Temptation of Jesus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Temptation of Jesus


Temptation of Jesus Temptation of Jesus From (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13), we read about the temptations that Jesus experienced. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Temptation of Jesus

Temptation of Jesus
Temptation of Jesus
  • From (Matthew 41-11 Mark 112-13 Luke 41-13),
    we read about the temptations that Jesus
    experienced. What were the purposes of these

What were the purposes of these temptations?
  • 1. Jesus was tempted to show us that He was
    sinless in order to prove His moral right to be
    our Savior.
  • A.   It is important for us to understand that
    the biblical writers must prove that Jesus was
    without sin (Heb. 415) because if He wasnt then
    His sacrifice would be useless.
  • B. Hebrews 415 For we do not have a high priest
    who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,
    but we have one who has been tempted in every
    way, just as we are--yet was without sin.

What were the purposes of these temptations?
  • 2. Jesus was tempted in order to show us that we
    can defeat Satan and escape his temptations.

How did Jesus defeat Satan and his temptations?
  • 1. Jesus defeated Satan and his temptations by
    using the Word of God. It is written.
  • A. There is power in the Word of God. (Eph.
    617) explains that Gods Word is a sword that we
    should use in spiritual combat. Satan is
    constantly tempting us to follow his ways and not
    Gods ways. So when we are under attack, we must
    quote Scripture and obey it.
  • B. Ephesians 617Take the helmet of salvation
    and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of

How did Jesus defeat Satan and his temptations?
  • 2. Jesus defeated Satan and his temptations by
    focusing upon God.
  • A. Every time Jesus was tempted, He not only
    quoted Scripture, but He also focused upon God.
    Every Scripture that He quoted made reference to
    God (Mt. 44, 7, 10).
  • B. Too often when we are tempted to sin, we focus
    on the sin itself and its pleasures. And when we
    do this, we often fail because sin is
    pleasurable. Instead, we need to have God at the
    forefront of our minds and focus on Him and not
    the sin.

How did Jesus defeat Satan and his temptations?
  • 3. Jesus defeated Satan and his temptations
    because He predetermined that He was going to
    serve God.
  • A. (Luke. 1613) No servant can serve two
    masters. Either he will hate the one and love
    the other, or he will be devoted to the one and
    despise the other. You cannot serve both God and
  • B. Joseph, in (Gen. 397-9), predetermined that
    he was not going to commit a sin against God by
    sleeping with Potiphars wife. How then could
    I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?

Led by the Spirit into Temptation (41-2)
  • Matt. 41Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into
    the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2After
    fasting forty days and forty nights, he was

Led by the Spirit into Temptation (41-2)
  • The work, however, begins with a time of
    intensive preparation. Notice the role of the
    Holy Spirit in this preparation. Jesus is
    described as "full of the Holy Spirit." The event
    at the Jordan was profoundly significant. Now
    Jesus is "led" by the Spirit in the desert.
    Mark's Gospel uses much stronger language "The
    Spirit immediately drove him out into the
    wilderness" (Mark 112). The verb in Mark is
    ekballo, "to cast out, to drive out." This
    leading wasn't a gentle one, but perhaps almost a
    compulsion. Jesus had been baptized and filled
    with the Spirit now he must go into the desert.

Led by the Spirit into Temptation (41-2)
  • Why the desert? Jesus wasn't yet ready to enter
    into his public ministry, so the desolate
    wilderness of the Jordan plain north of the Dead
    Sea, and the arid Judean hills west of the Dead
    Sea were places he could be alone. I'm sure he
    communed with his Father during this time. And,
    as we'll see from the nature of his temptations,
    the shape and meaning of his Messiahship were
    determined here. The desert, of course, was John
    the Baptist's home, and was also the place where
    Moses and Elijah had fasted and encountered the

Led by the Spirit into Temptation (41-2)
  • Fasting allows one to focus on the spiritual
    realm more intently. After the first few days,
    the hunger pangs subside some as the body's
    metabolism changes. Fasting can produce a clarity
    of mind and spirit. Was the forty days a literal
    time period? Perhaps not. The number forty is
    used so often in the Bible that it seems to be a
    rounded rather more than an exact figure, much as
    we might say "a month" in an imprecise manner. In
    any case, Jesus spent a long time in the desert.
    A long time to be tempted. A long time to fast.

