Title: Smoking Cessation Practice Guidelines for Registered Dental Hygienists
1Smoking Cessation Practice Guidelinesfor
Registered Dental Hygienists
- Carol Southard, RN, MSNSmoking Cessation
2The use of tobaccoconquers men with a certain
secret pleasure so that those who have once
been accustomed theretocan hardly be restrained
Sir Francis Bacon
- Historica Vital et Mortis 1622
3a custome lothsome to the Eye, hatefull to the
Brain, dangerous to the Lungs, and in the black
stinking fume thereof, nearest resembling the
horrible, stigian smoke of the pit that is
bottomlesseMy position on the use of
tobaccoKing James I, 1604
4(No Transcript)
5Tobacco Facts
- 1 public health problem in the United States
- Most preventable cause of morbidity and mortality
- Causes more deaths each year than alcohol, motor
vehicle accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide,
illicit drugs and fires combined - Proven risk factor for heart disease, malignant
neoplasms and stroke - One-third of all tobacco users will die
6Comparative Causes of Annual Deaths in the United
Number of Deaths (thousands)
AIDS Alcohol Motor Homicide
Drug Suicide Smoking
Source CDC
7Impact of Smoking
- Smoking is now conclusively linked to acute
myeloid leukemia and cancers of the cervix,
kidney, pancreas and stomach - Smoking is now also known to cause pneumonia,
abdominal aortic aneruysm, cataracts and
periodontitis - Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body,
damaging a smoker's overall health even when it
does not cause a specific illness
8Oral Cavity Risks
- The most significant risk factor in the
development and progression of periodontal
disease - Major risk factor for oral and pharyngeal cancer
- Tobacco use responsible for about 75 of all oral
cavity cancers - mouth, tongue lips, throat,
nose, larynx - Smokers have 6 times the risk for mouth cancer as
9Oral Cavity Risks
- Tobacco users have from 3 to 17 times as much
larynx cancer as nonsmokers - Smoking is a key risk factor for gum disease
- Smoking while pregnant linked to cleft palate and
cleft lip - Children who are exposed to secondhand cigarette
smoke are more likely to develop cavities in
their baby teeth
10Impact of Secondhand Smoke
- Many millions of Americans are still exposed to
secondhand smoke - Secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and
premature death - Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an
increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome
(SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear
problems, and more severe asthma. respiratory
symptoms and slows lung growth children - Exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has
immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular
system and causes coronary heart disease and lung
cancer - The scientific evidence indicates that there is
no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke - Eliminating smoking in indoor spaces fully
protects people from exposure to secondhand smoke
- separating sections, air cleaning systems, and
ventilating buildings cannot eliminate the risk
of exposure
11Smoking Statistics
- About 44.5 million Americans are current smokers
20.9 - 23.4 of men and 18.5 of women smoke in US
- Prevalence
- Native Americans Alaskan Natives (33.4),
- Persons reporting two or more races (31.0)
- Caucasians (22.2 )
- African Americans (20.2 )
- Hispanics (15.0 )
- Southeast Asians (11.3 )
12Smoking Incidence Scope
- In 2002, 17.3 percent of pregnant women aged 15
to 44 smoked cigarettes in the past month
compared with 31.1 percent of nonpregnant women
of the same age group. - The annual toll on the nations health and
economy is staggering 440,000 deaths, 8.6
million people suffering from at least one
serious illness related to smoking, - 75 billion in direct medical costs 82 billion
in lost productivity.
13Smoking Trends
- Since 1974, the smoking prevalence in men has
decreased by about 1 a year, in women 0.33 - Prevalence has remained fairly constant since
1992 - Children raised in households where one or both
parents smoke are 2 to 5 times more likely to
smoke - 1/3 of households with children under 6 years old
contains at least one smoker - 90 of smokers begin smoking before age 21
14Tobacco is Not an Equal Opportunity Killer
- Smoking affects young, the poor, depressed,
uninsured, less educated, blue-collar, and
minorities most in the US - Addiction affects those with the least
information about health risks, with the fewest
resources to resist advertising, and the least
access to cessation services - Those below poverty line are gt40 more likely to
smoke than those above poverty line
15Unequal Patterns of Use and Exposure
- 38 of persons with 9-11 yrs education
- 40 of cooks/truckers
- 1/3 of service workers covered by smoke-free
policies - Social norm for low SES different from high SES
- 13 of persons with college degree or higher
- 3 of lawyers
- ½ of white collar workers covered by smoke-free
policies - Higher SES less likely to be exposed to
parent/peer smokers
16(No Transcript)
17Smoking Population Trend Lines
The Department of Health and Human Services has
set a goal of reducing smoking prevalence to 12
or less by 2010.
