Title: 5. STERILIZATION OF LIQUID MEDIA The liquid media which
2- The liquid media which contains all essential
- nutrients for cell growth is
- ? First heat sterilized with steam, then
- ? Cooled down before introduction into the
bioreactor vessel
3- Two types of sterilization
- ? Batch sterilization (see Fig. 5.1, and Table
5.1 for corresponding temperature profile). - ? Continuous sterilization (see Fig. 5.2a,
4- Two types of continuous sterilization
- Direct steam injection sterilizer (see Fig.
5.2a) - ? Plate heat exchanger sterilizer (see Fig. 5.2b)
5FIG. 5.1 Types of equipment for batch
sterilization of media. Adopted from S. Aiba,
A.E. Humphrey and N.F. Millis. Media
Sterilization. In Biochemical Engineering, 2nd
Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New York (1973) 254.
6TABLE 5.1. Temperature-Time Profile in Batch
Sterilization. Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E.
Humphrey and N.F. Millis. Media Sterilization.
In Biochemical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic
Press, Inc., New York (1973) 254.
7FIG. 5.2a Direct steam injection type of
continuous sterilization of liquid media.
Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F.
Millis. Media Sterilization. In Biochemical
Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New
York (1973) 257.
8FIG. 5.2b Plate heat exchanger type of continuous
sterilization of liquid media. Adopted from S.
Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F. Millis. Media
Sterilization. In Biochemical Engineering, 2nd
Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New York (1973) 257.
9? Fig. 5.3a and 5.3b show the temperature- time
profiles for the two types of continuous
FIG. 5.3a Sterilization temperature vs. time
profile for direct steam injection continuous
sterilizer. Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey
and N.F. Millis. Media Sterilization. In
Biochemical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press,
Inc., New York (1973) 258.
10FIG. 5.3b Sterilization temperature vs. time
profile for plate heat exchanger sterilizer.
Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F.
Millis. Media Sterilization. In Biochemical
Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New
York (1973) 257.
- Heat is used to kill
- ? Contaminant microorganisms
- ? Spores
- present in a liquid nutrient medium.
- The destruction of microorganisms by heat means
- ? Loss of Viability of these microorganisms and
12- ? The thermal death of microorganisms follow
first order kinetics given by Eq. 5.1. - dN/dt -kN...(5.1)
- Where
- N Number of viable microorganisms
- t Sterilization time, min
- k Thermal death rate constant, min-1
- If at time t0 0, N N0, then integration of
Eq. - 5.1 results in Eq. 5.2.
- N N0 e-kt (5.2)
- Also
- ln(N/N0) -kt .(5.3)
13- The term decimal reduction time, D, is used to
characterize the death rate constant. - D is defined as the sterilization time required
to reduce the original number of viable cells by
one tenth. - N/N0 1/10 e-kD
- ln(0.10) -kD
- D 2.303/k.(5.4)
14- ? Fig. 4.4 and 4.5 shows typical data of N/N0
vs. sterilization time for spores of Bacillus
stearothermophillus, one of the hardest spores
to kill, and vegetative cells of E. coli
15FIG. 4.4 Typical thermal death rate data for
spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus Fs 7954 in
distilled water where N number of viable spores
at any time, N0 original number of viable
spores. Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and
N.F. Millis. Media Sterilization. In
Biochemical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press,
Inc., New York (1973) 241.
16FIG. 4.5 Typical death rate data for E. coli in
buffer, where N number of viable spores at any
time, N0 original number of viable spores.
Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F.
Millis. Media Sterilization. In Biochemical
Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New
York (1973) 241.
17- The thermal death rate constant k is given by
Eq. 5.5 and follows the typical Arrhenius
equation. - K A e-E/RT..(5.5)
- Where
- A empirical constant
- E Activation energy for thermal death of
microorganism - T Absolute temperature, oK
- R Gas constant 1.98 cal/g mole oK
18- ? Fig. 4.6 and 4.7 shows the Arrhenius plots of
k for spores of B. stearothermophilus, and
vegetative cells of E. coli, respectively.
19FIG. 4.6 Correlation of isothermal death rate
data for spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus Fs
7954, where k reaction rate constant and T
absolute temperature. Value of E (activation
energy) 68.7 kcal/ g mole. Adopted from S.
Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F. Millis. Media
Sterilization. In Biochemical Engineering, 2nd
Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New York (1973) 242.
20FIG. 4.7 Correlation of isothermal death rate
data with temperature for E. coli, where k
reaction rate constant and T absolute
temperature. Value of E (activation energy) 127
kcal/g mole. Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey
and N.F. Millis. Media Sterilization. In
Biochemical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press,
Inc., New York (1973) 243.
21- For spores of B. stearothermophilus, the
- following kinetic parameters apply
- ? A 7.94 x 1038 min-1
- ? E 68.7 x 103 cal/g mole
- ? The higher the value of E, the more difficult
it is to kill by thermal denaturation a
microorganism or spore.
22- ? The value of activation energy, E, due to
thermal denaturation (death) for vegetative
microbial cells and spores is in the range of
E 50 to 100 kcal/g mole.
