Title: Зapa Dahiliye Gьnleri
1Çapa Dahiliye Günleri
- Tüberküloz Olgu Sunumu
- Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi
- Enfeksiyon Hastaliklari ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji
AD - Dr Uluhan Sili
- 2.Nisan.2009
- Prof Dr Ali MERTin bir olgusundan uyarlanmistir.
- 23 y, erkek hasta
- 4 hafta önce sistemik lupus eritematozus (SLE)
tanisi konmus - Ates, halsizlik, istahsizlik, kilo kaybi,
bulanti/kusma - Sistemik LAP, splenomegali
- Trombositopeni, lökopeni, ESR? (60mm/saat),
CRPN, proteinüri, mikroskopik hematüri, piyüri,
ALT ve AST ? - Anti-dsDNA (), ANA (-), C3 ve C4?
- Böbrek bx mezengioproliferatif lupus nefriti
3Klinik kötülesme...
- Steroid tedavisinin 4. haftasinda
- Klinik yanit alinmaya baslandigi sirada kötülesme
- Ates, kuru öksürük
- CRP? (x20)
- Kültürlerde üreme yok
- Akc PA N
4SLE reaktivasyonu düsünülerek...
- Pulse steroid siklofosfamid baslaniyor
- Bu tedavinin 2. haftasinda klinik yanit yok
- Haftalik çekilen akc grafisi ve YÇBT ile takip
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6Tani Miliyer TB
- BAL ARB (-)
- Empirik anti-TB (INH/RIF/PZA/EMB) baslaniyor
- BAL ve TB hemokültürde pansensitif M.
tuberculosis üremesi
7Anti- TB tedavinin 4. ayi içinde...
- Biraz düsme egiliminde olan atesleri tekrar ?
- Hafifleyen öksürükleri artiyor ve dispne ekleniyor
8YÇBT Miliyer odaklarda ilerleme
- Sayilari ve büyüklükleri artmis
- Üst loblardaki nodüllerde kaviteler gelismis
- BAL ARB ve PCR (-), kültür (-)
- TB hemokültür (-)
9Paradoksal Reaksiyon
- Yol tedaviye devam
- Anti-TB tedavinin 6. ayinda atesleri düsüyor ve
taburcu ediliyor
10Taburcu edildikten 1 ay sonra
- Birden biçak batar gibi ciddi sol yan agrisi
- Gittikçe artan solunum darligi
11TANI Pnömotoraks(Paradoksal reaksiyon sonucu)
- Dren konulup akc genislemesi saglaniyor
- Anti-TB tedavini 8. ayinda PPD ()lesiyor
- Tedavi 12 ay sürdürülüyor
- Tedavi bitiminin 12. ayinda miliyer odaklar
12Sonuç olarak...
- Miliyer TB, yeni atesi gelisen tüm immün düskün
hastalarda mutlaka akla getirilmelidir. - Bir derlemede miliyer TB olgularinin 20sine
tani post mortem konmus UpToDate - Miliyer infiltratlar saptanir saptanmaz anti-TB
tedavi baslanmalidir. Mert A, 2001, Respirology - Ilginiz için tesekkürler!
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17Underlying medical conditions in patients with
miliary tuberculosis (UpToDate)
18Symptoms in patients with miliary tuberculosis
19HRCT (UpToDate)
- more sensitive for miliary TB than plain chest
radiography - numerous, 2 to 3 mm nodules can be visualized,
distributed throughout the lung - However, while sensitive these findings are not
necessarily specific.
20Differential diagnosis of febrile illness with
miliary chest x-ray infiltrates (UpToDate)
- Infectious Diseases
- Mycobacterial
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria
- Fungal
- Endemic fungi (histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis,
blastomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis) - Bacterial
- Legionella micdadei infection, Nocardiosis
- Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae and
other pyogenic bacteria - Psittacosis, Tularemia, Bartonellosis,
Brucellosis, Meliodosis - Viral
- Varicella, Cytomegalovirus, Influenza, Measles
- Parasitic
- Toxoplasmosis, Strongyloidiasis, Schistosomiasis,
- Neoplastic diseases
- Lymphoma, Lymphangitic spread of carcinoma,
Mesothelioma - Other diseases
- Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis, Hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, Pneumoconioses - Foreign-body induced vasculitis related to
injection drug use
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22Frequency of positive smear or culture in
patients with miliary tuberculosis
23PCR for diagnosis of miliary TB (UpToDate)
- more sensitive than standard techniques in some
series examining respiratory specimens, CSF, bone
marrow, or liver biopsy specimens. - PCR of the blood was positive in 100 percent of
a small number of patients with disseminated
disease (defined as involvement of two or more
noncontiguous extrapulmonary organs), and in no
controls (healthy patients or patients with
positive PPDs).
24Treatment (UpToDate)
- Isoniazid and rifampin are then administered for
at least six months - Tailored to the underlying immune status of the
host, the burden of infection as well as the
clinical and microbiologic response - Longer therapy should be considered in the
following patients with miliary TB - Children and immunocompromised hosts, including
those with HIV infection and iatrogenic
immunosuppression - Those with lymphadenitis, a site of early relapse
in anecdotal reports - large organism burden, for example those with
anergic or non-reactive tuberculosis - slow microbiologic or clinical response