18Cessation Facts
- About 30 of patients are current smokers
- 70 of smokers say they are interested in
quitting - Only 10 to 20 plan to quit in the next month
- About 46 of smokers try to quit in a given year
- The majority of smokers try to quit on their own
- Overall, self-quitters have a success rate of 2
to 5 - Half of all smokers eventually quit
19Tobacco Intervention
- 75 of health providers THINK it is a good idea
- 10 routinely do it
- - not confident about subject
- - questionable goals
- - afraid of negative reaction from patient
- - feel patient might be offended
- - not enough reimbursement
- - not enough time
20Dental Intervention
- 33-50 of smokers report visiting a dentist
- annually
- 40 of dentists do not routinely ask about
tobacco - use
- 60 do not advise tobacco users to quit
21Practice Implications
- Only a minority of smokers report being advised
to quit by a health care provider - There is substantial evidence that even brief
smoking cessation counseling can be effective - Tobacco use status assessment, documentation and
intervention by RDH and/or DDS would have a huge
impact on cessation efforts
22History of the SCI
- 14 member task force met September 2003
- Summit sponsored by the RWJF SCLC
- Grant awarded in November 2003
- A nationwide campaign designed to promote smoking
cessation intervention by dental hygienists
"The advice of a dental hygienist can be a major
motivation for a quit attempt by a patient who
smokes. -- Tammi O. Byrd, RDH, ADHA President
23ADHA Tobacco Cessation Task Force
Tammi O. Byrd, RDH Katie L. Dawson, RDH,
BS Jacquelyn L. Fried, RDH, MS JoAnn R.
Gurenlian, RDH, PhD Kirsten Jarvi, RDH, BS C.
Austin Risbeck, RDH
Rebecca Wilder, RDH, BS, MS Lisa M. Esparza,
RDH, BS Maria Perno Goldie, RDH, MS Barbara
Heckman, RDH, MS Kathleen Mangskau, RDH, BS,
MPA Margaret M. Walsh, MS, Ed.D
24The Objective
Baseline and Target Increase to 50 the
percentage of dental hygienists that screen their
clients regarding tobacco use (rate, type and
amount) by 2006.Baseline 25 in 2001 Journal of
Dental Hygiene study (Winter 2001)
25Main Elements of the SCIYear One
Educational Program Ask. Advise. Refer. SCI
Liaison Program Designate a liaison in each
state Dedicated Website www.askadviserefer.org
26SCI Year Two
- Grant renewed November, 2004
- SCI Project Manager, January, 2005
- SCI Administrative Assistant
- SCI Liaisons in-state support
- Six state presentations
27SCI Year Three
- Grant renewed November, 2005
- SCI Project Consultant
- SCI Administrative Assistant
- SCI Liaison education support
- Twelve district presentations
28Three Minutes or Less Can Save Lives
- The advice of a health care professional can more
- than double smoking cessation success rates.
- Tobacco dependence is a chronic disease
- that demands treatment.
- Effective interventions have been established and
- should be utilized with every current and
former - tobacco user.
- There is no other clinical practice that has more
- impact on reducing illness, preventing death,
and - increasing quality of life.
29Ask. Advise. Refer. Systematic Approach
30Ask. Advise. Refer. 5 As
Ask. Every patient/client about tobacco use.
Advise. Every tobacco user to quit.
Refer. Determine willingness to quit. Provide
information on quitlines.
Refer to Quitlines
ADHA Smoking Cessation Initiative (SCI)
31SCI Protocols
- Step 1 Ask 1 min
- Systemically ask every client about tobacco use
at every visit. - Determine if client is current, former, or never
tobacco user. - Determine what form of tobacco is used.
- Determine frequency of use.
- Document tobacco use status in the dental record.
32SCI Protocols
- Step 2 Advise 1 min
- In a clear, strong, and personalized manner, urge
every tobacco user to quit. - Tobacco users who have not succeeded in previous
quit attempts should be told that most people try
repeatedly (on average 3 to 8 times) before
permanent quitting is achieved. - Employ the teachable moment link oral findings
with advice.
33SCI Protocols
- Step 3 Refer 1 min
- Asses if client is interested in quitting.
- Assist those interested in quitting by providing
information on - Statewide or national quitlines, websites and
local cessation programs. - Use proactive referral if available
- Request written permission to fax contact
information to a cessation quitline or program.
Inform the client that cessation program staff
will provide follow-up. - Document referral on dental record.
- Use reactive referral provide client with
contact information - Arrange follow-up at periodontal maintenance
visit and/or schedule a phone call
34What are Quitlines?
- Tobacco Quitlines are
- telephone-based tobacco
- cessation services available in
- all states and are accessed
- through a new federal toll-free
- number.
- They provide callers with a number of services
- Individualized telephone counseling
- Educational materials
- Referrals to local programs
35(No Transcript)
36Refer to
- Current list of all state quitlines
- www.askadviserefer.org
- Department of Health and Human Services Quitline
- 1-800-QUITNOW (784-8669)
- Information Service Website
- http//www.smokefree.gov
- Web based cessation program
- http//smokefree.gov/
- or
- http//www.quitnet.com
37Online Smoking Cessation Assistance
- On-line smoking cessation services now available
for smokers who prefer using computers over
telephones - Anonymity is a plus, as with telephone quitlines
- Early studies show promising efficacy
- www.quitnet.com
- www.smokeclinic.com
- www.tobaccoschool.com
38SCI Scripts
- If the client uses tobacco
- How many cigarettes per day do you smoke
- How many cigars per day do you smoke?