23- ? For the thermal denaturation of enzymes,
vitamins, and other fragile nutrients, the
activation energy, E, is in the range of - E 2 to 20 kcal/ g mole.
- ? For a given liquid medium containing both, it
is easier (faster) to denature thermally,
enzymes and vitamins and other nutrients, and
more difficult (slower) to denature (kill)
vegetative cells.
24- ? In order to find the value of k for any system
(spores and vegetative cells, nutrients) it is
important to know both A and E in the Arrhenius
Eq. 5.5. - ? Sterilization at relatively high temperatures
with short sterilization times is highly
desirable because it favours the fast killing
of vegetative cells and spores with minimal
denaturation of nutrients present in the liquid
- During batch sterilization
- ? Both temperature and time change
- ? Also k changes with time, since k f (T)
- Table 4.1 shows the sterilization temperature as
a - function of time for batch sterilization using
- different types of heat transfer and cooling.
- dN/dt -kN -Ae-E/RT N..(5.6)
26- Integrating Eq. 5.6 from t0 0, N N0 to any
- time t t and N N, we get Eq. (5.7).
- ln(N0/N) ?0t kdt A ?0t e-E/RTdt .....(5.7)
- We define
- ? ln (N0/N).(5.8)
27- In sterilization design
- ? ? Is used as a criterion of design.
- ? ? Specifies the level of sterilization
required for a liquid nutrient medium.
28- During batch sterilization, there are three
periods - of sterilization
- ? Heating of the liquid medium period
- ? Holding at constant temperature period
- ? Cooling period
29- During each period, a separate value of ? is
calculated - ?Total ln(N0/N) ?heating ?holding
?cooling(5.9) - ? ?heating ln(N0/N1) ?0t1 kdt
- ? ?holding ln(N1/N2) ?t1t2 kdt
- ? ?cooling ln(N2/N) ?t2t3 kdt
- Where
- N No. of contaminants after sterilization
- N0 No. of contaminants before sterilization
- N1 No. of contaminants after heating period
t1 - N2 No. of contaminants after holding period
t2 - t1, t2, t3 Sterilization times during,
heating, holding and cooling.
30- Total batch sterilization time, t, is given by
Eq. 5.10. - t t1 t2 t3 ...(5.10)
- ? Calculate the total degree of batch
sterilization, ?total, for a liquid medium
inside a bioreactor vessel, which reaches a
maximum temperature 120 oC, and then cooled
off. Assume that the liquid medium contains
spores of B. stearothermophilus, and the initial
total number is N0 6 x 1012 spores. The
temperature vs. time profile during batch
sterilization is given below.
32- t (min) T1 (oC)
- 0 30
- 10 50
- 30 90
- 36 100
- 43 110
- 50 120
- 55 120
- 58 110
- 63 100
- 70 90
- 102 60
- 120 44
- 140 30
For spores of B. stearothermophilus k 7.94 x
1038 exp(-68.8 x 103)/RT min-1 R 1.98 cal/g
mole oK
33FIG. 4.8 Batch sterilization k and T vs. t
example calculation. Area under the curve k vs. t
is total degree of sterilization, ?total.
Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F.
Millis. Media Sterilization. In Biochemical
Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New
York (1973) 256.
34- ? Fig. 4.8 shows the temperature-time profile
and the value of k as a function of T i.e. k
f (T) as given in the previous slide.
35- Examining Fig. 4.8, it is also evident that the
values of k are a function of t i.e. k f
(t), ranging between 0 to 34 min, and between
64 to 140 min. Therefore, the area under the
curve k (min-1) vs. t (min) is the graphical
integration, which gives - ? ?total ln(N0/N) ?0140 kdt 33.8
- ? N N0/exp(33.8) 6x1012/4.77698x104
- 1.256x10-2
- ? Fig. 4.2a and 4.2b show the two most common
types of continuous sterilizers used with steam
to carry out the sterilization of liquid
fermentation media.
37- ? In both systems, the liquid medium is heated
rapidly the desired high temperature either by
direct steam injection or by plate heat
exchangers and then it goes through a holding
section, which is a tube of given diameter and
length to give the desired residence (holding)
sterilization time
38- The holding tubular section is well insulated
and it is held at the same sterilization
temperature along its length. - ? Fig. 4.3a and 4.3b give approximate
temperature-time profiles for the steam
injection and plate heat exchanger types
39- ? NOTE The direct steam injection gives much
faster rise in temperature but, the original
liquid medium is being diluted by the amount of
the steam condensate during the injection of the
steam. - Therefore, an enthalpy and mass balance is
required at the steam injection nozzle.
40- ? The problem design and size both the
diameter and length of the tubular holding
section which is held at a given temperature
assuming a desired degree of sterilization,
using the thermal rate constant and its
Arrhenius relationship for spores of B.
stearothermophilus, which is one of the hardest
spores to kill by steam sterilization.
41- ? NOTE In both the injection type and plate
exchanger type of continuous sterilizers, it is
required to design (size-up) the length and
diameter of the tubular holding section.
