Title: Multi-Agent Systems Lecture 10 University
1Multi-Agent SystemsLecture 10University
Politehnica of Bucarest2005-2006Adina Magda
2Machine LearningLecture outline
- 1 Learning in AI (machine learning)
- 2 Reinforcement learning
- 3 Learning in multi-agent systems
- 3.1 Learning action coordination
- 3.2 Learning individual performance
- 3.3 Learning to communicate
- 3.4 Layered learning
- 5 Conclusions
31 Learning in AI
- What is machine learning?
- Herbet Simon defines learning as
- any change in a system that allows it to perform
better the second time on repetition of the same
task or another task drawn from the same
population (Simon, 1983). - In ML the agent learns
- knowledge representation of the problem domain
- problem solving rules, inferences
- problem solving strategies
4Classifying learning
- In MAS learning the agents should learn
- what an agent learns in ML but in the context of
MAS - both cooperative and self-interested agents - how to cooperate for problem solving -
cooperative agents - how to communicate - both cooperative and
self-interested agents - how to negotiate - self interested agents
- Different dimensions
- explicitly represented domain knowledge
- how the critic component (performance evaluation)
of a learning agent works - the use of knowledge of the domain/environment
5Single agent learning
Learning Process
Learning results
Problem Solving K B Inferences Strategy
Performance Evaluation
6Self-interested learning agent
- NB Both in this diagram and the next, not all
components or flow arrows are always present - it
depends on the type of agent (cognitive,
reactive), type of learning, etc.
7Cooperative learning agents
Learning Process
Learning Process
Learning results
Learning results
Performance Evaluation
82 Reinforcement learning
- Combines dynamic programming and AI machine
learning techniques - Trial-and-error interactions with a dynamic
environment - The feedback of the environment reward or
reinforcement - search in the space of behaviors
genetic algorithms -
- Two main approaches
- learn utility based on statistical techniques
and dynamic programming methods
92.1 A reinforcement-learning model
- B agent's behavior
- i input current state of the env
- r value of reinforcement
- (reinforcement signal)
- T model of the world
- The model consists of
- - a discrete set of environment states S
(s?S) - - a discrete set of agent actions A (a ?
A) - - a set of scalar reinforcement signals,
typically 0, 1 or real numbers - - the transition model of the world, T
- environment is nondeterministic
- T S x A ? P(S) T transition model
- T(s, a, s)
- Environment history a sequence of states that
leads to a terminal state
10- A 4 x 3 environment
- The intended outcome occurs with probability 0.8,
and with probability 0.2 (0.1, 0.1) the agent
moves at right angles to the intended direction. - The two terminal states have reward 1 and 1,
all other states have a reward of 0.04
3 2 1
Up, Up, Right, Right, Right (4,3) 0.85 0.32768
1 2 3 4
11- 2.2 Features varying RL
- accessible / inaccessible environment
- has (T known) / has not a model of the
environment - learn behavior / learn behavior model
- reward received only in terminal states or in any
state - passive/active learner
- learn utilities of states
- active learner learn also what to do
- how does the agent represent B, namely its
behavior - utility functions on states or state histories (T
is known) - active-value functions (T is not necessarily
known) - assigns an expected utility to taking a
given action in a given state
- State and goals
- goal E ? 0, 1
- Utilities
- utility E ? R
- env E x A ? P(E)
- Expected utility of an action a in a state e
- Maximum Expected Utility (MEU)
13- 2.3 The RL problem
- the agent has to find a policy ? a function
which maps states to actions and which maximizes
some long-time measure of reinforcement. - The agent has to learn an optimal behavior
optimal policy a policy which yields the
highest expected utility - ? - The utility function depends on the environment
history (a sequence of states) - In each state s the agents receives a reward -
R(s) - Uh(s0, s1, , sn) utility function on
14- Models of behavior
- Finite-horizon model at a given moment of time
the agent should optimize its expected reward for
the next h steps - E(?t0, h R(st))
- rt represents the reward received t steps into
the future. -
- Infinite-horizon model optimize the long-run
reward - E(?t0,? R(st))
- Infinite-horizon discounted model optimize the
long-run reward but rewards received in the
future are geometrically discounted according to
a discount factor ?. - E(?t0,? ?t R(st))
- 0 ? ? lt 1.
- ? can be interpreted in several ways. It can be
seen as an interest rate, a probability of living
another step, or as a mathematical trick to bound
an infinite sum.
15- 2.4 Markov systems
- Discounted rewards
- An AP gets payed 20/year
- 202020..