- How many bowls of pipe tobacco do you use
- per day?
- How many dips of chewing tobacco do you use per
day? - Do others in your household use tobacco?
39SCI Scripts
- For the client who never regularly used tobacco
- Congratulations, you have made a wise decision
to protect your health. - Congratulations on being a non-smoker.
40SCI Scripts
- For the client who quit using tobacco
- Congratulations, you made a wise decision.
- Congratulations on quitting tobacco use. We
have some good programs to help you remain
tobacco-free. I can give you the contact
information for the program.
41SCI Scripts
- For the client who currently uses tobacco
- Have you thought about quitting?
- I can help you even if you do not want to quit.
Let me give you the phone number for the
statewide quitline. You can receive free
counseling on how to quit and remain
tobacco-free. - Quitlines have had proven success in helping
people get through the difficult stages of
quitting and many people prefer to use them.
42SCI Scripts
- More available scripts for
- Pregnant mothers
- Hospitalized clients
- Heart Attack clients
- Parents of children and adolescents
- Lung, head and neck cancer clients
- Youth
43Nicotine Dependence
- The most powerful of all addictions to overcome
- Nicotine acts on nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors in both the central nervous system and
the peripheral nervous system resulting in a
physical and biologic basis for physical
dependence - Psychological dependence
- Habitual dependence
44Neurochemical Effects of Nicotine
- Dopamine Pleasure
- Norepinephrine Appetite Suppression
- Acetylcholine Arousal, Cognitive Enhancement
- Vasopressin Memory
- Serotonin Mood Modulation
- ß-endorphin Anxiety Reduction
Benowitz NL. Primary Care. 1999 26 619.
45Biology of Addiction
- Addictive drugs stimulate release of dopamine
(brain neurotransmitter) - Dopamine produces feelings of pleasure
- Pleasure reinforces repeat administration
- Tolerance develops
- Abrupt discontinuation leads to symptoms of
46Nicotine Addiction Cycle
Benowitz NL. Med Clin North Am. 1992 76 423.
47Unique Qualities of Nicotine Addiction Through
- Cigarette is a highly engineered drug-delivery
system - Inhaling produces a rapid distribution of
nicotine to the brain - Drug levels peak within 10 seconds in the brain
- Acute effects dissipate within minutes, causing
the smoker to continue frequent dosing throughout
the day - Average smoker takes 200-300 boluses to the brain
per day - Easy to get, easy to use, and it is legal!
48Nicotine Absorption
- Primary routes respiratory tract, buccal
mucosa, - skin
- Absorption is pH-dependent
- Oral absorption
- - mouth is acidic
- - oral tobacco products buffered to increase
mouth pH to 7.0-8.0 - - pH-altering beverages affect absorption
Benowitz NL. Primary Care. 1999 26 619.
49Nicotine Absorption
- Lung absorption ionized non-ionized
- 90 absorption across respiratory epithelium
- Alkaline form irritates throat
- Ionized form allows more nicotine to be
dissolved - in the tar droplets
- Absorbed in tar, nicotine is less irritating to
Benowitz NL. Primary Care. 1999 26 619.
50Rates of Absorption
Benowitz NL. Primary Care. 1999 26 619.
51Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms
- Constant craving of cigarettes
- Insomnia
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Frustration
- Anger
- Depression
- Difficulty concentrating
- Restlessness
- Decreased heart rate
- Increased appetite
- Fatigue
Withdrawal peaks within 24-48 hours and
diminishes over 1 to 3 months.
52Assessing the Degree of Addiction
- How many cigarettes are smoked on average per
day? - How much time typically elapses between waking
and the first cigarette? - What is the longest period of time between
cigarettes before craving?