- ? Consider the tubular holding section in Fig.
4.9 having length L and diameter dt, which is
held at constant sterilization temperature T.
43- ? The number of contaminants entering and
leaving the tube are N0 and N per mL of
fermentation liquid medium, which has physical
properties, viscosity ?, density ?, and specific
heat Cp, at the given temperature T.
44FIG. 4.9 Tubular sterilizer
- ? The volumetric flow rate of liquid medium
through the tube is Q (m3/min). - ? Depending on the flow rate and diameter of
the tube and the physical properties of the
fermentation liquid medium, the radial velocity
profile of the fluid elements inside the tube
will change.
45- ? The velocity profile will also determine the
residence (sterilization) time each fluid
element will spend inside the tube of given
length L. - ? Therefore, the uniformity of sterilization
will depend on the velocity profile.
46- Ideally, we want a plug flow, flat velocity
profile, to make sure that all fluid elements
spend exactly the same residence time and
therefore all have the same sterilization time. - ? However, in real practice for real fluids the
velocity profile changes from ideal flat
profile as the pipe Reynolds's Number changes.
47- In addition, we need to account for axial
dispersion (back mixing) of fluid elements
inside the pipe, which is characterized by the
Peclet Number (Pe). - ? The axial dispersion coefficient, Ez, is also
referred to as eddy diffusivity, which can be
measured by using dye dispersion techniques.
48- The axial dispersion is part of the Peclet
Number and it affects - ? the mass balance of number of
contaminants - ? and their destruction by heat
49- ? Fig. 4.10 shows three different types of
velocity profiles in tubular flow of liquids. - ? The velocity profile can be measured very
easily by using a pitot tube and manometer. - ? As seen from Fig. 4.10 the turbulent flow
regime is desirable for two reasons
FIG. 4.10 Distribution of axial velocity profiles
in fluiids exhibiting three different types of
flow inside round pipes ? mean velocity of the
fluid. Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and
N.F. Millis. Media Sterilization. In
Biochemical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press,
Inc., New York (1973) 259.
50- ? First, the velocity profile is fairly flat
- ? Secondly, the turbulence inside the pipe
gives excellent heat transfer characteristics
which ensures sterilization temperature
uniformity in all liquid elements inside the
- ? Consider a differential length element dZ
along the length of the tubular sterilizer, as
shown below
52- ? First order thermal death kinetics is given
by Eq. 5.11 - dN/dt -kN . (5.11)
- Making a differential mass balance on the number
- of contaminants, we have the following
- ? Rate in Rate out Rate of disappearance
- Rate of accumulation
53- At steady-state
- Rate of accumulation 0
- Rate in Convective or bulk flux Diffusive
(axial dispersion) flux. - ? Rate out Convective or bulk flux
Diffusive (axial dispersion) flux.
54- ? Convective flux u.N
- Diffusive (axial dispersion) flux
- -EZ(dN/dZ)
- where Ez axial dispersion coefficient (m2/s)
- Rate of disappearance of contaminants
- dN/dt -kN
55- Therefore, for differential fluid element dZ we
- have
- (Axial dispersion in out) (Bulk transport
in out) (Rate of disappearance) 0 - EZ (d2N/dZ2) - u (dN/dZ) kN 0 .(5.12)
56- We can transform Eq. 5.12 by introducing the
following dimensionless variables - Ñ N/N0 Ž Z/L ? t/?
- PeB uL/EZ Nr kL/u
57- Where t sterilization time (min)
- mean residence time in the tube
- AL/Q (cross section area of
tube)(length)/(volumetric flow rate of
medium) - u Mean velocity of fluid
- Q/A m3/min/m2
- PeB Modified Peclet No. (or Bodenstein No.)
- uL/EZ dimensionless
- EZ Axial dispersion coefficient (m2/min)
59- When PeB ? 0,
- then EZ ? ?, and therefore we have perfect
backmixing, as in the case of a perfectly mixed
stirred tank vessel. - When PeB ? ?,
- then EZ ? 0, which means we have no backmixing
at all, i.e., we have a perfect plug flow of the
fluid through the tube as in the case for
perfect plug flow tubular vessel.
60- After introducing all dimensionless parameters in
- Eq. 5.12 then we have
- d2Ñ/dŽ2 - u (dÑ/dŽ) (PeB) (Nr)(Ñ)
0 .....(5.13)
61- Using the following boundary conditions, we can
- solve Eq. 5.13
- Ž ? 0
- then dÑ/dŽ (PeB) (1 Ñ) 0
- Ž 1
- then dÑ/dŽ 0
- The solution to Eq. 5.13 using the above boundary
- conditions is shown in section media
sterilization of the - book Biochemical Engineering by S. Aiba, A.E.
- Humphrey, N.F. Millis, Academic Press, New York
62- Figure 4.11 is a graphical solution of equation
5.13 - for continuous sterilization in a tube at a
constant - temperature, T.
- This Figure shows the degree of sterilization,
N/N0 - As a function of the dimensionless number,
- Nr at different modified Peclet numbers PeB
- shown on different straight lines for PeB 10 to
- 1000, and PeB ?.
