Title: Eye Controlled Operation for Disabled People Using EMG
1Eye Controlled Operation for Disabled People
Using EMG
A Project Presentation by
- Fahim Ibn Karim (052437)
- Rashedul Amin Tuhin (052439)
- Tasnim Manzar (052441)
- Project webpage
- http//eyecontrolled.wordpress.com
Supervised By Prof. Dr. Ashraful Haque EEE
Department, IUT
2Project Overview
- EMG signal acquisition from Extraocular Muscles
(Eye movement Muscles) - Processing the signals
- Simulation and Implementation
Helping disabled people to perform several
operations (i.e. simple on/off, speed control etc)
3EMG Overview
- EMG Electromyography
- Electromyography measures the electrical impulses
of muscles at rest and during contraction. - Amplitudes of EMG signal range between 0 to 10 mV
(peak-to-peak) or 0 to 1.5 mV (rms). - Frequency of EMG signal is between 0 to 500 Hz.
- The usable energy of EMG signal is dominant
between 50-150 Hz.
4The Human Eye Movement Muscles
5Extraocular Muscles
- Notations
- Superior Rectus (SR)
- Superior Oblique (SO)
- Lateral Rectus (LR)
- Inferior Rectus (IR)
- Inferior Oblique (IO)
- Media Rectus (MR)
6muscle movements
- A given extraocular muscle moves the pupil, at
the front of the eye, in a specific direction or
directions, as follows - medial rectus (MR) inward, toward the nose
(adduction) - lateral rectus (LR) outward, away from the nose
(abduction) - superior rectus (SR) upward (elevation)
- rotates the top of the eye toward the nose
(intorsion) - inward (adduction)
- inferior rectus (IR) downward (depression)
- rotates the top of the eye away from the nose
(extorsion) - inward (adduction)
- superior oblique (SO)
- primarily rotates the top of the eye toward the
nose (intorsion) - secondarily moves the eye downward (depression)
- tertiarily moves the eye outward (abduction)
- inferior oblique (IO)
- primarily rotates the top of the eye away from
the nose (extorsion) - secondarily moves the eye upward (elevation)
- tertiarily moves the eye outward (abduction)
7(No Transcript)
8cardinal positions of gaze
- Conjugate eye movements
- Vergence eye movements
- saccadic eye movements
- Smooth pursuit movements
- These movements are simplified
- up/right (1.3.5)
- up/left (1.6)
- Up (1)
- Down (4)
- right (3)
- left (6)
- down/right (3,4)
- down/left (6,4,2)
- Plastic piece and snap on for holding electrode
elements - Dimension of 1 inch between electrode contacts
- 4 electrode extensions and 1 body reference
- EL1 (TDE23) 4mm silver / silver chloride
electrodes - plugged into the white and black differential
measurement sockets - A third positioned anywhere to make Isolated
11Positions of the Electrodes
Positions shown in the diagram above are (right
and left) A) Medial frontalis, B) Lateral
frontalis, C) Levator labii superioris, D)
Zygomaticus major.
12EMG Amplifier Preamplifier
- Industry standard instrumentation amplifier
op-amp (INA2128) - Accuracy providing high bandwidth at high gain
and output offset current - Differential amplifier circuit with 2 inputs
- High gain to boost the EMG signals
- Body Reference Circuit or Feed Back (OPA2604)
13EMG Amplifier Preamplifier
- Factors to be considered
- Boost signal to TTL standard level ( 5 V.)
- Enough gain
- Noise/Artifact problem
- Filter, stability of electrodes attached to skin,
proper grounding - DC offset or bias problem
- Bias adjustment
14EMG Amplifier Preamplifier
Industry standard instrumentation amplifier
op-amp (INA2128)
15EMG Amplifier Preamplifier
BURR-BROWN INA2128 Application Information
16EMG Amplifier Preamplifier (cont.)
Gain Equation
Find RG at Gain 1,000
Find Gain at RG 22 ohm
17EMG Amplifier Preamplifier (cont.)
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) calculation
18Averaging Body Reference Circuit
- Common body reference circuit for 4 channels
- Using summing amplifier circuit and sign changing
For independent R1, R2, R3, and R4
For independent R1, and R2
For R1 R2 R3 R4
For R1 R2
19Averaging Body Reference Circuit
Average Body Reference Circuit
20Averaging Body Reference Circuit
Common Body Reference Output
21EMG Amplifier Filter
- Suppress noise that has been amplified by the
preamplifier - Help to sink any DC current that cause bias to
the output - Select particular signal frequency range
- Use RC High Pass Filter of 12 Hz
22EMG Amplifier Filter (cont.)
1st order RC High Pass Filter with Cutoff
Frequency of 12Hz
1st order RC High Pass Filter
Cutoff Frequency
Cutoff Frequency of 12 Hz
23Amplifier and Bias Adjustment
- Provide abilities to amplify and adjust reference
level of output signals - Individual amplifier and bias adjustment unit for
each channel - Use Non-Inverting circuit for amplifier unit
- Use Voltage Follower Offset Adjustment circuit
for bias adjustment unit - Provide Gain of 21 times
- Provide Offset of 9 volts
24Amplifier and Bias Adjustment
Ideal Non-Inverting Amplifier Circuit
Non-Inverting Output
25Amplifier and Bias Adjustment
Amplifier Circuit with Gain Adjustment
Amplifier Circuit with Gain Adjustment
Amplifier Gain
Computing the value of R34
26Amplifier and Bias Adjustment
Output of the circuit
Offset Adjustment for Voltage Follower
27Amplifier and Bias Adjustment
Output of the circuit
28Amplifier and Bias Adjustment
Output of the circuit
29Limitations of gain and bias adjustment
- The output can not exceed 9V or -9V (power
supply voltage). - If 2 volts fed and gain is 3 and offset is 2
volts, then the output is (2x3)28 volts, and
we are ok with it. - But If 2 volts fed and gain is 10 and offset
is -9 volts, then it gives (2x10)-911 volts,
but opamp will still produce 9 volts.
30Future work (Brainstorming )
- A/D conversion, Normalizing and processing the
EMG signals - Simulation and Modification (if needed)
- Logic Design for performing different actions
- Simulation with MATLAB and Documentation
- Code, Code and Code for PIC microcontroller
- Implementation to perform several operations
- (i.e. simple on/off, speed control etc)
31Project Block Diagram
EMG capture prog.
EMG capture software
MCU/Control circuit
- S. Siriprayoonsak "Real-Time Measurement of
Prehensile EMG Signals," thesis defense, August
24, 2005, SDSU - Gianluca De Luca Fundamental Concepts in EMG
Signal Acquisition, 2001 Rev.2.1, March 2003,
DelSys Inc - Sylvia Ounpuu Electromyography (EMG)
Fundamentals Interpretation 6/14/1999 Chaoyang
University of Technology - "Cursor Control Using Voice and Facial EMG
Signals", by Grant Connell
33Q A
34Thank you for patient hearing.