Title: Exploring NSF Funding Opportunities
1Exploring NSF Funding Opportunities
- Stephen Joan Harriet
- Cooper Peckham Taylor
- Division of Division of Division of
- Undergraduate Computer Computer
- Education Network Systems Network Systems
- sccooper_at_nsf.gov jpeckham_at_nsf.gov
htaylor_at_nsf.gov - National Science Foundation
- 5 March 2009
- http//www.nsf.gov/
2NSF Mission
- To promote the progress of science to advance
the national health, prosperity, and welfare to
secure the national defense and for other
purposes - (NSF Act of 1950)
3NSF Impact
- With an annual budget of over 6.0 billion, NSF
is the funding source for about 20 percent of all
federally supported basic research conducted by
America's colleges and universities. - (NSF at a Glance NSF Home page FY 2009)
4So, whats that about the 3B stimulus?
Image from http//caosblog.com/2459
5What NSF knows
- We dont yet know where the money will be
directed - Some programs will likely benefit (much) more
than others
6The NSF Structure
7NSF Process
- NSFs merit review process is the keystone for
award selection NSF uses merit review to select
about 10,000 new awards each year from more than
42,000 competitive proposals
submitted annually - NSF Strategic Plan FY2003-08, p. 4, 21, 26
- Credit Garie Fordyce, National Science
8Purpose of this session
- To share information about several specific NSF
programs from which you may wish to seek funding
9Some tips in seeking funding
- Get copies of previously funded proposals
- Directly from the PI
- From Leslie Jensen (ljensen_at_nsf.gov)
- Contact a program officer offering to review
proposals - Discuss your idea with an NSF PO
10Some tips in seeking funding
- Find a partner, colleague, or collaborator
- Get friends to pre-review your proposal
- If you are at a predominantly undergraduate
institution - Get a Research Opportunity Award
- Submit an RUI proposal
And are submitting a proposal to a research
directorate, e.g. CISE
11Some tips in seeking funding
- Stop by the NSF CCLI/CPATH showcase to talk with
PIs about their funded projects - Thursday 300 PM to 430 PM
- Friday 1000 AM to 1130 AM
- Friday 245 PM to 415 PM
- Saturday 1010 AM to 1140 AM
12NSF Programs
13 Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement
- CCLI seeks to improve the quality of STEM
- education for all students by targeting
activities - affecting learning environments, course content,
- curricula, and educational practices
- Supports projects at all levels of undergraduate
- education
- Supports activities in the classroom, laboratory,
- and field settings
- NSF 09-529, CCLI Phase 1 May 21, 2009
14CCLI Goals and Objectives A New Emphasis
- Provide a framework for projects to maximize
their effectiveness in improving undergraduate
STEM education - Increase the emphasis on projects that build on
prior work and contribute to the knowledge base
of STEM education research and practice - Contribute to building a community of scholars
who work in related areas of education - Explicitly identify a set of measurable outcomes
that will be used in the project management and
15CCLI Organized Cycle of Innovation into 5
Creating New Learning Materials and Teaching
Conducting Research on Undergraduate STEM
Developing Faculty Expertise
Assessing Student Achievement
Implementing Educational Innovations
16CCLI 3 Types
- Type 1 Projects
- Involve exploratory, initial investigation or
adaptation in one of the component areas. - Type 2 Projects
- Build on smaller scale but proven innovations,
refine and test innovations on diverse users,
impact multiple components - Type 3 Projects
- Several diverse institutions, evaluation or
assessment activitiesdeep broad, combine
proven results and mature innovations from
several component areas.
17NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
- Goal Provides institutions funds to provide
- scholarships to academically talented, but
financial - needy, students. Students can be pursuing
- associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degrees.