- (reward now) ?(reward at time 1) ?2(rewards
at time) 2 - A Markov System with rewards
- (S1, S2,Sn)
- A transition probability matrix
PijProb(NextSjThis Si) - Each state has a rweard r1, r2,rn
- Discount factor ? in 0,1
- On each time step
- Assume state is Si
- Get reward ri
- Randomly move to another state Pij
- All future rewards are discounted by ?
16- U(Si)expected discounted sum of future rewards
starting in state Si - U(Si) ri?(Pi1U(S1)Pi2U(S2) .. PinU(Sn)),
i1,n - Solve equations, get an exact answer but 100 000
states splve a 100 000 by 100 000 system of
equations - Value iteration to solve a Markov system
- U1(Si)ri
- U2(Si) ri ? ?j1,N PijU1(Sj)
- Compute U1(Si) for each sate
- Compute U2(Si) for eaxch state, etc
- Stop when Uk1(Si) - Uk(Si) lt eps
17- 2.5 Markov Decision Problem (MDP)
- consists of
- ltS, A, P, Rgt
- S - a set of states
- A - a set of actions
- R reward function, R S x A ? R
- T S x A ? ?(S), with ?(S) the probability
distribution over the states S - On each time step
- Assume state is Si
- Get reward Ri
- Choose action a (from a1ak)
- Move to another state Pij with probability
T(Si,a) - All future rewards are discounted by ?
- We shall use T(s,a,s)
PassProb(NextsThiss and I use action k)
18- Markov Decision Problem (MDP)
- The model is Markov if the state transitions are
independent of any previous environment states or
agent actions. - MDP finite-state and finite-action focus on
that / infinite state and action space - For every MDP there exists an optimal policy
- Its a policy such that for every possible start
state there is no better option than to follow
the policy - Finding the optimal policy given a model T
calculate the utility of each state U(state) and
use state utilities to select an optimal action
in each state.
19- Value iteration to solve a MDP
- U1(s)R(s)
- U2(s) maxa(R(s) ? ?s T(s,a,s)U1(s))
- .
- UK1(s) maxa(R(s) ? ?s T(s,a,s)Uk(s))
- Compute U1(si) for each state, ssi
- Compute U2(si) for each state, etc
- Stop when maxi Uk1(si) - Uk(si) lt eps
- convergence
- (dynamic programming)
Value iteration for a MS Uk1(Si) ri ? ?j1,N
PijU k(Sj)
20- The utility of a state is the immediate reward
for that state plus the expected discounted
utility of the next state, assuming that the
agent chooses the optimal action - U(s) R(s) ? max a?sT(s,a,s)U(s)
- Bellman equation - U?(s) unique solutions
- The utility function U(s) allows the agent to
select actions by using the Maximum Expected
Utility principle - ?(s) argmaxa (R(s) ? ?sT(s,a,s)U(s))
- optimal policy
21- A 4 x 3 environment
- The intended outcome occurs with probability 0.8,
and with probability 0.2 (0.1, 0.1) the agent
moves at right angles to the intended direction. - The two terminal states have reward 1 and 1,
all other states have a reward of 0.04, ?1
3 2 1
3 2 1
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
22Bellman equation for the 4x3 world Equation for
the state (1,1) U(1,1) -0.04 ? max 0.8
U(1,2) 0.1 U(2,1) 0.1 U(1,1), Up
0.9U(1,1) 0.1U(1,2), Left
0.9U(1,1) 0.1U(2,1), Down
0.8U(2,1) 0.1U(1,2) 0.1U(1,1) Right U
p is the best action
3 2 1
1 2 3 4
23defines the best action in state s
- Value Iteration
- Given the maximal expected utility, the optimal
policy is -
- ?(s) arg maxa(R(s) ? ?s T(s,a,s) U(s))
- Compute U(s) using an iterative approach ? Value
Iteration -
- U0(s) R(s)
- Ut1(s) R(s) maxa(? ?s T(s,a,s) Ut(s))
- t ? inf .utility values converge to the
optimal values -
compute for all s
24- Policy iteration
- Manipulate the policy directly, rather than
finding it indirectly via the optimal value
function - choose an arbitrary policy ? (randomly)
- at each time t, compute the the long time reward
starting in s, using ?t, i.e. solve the equations - Ut(s) R(s) ? ?s (T(s, ?t(s),s) Ut(s))
- improve the policy at each state
- ?t1(s) ? arg maxa (R(s) ? ?s T(s,a,s)
Ut(s)) - Involves all next states - complex
25- 2.6 RL learning
- Use observed rewards to learn an optimal (or near
optimal) policy for the environment - Ex play 100 moves, you loose
- In an MDP the agent has a complete model f the
evironment - Now the agent has not such a model
