Belief Systems Animism Geographic Origin-Developed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Belief Systems Animism Geographic Origin-Developed


Belief Systems Animism Geographic Origin-Developed simultaneously in different parts of the world. Currently Practiced-World-wide, but most common in areas of Africa ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Belief Systems Animism Geographic Origin-Developed

Belief Systems
  • Animism
  • Geographic Origin-Developed simultaneously in
    different parts of the world.Currently
    Practiced-World-wide, but most common in areas of
    Africa and the Americas.Significant
    Writings-Most traditional cultures that practice
    Animism also have an oral tradition of
    story-telling, rather than a developed writing
    system.Places of Worship-Animist rituals tend to
    take place outdoors in nature.Significant
    Religious People-Animist rituals are typically
    conducted by a Shaman, Medicine Man, or Medicine

Review Strategies for Content CHRONOLOGICAL
ERAS Graphic organizer/ timeline for era Outline
of important content Chart of important
themes/concepts Geography Revolutions Conflict
Political systems Nationalism Science
Tech. Economic systems Imperialism Movement of
Goods Belief systems Human Rights Change Inter
Belief Systems
  • Hinduism
  • Associated with India, primarily
  • Big Idea Hindu's believe in Re-incarnation
  • Your
  • Karma (material actions resulting from the
    consequences of previous actions)
  • Dharma (fulfilling one's duty in life).
  • determine your afterlife

Belief Systems
  • A key issue in Hinduism is the Caste System
  • It is believed that if one leads a good life,
    following good karma and dharma, then they will
    be rewarded by being reincarnated as a person
    belonging to the next highest level in the Caste
  • This actually hinders any social mobility
  • A good example of how religious beliefs can
    hinder social development.

Belief Systems
  • You can achieve Moska, which is somewhat like the
    Buddhist concept of Nirvana.
  • It frees you from the endless cycle of birth,
    death, and rebirth known as Samsara
  • Moska is a final state of perfection.

Belief Systems
  • The concept of reincarnation can best be
    represented by the infinity symbol.
  • When one is born, they are given life by Brahma,
    as the pass through life, they are preserved by
    Vishnu, until finally Shiva claims you in death.
  • Then the cycle is repeated over and over again
    until one finally achieves moksha.

Belief Systems
  • The caste system in India is an example of how
    religion can have an impact on social and
    economic development.
  • Essentially, the higher caste you are born into
    the closer you are to achieving moksha.
  • And you can change your caste based on your
    behavior, and being reincarnated into a higher

Belief Systems

Belief Systems
  • Heres a key concept in global history if you
    have an economy that is essentially agrarian,
    there is very little chance or social mobility.
  • By social mobility, we mean the ability to change
    your economic and social status based on the work
    you do.

Belief Systems
  • Consequently, because Hindus are locked into
    specific caste, and because a cast is essentially
    a social and economic class, being religious also
    meant resigning yourself to existing within a
    particular social class.
  • Hence, being holy meant accepting your fate in
    this life.

Belief Systems
  • Buddhism.
  • Also developed in India, but was spread through
    cultural diffusion to China, Indo- China and
  • Siddhartha, the story goes, was discontented with
    human misery. He saw the root of misery as
  • After a long period of introspection, the Buddha
    arrived at his realization.
  • From here, he created the Four Noble Truths

Belief Systems
  • Life is full of pain and suffering.
  • Human desire causes this suffering.
  • By putting an end to desire, humans can end
  • Humans can end desire by following the Eightfold
  • The path is based on righteous behavior.

Belief Systems
  • Know that suffering is caused by desire.
  • Be selfless and love all life.
  • Do not lie, or speak without cause.
  • Do not kill, steal, or commit other unrighteous
  • Do not do things which promote evil.
  • Take effort to promote righteousness.
  • Be aware of your physical actions, state of mind,
    and emotions.
  • Learn to meditate

Belief Systems
  • Buddhists also believe in Reincarnation
  • Buddhists also accept the laws of karma and
  • However, there are no formal priests in Buddhism
    as there are in Hinduism
  • Individuals are encouraged to seek their own

Belief Systems
  • Confucianism
  • Associated with China
  • It is as much a way of life, a philosophy, as it
    is a religion
  • The Regents will often refer to it in reference
    to the order and family honor that permeates
    Chinese society.

Belief Systems
  • Confucianism teaches that there is a natural
    social order to society which can best be
    explained through the Five Relationships
  • Ruler to Ruled.
  • Father to Son.
  • Older brother to Younger brother.
  • Husband to Wife.
  • Friend to Friend.

