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CONSUMER CONFIDENCE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH A CASE STUDY BY KELVIN A SERGEANT Paper presented at the 4th Biennial International Conference on Business, Banking and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Paper presented at the 4th Biennial International
    Conference on Business, Banking and Finance
  • Restoring Business Confidence Investments in
    the Caribbean
  • June 22 24, 2011
  • Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre

Objectives of the Study
  • To identify the functional identity of consumer
  • To determine the relationship between CCI and
    economic growth( as well as interest rates and
    the exchange rate
  • To determine if a long-run relationship exists
  • To see if we can make conclusions on based on the
    psychological framework of consumers

What is a Consumer Confidence Index?
  • A consumer confidence index measures how
    consumers feel about several economic factors.
    The measure is based on several questions put by
    an interviewer to the consumer. The result which
    is represented by a numerical value, speaks to
    consumers evaluation of their own financial
    situation, employment chances, expenditure
    intentions and their opinion of general economic

What is the Rationale for such an Index?
  • Consumption is an important determinant in any
  • Personal consumption expenditure usually
    represents the single largest sector or driver of
    GDP (income side)
  • The CCI seeks to gauge consumer spending through
    consumer sentiment
  • Consumer confidence is measured or observed
    through consumer surveys
  • The most famous and oldest measure of CC is the
    US survey conducted by the Conference Board and
    the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment

Features of the CCI
  • The CCI may be related to macroeconomic variables
    such as inflation
  • Relating the index to macroeconomic variables
    suggest that confidence is boosted by lower
    inflation, lower interest rates and higher real
  • Consumer confidence is called a lagging indicator
    in that current behaviour is based on the past
    and it can take some time to turn around
  • Enterprises make use of consumer indices to
    enhance the sophistication of their planning,
    advertising and marketing strategies.

Limitations of the CCI as an indicator of
economic well being
  • Economic crisis may affect confidence and not
    spending, e.g., stock market crash of 1987
  • The lag effect consumer confidence either
    persists after the end of a growth period, or
    remains depressed after a recession has ended
  • The Republic Bank/MFO index has the same flaws as
    most indices
  • Public sentiment about an occurrence may run
    counter to spending pattern
  • Index is still in its embryonic stage

CCI in the Caribbean
  • In the Caribbean only two countries, Trinidad and
    Tobago and Jamaica continuously measure and track
    business and consumer sentiment. In Trinidad and
    Tobago, Republic Bank Limited and Market Facts
    and Opinions produce the Consumer Confidence
    Index, and the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of
    Business, University of the West Indies, produces
    the Corporate Confidence Index. In Jamaica, the
    Jamaica Conference Board is responsible for both

Previous Research
  • One can separate the literature on consumer
    confidence into three distinct approaches.
  • The first argues that there is a significant and
    strong relationship between consumer sentiment
    and consumption expenditures (carroll et al.
  • The second fails to find any supportive evidence
    of empirical significance, rejecting the validity
    of consumer confidence as a leading indicator
    (Garner, 1991).
  • The third uses some form of unconventional
    methodology to bridge the gap between qualitative
    survey data and quantitative analysis, resulting
    in favourable (Jansen and Nahius, 2003) and
    non-favourable evidence (Dominitz and Manski,
  • However, the common point of all these studies is
    to focus on the explanatory power of consumer
    confidence thus restricting it to the role of an
    exogenous variable.

Our Approach
  • This paper also employs some unconventional
    methodology by assessing the determinants of
    consumer confidence in Trinidad and Tobago so
    that the functional identity of consumer
    confidence is revealed. This is important for
    three reasons.
  • a favourable finding will mean that in Trinidad
    and Tobago, consumers behave different due to the
    dynamic economic structure
  • second, consumer confidence measures in Trinidad
    and Tobago should be considered with care (rather
    than just some data) and
  • last, we will have insight into the psychological
    frame work of consumers in emerging markets where
    there is certainly a difference between ability
    to buy and willingness to buy.

Methodology of the Republic Bank/MFO Consumer
Confidence Index
  • The Survey is conducted door-to-door, with a
    randomly selected nationally representative
    sample of 500 households
  • The neighbourhoods used in the sample were
    randomly selected over the broad areas of North
    East, North West, Central and South Trinidad, and
  • The MFO/Republic Bank Consumer Confidence Index
    is based on consumers opinions of current and
    expected personal finances, business conditions
    and purchasing conditions. The Index of Current
    Consumption (ICC) and the Index of Consumption
    Expectation (ICE) are incorporated in the Index
    of Consumer Confidence or Index of Consumer
    Sentiment (ICS).

Behaviour of variables in the study
Methodology of study
  • Basic Regression model
  • CCI C GDP ER IR u t
  • Determine whether a long run equilibrium
    relationship exist between consumer confidence
    and GDP (cointegration).
  • A necessary condition for cointegration is that
    these series must be non stationary and
    integrated of the same order.
  • Apply the Perron Unit Root Test to establish
    whether variables are non-stationary
  • Establish the direction of causality using the
    Granger- Causality test
  • Apply the Impulse Response function to observe
    the behaviour of the endogenous variable to
    external shocks to any of the exogenous variables

Results of the unit root tests

Variable Level First Difference
CCI -6.098 .
?GDP -6.530 .
IR -5.352 -6.389
ER -10.939 .
5 critical value -5.590 -5.590
The results indicate that the CCI, ?GDP and ER
are stationary in levels, while IR is
non-stationary in levels. Hence, a long run
equilibrium relationship among the variables
cannot be established
Results of the granger-causality test
  • Bivariate Model 1 The null hypothesis that CCI
    does not Grangercause GDP is rejected at 5 and
    10 level of significance. Also the null
    hypothesis that GDP does not Granger-cause CCI is
    also rejected at the 5 and 10 level of
    significance. This means that GDP helps to
    predict CCI and CCI helps to predict GDP.
  • Bivariate Model 2 the null hypothesis that CCI
    does not Granger-cause IR is rejected at the 10
    level. However, the null hypothesis that IR does
    not Granger- cause CCI is accepted at levels of
    significance. Therefore it can be concluded that,
    that while CCI helps to predict interest rates,
    interest rates does not help predict consumer
  • Multivariate Model. The results indicate that CCI
    helps predict GDP and vice versa. It also
    indicates that GDP to a small extent helps
    predict the exchange rate. However, the exchange
    rate and the interest rate do not help to predict
    any variable in the model

Results of the impulse response function
  • The response of consumer confidence to a shock in
    GDP will initially lead to a drop in consumer
    confidence in the first and second quarters,
    however, the consumer confidence will trend
    towards positive as the lag increases.
  • This justifies the CCI variable as a lagging
    indicator and supports our belief that initially,
    CCI will not respond to increases in GDP, but
    after a period of time, there will be a positive
    response in accordance with a priori expectations
    depending on economic theory. We note also the
    negative response of the interest rate variable
    again in line with our initial expectations.

Response to cholesky one S.D. Innovations
  • We found that consumer confidence can have an
    endogenous nature and has a strong relationship
    to GDP.
  • However, in our model, we found only a short-run
    relationship as the results of the tests led us
    to conclude that CCI, GDP and ER are stationary
    in levels while IR is non-stationary in levels.
  • the series had different order of integration and
    as such, a long-run relationship among the
    variables could not be established.
  • We therefore support the use of the consumer
    confidence index as a short-run policy variable

Thank you
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