- Passive learning the agent policy is fixedThe
tesk is to learn the utilities of states (or
state-action pairs) - Active learning the agent must aso learn what
to do exploitation/exploration
26- (a) Passive reinforcement learning
- Policy is fixed in state s always execute ?(s)
- Goal learn how good the policy is learn U?(s)
- Does not know T(s,a,s), does not know before
R(s) - ADP (Adaptive Dynamic Programming) learning
- The problem of calculating an optimal policy in
an accessible, stochastic environment. - ADP plug the learned T(s, ?(s),s) and the
observed rewards R(s) into the Bellman equations
to calculate the utility of states - Supervised learning input state-action pairs
- output resulting state
- Estimate transition probabilities T(s,a,s) from
frequencies with which s is reached after
executing a in s - (1,3) Right 2 times (2,3), 1 time in (1,3)
gt - T((1,3),Right,(2,3))2/3
27- ADP (Adaptive Dynamic Programming) learning
- function Passive-ADP-Agent(percept) returns an
action - inputs percept, a percept indicating the current
state s and reward signal r - variable ?, a fixed policy
- mdp, an MDP with model T, rewards R, discount ?
- U, a table of utilities, initially empty
- Nsa, a table of frequencies for state-action
pairs, initially zero - Nsas, a table of frequencies of
state-action-state triples, initially zero - s, a, the previous state and action, initially
null - if s is new then Us ? r, Rs ? r
- if s is not null then
- increment Nsas,a and Nsass,a,s
- for each t such that Nsass,a,t ltgt0 do
- Ts,a,t ? Nsass,a,t / Nsas,a
- U ? Value-Determination(?,U,mdp)
- if Terminals then s,a ? null else s,a ? s,
?s - return a
- end
according to MDP (value iteration or policy
28- Temporal difference learning
- (TD learning)
- The value function is no longer implemented by
solving a set of linear equations, but it is
computed iteratively. -
- Used observed transitions to adjust the values of
the observed states so that they agree with the
constraint equations. -
- U?(s) ? U ?(s) ?(R(s) ? U ?(s) U ?(s))
- ? is the learning rate.
- Whatever state is visited, its estimated value is
updated to be closer to R(s) ? U ?(s) - since R(s) is the instantaneous reward received
and - U ?(s') is the estimated value of the actually
occurring next state. - simpler, involves only next states
- ? decreases as the number of times the state is
visited increases
29- Temporal difference learning
- function Passive-TD-Agent(percept) returns an
action - inputs percept, a percept indicating the current
state s and reward signal r - variable ?, a fixed policy
- U, a table of utilities, initially empty
- Ns, a table of frequencies for states,
initially zero - s, a, r, the previous state, action, and
reward, initially null - if s is new then Us ? r
- if s is not null then
- increment Nss
- Us ? Us ?(Nss)(r ? U s U s)
- if Terminals then s, a, r ? null else s, a, r
? s, ?s, r - return a
- end
30- Temporal difference learning
- Does not need a model to perform its updates
- The environment supplies the connections between
neighboring states in the form of observed
transitions. - ADP and TD comparison
- ADP and TD try both to make local adjustments to
the utility estimates in order to make each state
agree with its successors - TD adjusts a state to agree with the observed
successor - ADP adjusts a state to agree with all of the
successors that might occur, weighted by their
31- (b) Active reinforcement learning
- Passive learning agent has a fixed policy that
determines its behavior - An active learning agent must decide what action
to take - The agent must learn a complete model with
outcome probabilities for all actions (instead of
a model for the fixed policy) - Compute/learn the utilities that obey the Bellman
equation - U (s) R(s) ? maxa?s (T(s, ?t(s),s)
U(s)) - using value iteration r policy iteration
- - If value iteration then look for the action
that maximze utility - - If policy iteration you already have the action
- - Exploration/exploitation
- - The representative problem is the n-armed
bandit problem - Solutions
- 1/t time choose random actions, rest follow ?
