Title: The Autonomic Nervous System
1Chapter 14
- The Autonomic Nervous System
- J.F. Thompson, Ph.D. J.R. Schiller, Ph.D. G.
Pitts, Ph.D.
2Autonomic Nervous System Overview
- automatic, involuntary
- primarily involved in maintaining homeostasis of
the internal environment - visceral efferent neurons innervate visceral
effectors smooth muscle, cardiac muscle,
exocrine glands and endocrine glands
3The ANS Is Clinically Significant!
- If you plan to succeed in a Health-Related
Career, you will need to understand the Autonomic
Nervous System very well!
4Two Functional Divisions
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Divisions
- Structurally, each division consists of nerves,
nerve plexuses, and autonomic ganglia - Each motor command is carried over a two-cell
circuit - Most effector organs and tissues receive impulses
from both ANS divisions, a dual or parallel
innervation - The two divisions often serve as antagonists to
each other in adjusting and maintaining internal
homeostasis - Parasympathetic system dominates in sleep and
other relaxed or resting states - Sympathetic dominates during skeletal muscle
activities and various emergency situations
(fright, panic, rage, aggression) - There is a constant interplay between the two
5Comparison of Somatic to Autonomic
- somatic one motor neuron to skeletal muscle
effectors - autonomic two motor neurons to visceral effectors
6Autonomic Visceral Reflex Arc
7Two Types of Autonomic Neurons
- Preganglionic neurons
- cell bodies in the CNS (brain or spinal cord)
- transmit Action Potentials from the CNS
- Postganglionic neurons
- cell bodies in autonomic ganglia in the periphery
- transmit APs to effectors
8Two Cell Motor Pathways in the ANS
- preganglionic neurons
- in the sympathetic division, the cell body is
located in the lateral gray horns
(thoraco-lumbar) of the spinal cord - in the parasympathetic division, the cell body is
located in various nuclei of brain stem or in the
lateral gray horns (cranio-sacral) - postganglionic neurons
- the postganglionic fiber sends impulses to a
target organ - the effects at the target organ are due to type
of neurotransmitter and specific cell surface
receptors on the effector cells
9Dual Innervation
- The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions of
the ANS innervate many of the same organs - Different effects are due to specific molecular
differences in the neurotransmitters and in the
receptor types on the effectors
10ANS Dual Innervation
- The Parasympathetic Division exerts short-lived,
highly localized control. - The Sympathetic Division exerts long-lasting,
diffuse effects. - Due to differences in target responsiveness to
11Parasympathetic Ganglia
- parasympathetic terminal ganglia intramural
ganglia - ganglia are located very close to or in the wall
of the visceral organs - each preganglionic neuron synapses with a only
few postganglionic neurons - parasympathetic preganglionic fibers are long
- parasympathetic postganglionic fibers are short
12Sympathetic Ganglia
- sympathetic trunk vertebral chain ganglia
(paravertebral ganglia) - a vertical row on either side of the vertebral
column - these ganglia are interconnected
- thoracic and lumbar origin
- each preganglionic neuron synapses with many
postganglionic neurons - other sympathetic ganglia are located in the
walls of major abdominal arteries - short preganglionic fibers
- long postganglionic fibers
13ANS Neurotransmitters Receptors
- Neurotransmitters
- Preganglionic - Acetylcholine
- Postganglionic
- Parasympathetic - acetylcholine
- Sympathetic norepinephrine in a few locations
acetylcholine - Receptors
- Parasympathetic
- nicotinic - excitatory
- muscarinic - excitatory or inhibitory
- Sympathetic
- alpha - excitatory
- beta - excitatory or inhibitory
14ANS Neurotransmitters
- Acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NE) are
the two major neurotransmitters of the ANS - Cholinergic fibers ACh-releasing fibers
- ACh is released by all preganglionic axons and
all parasympathetic postganglionic axons - Adrenergic fibers NE-releasing fibers
