Title: Blood transfution
1Blood transfution
2Blood Transfusion
3Blood Transfusion
- History
- Type of Transfusion
- Indication
- Transfusion Reactions
- Autologous transfusion
- Component Transfusion
4History and Significance
5First blood transfusion
Lower (1665)
6First human blood transfusion
Philip (1825)
7Discovery of ABO type
Landsteiner (1900)
8World war I
How to store blood longer?
9World war II
Is there any suitable Blood Substitutes
10Blood Transfusion
Successful blood transfusion is relatively recent
- Crossmatching
- Anticoagulation
- Plastic storage container
11Blood Transfusion
Type of Transfusion
- Whole Blood
- Blood Component
- RBC PLT FFP Leukocyte concentrate
- Plasma Substitutes
Use of whole blood is considered to be a waste of
12Red Blood Cells
- Symptomatic anemia (providing oxygen-carrying
capacity) - Transfusion trigger
- (HCTlt30 HBlt10g/dl)
- 1 Unit increases 3 HCT or 1g/dl
- Shelf life 42 d (1-6 ?)
- Thrombocytopenia
- (lt 50,000)
- Platelet dysfunction
- Each unit increase 5,000 PLTs after 1 H
- Profoundly granulocytopenia (lt500)
- Serious infection not responsive to antibiotic
15Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
- Coagulation factor deficiencies
- 1 ml increases 1 clotting factors
- Being used as soon as possible
- Albumin, hetastarch, crystalliods are equally
effective volume expander but safer than FFP - After use of 5 U of RBCs, matching 2 U of FFP
16--Volume Expander
Plasma Substitutes
- Dextran
- Most widely used
- Low/Middle M.W. (40,000-70,000)
- Massive transfusion could impair coagulation
- Occasional ALLERGIC reaction
- Hydroxyethyl Starch Formulation (HES)
- More stable
- Containing essential electrolytes
- No allergic reaction
17Blood Transfusion
- Acute massive blood loss
- Anaemia and hypoalbuminemia
- Overwhelming Infection
- Dysfunction of Coagulation
18Blood Transfusion
Technique of Transfusion
- Approach Route
- Peripheral Vein, Center Vein
- Filtration before Transfusion
- Velocity of Transfusion
- 5-10ml/min
19Blood Transfusion
- Double Check Name, Type and Crossmatch
- Storage Time Citrate Phoshate Detrose
- Acidic Citrate Detrose
- 21D, 35D
- Pre-heat
- No any other Medication
- Observation during / after Transfusion
20Transfusion Reactions
Febrile Reactions
Incidence2 Chills, Fever 39-40.C Headache,
Sweatiness Nausea, Vomiting, Flushing 15min-1hr
21Transfusion Reactions
Febrile Reactions
- Immuno-reaction
- Endo-toxins
- Contamination or Hemolysis
- Analyze possible reasons
- Stop Transfusion
- General Support
22Transfusion Reactions
Anaphylactic reactions
Urticaria Abdominal cramps Dyspnea Vomiting
23Anaphylactic reactions
- Immuno-reaction IgE
- Hereditary Immunoglobulin IgA
- Administer antihistamines
- Administer epinephrine, diphenhydramine, and
corticosteroids - Support airway and circulation as necessary
24Transfusion Reactions
Hemolytic transfusion reactions
Burning at the intravenous (IV) line
site Fever, Chills, Dyspnea Shock Cardiovascul
ar Collapse Hemoglobinuria, Hemoglobinemia Rena
l Failure DIC
25Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions
- ABO incompatibility
- Rh Incompatibility
- Non-immune Hemolysis
- Immune Hemolysis
26Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions
- Stop Transfusion as soon as reaction is suspected
- Check the name, type and crossmatch
- Urine Exam
- Renal Protection
- (Aggressive Fluid Resuscitation, Furosemide)
- DIC Monitor
27Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions
- Double Check name,type and crossmatch
- Operate carefully and routinely
- Temperature Monitor
28Transfusion Reactions
Massive transfusion complications
Volume Overload Congestive Heart Failure
Tachycardia Tachypnea Cyanopathy
29Massive Transfusion Complications
- Volume Overload
- Heart Functional Failure
- Lung Functional Failure
- Stop Transfusion
- Heart Functional Support
- Diuresis (Furosemide)
30Transfusion Reactions
Fever Shock DIC
Bacterial Contamination
- Stop Transfusion
- Bacterial Exam and Culture
- Antibiotics
- Double Check
- Operate carefully
32Transfusion Reactions
Acquired diseases
- Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Syphilis
- Malaria
- No risk of infectious disease transmission
- No transfusion reactions
- No compatibility testing
- Reduced demand on blood bank stores
- An immediate source of autologous blood
34Component Transfusion
Blood Cell
- Red Blood Cells
- Packed RBC
- White Blood Cells
- Pooled Platelets
35Component Transfusion
- Saving blood source
- Less likely carrier of transmitted diseases
- Shortage of quality blood
- Greater shelf life than whole blood
- Helping to make blood safer by filtration
- Infusing regardless of ABO type in some blood
giving only essential/desired blood component