Title: Poverty
One of the major factors is of course poverty, we
live in a world where the rich seem to get richer
and the poor, poorer. But how is this affecting
the Digital Divide? In developing countries we
can all guess that money isnt something everyone
has, and every on that does have it, doesnt have
a lot of it, how does this effect the gap? Well
these people simply do not have the money to buy
the equipment needed to bridge the gap, and in
most cases, countries that are in poverty are
more worried about the basic things of life such
as clean water, teaching hygiene and putting food
on the table, than they are about getting a
computer so that they can access the internet!
2Not only is poverty found in other countries and
continents but it is also a common reality within
the UK, where certain individuals simply cannot
afford to buy computers and have internet access
at home.
- Another factor to effect the digital divide is
gender. - It has been stereotyped that girls are all about
make up and doing their hair and boys are all
about their gadgets. - Because of this stereotype the female sex is not
encouraged enough to actually go forward and use
the technology that is so readily available, they
feel as if its not meant for them and so in turn
dont have the confidence to use this. It seems
as if industries seem to aim their products at
the male sex, using advertisements that appeal to
them etc. and the females dont feel the need to
catch onto the technology needed.
- One other factor that I am going to discuss is
age. How does age affect the digital divide you
ask? Well lets take a look. - Much like the gender factor this factor is mostly
about stereo typing. The younger generation has
everything to do with technology aimed at them
while the older generations dont seem to be
encouraged to use technology. - Another point is that because the older
generations didnt grow up with technology,
whereas the younger generations have, they feel
that modern technology isnt for them and so they
leave it for the younger generations.
- The final factor I am going to discuss is
disability. This would be about the access and
facility that the disabled have to the technology
we have today. Although efforts have been made to
make all technology user friendly, things such as
mobiles seem to still remain rather difficult for
a disabled person to use due to the small buttons
and small screens. - Because of this fact it seems that disable people
shy away from technology and much like the gender
and age factor, feel like this technology isnt,
meant for them.
6Of course there are much deeper, more complexed
factors that affect the digital divide but this
PowerPoint has only gone through the more basic
factors. After reading this you might ask
yourself, well what is being done to bridge this
gap? Well the next power point presentation on
this topic will take care of this subject.