Title: An Eco-friendly disinfectant "Silver Hydrogen Peroxide" and its application
1 ALSTASAN SILVOX Silver Hydrogen Peroxide
2- Chemtex Speciality Limited is a public limited
organization and one of the largest manufacturers
of Silver Hydrogen Peroxide in the world, under
the trade name of ALSTASAN SILVOX.
3What is Alstasan Silvox?
- Alstasan Silvox is formed by a synergized
reaction of hydrogen peroxide with Nano silver
ions in presence of a catalyst in a pressure, pH,
and temperature controlled equipment. It is
stabilized to prevent quick oxidation and
4Hospital Sterilization Why?
- Hospitals or infection control areas deal
with patients, and require special disinfecting
measures, each with a different infection, and
the staff handling them. Everyone involved is
exposed to a higher risk of infection, needing
timely and efficient cleaning mechanisms.
5Silver Hydrogen Peroxide
- This antimicrobial Silver blended with Hydrogen
Peroxide finds a wide range of applications in
Hospital Sanitation
6Advantages of ALSTASAN SILVOX
- Eco friendly
- Colourless, Odourless, Biodegradable
- Multifunctional
- Finds a wide range of industrial and domestic
applications - Broad Spectrum
- Multimedia sanitation (Air, Water, Soil, Surface)
- Nontoxic
- Breaks into water and oxygen and no other toxic
- Saves time, energy and manpower and improves
hospital dynamics - Stable over a wide pH and temperature range
- Does not release toxic fumes and harmful gases
- Does not require water rinsing after disinfection
- Safe and nontoxic to humans
- Non carcinogenic
- Non mutagenic
- Minimizes the use of toxic fumigating methods
- Reduces the re-entry time to a mere hour
- Non greasy
- Non residual
- Destroys all fungi, bacteria, viruses and pest
populations in all media - Kills even eggs and larval stages
- Eco-friendly and biodegradable, breaking down to
water and oxygen - Non residual
- Non greasy
- Non rinsing
- Non foaming
- Non wiping
- Odourless
- Does not leave behind toxic residues
9Sterilization in Hospitals
- Many hospital areas are safely and
efficiently sanitized using this hydrogen
peroxide with silver blend. - Safe infection control in OT, Sterilization
in OT, Operation Theater Sterilization, Blood
Bank Disinfection, Hospital ward sanitation, and
many more.
10Hospital Disinfectants
- FDA has approved 7.5 hydrogen peroxide as a
hospital sterilant. - Few of the advantages of using Silver Hydrogen
Peroxide for Hospital Sanitation are summarized
below - Requires no heat for disinfection, known as a
cold sterilant - No gaps in efficacy
- Multimedia disinfection (Air, Water, Soil,
Surface) - Eco-friendly and biodegradable
- Stable over a wide pH and temperature range
- Reduces the re-entry time
- Natural and nontoxic
- Long lasting disinfection
- The silver with its store and depot function
forms a low dosage rate - Works on a short contact time
11- Alstasan Silvox is FDA (Food and Drug
Administration) certified, and approved by NTC
(National Toxicology Center), for a safe drinking
consumption up to a concentration of 25 ppm
12Alstasan Silvox is available in various
compositions and combinations, each designed to
suit a given application.
13- Visit us at
- www.silverhydrogenperoxide.com
14Chemtex Speciality Limited Haute Street
Corporate Park, 86A Topsia Road (S), Kolkata
700046 West Bengal, India M 91-9830204030,
91-9830005554 E mail_at_silverhydrogenperoxide.com
www.silverhydrogenperoxide.com www.chemtexlimited
15Thank you