- NSF 07-524 Letter of Intent July 10, 2008
Full Proposal August 12, 2008 - New solicitation will be available soon
- Eligible disciplines extended to include biology,
- physical and mathematical sciences, computer
- and information sciences, geosciences, and
engineering - Maximum scholarships increased to 10,000
- (but still based on financial need)
- Grant size increased to 600,000
- One proposal per constituent school or college
- About 50-70 million available
- Special Program Features
- Has a faculty member in a STEM discipline as the
PI. - Involves cohorts of students.
- Provides student support structures.
- Includes optional enhancements such as research
opportunities, tutoring, internships, etc. -
- Enrolls students full time.
20Innovative Technology Experiences for Students
Teachers (ITEST)
- Located within the Division of Research on
Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) - Appropriate for colleges involved in outreach
with the K-12 communities - You may also wish to look at REESE or DRK-12
- NSF 08-526
- Letters of intent due January 19, 2010
- Full Proposal February 12, 2010
- Greater emphasis on a knowledge base
- Three types of projects
- Strategies (up to 1,500,000)
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of models
for classroom, after-school, summer, virtual,
and/or year-round learning experiences for
students and/or teachers to encourage students
readiness for, and their interest and
participation in, the STEM workforce.
- Three types of projects
- Scale Up (up to 2,500,000)
- Expanding successful projects into a large-scale
setting such as a state or national level based
on evidence of demonstrated success - Studies (up to 1,500,000)
- Research projects to enrich understanding of
issues related to enlarging the STEM workforce,
including efficacy and effectiveness studies of
intervention models, longitudinal studies,
development of instruments to assess engagement,
persistence, and other relevant constructs, or
studies to identify predictors of student
inclination to pursue STEM career trajectories.
23Federal Cyber ServiceScholarship for Service
- Co-sponsored by NSF and the Department of
Homeland Security - Goal protect the nations critical computer
infrastructure, systems, and networks - Objective Increase supply of Information
Assurance (IA) professionals in Federal Service - Search NSF website for NSF08600
24SFS Institution Requirements
- Center of Academic Excellence in Information
Assurance Education (CAEIAE) see
http//www.nsa.gov/ia/academia/caeiae.cfm - Can partner with a CAEIAE institution
25SFS Tracks
- Two tracks
- Capacity Building
- Scholarship
26SFS Capacity Building Track
- increase faculty capabilities, or
- strengthen partnerships between institutions of
higher education, government, and relevant
employment sectors - Faculty development was FY09 priority
- Institutional faculty development
- Technical experiences for faculty
27SFS Scholarship Track
- Provides scholarships to students in IA programs
of study - BS/BA, MS, or PhD IA programs are eligible
- Scholarships cover last two years of study
- Full tuition and fees, room and board, books, and
a stipend (8K or 12K)
28Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
- Goal Educate technicians for the high-tech
fields that drive our nations economy - Sample activities
- Curriculum development
- Faculty professional development
- Building career pathways
- Search NSF website for NSF07530
29ATE Institution Requirements
- Focus is on two-year colleges
- All proposals are expected to include one or more
two-year colleges in leadership roles - A consortium of institutions may also apply
30ATE Tracks
- Projects
- Program improvement
- Professional development for educators
- Curriculum and educational materials development
- Teacher preparation
- Small grants to new awardees
31ATE Tracks
- ATE Centers
- National Centers of Excellence
- Regional Centers of Excellence
- Resource Centers
- Targeted research on technician education
32ATE Projects Track
- Program improvement
- Goal Increase relevance of technician education
to modern practices and provide a larger pool of
skilled technicians - Project must involve employers
- Curriculum model developed will be disseminated
33ATE Projects Track
- Professional Development for Educators
- Focus on technical growth opportunities for
current secondary school teachers and two-year
college faculty - Collaboration between secondary teachers and
two-year faculty is encouraged
34ATE Projects Track
- Curriculum and Educational Materials Development
- Develop new print, electronic, and multimedia
materials - Improve learning environment and course content
- Input from business, industry, and government is
35ATE Projects Track
- Teacher preparation
- Small grants
- Focus on community colleges that have little or
no previous ATE grant experience - Designed to stimulate implementation, adaptation,
and innovation in tech. education
36Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Talent Expansion Program (STEP)
- Goal increase the number of students receiving
associate or baccalaureate degrees in STEM - Search NSF website for NSF08569
- Proposals due September 29, 2009
37STEP Tracks
- Type 1 Implement strategies that will increase
the number of students obtaining STEM degrees.