- give weights to actions that have not been
explored, avoid actions with low utilities - Exploratory function f(u,n) how greedy
(prefer high utility vales r not (exploration)
the agent is
32- Q-learning
- Active learning of action-value functions
- action-value function assigns an expected
utility to taking a given action in a given
state, Q-values - Q(a, s) the value of doing action a in state s
(expected utility) - Q-values are related to utility values by the
equation - U(s) maxaQ(a, s)
- Approach 1
- Q(a,s) R(s) ? ?s (T(s, a,s) maxa
Q(a,s)) - This requires a model
- Approach 2
- Use TD
- The agent does not need to learn a model model
33- Q-learning
- TD learning, unknown environment
- Q(a,s) ? Q(a,s) ?(R(s) ? maxaQ(a, s)
Q(a,s)) -
- calculated after each transition from state s to
s. -
- Is it better to learn a model and a utility
function or to learn an action-value function
with no model?
34- Q-learning
- function Q-Learning-Agent(percept) returns an
action - inputs percept, a percept indicating the current
state s and reward signal r - variable Q, a table of action values index by
state and action - Nsa, a table of frequencies for state-action
pairs - s, a, r the previous state, action, and reward,
initially null - if s is not null then
- increment Nsas,a
- Qa,s ? Qa,s ?(Nsas,a)(r ? maxaQ
a,s Q a,s) - if Terminals then s, a, r ? null
- else s, a, r ? s, argmaxa f(Qa, s,
Nsaa,s), r - return a
- end
s, a, r ? s, argmaxa (Qa, s), r
35- Generalization of RL
- The problem of learning in large spaces large
no. of states - Generalization techniques - allow compact storage
of learned information and transfer of knowledge
between "similar" states and actions. - Neural nets
- Decision trees
- U(state)U(most similar sate in memory)
- U(state) average U(most similar sates in memory)
363 Learning in MAS
- The credit-assignment problem (CAP) the problem
of assigning feed-back (credit or blame) for an
overall performance of the MAS (increase,
decrease) to each agent that contributed to that
change - inter-agent CAP assigns credit or blame to the
external actions of agents - intra-agent CAP assigns credit or blame for a
particular external action of an agent to its
internal inferences and decisions - distinction not always obvious
- one or another
373.1 Learning action coordination
- s current environment state
- Agent i determines the set of actions it can do
in s Ai(s) Aij(s) - Computes the goal relevance of each action
Eij(s) - Agent i announces a bid for each action with
- Eij(s) gt threshold
- Bij(s) (? ?) Eij(s)
- ? - risk factor (small) ? - noise term (to
prevent convergence to local minima)
38- The action with the highest bid is selected
- Incompatible actions are eliminated
- Repeat process until all actions in bids are
either selected or eliminated - A selected actions activity context
- Execute selected actions
- Update goal relevance for actions in A
- Eij(s) ? Eij(s) Bij(s) (R / A)
- R external reward received
- Update goal relevance for actions in the previous
activity context Ap (actions Akl) - Ekl(sp) ? Ekl(sp) (?Aij?A Bij(s)/ Ap)
393.2 Learning individual performance
- The agent learns how to improve its individual
performance in a multi-agent settings - Examples
- Cooperative agents - learning organizational
roles - Competitive agents - learning from market
403.2.1 Learning organizational roles (Nagendra,
- Agents learn to adopt a specific role in a
particular situation (state) in a cooperative
MAS. - Aim to increase utility of final states
- Each agent may play several roles in a situation
- The agents learn to select the most appropriate
role - Use reinforcement learning
- Utility, Probability, and Cost (UPC) estimates of
a role in a situation - Utility - the agent's estimate of a final state
worth for a specific role in a situation world
states mapped to smaller set of situations - S s0,,sf
- Urs U(sf), s0 ? ? sf
41- Probability - the likelihood of reaching a final
state for a specific role in a situation - Prs p(sf), s0 ? ? sf
- Cost - the computational cost of reaching a final
state for a specific role in a situation - Potential of a role - estimates the usefulness of
