Title: The EMG Signal
1The EMG Signal
- EMG Frequency Spectrum
- Fatigue
- Signal Processing.4
2Motor Unit Firing Rates
- Firing rate frequency
- No. of cycles (firings) per unit of time
- Example 175 cps 175 Hertz (Hz)
- Range of frequencies the (Power) Spectrum
the Bandwidth - Slow twitch motor units (tonic - Type I)
- Frequency range (20) 70 - 125 Hz
- Fast twitch motor units (phasic - Type II)
- Frequency range 126 - 250 Hz
3The Power Spectrum
ST Slow twitch mus FT Fast twitch mus
4Muscle Fatigue.1
- Grossly manifests as a decrease in tension/force
(and power) production - Insufficient O2
- Energy stores used up/exhausted
- Lactic acid builds up
- Circulatory system has difficulty removing lactic
acid - Accumulates in extracellular fluid surrounding
muscle fibers (Bass Moore, 1973 Tasaki et al.,
1967) - Decreases pH
5Muscle Fatigue.2
- Decreased pH causes a decrease in the conduction
velocity of muscle fibers - Fast twitch (phasic) motor units relying on
anaerobic respiration will be more sensitive to
circulatory inefficiency and will decrease their
activity or stop functioning before slow twitch
(tonic - aerobic) motor units (De Luca et al.,
6Muscle Fatigue.3
- Sustained muscle contractions (i.e., isometric)
may cause local occlusion of arterioles due to
internal pressure and have a similar limiting
effect on circulation with resultant decrease in
extracellular pH (De Luca et al., 1986)
7Muscle Fatigue.4
- With decreased conduction velocity of muscle
fibers - Decrease in peak twitch tensions
- Increase in contraction times
- Corresponding decrease in firing frequency
- The result is a decrease in force
8Muscle Fatigue.5
- With fatigue there is a change in the shape of
action potentials (Enoka, 1994) - Decreased amplitude
- Increased duration
- Result is a EMG spectrum shift to lower
frequencies (Winter, 1990)
9Muscle Fatigue.6
- As fatigue progresses there is a shift to lower
frequencies - Fast twitch (higher frequency) motor units drop
out first - Slow twitch (lower frequency) motor units
10Muscle Fatigue.7
- Therefore a spectral shift to the left
11Spectral Analysis
- Indicies of frequency shift (Soderberg Knutson,
2000) - Mean power frequency
- Median power frequency
- More commonly used
- Not susceptible to extremes in the range
(bandwidth) - Therefore a more sensitive measure (Knaflitz De
Luca, 1990) - Therefore a decrease in the median power
frequency serves as an index of fatigue
12Frequency-Domain Analysis.1
- Transformation from the time domain to the
frequency domain - Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)
- Fourier series of equations
13Frequency-Domain Analysis.2
- Removes the time between successive action
potentials so that they appear as periodic
functions of time
14Frequency-Domain Analysis.3
- Action potentials represented by a best-fitting
combination of sine-cosine functions to
characterize the frequency and amplitude of the
signal - Result is a single line (per frequency)
15Frequency-Domain Analysis.4
- Result is plotted on a frequency-amplitude graph
16Frequency-Domain Analysis.5
- Major factors that cause an active change in
frequency - Action potential shape (see above)
- Decrease motor unit discharge rate
17Frequency-Domain Analysis.6
- Action potential shape
- Changes due to conduction velocity rate along
sarcolema of muscle fiber - As conduction velocity decreases the duration of
action potential decreases causing a decrease in
the median power frequency (De Luca, 1984)
- Decrease in motor unit discharge rate
- Causes grouping of action potentiasl at low
frequencies 10 Hz (Krogh-Lund Jogensen, 1992)
18Frequency-Domain Analysis.7
- Outcome a decrease in median power frequency
Shift to the left
19Frequency-Domain Analysis.8
- Converse relationship with increasing force
production - Moritani Muro (1987) found a significant
increase in mean power frequency with increasing
force during an MVC of the biceps brachii
20Median Power Frequency Calculation Procedure
- Sample data in multiples of x2 (Example 1024 Hz)
21Median Power Frequency Calculation Procedure
- Sample data in multiples of x2 (Example 1024 Hz)
- Rectify and filter (BP or LP) raw signal
22Median Power Frequency Calculation Procedure
- Sample data at multiples of x2 (Example 1024 Hz)
- Rectify and filter (BP or LP) raw signal
- Apply FFT
23Median Power Frequency Calculation Procedure
- Sample data at multiples of x2 (Example 1024 Hz)
- Rectify and filter (BP or LP) raw signal
- Apply FFT
- Compute median (or mean power) frequency
24Spec_rev with cursors.vi (with BP filter cutoffs
20 500 Hz)
25Reference Sources
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26Reference Sources
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31Reference Sources
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