Mapping handicapped accessibility facilities at Ferris State University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mapping handicapped accessibility facilities at Ferris State University


... and also set standards for interior design to allow accessibility within specified number of units within the building. Ref: Fair Housing Accessibility ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mapping handicapped accessibility facilities at Ferris State University

Mapping handicapped accessibility facilitiesat
Ferris State University
  • A surveying engineering approach
  • 2006 Class project

Handicapped Accessibility Acts
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of
    1990, a major civil rights law prohibiting
    discrimination on the basis of disability,
    establishes design requirements for the
    construction or alteration of facilities.
  • ADA covers facilities in the private sector
    (places of public accommodation and commercial
    facilities) and the public sector (state and
    local government facilities).
  • The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) of 1968
    requires access to facilities designed, built,
    altered, or leased with Federal funds. Moreover,
    all developments that contain public facilities,
    such as retail stores, or that rely on federal
    grants, loans, or utilization should provide
    ample accessibility to all pertinent building and
    site facilities, including those for trash
    disposal and mail pickup.

History of the Uniform Federal Accessibility
Standards (UFAS)
  • The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
    approved the first national standard for access
    design in 1961, which was designated as ANSI
  • The original ANSI A117.1, formed the technical
    basis for the first accessibility standards
    adopted by the Federal Government, and most State
    governments. The 1980 edition of that standard
    was based on research funded by the Department,
    and became the basis for the Uniform Federal
    Accessibility Standards (UFAS), published in the
    Federal Register on August 4, 1984.
  • Ref
  • Dion T. R. (2002), Land Development for Civil
    Engineers 2nd ed. John Wiley Sons
  • Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS),
    at http//
  • Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and Americans
    with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) at

Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines
  • The Final Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines
    (FFHAG) apply to new multiple family residential
  • The ultimate purpose of ADA and the FFHAG is to
    bring those who have disabilities into the main
    stream American life.
  • It establish standards for first floor
    accessibility in multi-family housing, and also
    set standards for interior design to allow
    accessibility within specified number of units
    within the building.
  • Ref Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines at
  • http//
    m or
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Mapping/data collection of accessible facilities
  • The approach of this project will be to follow a
    typical route for a physically handicapped
    persons, this includes
  • Parking lot compliance to ADA
  • Route from parking lot to building
  • Door/entrance to building
  • Building corridors and hallway compliance to ADA
  • Water closets, and classrooms.

Parking lot design according to the Uniform
Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)
  • Provisions for adequate passage and maneuvering
    space to accommodate handicap transit from public
    streets, sidewalks, and passenger loading zones
    to the closest serviceable building access.
  • Parking spaces for disabled people (bearing the
    recognized symbol) shall be at least 96 in wide
    and shall have an adjacent access aisle 60 in
    wide minimum

Parking space according to the Uniform Federal
Accessibility Standards (UFAS)
  • The minimum number of designed spaces should be
    according to the following table

Route to a building according to the UFAS
  • At least one accessible route shall connect
    accessible building or facility entrances with
    all accessible spaces and elements within the
    building or facility.
  • WIDTH. The minimum clear width of an accessible
    route shall be 36 in (915 mm). If a person in a
    wheelchair must make a turn around an
    obstruction, the minimum clear width of the
    accessible route shall be as shown in the Figure

Route to a building according to the UFAS
  • Floor and ground surfaces shall be stable, firm,
    and slip resistant.
  • Curb ramps shall be provided wherever an
    accessible route crosses a curb.
  • The maximum slope of a ramp in new construction
    shall be 112. The maximum rise for any run shall
    be 30 in (760 mm)
  • Maximum slopes of adjoining gutters, road surface
    immediately adjacent to the curb ramp, or
    accessible route shall not exceed 1.20

Route to and in a building according to the UFAS
  • Objects projecting from walls (for example,
    telephones) with their leading edges between 27
    in and 80 in (685 mm and 2030 mm) above the
    finished floor shall protrude no more than 4 in
    (100 mm) into walks, halls, corridors,
    passageways, or aisles

Doors and the UFAS
  • At each accessible entrance to a building or
    facility, at least one door shall comply with
  • Doorways shall have a minimum clear opening of 32
  • Handles, pulls, latches, locks, and other
    operating devices on accessible doors shall have
    a shape that is easy to grasp with one hand and
    does not require tight grasping, tight pinching,
    or twisting of the wrist to operate
  • The maximum force for pushing or pulling open a
    door shall be as follows5 lbf

Elevator and the UFAS
  • Elevator operation shall be automatic. Each car
    shall be equipped with a self-leveling feature
    that will automatically bring the car to floor
    landings within a tolerance of 1/2 in.
  • Call buttons in elevator lobbies and halls shall
    be centered at 42 in (1065 mm) above the floor.
  • A visible and audible signal shall be provided at
    each hoist way entrance to indicate which car is
    answering a call

Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers
  • SPOUT HEIGHT. Spouts shall be no higher than 36
    in (915 mm), measured from the floor or ground
    surfaces to the spout outlet.