- Please, note that Nr kL/u.
63- k thermal death rate constant min-1
- L length of tubular sterilizer m
- u average velocity of fluid medium in the
tubular sterilizer of length L m/min. - Also, u volumetric flow rate of
medium/cross-section area of the tubular
sterilizer. - For adequate sterilization design we assume a
modified Peclet number PeB 1000, which is close
to PeB ?
64- Fig. 4.11. Degree of sterilization, N/N0, as a
function - of Nr kL/u at different PeB numbers for
tubular - continuous sterilizer.
65(No Transcript)
66- For a given
- degree of sterilization N/N0,
- Peclet No. PeB,
- Flow rate Q,
- dimensions of the tubular sterilizer (L and dt),
- we can find the thermal death kinetic constant
k, - and from the Arrhenius equation we can find the
- required sterilization T, at which the tubular
- sterilizer must be held constant.
67- For a given
- Tube diameter dt
- and volumetric flow rate of liquid medium Q
68- we can
- calculate the tube Reynolds No. and then
- calculate the axial dispersion coefficient EZ
from Fig. 4.12 (shown as DZ rather than EZ),
and then - calculate the modified Peclet No. and thus
- locate the PeB straight line in Fig. 4.11
69- If sterilization temperature is specified, then
we - can
- Calculate k and then
- Using Fig. 4.11 we can find the length of the
tubular sterilizer.
70- ? Depending on what is given and assumed, there
are different solutions (including trial and
error) to sterilization design problems using
Fig. 4.11.
71- Fig. 4.12 shows the correlation for axial
dispersion as a function of Reynolds Number in
pipes, where - D/udt is plotted against pipe Reynolds Number
Re u?dt/?. - In this figure, D EZ dispersion coefficient
- (m2/min)
- u u m/min, and dt tube diameter m.
- For sterilization design we make sure that we
have turbulent flow conditions, where the
Schmidt Number is not a variable.
72FIG. 4.12 Dimensionless correlation for axial
dispersion of fluids flowing in pipes at
different Reynolds Numbers.
- A tubular sterilizer is available that has 50 m
length and - 0.155 m diameter, and it is required to sterilize
a liquid - medium originally at 40 oC with flow rate of
45,000 kg/hr - (45 m3/hr). A direct steam injector is used at
the entrance - of the tubular sterilizer, which raises the
liquid - temperature almost instantly to temperature T and
is held - constant throughout the 50 m length using proper
- insulation. The required degree of sterilization
assuming - spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus is
74- N/N0 1.67 x 10-16
- N0 105 spores/mL
- The physical properties of the liquid medium at
- the temperature of sterilization T are assumed to
- be as follows
- Density ? 103 kg/m3
- Viscosity ? 3.6 kg/m.hr
- Specific heat Cp 1 kcal/kg oC
75- Calculate the following
- The thermal death rate constant k, assuming the
liquid medium is contaminated with spores of B.
76- The temperature T of sterilization to meet the
above conditions and sterilization criteria. - 3. The nominal sterilization residence time of
the liquid medium inside the 50 m long tubular
77- Find the steam flow rate required (kg/hr) at the
direct injection nozzle, assuming steam at 9
kg/cm2 gauge pressure, having a latent heat of
condensation, ? 481.7 kcal/kg. - 5. Find the dilution ( increase in volume) of
original liquid medium resulting from the
addition of steam condensate at the injection
nozzle. Does the increase affect significantly
the Reynolds Number and thus the axial dispersion
coefficient EZ?
- Assume spores of B. stearothermophilus
- k 7.94 x 1038 exp(-68.7 x 103/1.98T) min-1
- Cross sectional area of tubular sterilizer
- A ?dt2/4 (?/4) (0.155 m)2 1.88 x 10-2 m2
79- Ave. fluid velocity, u Q/A
- (45 m3/hr)/(1.88 x 10-2 m2)
- 2.393 x 103 m/hr 39.89 m/min 0.655 m/s
- Reynolds No. Re u?dt/?
- (2.393 x 103 m/hr)(103 kg/m3)(0.155 m)/(3.6
kg/m.hr) - 1.030 x 105
80- Using the above Reynolds number, which is in the
- turbulent flow regime, we can find the axial
- dispersion coefficient EZ (D) from Figure 4.12.
- At Re 1.030 x 105 We get D/udt 0.2
- Therefore, EZ (0.2)(2.393 x 103 m/hr)(0.155 m)
74.18 m2/hr
81- We can calculate the modified Peclet number
- PeB uL/EZ (2.393 x 103 m/h)(50
- m)/(74.18 m2/hr) 1,613
- From Figure 4.11, the straight line that
- corresponds to PeB 1,613 is very close
- to PeB ? (plug flow), i.e. we have a
- fairly flat velocity profile across the pipe
- diameter, which means all fluid elements
- of the liquid medium have almost
82- the same residence time and thus we
- Have a uniform sterilization.