- Most sympathetic postganglionic axons
- Neurotransmitter effects can be excitatory or
inhibitory depending upon the receptor type
15Neurotransmitters and Receptors of the Autonomic
Nervous System
Receptor Class Agonist Antagonist Nicotinic Ni
cotone Curare Muscarinic Muscarine Atropine
16Nicotinic Receptors
- Nicotinic receptors are found on
- Motor end plates (skeletal muscle)
- All postganglionic neurons of both sympathetic
and parasympathetic divisions - The hormone-producing cells of the adrenal
medulla - The effect of ACh binding to nicotinic receptors
is always excitatory
17Muscarinic Receptors
- Muscarinic receptors occur on all effector cells
stimulated by parasympathetic cholinergic fibers
and by those few effectors stimulated by
sympathetic cholinergic fibers - The effect of ACh binding at muscarinic
receptors - Can be either inhibitory or excitatory
- Depends on the receptor type of the target organ
18Adrenergic Receptors
- The two fundamental types of adrenergic receptors
are alpha and beta - Each type has subclasses (?1, ?2, ?1, ?2 , ?3)
- Effects of NE binding to
- ? receptors is generally excitatory to effectors
- ? receptors is generally inhibitory to effectors
- A clinically important exception NE binding to
? receptors in the heart is excitatory
19ANS Neurotransmitters Receptors
- See Table 14.3 Cholinergic and Adrenergic
Receptors (p. 543) for all the details - Cholinergic receptors nicotinic and muscarinic
- Adrenergic receptors alpha1,2 and beta1,2,3
- These details about receptor subtypes will be
very important in later courses, such as
Pharmacology (in Nursing)
20ANS Neurotransmitter Performance
- Cholinergic fibers/neurons tend to cause
relatively short-lived effects due to the rapid
hydrolysis of acetylcholine by cholinesterase in
the synapse - Adrenergic fibers/neurons tend to cause
relatively longer-lived effects due to the slower
degradation of norepinephrine by
catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine
oxidase (MAO) in the synapse or in body fluids - Adrenergic receptors also respond to the
closely-related hormone, epinephrine adrenalin,
secreted by the adrenal medulla
21Drugs Related to ANS Neurotransmitters
- Drugs which mimic the action of ACh and NE at
their receptors are termed cholinergic and
adrenergic agonists respectively - Drugs which block or inhibit the action of ACh
and NE at their receptors are termed cholinergic
and adrenergic antagonists (or blockers)
respectively - Drugs which enhance the action of ACh and NE at
their synapses by delaying enzymatic degradation
are termed anticholinesterases monoamine oxidase
inhibitors (MAO-inhibitors)
22Drugs Related to ANS Neurotransmitters
- Table 14-3, p. 537, list examples of a number of
autonomic drugs classes and some specific
examples. - Take a look. Youll probably recognize some.
Many are available in over-the-counter
preparations. There are many more. - Some of the drug classes will be on the exam
- But no specific drugs will be on the exam
23Autonomic Nervous System Review
24Autonomic Nervous System Online Review
- Neuroscience For Kids
- http//faculty.washington.edu/chudler/neurok.html
- This web site has many good reviews and
25Autonomic Nervous System Controls
- Different regions of the CNS have responsibility
for different functions. - The cerebral cortex, limbic system, hypothalamus,
and the brain stem cooperate to initiate
autonomic motor commands.
26Autonomic Nervous System Controls
- Most control is unconscious and originates from
the hypothalamus - But strong conscious emotional states can trigger
autonomic, usually sympathetic, responses
27Autonomic Nervous System Actions
- See Table 14.4 (pg. 538) for complete details for
the responses of each effector organ - Parasympathetic
- S(alivation) L(acrimation) U(rination)
D(efecation) - metabolic business as usual
- rest and digest feed and breed basic
survival functions - Sympathetic
- fight or flight emergency survival situations
- any increase in skeletal muscular activity
- for these activities - increase heart rate,
blood flow, breathing - decrease non-survival activities - food
digestion, etc.