53Assessing Nicotine Dependence
- 1. How soon after you wake do you smoke your
first cigarette or take your first dip? - lt30 minutes 2
- 31 - 60 minutes 1
- gt60 minutes 0
- 2. How many cigarettes per day or tins per week
do you use? - lt10 cigarettes or lt1 tin
0 - 11 - 20 cigarettes or 1 - 2 tins
1 - 21-30 cigarettes or gt2-3 tins
2 - gt30 cigarettes or gt 3 tins
3 - 3. Do you find it difficult to refrain from
using tobacco in places where it is forbidden
(e.g., movies, work, etc)? - Yes
1 - No
0 - Scoring 0 - 2 (LOW) 3 - 4
(MEDIUM) 5 - 6 (HIGH) -
54Treatment Facts
- The efficacy of several smoking cessation
therapies is well established - All proven treatments appear to be equally
effective quit rates are doubled - Early evidence suggests allowing smokers to
choose treatment produces better outcomes - The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
(AHCPR) published updated smoking cessation
guidelines in 2000 for primary care clinicians
55Clinical Interventions
- The 5 As for patients willing to make a quit
attempt - The 5 Rs for patients unwilling to make a quit
attempt at this time - Relapse prevention for patients who have recently
quit - Intensive interventions should be provided when
possible - Health care administrators, insurers, and
purchasers should institutionalize guideline
- Seven first-line FDA approved therapies reliably
increase long-term smoking abstinence rates - All approximately double the rate of cessation
when compared to placebo - All help with symptoms of withdrawal
57Nicotine Replacement Therapy
- Goal is to replace nicotine from cigarettes in
order to reduce or eliminate physical withdrawal
symptoms - Pharmacokinetic properties differ but none
deliver nicotine to the circulation as fast as
does inhaling cigarettes - Effectiveness of all are broadly similar
- Few health interventions have such overwhelming
evidence of effectiveness
58Plasma Nicotine ConcentrationsCigarettes versus
- Cigarettes
- 1 cigarette produces rapid surge of plasma
nicotine - ? by about 25 ng/ml in minutes declines rapidly
- No form achieves plasma nicotine concentrations
as high as those from smoking 20 cigarettes/day - Does not reproduce immediate effect of smoking
Tang JL, Law M, Wald N. BMJ. 1994 308 22.
59NRT Contraindications
- No evidence of increased cardiovascular risk with
NRT except with acute disease - Medical contraindications
- Immediate myocardial infarction (lt 2 weeks)
- Serious arrhythmia
- Serious or worsening angina pectoris
- Accelerated hypertension
60Nicotine Gum
- Available since 1984
- OTC 1995
- 2 mg recommended for patients smoking less than 1
pack per day - 4 mg for patients smoking over 1 pack/day
- Full dose absorbed in about 20 minutes
61Efficacy of Nicotine Gum (n 13 Studies)
Estimated Abstinence Rate
Odds Ratio (95) CI
Placebo (reference group)
1.5 (1.3 - 1.8)
Nicotine gum
62Nicorette Clinical use and Dosing Schedule
- Proper Chewing Technique
- Chew slowly
- Stop chewing when peppery taste occurs
- Park gum
- Chew gum again when peppery taste fades
- Dosing Schedule
- Wk 1-6 1 piece q1-2h
- Wk 7-9 1 piece q2-4h
- Wk 10-12 1 piece q4-8h
- Max dose 24 pieces/day
63Nicotine Patch
- Available since 1994
- OTC 1996
- 21 mg recommended for patients smoking 1 pack per
day - 14 mg for patients smoking 1/2 pack/day
- 7 mg for patients smoking 5 or less cigarettes a
day - Full dose absorbed in about 2 hours
64Efficacy of Nicotine Patch (n 27 Studies)
Odds Ratio (95) CI
Estimated Abstinence Rate
Placebo (reference group)
1.9 (1.7 - 2.2)
Nicotine patch
65Nicotine Transdermal PatchesDosing
66Nicotine Inhaler
- Available since 1998 - Rx
- Each cartridge delivers 4 mg of nicotine over 80
inhalations - Full dose absorbed in about 20 minutes
- Designed to combine pharmacological and
behavioral substitution
67Nicotine Inhaler
- Nicotine is absorbed through buccal membrane
- Satisfies hand-to-mouth ritual of smoking
- Two-fold increase in quit rates at 12 months
- Dosage
- Initial treatment
- 6 cartridges/day increase prn to max 16
cartridges/day - min of 3 weeks, up to 12 weeks or longer as
needed - Gradual dosage reduction
- if needed over additional 12 weeks
68Schematic of the Nicotine Inhaler
Sharp point that breaks the seal
Air/Nicotine Mixture Out
Sharp point that breaks the seal
Air In
Porous Plug Impregnated with Nicotine
Aluminum Laminate Sealing Material
69Efficacy of Nicotine Inhaler (n 4 Studies)
Odds Ratio (95) CI
Estimated Abstinence Rate
Placebo (reference group)
2.5 (1.7 - 3.6)
Nicotine inhaler
70Nicotine Nasal Spray
- Available since 1996 - Rx
- Each spray delivers 0.5 mg of nicotine
- Full dose absorbed in less than 3 minutes
- Minimum recommended treatment is 8 doses per day
71Nicotine Nasal SprayDosage and Pharmacokinetics
- Dosage 1-2 sprays in each nostril every hour for
6-8 wks - 1mg (1 dose) 1 spray in each nostril
- max dose 40 doses/day or 5 doses/hr
- Pharmacokinetics
- 1/2 - 2/3 of dose absorbed systemically
- time to peak 3-15 minutes
- absorption is decreased with colds or rhinitis
72Nicotine Nasal SprayNicotrol NS
- Metered dose pump 10mg/ml 10ml (200 sprays)
- Designed for quick delivery of nicotine
- Similar efficacy to patches and gum
- May be most beneficial to highly dependant smokers
73Efficacy of Nicotine Nasal Spray (n 3 Studies)
Odds Ratio (95) CI
Estimated Abstinence Rate
Placebo (reference group)
2.7 (1.8 - 4.1)
Nicotine nasal spray
74Nicotine Lozenge
- Available since 2002 - OTC
- 2 mg recommended for patients who smoke more than
30 minutes after waking - 4 mg for patients who smoke within 30 minutes of
waking - Full dose absorbed in about 20 minutes
75Nicotine Lozenge
- Oral NRT
- Like hard candy, dissolves in mouth
- One lozenge every 1-2 hours for the first six
weeks one lozenge every 2-4 hours during weeks
7-9 one lozenge every 4-8 hours during the final
weeks 10-12.
76Combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy
- Combining the nicotine patch and a
self-administered NRT (either nicotine gum or
nicotine nasal spray) is more efficacious than a
single form of NRT
Gum (4 mg)
Gum (2 mg)
Nasal spray
Reprinted with permission from Schneider et al.,
Clinical Pharmacokinetics 200140(9)661684.
Adis International, Inc.
78Non-Nicotine MedicationsBupropion
- An atypical antidepressant with dopaminergic and
noradrenergic activity - First FDA approved non-NRT
- Risk of seizure is 0.1 or less
- Can be used in combination with NRT
- Is effective in those with no current or past
depressive symptoms
79Bupropion SR
- Available by prescription only (USA)
- Dosing
- Start 1-2 weeks before quit date
- 150 mg orally once daily x 3 day
- 150 mg orally twice daily x 7-12 weeks
- No taper necessary at end of treatment
- Maintenance consider as a maintenance therapy
for up to 6 months post-cessation
80Efficacy of Bupropion SR (n 2 Studies)
Odds Ratio (95) CI
Estimated Abstinence Rate
Placebo (reference group)
2.1 (1.5 - 3.0)
Bupropion SR
81Dose-Response Trial
82Comparative Trial
836-MONTH QUIT RATES (Minimal Contact)
Data adapted from Hughes et al. JAMA
84Multiple Pharmacotherapy
- Bupropion SR may be combined with any of the NRTs
- Combination NRT
- Patch gum or patch nasal spray is more
efficacious than a single NRT - Encourage in patients unable to quit using single
agent - Combined NRT not currently FDA approved
85Non-Nicotine MedicationsVarenicline
- A partial nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
agonist - Specifically indicated for use as an aid in
smoking cessation - Provides some nicotine effects to ease withdrawal
symptoms - Blocks effects of nicotine
86Varenicline (Chantix)
- Recommended dosage
- Start 1 week before quit date
- 0.5 mg for 3 days
- Then 0.5 mg BID for 4 days
- Then 1 mg BID for up to 12 weeks
87Varenicline (Chantix)
- Efficacy
- Six clinical trials N3659
- Self-report verified by CO measurement
- 1 in 5 quit at 1 year
- Precautions
- Nausea reported by 1/3
- Pregnancy Category C
- NO Contraindications
88Pharmacotherapy for Light Smokers
- Consider reducing dose of first-line
pharmacotherapies - Bupropion SR may be prescribed at full strength
89Extended Use of Pharmacotherapy
- First-line tobacco dependence medications may be
considered for extended use, especially in
patients with persistent withdrawal symptoms - Evidence shows that a minority of patients
continue ad libitum NRT agents - Does not present known health risks
- FDA has approved bupropion SR for a long-term
maintenance indication
90Psychosocial Therapies
- Behavioral therapy is the only proven
psychosocial treatment for smoking cessation - Usually administered in a group setting
- Can also be conducted on an individual basis
- Major disadvantage is limited availability and
91Alternative Therapies
- Acupuncture
- Hypnosis
- Massage
- Laser
92AHCPR Guidelines
- Ask every patient at every visit if he or she
smokes - Record patients smoking status with vital signs
- Ask patients about their desire to quit
- Motivate patients who are reluctant to quit
- Help motivated smokers to set a quit date
- Prescribe nicotine replacement therapy
- Help patients resolve problems from quitting
- Encourage relapsed smokers to try quitting again
93AHCPR Guidelines
- Documenting tobacco use status at every clinic
visit will increase rates of clinician
intervention and can increase abstinence rates - Identification guides effective and appropriate
intervention based on patients tobacco use
status and willingness to quit
94Vital Signs Stamp
Blood Pressure
Respiratory Rate
Current Former Never
Tobacco Use
(circle one)
95Elements of a Counseling Intervention
- Quit date
- Set a stop date, preferably within 2 weeks
- Starting on the quit date, total abstinence is
essential - Past quit experience
- Identify what helped and what hurt in previous
quit attempts - Anticipate triggers or challenges in upcoming
attempt - Discuss challenges/triggers and how patient will
successfully overcome them
96Elements of a Counseling Intervention (contd)
- Alcohol
- Since alcohol can cause relapse, the patient
should consider limiting/abstaining from alcohol
while quitting - Other smokers in the household
- Quitting is more difficult when there is another
smoker in the household - Patients should encourage housemates to quit with
them or not smoke in their presence
97Five As
- Ask - initial step is to identify if client uses
tobacco - Advise - deliver clear, strong, personal, and
straightforward advice about the importance
of quitting emphasize four R's risks,
relevance, rewards, repetition - Assess - willingness to make a quit attempt
- Assist - set quit date, offer pharmacologic and
behavioral support - Arrange - follow-up to prevent relapse
98The Five As of a Three-Minute Intervention
- Ask about tobacco use
- Every patient on every visit
- Past/present tobacco use
- Smoking as a vital sign
- WT_____HT_____BP_____TEMP_____P_____
- Tobacco Use Current Former Never
WT_____HT_____ BP______ TEMP______P______ CC
Tobacco Use (circle) Current
Former Never
Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ, et al. Treating
Tobacco Use and Dependence. Clinical Practice
Guideline. Rockville, MD U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. Public Health Service.