(If you have already had a Type 1 award, see the
solicitation) - Type 2 Conduct research on factors affecting
associate or baccalaureate degree attainment in
38STEP Type 1
- Possible project activities
- Focus directly on student learning
- Incorporate current technology
- Develop interdisciplinary approaches
- Offer bridge programs
- Increases in a particular field must not be at
the expense of other fields!
39Ed Opportunities in CISE
- Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Directorate - Three divisions
- Computer and Network Systems
- Computing and Communications Foundations
- Information and Intelligent Systems
- Most educational programs cross-cutting
- cise.nsf.gov
- CISE Pathways to Revitalized Undergraduate
Computing Education - Transform undergrad education on a national
scale - Apply Computational Thinking to a broad range of
disciplines - Proposals due April 28, 2009
41CPATH Funding
- 2007 - 29 projects funded 42 awards
- 6M CPATH funds
- 5M Educational opportunity funds
- Focus on seeding communities around innovative
ideas - 2008 15 projects funded - 17 awards
- 5M CPATH funds
- Focus on planning for implementation of best
ideas2009 - 10M projected! Room for many more
42CPATH Projects in 25 States
43 CPATH Projects
44New for CPATH 2009
- 2 classes of proposals
- Class 1 projects under 300K
- Class 2 projects under 800K
- Budget reflects scope and size of project
- Emphasis on Computational Thinking concepts and
competencies must be part of the foundation of
all projectsStill promotes Community Building
and Institutional Transformation
activitiesCollaboration with partners and other
disciplines encouragedSeeks innovative models
that can be replicated and adaptedSupports
communities adapting or adopting models
45CPATH Information
- CISE CPATH web site
- (http//www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id
500025orgCISEfromhome) - 2007 and 2008 Portfolio information
- CPATH focused session at 145 (Ballroom E)
- Several Computational Thinking sessions
- Many sessions include CPATH Projects
- CPATH projects in NSF showcase
46REU Sites
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites
- Institutions host cohorts of 8-10 students for
summer research - At least half of the students from other places
- Students receive stipend, housing, food,
professional development, grad school prep - CISE supports 47 sites in 23 states
47 CISE REU Sites
48CISE REU Sites List
- http//www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.cfm?un
itid5049 -
49Ways you can participate
- Encourage your students to apply
- Submit proposal to host a site
- Serve as a mentor
- Visit a site
502009 REU Site Proposals
- Due August 18, 2009 (anticipated)
- CISE funding limitations (send email to
jpeckham_at_nsf.gov for info sheet) - Research and student management aspects both very
51Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC)
- Seeks to increase number of citizens earning
computing degrees - Focus on 5 under-represented groups
- Intervention implementation focusProposals due
May 13
52BPC Project Types
- Alliance and Alliance Extensions
- Leveraging, Scaling, or Adapting
- Demonstration Projects
- Scope and size of project, single or multiple
institutions determine which type
53BPC Projects
- Concentrate on points all along academic
pipeline - Not a scholarship program other types of
activities shown thru research to be effective - Recruiting, mentoring, and retaining students
54CISE Core Programs Combined
- Computer and Communications (CCF) Core
- Algorithmic Foundations
- Communication and Information Foundations
- Software and Hardware Foundations
- Computer and Network Systems (CNS) Core
- Computer Systems Research
- Network Systems Research
- Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) Core
- Human-Centered Computing
- Information Integration and Informatics
- Robust Intelligence
- Small (December), Medium (August), Large
- Well be at the NSF CCLI/CPATH showcase in the
Exhibits area during the breaks. - Please stop by!