- It is normally a good sterilization practice to
- use PeB ? 1,000, since this line is very close to
- PeB ? (Figure 4.11).
- Use figure 4.11 to find the corresponding
- value of Nr kL/u, since we know N/N0 1.67
- x 10-16, and the straight line at PeB 1,613.
83- Nr 36, from which we can get k (36)(39.89
- m/min)/(50 m)
- Therefore, k 28.72 min-1
- The corresponding sterilization temperature for k
- 28.72 min-1 can be found from the Arrhenius
- equation for B. stearothermophilus, T 401.5oK
- 129.5oC.
- Nominal sterilization residence time (50
m)/(39.89 - m/min) 1.25 min
84- To find the flow rate of steam required we
perform - an enthalpy balance at the injection nozzle.
- The heat of condensation from steam is used to
- raise the temperature of the liquid medium from
- 40oC to 129.5oC under pressure of 9 kg/cm2 gauge.
- GS?S GLCp(?T) where
- GS mass flow of rate of steam kg/hr.
- ?S heat condensation of steam at 9 kg/cm2
gauge, - kcal/kg steam
85- GL mass flow of liquid medium, kg/hr
- Cp specific heat of liquid medium, kcal/kg oC
- ?T temperature rise of liquid medium, oC
- GS (GLCp? T)/ ?S
- GS (45,000 kg/hr)(1 kcal/kg oC)(129.5 -
- 40oC)/(481.7 kcal/kg)
- 8,361 kg Steam/hr
86- increase in volume due to steam condensate
- addition to the liquid medium ( dilution)
- 8,361 kg Steam/hr/45,000 kg/hr 18.58
- New u (45 m3 8.361 m3 medium)/hr
- /(1.88 x 10-2 m2) 2,838 m/hr
- Therefore, New Reynolds Number is
- Re (2.838 x 103)(103)(0.155)/(3.6)
- 1.22 x 105
87- From Fig. 4.12 we find the corresponding
- approximate value of DZ/udt 0.2, which gives
the same value of axial dispersion coefficient
EZ 74.18 m2/hr. Therefore, the steam injection
diluted the original liquid medium by 18.58
while the axial dispersion coefficient EZ
remained the same.
89- In aerobic fermentation systems sterile air
- must be provided
- ? To the bioreactor vessel as the source of
oxygen for the metabolic activity and growth of
the microorganisms. - ? For the aseptic operation of a bioreactor
system. - The ambient air contains
- ? Dust and other inert particles
- ? Bacteria, spores and other undesirable
contaminant microorganisms.
90- Table 6.1 shows representative species of
bacteria and spores that may be present in the
air and their approximate size. - Current Methods used for Air Sterilization
- ? Packed-beds with glass wool fibers that
act as filters, and - ? Filtration membranes of specified pore
sizes less than the size of contaminants
which prevents the contamination of the
liquid medium the bioreactor.
91- Aseptic operation of the bioreactor means that
there are no contaminating microorganisms. This
is very important.
92- Table 6.1 Representative sizes of air-borne
bacteria and spores. - __________________________________________________
________ - Species Width (?m) length (?m)
- __________________________________________________
________ - Vegetative cells
- Aerobactor aerogenes 1.0 1.5 1.0 2.5
- Bacillus cereus 1.3 2.5 1.1 25.8
- Bacillus licheniformis 1.5 0.7 1.8 3.3
- Bacillus megaterium 0.9 2.1 2.0 10.0
- Bacillus mycoides 0.6 1.6 1.6 13.6
- Bacillus subtilis 0.5 1.1 1.6 - 4.8
- Micrococcus aureus 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0
- Proteus vulgaris 0.5 1.0 1.0 3.0
- Bacterial Spores
- Bacillus megaterium 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.7
- Bacillus mycoides 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.8
93- Membrane air filters are usually made of the
- following materials
- 1. Ceramic materials
- ? are durable
- ? can be backwashed
- ? are steam sterilizable
- ? can be used many times
- ? are economical
94- 2. Many other polymeric materials, such as
- ? polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
- ? cellulose acetate
- Polysulfone
- Other composite polymeric materials
- 3. A pre-filter is used before the main
filtration - membrane to remove large size particles and other
- contaminants. This protects the main membranes
- from plugging. Most membranes are steam
- sterilizable.
96FIG. 6.1 Schematic diagram of an air filtration
cylinder packed with glass fibers. Typical glass
fiber diameter is 10 to 20 ?m. N1 and N0 is the
number of contaminating particles per m3 entering
and leaving the air filter. Q volumetric air
flow rate L length of bed DT diameter of
97- ? These fibers usually range in diameter from10
to 20 ?m. - ? Assuming a typical microbial cell or spores
size of about 1 ?, the glass fiber diameter is
about 10 to 20 times larger. - ? Depending on the degree of solid packing
fibers, the void (air) volume fraction, ?, in a
packed bed is usually about 0.955 to 0.975,
corresponding to solid fiber volume fraction,
(1 - ?), of 0.045 to 0.025.
