Title: Selecting & Evaluating Quality Child Care
1Selecting Evaluating Quality Child Care
- Emory WorkLife Resource Center
- Presented By
- Audrey Adelson
- Dependent Care Program Specialist
- Mary Brown
- President, BrownRichards Associates
2Todays Presenters
- Audrey Adelson
- Dependent Care Program Specialist
- Mary Brown
- Brown Richards Associates
- Founder President of Brown Richards
Associates (1971) - Educated at St. Josephs College Boston College
School of Social Work - Professional background in mental health, child
elder care. - Worklife clients include Emory, Harvard, CHOA,
Alston Bird, King Spalding - Participation in almost all of the corporate
sponsored child care centers in Atlanta including
The Clifton Schools - Recently - FIO 360
- Member of NAEYC
- Parent
- BS and MSW from Florida State University
- Worklife dependent care programming for Emory
- Professional background in mental health,
management development, worklife employee
assistance consulting and training - Has worked in both clinical and corporate
settings helping people improve worklife balance
and productivity - Clients have included Fortune 500 and
Professional Athletic Associations - Parent
- Discuss the different types of child care and
assist you in deciding which options work best
for you - Educate you on the essentials of quality child
care - Offer suggestions on what to do when you cannot
find availability - Acquaint you with resources and programs
available to help Emory employees with issues of
child care
4Steps in Choosing Quality Childcare
5The Child Care Trilemma
6Educate YourselfTypes of Child Care
- In-Home Caregivers (Au Pair or Nanny)
- Family Day Care Providers
- Child Care Centers
- Family or Friend
- Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K)
- Parents Morning Out (PMO)
- Before After-School Care
- Back-Up / Drop-In Care
- Babysitting
7Average Costs in Metro AtlantaDollars Per Week
8Finding In-Home Caregivers
- Allow Time
- State Licensed
- Fees Services
- Employee
- Screening
- Recruiting
- Guarantee
- Taxes
- Allow Time
- Advertise
- Phone/Email Screen
- Interview
- References
- Background Check
- Your Comp Plan
- Clear Expectations
- Performance Review
- Taxes
9Family Day Care Providers
- Registered by the state (often less stringent)
- Smaller groups of children (3-6) in caregiver
home - More flexible than center care
- Policies are set by caregiver
- Usually only one caregiver
- More 1 to 1 time
- Often mixed age groups
- Discuss back-up plan
10Child Care Centers
- Licensed by state (minimum)
- Larger number of children (19)
- Structured environment curriculum
- Supervision
- Many caregivers
- Variety of daily activities experiences
- Socialization
- Less 1 to 1 time
- Decreased flexibility
11Key Indicators of Quality Center Care
- Low Staff Child Ratios
- Small Group Size
- Ongoing Training of Staff
12Essentials Center Director
- Qualifications
- Strong working knowledge of employment
compliance laws, child development, developing
policies procedures, curriculum - Well organized
- Good management skills
- Excellent leadership abilities communication
skills - Involves parents community
- Open, honest, flexible creative
- Warm and empathetic
- Loves children with patient and firm demeanor
13Essentials Staff
- GBI fingerprints background check
- Education levels and background vary
- Genuine love of children
- Good written verbal communication skills
- Turnover (national average is 40-60)
- Respect for children, parents and each other
14Child Care Center Teacher Child Ratios
15Essentials Center Safety
- Safety Policies Procedures
- Emergency Planning
- Medication Sick Policies
- Security
- Behavioral Issues
- Special Needs
16Essentials Center Staff Training
17Essentials Center Environment
- Play Areas
- Nap Time
- Eating Space
- Cleanliness
- Toys
- Classroom Organization
18Learning Experience
20Parent Involvement
21Bright from the Start
- Administers Georgias Pre-K Program
- Licensing and monitoring center-based and
home-based child care facilities - Centers of Distinction Center of Recognition
- Homes of Quality Program
- Oversees federal child food program
- Implements Standards of Care and Family Homes of
Quality - Head Start Collaboration Office
- Funding and partnering with local level RR for
child care
23No Vacancies Now What?
- Waiting lists
- Go back to the child care referral directory
- Consider alternative providers
- Consider alternative work routes
- Networking options
- Temporary plan
- Creativity
- Consider alternative work arrangements
24Your Role as a Parent
- Evaluation should be ongoing
- Build a relationship with your provider
- Communicate positive and negative feedback
- Be respectful of all child care providers
- Suggest solutions to problems
- Take action immediately when safety is an issue
25Financial Resources to Help Pay for Child Care
26Resources Referrals for Emory Employees and
- Work-Life Resource Center
- Emory Benefit Department
- Dependent Care Resource Referral (Brown
Richards) - FSAP
- Bright from the Start
- Head Start
- Georgia Pre-K
- Operation Military Child Care (OMCC)
- Internal Revenue Service (Tax Credits)
- Easter Seals
27 Weighing your Decision