  • Clear floor space for water closets shall comply
    with the Figure below
  • Grab bars for water closets shall comply with the
    Figure below

Ferris State University
  • Ferris State University was founded in 1884 by
    Woodbridge N. Ferris, a senator and politician of
    the State of Michigan, as a private industrial
    school, became a 4-year school in 1963, and
    received university status in 1987.
  • Number of Students 12,547
  • Undergraduates gt11,000
  • Postgraduates gt1,000
  • Ferris State offers more than 170 academic
    programs through the Colleges of Arts Sciences,
    Business, Education Human Services, Allied
    Health Sciences, Optometry, Pharmacy, Technology,
    and the Kendall College of Art Design.
  • The Best surveying Engineering Program in the
  • Disabilities Services Office of Ferris State
    University at
  • http//

Physical Facts about Ferris State University
  • The facility
  • Area of about 840 acres or 3.4 km2
  • Includes
  • 23 Academic buildings
  • 21 Resident Halls/Apartments
  • 21 Service Buildings (Sports facilities,
    Administration etc.)
  • 50 Parking lots

Physical Facts about Ferris State University
  • The facility
  • 3.5 Million Square Feet of Buildings Maintained
  • Approximately 100 buildings
  • 785 Total Acres
  • 435 Acres Maintained
  • 330 Acres of Lawn
  • 54 Acres of Parking Lots (7,000 Spaces)
  • 30 Acres of Side Walks (23 Miles)
  • 21 Acres of Trees, Shrubs,
  • Flower Beds
  • 4.3 Miles of Roads
  • 1.61 Miles of Underground
  • of Utility Tunnels

The Cartography of Accessibility Maps, map
design and symbology
  • Legend
  • Accessible Route
  • Parking for the handicapped
  • Elevator for the handicapped
  • Toilet for a wheelchair
  • Accessible/Inaccessible building

Project procedures 1
  • Here are the proposed steps to carry out the
    mapping of handicapped facilities
  • 28 students in the class- 14 groups each group
    will collect information about 4 buildings and 3
    parking lots.
  • In the lab
  • Compile all the datasets including buildings and
    road of the university
  • Using the digital map we will create and edit a
    layer of parking lots as closed polygons
  • Using the orthophotographs, count the number of
    parking spaces per each parking lot and identify
    the closest parking lot to any building, draw a
    tentative route.
  • Prepared and plot field maps of your group
    project area

Project procedures 2
  • In the field
  • Identify the handicapped spaces of the parking
    lot and mark them on the map, measure with
    handheld GPS
  • Walk along the tentative route and examine it for
    ramps/slopes/stairs etc. to make sure it is
  • Examine the entrance to the building, mark it on
    the map and measure
  • Identify the elevator and toilet, examine for
    compliance and mark their location on the map.
  • Back in the lab
  • Insert the as point symbols accessible parking
    lots, entrances, Toilets, elevator,
  • Draw with lines the accessible route
  • Fill the buildings according to the level of
    accessibility and add comments (e.g., floor 4

Final remarks
  • This is a unique project.
  • To the best of our knowledge, no other university
    or organization has performed a similar project.
  • We hope that this project will set some
    guidelines for handicapped accessibility mapping.
  • This is a classical GIS project, which include
    data integration, spatial data collection, and
    spatial and attribute data presentation.
  • It should be a good learning experience which
    hopefully will yield a useful product.

  • Accessible- public or common use areas of a
    building that can be approached, entered, and
    used by individuals with physical handicaps.
  • Accessible route- means a continuous
    unobstructed path connecting accessible elements
    and spaces in a building or within a site that
    can be negotiated by a person with a severe
    disability using a wheelchair, and that is also
    safe for and usable by people with other
  • Disability - A condition which affects and limits
    an individual in one or more of life's major
    functions which would include walking, hearing,
    seeing, learning, etc.
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