DNA: The Genetic Material - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DNA: The Genetic Material


DNA: The Genetic Material Dr. Henry O. Ogedegbe Department of EHMCS The Hammerling Experiment: Cells Store Hereditary Information in the Nucleus Where is hereditary ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DNA: The Genetic Material

DNA The Genetic Material
  • Dr. Henry O. Ogedegbe
  • Department of EHMCS

The Hammerling Experiment Cells Store Hereditary
Information in the Nucleus
  • Where is hereditary information stored in the
  • The Danish biologist Hammerling cut cells into
    pieces to see which were able to express
    hereditary information
  • He chose the green alga Acetabularia which grows
    up to 5 cm as a model organism for his
  • The genus Acetabularia have distinct foot, stalk
    and cap regions and the nucleus is located in the
  • He amputated the stalk of some cells and the feet
    of others
  • He found that when he amputated the cap, a new
    cap regenerated from the remaining portions of
    the cell

The Hammerling Experiment Cells Store Hereditary
Information in the Nucleus
  • When the foot was amputated however, no new foot
    regenerated from the cap or the stalk
  • He therefore hypothesized that the hereditary
    information resided within the foot of
  • His hypothesis was tested by selecting
    individuals from two species of the genius
    Acetabularia which had different caps
  • A. mediterranea has a disc shaped cap
  • A. crenulata has a branched flower-like cap
  • He grafted a stalk from A. crenulata to a foot
    from A mediterranea

The Hammerling Experiment Cells Store Hereditary
Information in the Nucleus
  • The cap regenerated looked somewhat like the cap
    of A. crenulata
  • He then cut the regenerated stalk and all
    subsequent caps were disc shaped like like A.
  • The experiment supported Hammerlings hypothesis

Transplantation Experiments each Cell Contains s
Full Set of Genetic Instructions
  • Robert Briggs and Thomas King tested the
    hypothesis that that the nucleus is the
    repository of hereditary information
  • They removed the nucleus from frog eggs and found
    out that without the nucleus, the egg did not
  • When the nucleus was replaced, with one from a
    frog embryo cell, the egg developed into an adult
  • While this experiment produced abnormal frogs
    modifications of the experiment by other workers
    produced satisfactory results

The Griffith Experiment hereditary Information
Can Pass between organisms
  • Discovery of Transformation
  • Griffith performed experiments in which he
    injected mice with virulent strain of
    streptococcus pneumoniae
  • The infected mice all died.
  • When he infected similar mice with mutant strains
    of S. pneumoniae that lacked the virulence factor
    the mice showed no ill effect
  • When he infected mice with dead mutant strain of
    S. pneumoniae the mice remained healthy
  • Similarly, infection of the mice with the R form
    of the bacteria produced no ill effect in the

The Griffith Experiment hereditary Information
Can Pass between organisms
  • When he infected similar mice with a mixture of
    dead virulent bacteria and the R form some of the
    mice died
  • The virulence factor had been transferred to the
    R form which transformed the coatless form to the
    virulent form

The Avery Experiment The Transforming Principle
  • Avery and co-workers characterized the
    transforming principle
  • They prepared a mixture of dead and coatless S.
    pneumoniae similar to what Griffith had done
  • Then they removed all the proteins from the
  • Despite the removal of the proteins, the
    transforming activity of the mixture was not
  • The properties of the transforming principle
    resembled those of DNA in many respects

The Avery Experiment The Transforming Principle
  • Analysis of the purified principle produced
    elements which agreed closely with DNA
  • In an ultracentrifuge the transforming principle
    migrated like DNA
  • Removal of lipids and proteins from the principle
    did not diminish its activity
  • Protein digesting enzymes did not affect the
  • The DNA digesting enzyme DNase destroyed all the
    transforming principle

The Hershey-Chase Experiment Some Viruses Direct
Their Heredity with DNA
  • Hershey-Chase experiment involved bacteriophages,
    viruses that attack bacteria
  • They employed the bacteriophage T2 which is a DNA
  • They labeled the viral DNA with radioactive
    isotope of phosphorus 32P and the protein coat
    with radioactive sulfur 35S
  • After the labeled viruses were allowed to infect
    the bacteria the bacterial cells were agitated
  • This was designed to remove the protein coats of
    the infecting viruses from the surface of the

The Hershey-Chase Experiment Some Viruses Direct
Their Heredity with DNA
  • The 32P label had transferred to the interior of
    the bacteria and viruses released subsequently
    contained the 32P label
  • The hereditary information injected into the
    bacteria that specified new generation of viruses
    was DNA
  • Thus the DNA is clearly the repository of
    hereditary information

The Frankel-Conrat Experiment Other Viruses
Direct Their Heredity with RNA
  • Fraenkel-Conrat experimented with RNA viruses to
    determine how they reproduce
  • They employed the tobacco mosaic virus and the
    Holmes ribgrass virus.
  • They separated the RNA from the proteins and
    discovered that the RNA molecules were still
    infective whereas the protein molecules were not