28Parasympathetic Tone
- Parasympathetic tone
- Slows the heart
- Directs normal activities of the digestive and
urinary systems - The sympathetic division can override these
effects during times of stress or muscular
exertion - Drugs that block parasympathetic stimuli increase
heart rate and interfere with fecal and urinary
29Cooperative Effects
- ANS cooperation is involved in the complex
control of the cardiovascular system - ANS cooperation is also seen in control of the
external genitalia during sexual activities - Parasympathetic fibers cause vasodilation and are
responsible for erection of the penis and
clitoris - Sympathetic fibers cause ejaculation of semen in
males and reflex peristalsis in the female
reproductive tract
30Sympathetic Stimulation
- Sympathetic stimulation is long-lasting because
norepinephrine (NE) - NE is inactivated more slowly by MAO and COMT
- NE is an indirectly acting neurotransmitter,
triggering a second-messenger system - NE and epinephrine are released into the blood by
the adrenal medulla in certain situations and
remain there until inactivated by liver enzymes
31Solitary Sympathetic Stimulation
- Regulates some effectors not innervated by the
parasympathetic division - Therefore, acting more as an on-off switch
- These include the adrenal medulla, sweat glands,
arrector pili muscles, kidneys, and most blood
32Solitary Sympathetic Stimulation
- The sympathetic division controls
- Thermoregulatory responses to heat
- Cutaneous vasodilation and sweating
- Release of renin from the kidneys
- Increased blood pressure from a complex
regulatory response - Metabolic effects (in a complex coordination with
the endocrine system) - increases the metabolic rate of body cells
- elevates blood glucose levels for use by nervous
tissue - shifts cellular metabolism to fats for other
tissues - stimulates the reticular activating system (RAS)
of the brain, increasing mental alertness - These actions serve to support the body during
strenuous physical activities and emergencies but
may contribute to undesirable side effects in
cases of long term stress such as illnesses
33Sympathetic Tone
- The sympathetic division controls blood pressure,
keeping the blood vessels in a continual state of
partial constriction (vasomotor tone) - Blood pressure rises or falls with sympathetic
activity - Blood is also diverted to or away from different
organ systems depending on the level of muscular
activity or the presence of emergency or
stressful states - Alpha-blocker drugs inhibit vasomotor tone and
are used to treat hypertension
34Autonomic Nervous System Actions
35Autonomic Nervous System Actions
36Autonomic Nervous System Actions
37Developmental Aspects of the ANS
- During youth, ANS impairments are usually due to
injury - In old age, ANS efficiency decreases, resulting
in constipation, dry eyes, and orthostatic
hypotension - Orthostatic hypotension is a form of low blood
pressure that occurs when sympathetic
vasoconstriction centers respond slowly to
positional changes
38Raynauds Disease
- causes sudden severe vasoconstriction in the
fingers, toes and, occasionally, the ears and
nose - during a Raynauds attack, or episode, several
skin color changes (pallor, cyanosis, rubor) may
occur, which are often accompanied by
paresthsias, a throbbing or burning sensation,
cold, or numbness - ischemia can be so extreme as to cause gangrene
- The exact cause of Raynauds Disease remains
39Referred Pain
- Visceral afferents run in the same nerves with
somatic afferents - Pain in the viscera is transferred or
interpreted as if it came from somatic areas - Heart attack
- afferents in T1 - T5
- pain in the chest, arm, neck or face
40Risk Factors For Hypertension
- age
- heredity
- race
- gender
- weight
- diet
- lifestyle/activity level
- stress overstimulates sympathetic division?
- alcohol
- tobacco
41End Chapter 14
- Some additional information is presented in
slides beyond this end point for the lecture.
While you will not be tested on this additional
material in 2010, you will see it again in some
professional courses!
42Structure of the Autonomic Nervous System
Preganglionic neuron somata in the thoracic and
lumbar spinal cord segments. Preganglionic
neurons synapse onto postganglionic neurons in
the sympathetic chain ganglia. The
postganglionic neurons extend a long distance
(usually) to the target organs.
Preganglionic neuron somata in the brain and
sacral spinal cord. Preganglionic neurons
synapse onto postganglionic neuron ganglia near
or in the target organs. The postganglionic
neurons do not extend a long distance to the
target organs.
43Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Divisions
- Structurally, each division consists of nerves,
nerve plexuses, and autonomic ganglia - Each motor command is carried in a two-cell
circuit - Most effector organs and tissues receive impulses
from both divisions, a dual or parallel
innervation - The two divisions often serve as antagonists to
each other in adjusting and maintaining internal
homeostasis - Parasympathetic system dominates in sleep and
relaxation - Sympathetic dominates during vigorous
activity/strong emotion
44(No Transcript)
45Parasympathetic Pathways
- Cranial Outflow vial cranial nerves III, VII, IX,
and X - Cranial nerves III, VII, IX innervate
structures in head - Cranial Nerve X (Vagus) innervates ventral body
cavity carries 90 of parasympathetic fibers - Sacral Outflow
- Innervates distal half of large intestine,
urinary bladder, ureters, genitalia
46Sympathetic Ganglia
- sympathetic trunk ( sympathetic chain or
paravertebral) ganglia lateral to vertebrae - collateral (prevertebral) ganglia are located
near the major abdominal arteries - adrenal medullae function as sympathetic ganglia,
but neurotransmitters released into blood
47Sympathetic Paths
48Sympathetic Paths
- All preganglionic fibers exit spinal cord via
ventral root of spinal nerve, travel into ventral
ramus, and into sympathetic chain ganglion via
white ramus communicans - Then, 1 of 4 (sometimes overlapping)
possibilities - synapse with postganglionic neurons at that level
of sympathetic chain - travel up and/or down sympathetic chain to
synapse with postganglionic neurons at other
level(s) - Pass through sympathetic chain to prevertebral
ganglion (via splanchnic nerves) and synapse with
postganglionic neurons there - (pass through prevertebral ganglion to adrenal
49Unique Roles of the Sympathetic Division
- Regulates many functions not subject to
parasympathetic influence - These include the activity of the adrenal
medulla, sweat glands, arrector pili muscles,
kidneys, and most blood vessels - The sympathetic division controls
- Thermoregulatory responses to heat
- Release of renin from the kidneys
- Metabolic effects increased metabolic rate,
increased blood glucose, fat breakdown (lipolysis)
50Interactions of ANS Divisions
- Antagonistic most common, organs stimulated by
one division inhibited by the other - Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Tone
- Sympathetic tone controls most blood vessels
(even at rest) - Parasympathetic tone controls the normal activity
of the heart, digestive, and urinary systems - Cooperative Effects
- Important in normal sexual function
51Thermoregulatory Responses to Heat
- Applying heat to the skin causes reflex dilation
of blood vessels - Systemic body temperature elevation results in
widespread dilation of blood vessels - This dilation brings warm blood to the surface
and activates sweat glands to cool the body - When temperature falls, blood vessels constrict
and blood is retained in deeper vital organs
52Release of Renin from the Kidneys
- Sympathetic impulses activate the kidneys to
release renin - Renin is an enzyme that promotes increased blood
53Metabolic Effects
- The sympathetic division promotes metabolic
effects that are not reversed by the
parasympathetic division - Increases the metabolic rate of body cells
- Raises blood glucose levels
- Mobilizes fat as a food source
- Stimulates the reticular activating system (RAS)
of the brain, increasing mental alertness
54Localized Versus Diffuse Effects
- The parasympathetic division exerts short-lived,
highly localized control - The sympathetic division exerts long-lasting,
diffuse effects because NE - Is inactivated more slowly than Ach
- Acts indirectly, using a second-messenger system
- And epinephrine are released into the blood and
remain there until destroyed by the liver
55Localized Versus Diffuse Effects
- The parasympathetic division exerts localized
control because - preganglionic fiber travels directly to specific
targets and synapses with fewer ganglionic
neurons - acetylcholine is rapidly degraded
- The sympathetic division exerts diffuse effects
because - preganglionic fibers branch and synapse with many
ganglionic neurons - stimulation of adrenal medullae causes secretion
of epinephrine into blood - slower inactivation of norepinephrine and
56Effects of Drugs (see Table 14.4, p. 545)
- Atropine blocks parasympathetic effects
- Neostigmine inhibits acetylcholinesterase and
is used to treat myasthenia gravis - Tricyclic antidepressants prolong the activity
of NE on postsynaptic membranes - Over-the-counter drugs for colds, allergies, and
nasal congestion stimulate ?-adrenergic
receptors - Beta-blockers attach mainly to ?1 receptors and
reduce heart rate and prevent arrhythmias
57Drugs Which Influence the ANS
Table 14.4.1
58Drugs that Influence the ANS
59Drugs that Influence the ANS
60Drugs Which Influence the ANS
Table 14.4.2
61End Additional Materialon Chapter 14