a role, discovering pertinent global information
and constraints (ortogonal to utilities) - Representation
- Sk - vector of situations for agent k, SK1,,SKn
- Rk - vector of roles for agent k, Rk1,,Rkm
- Sk x Rk x 4 values to describe UPC and
42- Functioning
- Phase I Learning
- Several learning cycles in each cycle
- each agent goes from s0 to sf and selects its
role as the one with the highest probability - Probability of selecting a role r in a situation
s - f - objective function used to rate the roles
- (e.g., f(U,P,C,Pot) UPC Pot)
- - depends on the domain
43- Use reinforcement learning to update UPC and the
potential of a role - For every s ? s0,,sf and chosen role r in s
- ? Ursi1 (1-?)Ursi ?Usf
- i - the learning cycle
- Usf - the utility of a final state
- 0???1 - the learning rate
- ? Prsi1 (1-?)Prsi ?O(sf)
- O(sf) 1 if sf is successful, 0 otherwise
44- ? Potrsi1 (1-?)Potrsi ?Conf(Path)
- Path s0,,sf
- Conf(Path) 0 if there are conflicts on the
Path, 1 otherwise - The update rules for cost are domain dependent
- Phase II Performing
- In a situation s the role r is chosen such that
453.2.2 Learning in market environments(Vidal
- Agents use past experience and evolved models of
other agents to better sell and buy goods - Environment a market in which agents buy and
sell information (electronic marketplace) - Open environment
- The agents are self-interested (max local
utility) - g - a set of goods
- P - set of possible prices for goods
- Qg - set of possible qualities for a good g
46- information has a cost for the seller and a value
for the buyer - information is sold at a certain price
- a buyer announces a good it needs
- sellers bid their prices for delivering the good
- the buyer selects from these bids and pays the
corresponding price - the buyer assesses the quality of information
after it receives it from the seller - Profit of a seller s for selling the good g at
price p - Profitsg(p) p - csg
- csg - the cost of producing the good g
by s p - the price - Value of a good g for a buyer b
- Vbg(p,q) p - price b paid for g
- q - quality of good g
- Goal seller - maximize profit in a transaction
- buyer - maximize value in a
47- 3 types of agents
- 0-level agents
- they set their buying and selling prices based on
their own past experience - they do not model the behavior of other agents
- 1-level agents
- model other agents based on previous interactions
- they set their buying and selling prices based on
these models and on past experience - they model the other agents as 0-level agents
- 2-level agents
- same as 1-level agents but they model the other
agents as 1-level agents
48- Strategy of 0-level agents
- 0-level buyer
- - learns the expected value function, fg(p), of
buying g at price p - - uses reinforcement learning
- fgi1(p) (1-?)fgi(p) ?Vbg(p,q), ?min? ? ?
1, for i0, ? 1 - - chooses the seller s for supplying a good g
- 0-level seller
- - learns the expected profit function, hg(p),if
it offers good g at price p - - uses reinforcement learning
- hgi1(p) (1-?)hgi(p) ?Profitbg(p)
- where Profitbg(p) p - csg if it
wins the auction, 0 otherwise - - chooses the price ps to sell the good g so as
to maximize profit
49- Strategy of 1-level agents
- 1-level buyer
- - models sellers for good g
- - does not model other buyers
- - uses a probability distribution function qsg(x)
over the qualities x of a good g - - computes expected utility, Esg, of buying good
g from seller s - - chooses the seller s for supplying a good g
that maximizes this expected utility
50- 1-level seller
- - models buyers for good g
- - models the other sellers s for good g
- Buyer's modeling
- - uses a probability distribution function mbg(p)
- the probability that b will choose price p for
good g - Seller's modeling
- - uses a probability distribution function
ns'g(y) - the probability that s' will bid price
y for good g - - computes the probability of bidding lower than
a given seller s' with the price p - Prob_of_bidding_lower_than_s'
- ?p'(Prob of bid of s' with p' for which s wins)
- ?p' N(g,b,ss',p,p')
- N(g,b,ss',p,p') ns'g(p') if mbg(p') ?