June 2000. Page 28.
99The Five As of a Three-Minute Intervention
- Advise patient to quit
- Stress importance of quitting
- Personalize advice
- Example This is the third time you have had
bronchitis this year. Your smoking is affecting
your health. - Deliver strong, firm message
- Example Quitting smoking is the best way to
reduce your health risk.
Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ, et al. Treating
Tobacco Use and Dependence. Clinical Practice
Guideline. Rockville, MD U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. Public Health Service.
June 2000. Page 28.
100The Five As of a Three-Minute Intervention
- Assess willingness to make quit attempt now,
e.g., within next 30 days - On a scale of 1 to 10, how motivated are you?
- If patient is willing to quit
- Provide assistance
- Offer intensive treatment or refer patient
- If patient is unwilling to quit
- Provide motivational intervention
- Relevance, risks, rewards, roadblocks and
repetition - Special populations (adolescents, pregnant
Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ, et al. Treating
Tobacco Use and Dependence. Clinical Practice
Guideline. Rockville, MD U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. Public Health Service.
June 2000. Page 29.
101The Five As of a Three-Minute Intervention
- Assist by helping patient formulate quit plan
- Set quit date within 2 weeks
- Tell family and friends for support
- Anticipate challenges
- Withdrawal during first few weeks
- Remove all tobacco products and alcohol from
Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ, et al. Treating
Tobacco Use and Dependence. Clinical Practice
Guideline. Rockville, MD U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. Public Health Service.
June 2000. Page 29.
102The Five As of a Three-Minute Intervention
- Arrange follow-up contact (in person/by phone)
- Timing
- Preferably during first week
- Second follow-up contact within first month
- Actions during follow-up contact
- Congratulate success
- Assess pharmacotherapy use consider more
intensive treatment - If tobacco use has occurred, review circumstances
and elicit recommitment to total abstinence - Remind patient a lapse can be a learning
Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ, et al. Treating
Tobacco Use and Dependence. Clinical Practice
Guideline. Rockville, MD U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. Public Health Service.
June 2000. Page 31.
103The 5 Rs to Enhance Motivation for Patients
Unwilling To Quit
- RELEVANCE Tailor advice and discussion to each
patient - RISKS Discuss risks of continued smoking
- REWARDS Discuss benefits of quitting
- ROADBLOCKS Identify barriers to quitting
- REPETITION Reinforce the motivational message
at every visit
104Stages of Change
- Precontemplative (not ready to consider quitting)
- Contemplative (planning to quit in next 6 months,
no stop date set, ambivalent) - Preparation (planning to quit, stop date set)
- Action (has quit)
- Maintenance (has not used for more than 6 months)
- Termination (no longer any serious temptation)
- Employ consciousness-raising to help the smoker
to think of quitting in next six months - Discuss smokers feelings about the idea of
quitting - Review advantages of quitting/inconveniences of
smoking - Counsel about risks of smoking
- Adapt message to suit the beliefs, knowledge, and
attitudes of the smoker
- Assure that advantages of quitting will be more
significant than inconveniences - Offer confidence that the smoker can do it
- Identify obstacles in quitting and explore
solutions - Encourage the smoker to picture life as an
ex-smoker - Reinforce the reasons given by the smoker to
- Ask smoker to set quit date
- Explore the possible behavioral substitutes
- Discuss the strategies and available resources
- Help smoker to decide on a plan of action
- Encourage observation of smoking behavior in
order to be aware of patterns/vulnerable times - Motivate smoker as the planning takes place
- Support the smoker and the actions taken for
change - Discuss any relapses and develop plan to deal
with relapses as necessary - Ask questions about triggers
- Strongly suggest to the smoker to keep on using
strategies for at least three months - Refer to group program or support group as needed
- As necessary, revise therapies
- Help to recognize and use strategies to prevent
relapses - Reevaluate the strategies based on smokers
knowledge, behavior and modify as needed - Reinforce reasons for quitting
- Reinforce self confidence in quitting
- Encourage rewards!