Why Temptation?
  • An important lesson for disciples is this
    temptation is not sin. Satan may tempt us by
    putting evil thoughts into our mind, but we can
    push them right out again with God's help.

Could Jesus have sinned?
  • We can't imagine it. And yet, part of being human
    is to have a will free to choose wrong as well as
    right. He must have been able to sin, or
    temptation is just a big play-act.

1 Temptation of Hunger (43-4)
  • Matt. 41 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into
    the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2After
    fasting forty days and forty nights, he was
    hungry. 3The tempter came to him and said, "If
    you are the Son of God, tell these stones to
    become bread." 4Jesus answered, "It is written
    'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every
    word that comes from the mouth of God."

1 Temptation of Hunger (43-4)
  • The other alternative is for Jesus to hike to the
    nearest town for food to break his fast. The
    devil's suggestion is instant, within Jesus'
    power, and he IS very hungry. There comes a point
    in fasting where the hunger pangs return, and if
    you don't eat then, starvation and death take
    hold quickly. This is the temptation to meet
    legitimate physical needs by illegitimate or
    unnecessary means.

1 Temptation of Hunger (43-4)
  • But there's another subtle temptation here, as
    well. The devil slyly begins, "If you are the Son
    of God...." He's basically saying to Jesus, "You
    may not be the Son of God at all. Prove it to me
    by doing this minor miracle." When we're new at
    any role -- not to mention Messiahship -- we feel
    insecure. And when someone taunts us and doubts
    our role we're very tempted to SHOW THEM, to
    prove it. This is the temptation to pride, to
    prove ourselves to others -- and, in our
    insecurity, to ourselves as well.

1 Temptation of Hunger (43-4)
  • There's nothing wrong with meeting physical needs
    -- food, shelter, love, companionship, sex -- by
    legitimate means. But there is a higher law than
    our physical desires, and that is God's Word. The
    essence of Jesus' reply, a quotation of
    Deuteronomy 83, reads in full
  • "He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then
    feeding you with manna, which neither you nor
    your fathers had known, to teach you that man
    does not live on bread alone but on every word
    that comes from the mouth of the Lord."

1 Temptation of Hunger (43-4)
  • Jesus' point is that physical needs must be met
    God's way, not our own selfish, short-cut way.
    God is able to supply our needs, but we must wait
    on him and seek to do things his way. Bread --
    physical fulfillment -- is not more important
    than God's Word and way.

2 Temptation of Instant Acclaim (45-7)
  • 5Then the devil took him to the holy city and had
    him stand on the highest point of the temple.
    6"If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw
    yourself down. For it is written " 'He will
    command his angels concerning you, and they will
    lift you up in their hands, so that you will not
    strike your foot against a stone." 7Jesus
    answered him, "It is also written 'Do not put
    the Lord your God to the test."

2 Temptation of Instant Acclaim (45-7)
  • 1. Have you ever had dreams of fame? Of being a
    movie star or sports hero?
  • 2. The desire to be respected in your profession,
    or popular in your school are the more common
    ways we deal with this desire. Jesus' second
    temptation is for popularity.

2 Temptation of Instant Acclaim (45-7)
  • A vision or a physical event? A vision,
    probably. Jesus was physically in the desert. But
    the vision is no less tempting. Now the devil
    quotes Scripture to Jesus from Psalm 9111-12.
    Satan's implication is that if Jesus were to jump
    off the temple to the pavement far below, he
    wouldn't be injured. The effect on observers in
    the temple, however, would be startling, the
    ultimate PR stunt. The visible miracle of one
    walked away from mortal injury. Jesus would be
    instantly famous, and perhaps would be acclaimed
    Messiah on the spot.