98- Fig. 6.1 As the air passes through the voids of
the - packed bed filter, the microbial particles and
- spores are trapped within the bed, and the exit
air becomes free of any contaminants.
99- Several mechanisms used for the entrapment of
- micron-sized contaminants depends on
- ? the air flow rate (specifically the air
velocity) - ? Velocity of the particles around the each
100- To appreciate the different mechanisms by
which micron-sized solid particles are
collected by single fibers, consider the single
fiber shown in Fig. 6.2. - ? Consider the cross-section of a solid fiber of
- diameter df, and the flow patter of air around
the fiber shown as solid lines along which a
solid particle of diameter dp is carried. The
broken flow lines show the path of solid
particles as they approach the solid fiber. Let
b be the width of the air stream that flows
around the fiber. -
101FIG. 6.2 Cross-section of flow patterns around a
single cylindrical fiber of diameter df, with air
flow lines having width b, and a particle of
diameter dp intercepted by the fiber. Laminar air
flow is assumed around the fiber cross-section.
Broken flow lines indicates the flow patter of
particle. Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey
and N.F. Millis. Air Sterilization. In
Biochemical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press,
Inc., New York (1973) 280.
102Five different mechanisms of collection of air
born particles by fibrous beds 1. Inertial
impaction 2. Direct interception 3. Diffusion
4. Settling by gravitational force
5. Collection of solid particle by
electrostatic forces.
103- Mechanism no. 4 can be neglected because
- ? the solid particles are extremely small in
the order of 1?, and - ? the gravitational force is not a significant
contribution to the overall total collection
104- Studies on electrostatic charge of Bacillus
substilis spores in air have shown that - 1. About 70 have positive charge
- 2. 15 have negative charge
- 3. 15 are neutral
105- The most important three mechanisms for
particle collection by fibrous beds - 1. Inertial impaction
- 2. Direct interception
- 3. Diffusion
- All three are shown in Fig. 6.3.
106FIG. 6.3 The three mechanisms of particle
collection by a single fiber of diameter df.
Particle diameter dp, and b width of air stream.
Dotted lines show path of particle. (1) inertia
of particle results in impact of fiber (2)
direct particle interception by the fiber,
particle moving outside b will not be
intercepted (3) particle moves by diffusion and
touches fiber. Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E.
Humphrey and N.F. Millis. Air Sterilization. In
Biochemical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press,
Inc., New York (1973) 280.
- Inertial impaction is due to
- The impact contact with the fiber of the solid
particle moving with a velocity u which deviates
from the air stream line velocity due to the
particles inertia.
108- For the particle inertial impaction on single
fibers - of different diameters there is
- A particular critical air velocity, Vc, below
which the inertial impaction can be neglected. - The critical air velocity Vc is a function of
- ? Air viscosity ?g,
- ? Particle density ?p
- ? Particle diameter dp
- ? Fiber diameter df
109- Eq. 6.1 gives the critical air velocity, which is
- based on
- The motion of particle dp following Stokes
Law, and - ? Using the Cunninghams correction factor C
for slip velocity.
110- VC (1.125) ?df/C?pdp2 ..(6.1)
- Where
- VC critical air velocity below which inertial
impaction of particle may be neglected - ?g air viscosity 1.80 x 10-4 g/cm.sec at
20 oC - df fiber diameter
- C Cunninghams correction factor
- ?p particle density, typical density of
bacteria and spore particles 1 g/cm3 - dp particle diameter
111- Substituting the appropriate values of ?g for
air, C from an empirical correlation, and ?p,
then equation 6.1 becomes - VC (constant) (df/dp2) ....(6.2)
112- The results of Eq. 6.2 are shown graphically
in Fig. 6.4, where the critical velocity VC is
plotted against particle diameter dp at
different diameters df of single fibers. - Inertial impaction of a particle will take
place only when the particle is within the air
stream of width b. - ? If the particle is outside width b there will
be no inertial impaction.
113FIG. 6.4 Critical velocity of air, Vc, as a
function of particle diameter dp, using different
diameters df of single fibers. Air at 20 oC and
particle density ?p 1 g/cm3. Adopted from S.
Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F. Millis. Air
Sterilization. In Biochemical Engineering, 2nd
Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New York (1973) 281.
114- The theoretical value of collection efficiency of
- single fibers due to inertial impaction is ?o/
and is - given by equation 6.3.
- ?o/ (b/df) .(6.3)
- where
- ?o/ collection efficiency of single fiber due
to inertial impaction, (-) - b width of air stream (Fig. 6.2 and 6.3)
- df diameter of single fiber
115 6.1.2. INTERCEPTION OF PARTICLE ? As shown
in Fig. 6.2 and 6.3, physical interception of
the particle by the fiber is possible when the
air streamline is at a distance dp/2 from the
fiber surface at a location ? ?/2, which is a
limiting condition for the deposition of the
particle on the fiber surface.
116- According to Langmuir the single fiber collection
- efficiency, ?o//, is a function of two
dimensionless - numbers
- ? The Reynolds Number of the air based on
fiber diameter df, and - ? The interception parameter, Nr dp/df,
and it is given by Eq. 6.4.