- Reinforce decision to quit - commitment!
- Most smokers say this never really occurs -
desire for a cigarette never disappears - Maintenance becomes less vigilant over time
- Withdrawal is manageable
- No longer any serious temptation
111Relapse Considerations
- Encourage quit attempt as soon as possible after
relapse - Adequacy of nicotine replacement therapy dosage
- Length of treatment
- Follow up contact is vital
- Relapse rates are highest during first few days
of cessation - Referral to smoking cessation specialist after 2
to 3 relapses
112Preventing Relapse
- Relapse prevention interventions should be
provided with every smoker who has recently quit - Crucial to address relapse the first 3 months
after quitting - Strategies to use with recent quitters
- Encourage continued abstinence
- Invite discussion of benefits, success
milestones, problems encountered or anticipated - Use or refer to an intensive intervention as
Patients task to articulate and resolve
Clinicians role to help him/her examine and
resolve ambivalence.
114Special Populations
- In general, treatments found to be effective in
the guideline should be used with all populations - Some special populations may have concerns that
can be addressed within the context of treatment - Women
- Racial and ethnic minorities
- Adolescents
- Older smokers
115Pregnant Smokers
- Augmented interventions approximately doubles
abstinence rates relative to usual care - Greatest health benefits result from cessation
early in pregnancy, however, pregnant women
should be encouraged to quit anytime during
pregnancy - Pharmacotherapy should be considered when a
pregnant woman is otherwise unable to quit, and
when the likelihood of quitting, with its
potential benefits, outweighs the risks of the
pharmacotherapy and potential continued smoking
116Smokers with Comorbidities
- Smokers with a psychiatric comorbidity or
chemical dependency should be offered
guideline-based treatments - Psychiatric disorders are more common in smokers
than the general population and carry a higher
rate of relapse - Bupropion SR or nortriptyline should be
considered in smokers with a history of
depression - Smoking cessation does not appear to interfere
with recovery from chemical dependency
117Weight Gain
- Clinicians should openly address postcessation
weight gain concerns - Acknowledge weight gain is likely but typically
limited - Encourage concentration on smoking cessation now,
weight control later - Recommend healthy diet and physical activity
- Consider pharmacotherapy, particularly bupropion
SR and nicotine gum, shown to delay (but not
prevent) weight gain
118Non-Cigarette Tobacco Users
- Smokeless/spit tobacco users can be treated
successfully using counseling treatments found to
be effective in the guideline - Brief interventions in a dental setting can
effectively treat smokeless/spit tobacco users - Users of smokeless/spit tobacco, cigars, pipes
should be identified and offered treatment
119Metabolic Effects
- Potentiates Metabolism of
- Beta-blockers
- Insulin
- Caffeine
- Adrenergic antagonists
- Acetaminophen
- Oxazepam (Serax)
- Imipramine (Tofranil)
- Propoxyphene napsylate
- (Davocet, Darvon)
- Theophylline
- Antagonizes Metabolism of
- Adrenergic agonists
120Coding for Treatment of Tobacco Use and
- Record
- ADA Code 1320 Tobacco Counseling for the
Control and Prevention of Oral Disease
121Program Agenda
- Session 1
- Session 2
- Session 3
- Session 4
- Orientation Introductions
- Understanding addiction
- Preparation_________________
- Benefits of Quitting
- Withdrawal Symptoms
- Cessation Strategies__________
- QUIT DAY_________________
- Motivation Reinforcement
- Support Systems
122Program Agenda
- Session 5
- Session 6
- Session 7
- Session 8
- Lifestyle issues
- Nutrition/Weight
- Exercise____________________
- Stress Management
- Relaxation Skills
- New Self-image______________
- Ex-smokers panel_____________
- Graduation Celebration
- Relapse Prevention
123Power of Intervention
- The costs of providing brief interventions is 3
per smoker - Implementing such interventions could quadruple
the national annual cessation rate, translating
to roughly 4.8 million quitters - Adding brief behavioral counseling and medication
can increase the cessation rate sixfold,
translating to roughly 7.2 million quitters
124The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking
- At 1 year excess risk of coronary heart disease
decreases to half that of a smoker - At 5 years stroke risk reduces to that of people
who have never smoked
125The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking
- At 10 years the risk of lung cancer drops to
one-half that of continuing smokers - At 15 years the risk of coronary heart disease is
now similar to that of people who have never
smoked and the risk of death returns to nearly
the level of people who have never smoked
126The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking
- Children in households will be less likely to
become smokers once their parents quit. All
family members will be exposed to less
second-hand smoke. - Former pack-a-day smokers save about 120-190 a
127Benefits of Quitting
- Mortality ratios for oral cancer diminish
- Premalignant lesions may regress after the
discontinuation of smoking or stopping smokeless
tobacco use - Decreases the risk of second or multiple primary
tumors in patients with a previous cancer of the
oral cavity or pharynx
Martin et al. 1999
128Why Dental Hygienists?