2 Temptation of Instant Acclaim (45-7)
  • I don't think that the excitement of risking
    danger was Jesus' temptation. Rather it was the
    lure of popularity and public recognition. This
    is similar to the lure of power and material
    wealth, but it appeals even more directly to
    personal pride and self-exaltation.
  • "Humble thyself in the eyes of the Lord...And He
    shall lift you up." are the words of Bob Hudson's
    well-known chorus that reflects Scripture (James
    410 and 1 Peter 56). Jesus could choose the
    path of humility or pride. He chose humility.

2 Temptation of Instant Acclaim (45-7)
  • Jesus answered the devil with the words of
    Deuteronomy 616 "Do not put the Lord your God
    to the test." In other words, do not take some
    action that forces God's hand, that seeks to
    manipulate God to do what he otherwise would not
    wish to do. The passage Jesus was quoting
    referred to the Israelites' forcing God to act
    when they were thirsty at Massah in the
    wilderness. They had tested God by saying, "Is
    the Lord among us or not?" If so, then prove it
    to us by giving us water. There's a kind of
    insistent unbelief in this sort of testing.

2 Temptation of Instant Acclaim (45-7)
  • We force people to say nice things about us by
    our own carefully chosen words of
    self-deprecation. We force people to see us as a
    philanthropist (active effort to promote human
    welfare) by visible gifts to charitable causes.
    The forms of manipulation are innumerable and
    often so subtle that unless we are self-aware, we
    may almost fool ourselves. Too often, we try to
    manipulate God, too, with bargains and deals. We
    need to take seriously Jesus' words, "Do not put
    the Lord your God to the test."

3 Temptation of Power and Wealth (Matt. 48-13)
  • 8Again, the devil took him to a very high
    mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the
    world and their splendor. 9"All this I will give
    you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship
    me." 10Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan!
    For it is written 'Worship the Lord your God,
    and serve him only." 11Then the devil left him,
    and angels came and attended him.

3 Temptation of Power and Wealth (Matt. 48-13)
  • Satan claims both ownership of and the power to
    bestow political power and material wealth and
    splendor. It's interesting that Jesus doesn't
    question it. Satan isn't able to draw him into an
    argument that God alone is sovereign and Satan's
    power is usurped from its rightful owner --
    though Jesus' answer hints at this. Arguing with
    Satan makes the tempted person even more

3 Temptation of Power and Wealth (Matt. 48-13)
  • The incentives to compromise are almost
    impossible to resist, especially if the love of
    money and power have found a ready place in your
  • Can a person live in the business or political
    arena and retain his integrity? Yes, but not
    without facing and passing the kind of tests that
    Jesus met in the desert. Part of the lie is that
    Satan alone controls power and material rewards,
    and that the only way to reach them is the
    devil's way. But this IS a lie. The other way is
    to trust God and serve him in good times and bad,
    relying on him to exalt you if that is his will.

3 Temptation of Power and Wealth (Matt. 48-13)
  • We understand the temptation. We live in the
    present, we want instant gratification. We would
    rather get our rewards now and worry later about
    the future.

3 Temptation of Power and Wealth (Matt. 48-13)
  • Jesus knew that power was important to his
    mission as Messiah. But it must be power bestowed
    by his Father in due time. His was the hard way
    to glory -- through the cross and grave and
    resurrection. But in due time the Father exalted
    him to the highest place, the place that he
    deserved as God's equal (Philippians 26), and to
    the position in which he is publicly proclaimed
    before heaven and earth (Philippians 29-11). It
    took longer than Satan's way, but there was no
    bitter aftertaste.

1 Corinthians 1013
  • 13No temptation has seized you except what is
    common to man. And God is faithful he will not
    let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But
    when you are tempted, he will also provide a way
    out so that you can stand up under it.
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