1220
21Choir vaults of Amiens Cathedral begun 1220
22West façade of Amiens Cathedral begun 1220
23Christ (Beau Dieu) Amiens Cathedral 1220-1235
24West façade of Reims Cathedral 1225-1290
25Visitation Reims Cathedral 1230
26Sainte-Chapelle 1243-1248
27Interior of upper chapel Sainte-Chapelle
28Virgin and Child (Virgin of Paris) early
fourteenth century
29West façade of Saint-Maclou
30Carcassonne twelfth-thirteenth centuries
31House of Jacques Coeur 1443-1451
32Villard de Honnecourt figures based on
geometric shapes 1220-1235
33God as architect of the world 1220-1230
34Blanche of Castile, Louis IX, and two monks
35Abraham and the three angels Psalter of Saint
Louis 1253-1270
36 David anointed by Samuel and battle of David and
Goliath Breviary of Philippe le Bel Master
Honoré 1296
37David before Saul Belville Breviary Jean
Pucelle 1325
38Virgin of Jeanne dEvreux Saint-Denis1339
39The Castle of Love and knights jousting - lid of
a jewelry casket 1330-1350
40Salisbury Cathedral 1220-1258
41Plan of Salisbury Cathedral 1220-1258
42Nave of Salisbury Cathedral 1220-1258
43Choir of Gloucester Cathedral 1332-1357
44Chapel of Henry VII Westminster Abbey 1503-1519
45Tomb of Edward II - Gloucester Cathedral 1330-1335
46Mappamundi Richard de Bello (?) 1277-1289
47Cologne Cathedral Gerhard of Cologne 1248
48Choir of Cologne Cathedral Gerhard of Cologne
completed 1322
49Saint Elizabeth 1235-1283
50Interior of Saint Elizabeth 1235-1283
51Death of the Virgin Strasbourg Cathedral - 1230
52Ekkehard and Uta Naumburg Catherdral 1249-1255
53Bamberg Rider Bamberg Cathedral 1235-1240
54Virgin with the Dead Christ (Rottgen Pieta)
55Nicholas of Verdun 1181
Klosterneuburg Altar
56Shrine of the Three Kings Nicholas of Verdun -
57Orvieto Cathedral - Lorenzo Maitani begun 1310
58Doges Palace begun 1340-1345
expanded and remodeled 1424-1438
59Milan Cathedralbegun 1386