- ? o// 1/2 (2.00 - lnNRe)PR ...(6.4)
- where
- ?o// single fiber collection efficiency due
to interception, dimensionless - NRe Reynolds Number of air based df
- V?df/?,
- where ? and ? the density and viscosity of air,
- V velocity of air, df fiber diameter
- PR 2(1 NR)ln(1 NR) (1 NR) 1/(1 NR)
- NR interception parameter dp/df
- ? Small particles such as bacteria and spores of
about 1? in diameter and small densities of - about 1 g/cm3 display Brownian motion in the
- air, and may be collected by diffusion on the
- surface of fibers as shown in Fig. 6.3.
119- The diffusivity of light and very small
micron particles is given by Eq. 6.5. - DBM C kT/(3??dp)....(6.5)
- Where
- DBM diffusivity of particle due to
Brownian motion (BM), cm2/sec. - k Boltzman constant 1.38 x 10-16 cm2
g/s2 oK - T Absolute air temperature, oK
- dp Particle diameter, cm
120- The single fiber collection efficiency, ?o/// due
to - diffusion only, is given by Eq. 6.6.
- ?o/// 1/2(2.00 lnNRe)(a b- c).(6.6)
- Where
- ?o/// single fiber collection efficiency due
to diffusion, dimensionless - NRe Reynolds Number of air based fiber
diameter df - Xo effective radius of displacement of
particle due to diffusion -
121- a 2(1 2Xo/df)ln(1 2Xo/df)
- b (1 2Xo/df)
- c 1/(1 2Xo/df)
- The value of 2Xo/df is given by Eq. 6.7.
- 2Xo/df (1.12)(2)(2.00 - lnNRe)(DBM)/Vdf..(6.7)
122- Where
- NRe V?df/? Reynolds Number of air
- V air velocity through the filter bed
superficial air velocity/void fraction of
bed (i.e. V Ug/?) - DBM Particle diffusivity (Eq. 6.5)
THE FIBROUS BED FILTER - For a single fiber, the total particle
collection efficiency, ?o is the sum of the
three efficiencies due to inertial impaction,
?o/ (Eq. 6.3), interception ?o// (Eq. 6.4), and
diffusion ?o/// (Eq. 6.6). - ?o ? o/ ? o// ? o/// ( 6.7)
- Please, note that Eq. (6.7) shows the total
collection - efficiency for a single fiber only.
124- ? In practice, the collection efficiency for
inertial impaction ?o/ may be neglected. - The overall single fiber efficiency, ?o is the
sum of interception, ?o// and diffusion, ?o///. - Fig. 6.5 shows all single fiber collection
efficiency - data in literature correlated with dimensionless
- parameters.
125FIG. 6.5 Dimensionless correlation of total
collection efficiency for single fibers, ?o, due
to to interception and diffusion. The ordinate
and abscissa are ?oNRNPe and NRNPe1/3NRe1/18
respectively, NR interception parameter, NPe
Peclet number, and NRe Reynolds number.
Adopted from S. Aiba, A.E. Humphrey and N.F.
Millis. Air Sterilization. In Biochemical
Engineering, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New
York (1973) 284.
126- In order to calculate the total pressure drop ?P
- over the fibrous packed bed of length L, Fig. 6.6
- can be used, where, the modified drag coefficient
- CDM is plotted against the Reynolds number of the
- air flowing through the packed bed.
127FIG. 6.6 Dimensionless between the modified drag
coefficient, CDM, and the Reynolds number of air.
The total pressure drop across the fibrous bed
filter is ?P. The length of the fibrous bed is L
128- ? NOTE The air velocity V is equal to the
superficial air velocity Ug based on the
cross- sectional area of the bed divided by the
void volume fraction, ?, occupied by the air
(i.e. V Ug/ ?).
- The following steps are used to calculate the
single - fiber and overall fibrous bed efficiency, and
total - pressure drop across the fibrous bed.
130- STEP 1 Find overall fibrous bed particle
remova removal efficiency - ? (Ni N0)/Ni...............................
.....(6.9) - Where Ni and N0 are the number of particles per
- m3 entering and leaving the fibrous bed,
- respectively.
131- STEP 2 Calculate the following parameters
- NR dp/df interception parameter(6.10)
- NRe V?df/?...(6.11)
- NSc (?/?)/DBM..(6.12)
- NPe NScNRe..(6.13)
- Then use Fig. 6.5 to find the value of ?o, the
single fiber particle - collection efficiency.
132- STEP 3 Calculate ?? given by
- ?? ?o(1 4.5?)..(6.14)
- Where
- ? void volume fraction of fibrous bed.
- (1 - ?) ?, for 0 lt ? lt 0.1
133- STEP 4 Find the length of fibrous bed, L,
- ?? ?(1 - ?) df/4?Lln1/(1 -
?)..(6.15) - STEP 5 Find pressure drop per unit bed length
(?P/L) by using Fig. 6.6.