mbg(p) - 0 otherwise
51- - computes the probability of bidding lower than
all other sellers with the price p - Prob_of_bidding_lower_with_p
- ? (Prob_of_bidding_lower_than_s')
- s'?S - s
- - chooses the best price p to bid so as to
maximize profit -
523.3 Learning to communicate
- What to communicate (e.g., what information is of
interest to the others) - When to communicate (e.g., when try doing
something by itself or when look for help) - With which agents to communicate
- How to communicate (e.g., language, protocol,
53Learning with which agents to communicate (Ohko,
e.a. )
- Learning to which agents to ask for performing a
task - Used in a contract net protocol for task
allocation to reduce communication for task
announcement - Goal acquire and refine knowledge about other
agents' task solving abilities - Case-based reasoning used for knowledge
acquisition and refinement - A case consists of
- (1) A task specification
- (2) Information about which agents solved a task
or similar tasks in the past and the quality of
the provided solution
54- (1) Task specification
- Ti Ai1 Vi1, , Aimi Vimi
- Aij - task attribute, Vij - value of attribute
- Similar tasks
- Sim(Ti, Tj) ?r ?s Dist(Air, Ajs)
- Air?Ti, Ajs?Tj
- Dist(Air, Ajs) Sim_Attr(Air, Ajs)
Sim_Vals(Vir, Vjs) - Set of similar tasks
- S(T) Tj Sim(T, Tj) ?0.85
55- (2) Which agents performed T or similar tasks in
the past - Suitability of Agent k
- Perform(Ak, Tj) - quality of solution for Tj
assured by agent Ak performing Tj in the past - The agent computes
- Suit(Ak, T), Suit(Ak, T)gt0 and selects the
agent k such that - or the first m agents with best suitability
- After each encounter, the agent stores the tasks
performed by other agents and the solution
quality - Tradeoff between exploitation and exploration
563.4 Layered learning
- (Stone Veloso)
- A hierarchical machine learning paradigm in MAS
- Used simulated robotic soccer RoboCup
- Learning
- Input ? Output Intractable
- Decompose the learning task L into subtasks L1,
, Ln - Characteristics of the environment
- Cooperative MAS
- Teammates and adversaries
- Hidden states agents have a partial world view
at any given moment - Agents have noisy sensory data and actuators
- Perception and action cycles are asynchronous
- Agents must make their decisions in real-time
57- Problem the agent receives a moving ball and
must decide what to do with it dribble, pass to
a teammate, shoot towards the goal - Decompose the problem into 3 subtasks
- Layer Behavior type Example
- L1 Individual Ball interception
- L2 Multiagent Pass evaluation
- L3 Team Pass selection
- The decomposition into subtasks enables the
learning of more complex behaviors - The hierarchical task decomposition is
constructed bottom-up, in a domain dependent
fashion - Learning methods are chosen to suit the task
- Learning in one layer feeds into the next layer
either by providing a portion of the behavior
used for training (ball interception pass
evaluation) or by creating the input
representation and pruning the action space (pass
evaluation pass selection)
58- L1 Ball interception
- behavior individual
- Aim
- Blocks or intercepts opponents shots or passes or
- Receive passes from teammates
- Learning method a fully connected
backpropagation NN - Repeatedly shooting the ball towards a defender
in front of a goal.The defender collects t.e. by
acting randomly and noticing when it successfully
stops the ball - Classification
- Saves successful interceptions
- Goals unsuccessful attempts
- Misses shoots that went wide of the goal
59- L2 Pass evaluation
- behavior multiagent
- Uses its learned ball-interception skills as part
of the behavior for training MAS behavior - Aim the agent must decide
- To pass (or not) the ball to a teammate and
- If the teammate will successfully receive the
ball (based on positions abilities of the
teammate to receive or intercept a pass) - Learning method decision trees (C4.5)
- Kick the ball towards randomly placed teammates
interspread with randomly placed opponents - The intended pass recipient and the opponents all
use the learned ball-interception behavior - Classification of a potential pass to a receiver
- Success, with a c.f. ? (0,1
- Failure, with a c.f. ? -1,0)
- Miss, ( 0)
60- L3 Pass selection
- behavior team
- Uses its learned pass-evaluation capabilities to
create the input and output set for learning pass
selection - Aim the agent has the ball and must decide
- To which teammate to pass the ball or
- Shoot on goal
- Learning method Q-learning of a function that
depends on the agents position on the field - Simulate 2 teams playing with identical behavior
others than their pass-selection policies - Reinforcement total goals scored
- Learns
- Shoot the goal
- The teammate to which to pass
614 Conclusions
- There is no unique method or set of methods for
learning in MAS - Many approaches are based on extending ML
techniques in a MAS setting - Many approaches use reinforcement learning, but
also NN or genetic algorithms
62- References
- S. Sen, G. Weiss. Learning in Multiagent systems.
In Multiagent Systems - A Modern Approach to
Distributed Artificial Intelligence, G. Weiss
(Ed.), The MIT Press, 2001, p.257-298. - T. Ohko, e.a. - Addressee learning and message
interception for communication load reduction in
multiple robot environment. In Distributed
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63- Web References
- An interesting set of training examples and the
connection between decision trees and rules. - http//www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/peter/vldb/dm/node11.
html - Decision trees construction
- http//www.cs.uregina.ca/hamilton/courses/831/not
es/ml/dtrees/4_dtrees2.html - Building Classification Models ID3 and C4.5
- http//yoda.cis.temple.edu8080/UGAIWWW/lectures/C
45/ - n Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
- http//www.cs.indiana.edu/gasser/Salsa/rl.html
- n On-line book on Reinforcement Learning
- http//www-anw.cs.umass.edu/rich/book/the-book.ht