- Have interviewing skills.
- Have educating skills.
- Have motivating skills.
- Have counseling skills.
- Dental hygiene is the most frequently provided
service. - Follow-up procedures have always been an
important part of the dental hygiene practice.
129Systems Changes
- Can reduce smoking prevalence.
- Makes it easier for dental hygienists to help
tobacco users quit. - Requires changes in the systems in the profession
and in the dental office. - A simplified approach is more likely to lead to
successful interventions. - A simplified approach opens the door to more
intensive interventions.
130Systems Changes in the Dental Office
- A system in the office can be brief, simple and
does not need to disrupt the practice routine. - Organize the team and assign team duties and
responsibilities. - Implement an office-wide tobacco user
identification system. - Identify and track tobacco use status.
- Refer tobacco users to a quitline.
131Program Responsibilities
- Dentist Program Director
- ADVISE to quit, prescribe pharmacotherapy.
- Dental Hygienist Program Coordinator
- Determine willingness to quit, REFER to quitline.
Track tobacco use status. - Dental Assistant
- Assist front office making follow-up calls
concerning quit dates. - Front Office
- Update health history and ASK about tobacco use
status. Telephone patient/client just before and
soon after quit date.
132Make it a Priority!
- Single most effective step to lengthen and
improve patients lives - Quitting smoking has immediate and long-term
benefits and is well worth the difficulty, both
for patient and clinician - The health care systems neglect of the tobacco
user exacts costs that sum to thousands of lives
and billions of dollars in added health care
133In Summary
- Brief tobacco dependence treatment is effective
and every patient who uses tobacco should be
identified, urged to quit, and offered at least
one of these treatments - Patients willing to quit should be provided
treatments identified as effective - Patients unwilling to quit should be provided an
intervention to increase their motivation to quit
- Nicotine dependence is a chronic condition
- Every patient who uses tobacco should be offered
treatment - It is essential that clinicians and health care
delivery systems institutionalize the consistent
identification, documentation and treatment of
every tobacco user - Brief tobacco dependence treatment is effective
- There is a strong dose-response relationship
between the intensity of tobacco dependence
counseling and its effectiveness - Numerous effective pharmacotherapies now exist
- Tobacco dependence treatments are both clinically
effective and cost-effective relative to other
medical and disease-prevention interventions
135- Lives saved from smoking cessation would swamp
all the benefits accrued if each year every
person underwent every cancer screening procedure
recommended by the American Cancer Society. - Steven A. Schroeder, MD
- Medical Director
- Smoking Cessation Leadership Center
136Health professionals shouldnt grade themselves
on how many people they can get to quit, but
rather how many times they give the message when
the opportunity arises.
Under these criteria, there is no reason not to
have an intervention success approaching 100
137About the ADHA Website
- www.askadviserefer.org
- Available to download for all dental hygienists
and their clients - Protocols Scripts Document
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Fact Sheets (for the Consumer the Dental
Hygiene Professional) - Ask. Advise. Refer. Flyer
- Liaison Resource List
- Quitline Resource List
- Relevant State National News and Announcements
138(No Transcript)
- www.tobacco.org
- http//www.ctcinfo.org The Center for Tobacco
Cessation - www.umassmed.edu/behavmed/tobacco/
- Addressing Tobacco in Managed Carewww.atmc.wisc.e
du - www.cdc.gov/tobacco
- http//www.smokefree.gov NCI site
140Surgeon Generals Web site
- The full text of the guideline documents and the
meta-analyses references for online retrieval are
available at - www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobacco/default.htm
- The Clinical Practice Guideline
- The Quick Reference Guide
- Consumer Versions
141ADHAs SCI Project Consultant
- Carol Southard, RN MSN
- Smoking Cessation Initiative Project Consultant
- American Dental Hygienists' Association
- 444 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3400
- Chicago, IL 60611
- 1-800-243-ADHA, ext. 220
- E-mail carols_at_adha.net
- Clinical Practice Guideline Panel and Staff, A
Clinical Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and
Dependence. JAMA, 283, 3244-54, 2000. - Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ, et al. Treating
tobacco use and dependence. Rockville, MD.
Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service, 2000. - Hughes, JR. New treatments for smoking cessation.
Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2000 50 143-155. - Lancaster T, Stead L, Silagy C, Sowden A.
Effectiveness of interventions to help people
stop smoking findings from the Cochrane Library.
BMJ 2000 321 355-8. - Rigotti, N. Treatment of tobacco use and
dependence. New England Journal of Medicine 2002
346 506-512. - US Department of Health and Human Services,
Clinical Practice Guideline Treating Tobacco Use
and Dependence. US Department of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, June 2000. - US Department of Health and Human Services. The
Surgeon Generals Report on The Health
Consequences of Smoking. US Department of Health
and Human Services, Public Health Service, 2004.