Title: Preparing Students in 3rd Grade to Succeed on ISAT
1Preparing Students in 3rd Grade to Succeed on
- Presented by
- Sabrina L. Gates, Adonia C. Milsap Juliana
Perisin - Cluster 5 Reading Coaches
- To explore content and background of the ISAT
reading test - To explore instructional strategies in reading
that support Illinois Learning Standards - To explore test taking tips to support good
3Todays Agenda
- 1)Features of the ISAT 3rd 5th grade reading
tests - 2)Closely examining a sample test
- 3)Types of text on ISAT
- 4)Working with multiple choice questions
4FEATURES3rd and 5th Grade ISAT Reading Tests
- Criterion-referenced test
- Tests whether a student has mastered certain
competencies (i.e. reading skills) - Students score is compared to a cutoff score set
by authors of test
5- The reading skills being measured in grades 3-8
are similar. - The passages students will be asked to read and
interpret increase in difficulty and
sophistication. - 80 of the passages are at or near grade level
(less than 1 year above or below). - 20 of the passages should be 1-2 years below
grade level.
6What do ISAT Reading Scores Tell You?
- How well your students identify important facts
specifically stated in the text. - How well your students understand the meaning of
key words and phrases in text. - How well your students make inferences within or
between sentences and between or across
7- How well your students understand key traits and
motives of characters - To what extent your students consider and
evaluate evidence to support or reject different
ideas. - How well your students determine the authors
point of view, message, intent, and reasons for
using specific devices or conventions.
8ISAT Test Dates
- March 29 through April 9, 2004
- Thats approximately 15 weeks
93rd Grade ISAT Testing FormatReading
- Session 1
- 14 word analysis and 1 passage with 15 multiple
choice questions - 40 minutes
10Session 2
Session 3
- 1 passage with 18 multiple choice questions and 1
extended response question - 40 minutes
- 1 passage with 20 multiple choice questions and 1
extended response question - 40 minutes
11State Goal 1
- Read with understanding and fluency.
- (Learning to read)
- Words in Isolation (7)
- Determine the meaning of an unknown word using
knowledge of common prefixes, suffixes, and word
roots. - Identify the word base of familiar words with
affixes from Roots and Affixes list. - Determine the meaning of unknown compound words
by applying knowledge of individual known words.
13Words in Context (7)
- Determine the meaning of an unknown word using
within sentence clues, such as appositives. - i.e. Ms. Vaske, the AIO, believes in
comprehensive literacy. - Determine the meaning of an unknown word using
word, sentence, and cross-sentence clues. - Identify the synonym of an unknown word using
context clues. - Identify the antonym of an unknown words in a
given context. - Determine the word that best fits a given
context. - Determine the correct use of homonyms using
context clues.
- 10
- Identify the purpose for reading a given passage.
- Identify probable future outcomes or actions.
- Use information in illustrations to help
understand a reading passage. - Use information in charts, graphs, and diagrams
to help understand a reading passage. - Determine which illustrations support the meaning
of a passage.
15Reading Strategies contd. (3rd)
- Determine which charts, graphs or diagrams
support the meaning of a passage. - Identify similarities and differences in major
topics contained in different passages. - Demonstrate understanding by using simple graphic
organizers to represent passage content. - Make comparisons across reading passages.
16Reading Comprehension 3rdILS C
- Literal or Simple Inference
- 8
- Determine the answer to a literal or simple
inference question regarding the meaning of a
17Reading Comprehension 3rd
- Summarizing and Main Idea
- 10
- Distinguish the main ideas and supporting details
in informational text. - Identify the main idea of a selection when it is
not explicitly stated.
18Reading Comprehension (3rd)
- Sequencing and Ordering
- 7
- Identify or summarize the order of events in a
19Reading Comprehension (3rd)
- Drawing Conclusions Based on Evidence
- 8
- Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations
about text, and support them with textual
evidence and prior knowledge. - Distinguish between fact and opinion.
- Draw conclusions from information in maps,
charts, graphs, and diagrams.
20Reading Comprehension (3rd)
- Interpreting Instruction
- 7
- Determine whether a set of simple instructions or
procedures is complete and, therefore, clear. - i.e. If incomplete, identify what is missing.
21Literary Elements and TechniquesILS C
- Authors Purpose and Design
- 6
- Identify the authors purpose for writing a
fiction or nonfiction text.
22State Goal 2
- Read and understand literature representative of
various societies, eras, and ideas. - (Reading to learn)
- Story and Literary Structure (8)
- Differentiate among the literary elements of
plot, character, and setting. - Identify main and supporting characters.
- Identify events important to the development of
the plot. - Identify setting.
- Compare different works or passages by the same
author. - Explain outcomes using the following literary
elements problem/conflict, resolution.
24Literary Elements and TechniquesILS A
- Characterization (7)
- Determine what characters are like by how the
author or illustrator portrays them. - Determine a characters perception of, or
feelings towards, the surroundings or other
characters. - Determine character motivation.
- Identify and compare characters attributes
within and across stories.
25Literary Elements and Techniques
- Literary Terms and Devices (7)
- Identify examples of similes.
- Identify examples of onomatopoeia.
26Variety of Literary Works (8)ILS B
- Identify the following forms and genres story,
poem, fairy tale, folktale, fable, nonfiction,
and essay. - In nonfiction, differentiate between personal
narrative and third person narrative.
27The best preparation for ISAT is good instruction.
28Tips for PREPARING students
- Explicitly teach text structure
- Select longer passages for students to read
silently and independently (see resource list) - Insist students tell you WHY and HOW they arrived
at an answer - Insist students highlight, outline the part of
the text which led to their answer choice - Show students how the questions are structured
and allow them to create questions (both literal
and inferential) regularly
29ISAT Tips Continued
- Allow students opportunities to discuss text in
accountable ways - Explicitly teach students to make the following
connections when they read - Text to self
- Text to text
- Text to world
30Happy Teaching
- Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting
a fire. - --William Yates