Title: Procedures
2A P Review
3A P Review
4Craniocerebral Trauma
5Types of Skull Fractures
- Linear
- Simple, clean break low velocity injuries
- Comminuted
- Bone crushed to small, fragmented pieces
high-impact injuries - Depressed
- Inward depression of bone fragments
- Powerful blow dura may or may not be intact
- Basilar
- Base of skull
- May be linear, comminuted, or depressed
6Pathophysiology Hematoma
- Accumulation of blood in the subdural or epidural
space - Epidural vs Subdural
7Three types of hematomas epidural, subdural,
8Management of ICP Possible locations of burr
9Craniotomy portion of skull and overlying scalp
is removed to allow access to brain
10Pathophysiology Tumor
- See Table 24-2
- Symptoms are caused by
- Compression of cranial nerves
- Destruction of brain tissue
- Irritation of cerebral cortex
- Increased ICP
11Pathophysiology Tumor
12PathophysiologyAcoustic Neuroma
13Pathophysiology Aneurysm
14Aneurysm TreatmentSTSTProcedure24-2
Procedural Steps 1. Enter cranium as for
craniotomy (Procedure 24-1)
15Aneurysm Repair
- Sylvian fissure is split by bipolar cautery
dissection of meningeal layers for separation of
frontal and temporal lobes. - ETC.
16Pathophysiology Arteriovenous Malformation
17Instruments, Equipment, Supplies
18Craniotomy Instrumentation
19Craniotomy What are these?
23Procedural Steps
- Refer to AST Exemplar Handout
- Advanced Format
- Posterior Fossa Craniectomy
- Intermediate Format
- Cranioplasty
- Advanced Format Craniectomy
- Assess the related terminology and
pathophysiology of the ________________. - Analyze the diagnostic interventions for a
patient undergoing a craniectomy. - Plan the intraoperative course for a patient
undergoing_____________. - Assemble supplies, equipment, and instrumentation
needed for the procedure.
- Choose the appropriate patient position
- Identify the incision used for the procedure
- Analyze the procedural steps for cranioplasty.
- Describe the care of the specimen
28Terms and Definitions
- See MAVCC Unit 11
- STST Red and italicized or bolded terms
29Definition/Purpose of Procedure
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Brain stem (Medulla)
- See prior slide Acoustic Neuroma
- Craniectomy also performed for
- Posterior Fossa Procedures, epidural or subdural
removal, ventriculostomy, ICP Placement, or
stereotactic cranial procedures
33Surgical InterventionSpecial Considerations
- Patient Factors
- Hair removal and handling
- Room Set-up
- Depending on position of patient, must
strategically place all equipment - EMG, ESU units (mono and Bipolar, Headlights,
microscope /or loupes, CUSA, laser if used, 2
suctions, Mayfield table if used - Anesthesia General
34Surgical Intervention Positioning Prepping
- Position during procedure
- Depends on tumor location
- May be prone or semi-Fowlers
- Supplies and equipment
- 3-pt fixation device often used
- (Gardner-Wells or Mayfield)
- pillows, pads, sheets, blankets, wide tape,
- Chest or axillary rolls
- Special considerations high risk areas
- Depends on position bony prominences, axilla,
genitals, eyes - Prep protect eyes and ears from prep solution
- Once circulator scrubs, neurosurgeon often paints
with iodophor and alcohol
35Surgical Intervention Special
- Special Considerations
- X-rays in room at start
- Saline at room temp
- Close monitor of amt irrigation used
- State/Describe incision
36Surgical Intervention Supplies
- General basic pk, craniotomy pack or drape,
basin set, gowns gloves, dressing materials,
medications, suction x 2, asepto, ESU pencil for
monopolar, raytex laparotomy sponges - Specific
- Drapes square drape w/towels that may be sutured
in place w/silk on cutter craniotomy drape
w/adhesive fenestration - Suture Blades
- 10, 11, 15
- 4-0 silk and 4-0 neurolon
- Medications on field
- Meds antibiotic irrigation hemostatic agents
(Gelfoam w/topical thrombin, Surgicel, Avitene)
37Surgical Intervention Supplies
- Catheters Drains Hemovac Foley cath
- Nerve stimulator for ID 7th cranial nerve
- Control syringe hypodermic needles
- Bipolar cord to attach to Bayonet forceps
- Cottonoids of various sizes
- Raney scalp clips
- MRI compatible hemostatic clips
- Telfa, cotton balls
- Ultrasound wand drape
38Surgical Intervention Instruments
- General
- Specific
- Basic Neuro or craniotomy
- Microsurgical (available)
- Anspach or Midas Rex power instruments
w/attachments or cranial perforator craniotome - If no Anspach or Midas Rex, air drill w/bits and
39Surgical Intervention Equipment
- General
- Specific
- EMG, ESU units (mono and Bipolar, Headlights,
microscope /or loupes, CUSA, laser if used, 2
suctions, Mayfield table if used
40Surgical Intervention Procedure Steps
- Follow steps 24-1 for entry into cranium
- See Procedure 24-3
41Surgical Intervention Procedure Steps
- Initial Sponges, sharps
- First closing
- Final closing
- Sponges
- Sharps
43Specimen Care
- Identified as acoustic neuroma or as informed by
surgeon - Handled usually routine
44Immediate Post op
- Remain sterile until the patient is safely out of
OR - Managing the head while removing pin fixation
device takes much skill and care (not to
drop!)usually surgeon or anesthesia takes this
on - Multiple lines can be easily displaced upon
transferextreme caution!
45Postoperative Complications Recovery
- General (Neurological Deficits/S S)
- Increasing drowsiness or sleepiness, Increasing
weakness - Visual problems
- Persistent, severe headache
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Seizures or abnormal movements
- Redness, swelling or drainage of fluid around the
incision - Specific
- Hearing loss and facial hemiparesis from damage
to 7th and 8th cranial nerves are most common - Wound infection, meningitis
- Subdural or Epidural hematoma or Intracerebral
46What are stereotactic procedures?
- Technique used for precise localization of
intercranial masses using CAT and MRI using
three-dimensional navigation system
47What is a Gamma Knife?
- STST pp. 966-974 979-984. Procedure 24-1 24-3
- AST Exemplar Craniotomy-Tumor Excision
- Lemone Burke pp. 1375-1382 1388-1391
- www.surgery.uchicago.edu
- www.sentara.com
- www.sd-neurosurgeon.com//glioblastoma.htm
- MAVCC Module Unit 11
- Alexanders Ch 23
C9 List two materials that can be implanted
during cranioplasty and that can be molded to fit
the cranial defect. C10 List two methods by
which the bone flap is secured to the cranium
following a craniotomy.