Belief Systems
  • Hence, the core of Confucianism is the respect
    for the family.
  • Regents will also use the term filial piety,
    which means family respect
  • Respect your ancestors, and by doing so you will
    then create descendents that will do the same.
  • This assures order and respect in society

Belief Systems
  • Legalism
  • Order is to be achieved by passing strict laws
    and enforcing them with harsh Punishment
  • It does not rely on the family unit, and puts the
    control mechanism in the Dynasty in charge?
  • Hence, it become a matter of strength, not
    virtue, that will provide order in the state.

Belief Systems
  • Taoism.
  • This is also a Chinese religion/Philosophy
  • You are probably best familiar with the Yin and
    Yang Symbol
  • It represents the natural harmony but also the
    struggle that exists in the world.

Belief Systems
Belief Systems
  • It is a philosophy which teaches that nature has
    a "way" in which it moves, and that people should
    passively accept the "way" of nature, rather than
    resist it.
  • One concept related to this is that of wu-wei,
    which means "not doing."
  • This means that people should not act unnaturally
    by doing things, but rather should openly accept
    the natural way.

Belief Systems
  • Yin
  • Light
  • Male
  • Heavenly
  • Active
  • Yang
  • Dark
  • Female
  • Earthly
  • Passive

Belief Systems
  • This leaves us with the Big Three religions
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • All are monotheistic
  • All have their origins in the Middle East
  • All have had long contact and conflict with each

Belief Systems
  • Judaism
  • Abraham The founder
  • Moses Led the Hebrews out of captivity
  • The Ten Commandments are their basis for ethical
    behavior (Christians use it as well)
  • The Holy Book is the Torah

Belief Systems
  • Judaism in a Global Context
  • Key issues
  • Anti-Semitism. This is prejudicial treatment of
    the Jews, by such groups as the catholic Church
    during the Spanish Inquisition
  • Zionism the belief that the Jews should have
    their own homeland. Started By Theodore Hertzel

Belief Systems
  • The Holocaust the purposeful extermination of
    Jews by Hitler and the Nazis in WWII.
  • It is also probably the best known example of
    genocide in the history of mankind.

Belief Systems
  • Christianity.
  • Similar to Judaism in the focus on the ten
    Commandments and the monotheistic belief system
  • Differs from Judaism in the sense that the
    Christians belief that the savior has already
    come down, While the Jews do not.

Belief Systems
  • Key Points on Christianity
  • Byzantine Empire This is formed in Eastern
    Europe after the split in the early church. They
    are eastern Orthodox, and will have a great
    influence on Russia
  • The Crusades. The attempt by the Christians to
    take back the Holy land from the Muslims. It was

Belief Systems
  • The Catholic Church dominates during medieval
    Europe it has great political power as well
  • The Protestant Reformation begun by a Catholic
    cleric named martin Lither, sees Christians
    breaking away from Rome over issues like the sale
    of indulgences and the sacraments.

Belief Systems
  • Islam - Mohammed received the word of God, or
    Allah, through the angel Gabriel while living in
    the city of Mecca.
  • Townspeople soon became fearful of the Mohammed's
    preaching and he began to receive threats. As a
    result, he fled to the nearby city of Medina,
    where people began to believe in his message.
  • The flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Median was
    instrumental to the founding of the religion of
    Islam, and is known as the Hegira.

Belief Systems
  • Key to Islam are the Five Pillars A behavioral
    code similar in a way to the Christian Ten

Belief Systems
  • Confession of Faith The belief that "there is no
    God but Allah, and Mohammed is His prophet."
  • Prayer Muslims must pray five times per day,
    facing towards Mecca.
  • Charity Muslims must give alms to the poor, and
    support the local Mosque by donating a portion of
    their income.
  • Fasting During the Ramadan, the ninth month of
    the Muslim calendar, all Muslims must fast during
    daylight hours, except the very young or sick.
  • Pilgrimage If possible financially, each Muslim
    must make a hajj, or holy pilgrimage, to the city
    of Mecca.

Belief Systems
  • Key facets of Islam
  • The Growth of Islam, the Golden Age, is always
    mentioned on the exam.
  • Islam will take control over much of the middle
    east and eventually the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1453 Constantinople, formerly a Christian City
    is conquered and it becomes Istanbul.

Belief Systems
  • The present Situation in the Middle East sees
    Palestinian Muslims pitted against Jews over
    control of the Holy land.
  • This will be delineated more in our Areas of
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