- DBM particle diffusivity, cm2/sec CkT/(3??dp)
- df fiber diameter, cm
- dp particle diameter, cm
- Dt diameter of fibrous bed, cm
- L length of fibrous bed, cm
135- m empirical exponent 1.45
- Ni Number concentration of particles before
filter, particles/cm3 - N0 Number concentration of particles after
filter, particles/cm3 - NPe Peclet number Vdf/DBM
- NR Interception parameter dp/df
- NRe Reynolds number V?df/?
136- NSc Schmidt number ?/?DBM
- ?P pressure drop of air flow mm H2O kg/m2
- V Air velocity Ug/(1 - ?), cm/sec
- Ug Superficial air velocity, cm/sec Q (cm3
air/sec)/(?DT2)/4 - volume fraction of solid fibers in packed bed
- void fraction, (1 - ?), occupied by air in
packed bed
137- ?o total collection efficiency of single fiber
due to interception and diffusion - ?o overall collection efficiency of filter bed
packed with fibers - viscosity of air, g/cm.sec
- density of air, g/cm3
- gc 32.2 ft/sec2 x lbm/lbf 980 cm/sec2 x gm/gf
138- 1 gf 980 dynes
- 1 dynes 1 gm x 1 cm/sec2
- 1 p.s.i 6.895 x 104 dynes/cm2 5.17 cm Hg
- The particle diffusivity in air due to their
- Brownian motion is given by the following
- equation
- DBM CkT/(3??dp)
- where
140- DBM particle diffusivity in air, cm2/sec
- C 1.16, the Cunninghams correction factor for
- slip velocity of particle
- k Boltzmans constant 1.38 x 10-16
cm2.g/sec2.oK - T air temperature, oK
- viscosity of air at T, g/cm.sec.
- (at 20 oC, ?air 1.8 x 10-4 g/cm.sec)
- dp particle diameter, cm. (assume particle
density ?p 1 g/cm3)
STERILIZATION - A packed bed of glass fibers (fiber diameter
19?m, solid fiber volume fraction ? 0.033) is
used to sterilize air which then enters a
bioreactor system where an aerobic microorganism
is grown for the production of an extracellular
enzyme. The superficial air velocity required
based on the volumetric air flow rate and
cross-sectional area of the packed bed is Ug 5
cm/sec. The air is at 20 oC and before it enters
the filter is
142- assumed to contain 104 microbial particles/m3,
- each particle is assumed to have 1?m diameter.
- Calculate the following
- The relationship between the overall collection
efficiency of the fibrous packed bed ? and the
length L of the bed. - Calculate the pressure drop per unit length of
fibrous packed bed, ?P/L.
- NRe df?Ug/?(1 - ?) (19 x 10-4)(1.20 x
10-3)(5) /(1.80 x 10-4)(1 0.033) - 6.54 x 10-2
- NR dp/df 1.0 x 10-4/19 x10-4 5.26 x 10-2
- DBM CkT/3??dp (1.16)(1.38 x 10-16)(273 20)
/(3)(3.14)(1.8 x 10-4)(1.0 x 10-4) - 2.78 x 10-7 cm2/sec
- NSc ?/?DBM (1.80 x 10-4)/(1.20 x 10-3)(2.78
x 10-7) - 5.40 x 105
144- NPe NScNRe (5.4 x 105)(6.54 x 10-2) 3.53 x
104 - NRNPe1/3NRe1/18 (5.27 x 10-2)(3.53 x
104)1/3(6.54 x 10-2)1/18 - 1.49
- From Fig. 6.5, we find
- ?oNRNPe 3.5 x 10
- ?o 3.5 x 10/(6.27 x 10-2)(3.53 x 104) 1.581 x
10-2 - From Eq. 6.13
- ?? (1.581 x 10-2)(1 4.5 x 0.033) 1.8158 x
145- From Eq. 6.15
- L ?dp(1 -?)/4??? x 2.303log 1/(1 ?)
- 3.14(19 x 10-4)(1 0.033) x 2.303/4 x
(1.8158 x -
- 10-2) x 0.033 log 1/(1 - ?)
- Therefore, the length of the fibrous bed L is
given - by the following equation
- L 18.29 x 10-2log 1/(1 - ?)
146- In Fig. 6.6 the parameter CDm is plotted as a
function of the fiber Reynolds number NRe. - CDm ?gcdf?P/2?LV2(1 -?)m
- From Fig. 6.6
- For NRe 6.54 x 10-2,
- the corresponding value of CDM 7.5 x 102
147- CDM ?gcdf?P/2?LV2(1 -?)m
- In this case m 1.35
- For df 19 x 10-6
- ? 1.20 x10-3 g/cm3 (20 oC) air
- Ug 5 cm/s 5 x 10-2 m/s
- (1 - ?) ? 0.033 solid fraction
148- void fraction of fibrous bed
- 1.000 0.033 0.967
- ?P/L (CDM)2?V2(1 -?)m/(?gcdf) 5.472 x 10-1
- Therefore from the above equation we calculate
the - pressure drop per unit length of fibrous bed for
the - given conditions specified in the problem
- statement.
149- This is the end of the course
- notes.