The Chemical Nature of Nucleic Acid
  • The DNA was discovered in 1969 by Friedrich
    Miescher four years after the publication of
    Mendels work
  • He extracted a white substance from human cells
    and fish sperm
  • The proportion of nitrogen and phosphorus in the
    substance was different from any previous
  • This convinced him that he was dealing with a new
  • Due to its slight acidity, it came to be known as
    nucleic acid

The Chemical Nature of Nucleic Acid
  • The primary structure was elucidated in the 1920s
    by the biochemist P.A. Levene
  • DNA contains three components which include the
    phosphate group, five carbon sugars, and
    nitrogenous bases
  • The nitrogenous bases are purines adenine
    guanine and pyramidines thymine, and cytosine
  • RNA contains uracil instead of thymine
  • A nucleotide consist of a sugar attached to a
    phosphate group and a base

The Chemical Nature of Nucleic Acid
  • The four carbon atoms and the oxygen atom form a
    five membered ring
  • The carbon atoms are numbered 1 to 5 proceeding
    clockwise from the oxygen atom
  • The prime symbol indicates that the carbon refers
    to a carbon in a sugar rather than a base
  • The subunits are linked together by
    phosphodiester bonds
  • The resultant two-unit polymer still has a free
    5 phosphate group at one end and a free 3
    hydroxyl group at the other end

The Chemical Nature of Nucleic Acid
  • Chargaffs Analysis showed that the nucleotide
    composition of DNA molecules varies in complex
  • This led to Chargaffs rules
  • The proportion of A always equals that of T and
    the proportion of G always equals that of C
  • There is always an equal proportion of purines (A
    and G) and pyramidines (C and T)

The three-Dimensional Structure of DNA
  • The work of Rosalind Franklin involved X-ray
    crystallographic analysis of DNA
  • This involved bombarding the DNA molecules with
    beams of X-rays
  • Rosalind used DNA in the form of fibers in the
    laboratory of Maurice Wilkins
  • The work of Rosalind led to the discovery of the
    double helix by Crick and Watson
  • The double helix is stabilized by antiparallel
    strands one chain running 3 to 5 the other 5
    to 3

The Meselson-Stahl Experiment DNA Replication Is
  • The basis for copying the genetic information is
  • If the DNA molecule is unzipped one would need
    only to assemble the appropriate complementary
  • This would produce two daughter duplexes with
    the same sequence
  • This form of DNA replication is called
    semiconservative because the sequence of the
    original duplex is conserved
  • Each strand of the duplex becomes part of another

The Replication Complex
  • The DNA polymerase III plays a very essential
    part in gene DNA replication
  • The polymerase III is a complex of 10 different
    kinds of polypeptide chains
  • The enzyme is a dimer with two similar
    multisubunit complexes
  • Polymerase III threads the DNA through the
    complex at the rate of 1000 nucleotides per

The Replication Complex
  • The two strand of DNA are assembled differently
  • The polymerase III can add nucleotide only to the
    3 end of a DNA strand
  • That means that replication occurs in the 5 to
    3 direction on a growing DNA strand
  • The leading strand is built up by adding
    nucleotides continuously to it growing 3 end
  • The lagging strand which elongates away from the
    replication fork is synthesized discontinuously
    as short segments

The Replication Complex
  • These discontinuous segments are called the
    Okasaki fragments
  • They are about 100 to 200 nucleotides long in
    eukaryotes and about 1000 to 2000 nucleotides
    long in prokaryotes
  • The Okasaki fragment is synthesized by DNA
    polymerase III in the 5 to 3 direction
  • The overall replication of the DNA is said to be

The Replication Process
  • The replication of the DNA molecule takes place
    in five interlocking steps
  • Opening of the DNA double helix
  • Initiation replication
  • Unwinding the duplex
  • Stabilizing the single strand
  • Relieving the torque generated by unwinding
  • Building a primer
  • Assembling complementary strands
  • Removing the primer
  • Joining the Okasaki fragments

The One-Gene/One-Polypeptide Hypothesis
  • The discovery that certain types of inherited
    diseases were prevalent in particular families
    led to the conclusion that
  • These diseases were Mendelian traits which had
    resulted from changes in the hereditary
    information in an ancestor
  • An example is alkaptonuria in which patients
    produce urine that contained homogentisic acid
  • Such patients lacked the enzyme necessary to
    catalyze the breakdown of alkaptonuria
  • Invariably it was concluded that genes specify
    particular enzymes
  • This knowledge was clearly elucidated by Beadle
    and Tatum in their experiments involving the
    bread mold

The One-Gene/One-Polypeptide Hypothesis
  • Beadle and Tatum were able to isolate mutant
    strains with defective form of that enzyme
  • The mutations were always located at specific
    chromosmal sites and each enzyme had a different
  • Each mutant had a defect in a single enzyme
    caused by a mutation at a single site on the
  • They concluded that genes produce their effects
    by specifying the structure of enzymes and each
    gene encodes the structure of one enzyme
  • This relationship was termed by them the
    one-gene/one-enzyme hypothesis or
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