Title: Jesus, Lover of My Soul
1Jesus, Lover of My Soul John Ezzy, Daniel Grul
and Steve McPherson
CCLI 1119107
2Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let
you go You've taken me from the miry clay Set
my feet upon the Rock and now I know
3I love you, I need you Though my world may fall
I'll never let you go My savior, my closest
friend I will worship you until the very end
4Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let
you go You've taken me from the miry clay Set
my feet upon the Rock and now I know
5I love you, I need you Though my world may fall
I'll never let you go My savior, my closest
friend I will worship you until the very end
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7Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let
you go You've taken me from the miry clay Set
my feet upon the Rock and now I know
8I love you, I need you Though my world may fall
I'll never let you go My savior, my closest
friend I will worship you until the very end
9Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let
you go
10Jesus, Lover of My Soul John Ezzy, Daniel Grul
and Steve McPherson
CCLI 1119107
11(No Transcript)