Team Performance Measurement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Team Performance Measurement


Team Performance Measurement Jill MacBryde & Kepa Mendibil Centre for Strategic Manufacturing University of Strathclyde, Scotland – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Team Performance Measurement

Team Performance Measurement
  • Jill MacBryde Kepa Mendibil
  • Centre for Strategic Manufacturing
  • University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Feedback - Australia July 2001.
  • Increasingly companies in Australia are adopting
    team-based approaches to work
  • But many companies are not achieving the benefits
    they thought they would get from teams
  • And many people working in teams are dissatisfied
  • Real interest in team performance management
  • Companies want a simple tool that they can use at
    any level of the organisation
  • What to measure
  • How to measure it

Feedback UK 2000-2002
  • The story is the same.
  • I dont think we will ever get the best out of
    our teams - not when the reward system is an
    individual one and people are shooting each other
    in the back!
  • We have a team that consistently performs well -
    how can we get the other teams to perform at this
    level ?
  • How can we continue to motivate staff when we
    have taken away so many middle management jobs ?
  • I want teams to manage themselves more!
  • How do we create measures on which to base team
    variable pay ?
  • How can I define performance measures for hard
    to measure white collar jobs ?
  • I want a system to manage my teams performance
    but if I wait for the senior management to buy
    into some system then Ill be waiting a long time!

  • The horizontal processes pull people in one
  • the traditional, vertical, management systems
    pull them in another!

So why teams?
  • Many people dont seem happy with their team
  • So why are we using teams more?
  • And are teams really the way forward?

Why Teams ?
  • Working effectively, teams can result in
  • increased flexibility
  • cost savings
  • focus on the customer
  • innovation and continuous improvement
  • ownership responsibility
  • happier staff
  • etc....

What the consultants fail to tell you
  • Its not about teams its about performance
  • Its not about individuals its about
    organisational design
  • Its not about structure as much as its about
    management philosophy
  • Its not about empowerment its about
    responsibility and accountability
  • ..and thats the bits that we will try to help
    you sort out today.

Why Teams ?
  • Some examples of good team performance
  • Litton
  • Rank Zerox
  • Dutton Engineering

Why Teams ?
  • Litton Interconnection
  • teams run their own mini-business
  • no job is a black box
  • everyone receives basic manufacturing training
  • customers are much happier
  • team members are more motivated
  • flexibility
  • the team is responsible for recruiting,
    scheduling etc..
  • shared values

Why Teams ?
  • Rank Zerox
  • self managed teams
  • productivity up
  • employee satisfaction significantly up
  • training was important
  • flexibility

Why Teams ?
  • Dutton Engineering
  • annual hours
  • effort put in when its needed
  • healthy competition
  • order fulfilment improved
  • employee satisfaction

So whats the success factor?
  • We believe establishing a team performance
    measurement system is central to success
  • But you first have to recognise the things that
    will contribute to team performance
  • Many performance measurement systems measure the
    process (output, quantity, quality etc.)
  • But often measuring the process is not enough
  • Some measure individuals contribution (skills,
    attitudes, output etc)
  • But often the way we measure individuals is
    counter-productive to the team or process effort
  • We dont want measures that just report on the
  • We want a performance measurement system that
    will help the team look forward as well as back.

Agenda for the day
  • Introduction and background to our work
  • Introductions tell us about your team
  • What influences team performance?
  • What should we measure?
  • Introducing the team performance measurement
  • Using the workbook to design your own team
    performance measurement system
  • Group presentations discussion
  • Next steps what you should do next
  • Feedback close

Introduction and background to our work
Background to CSM
  • The Centre for Strategic Manufacturing (CSM)
  • Based within the University of Strathclyde,
  • Our Mission - to facilitate performance
    improvements in manufacturing industries
  • Core areas of expertise
  • Business process improvement
  • Performance measurement
  • Strategy management
  • It was whilst working with companies in these
    areas that the issue of team performance surfaced

Initial Project
  • Funded by UK Government through the Engineering
    Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
  • 5 initial collaborators
  • IBM
  • UDV
  • Highland Spring
  • Rolls Royce
  • Applecross Properties
  • Comparative study between industrial partners and
    best practice organisations
  • Identifying the things that contribute to team
  • Developing a framework of what to measure

Initial Findings
  • We found no performance measurement system that
    included all critical aspects we believed to
    affect team performance
  • Organisations told us they would like a practical
    tool that will help them to manage their teams
  • So we set about develop such a tool
  • And the workbook that you have in front of you is
    the output!

Introductions tell us about your team!
What influences team performance?
What Influences Team Performance ?
  • Before we can design a team performance
    management system it is necessary to first look
    at the critical factors influencing team
  • We looked at the literature on teams and
    performance management
  • We visited companies that we believed to be best

What Influences Team Performance ?
  • Factors identified as being major contributors to
    team performance
  • Alignment with strategic objectives
  • Understanding the desired outcomes
  • The existence of a performance measurement system
  • The skills and abilities within the team (eg.
    education, ability to tackle problems etc)
  • Organisational support management (training
    development, keeping the team informed,
    rewarding, motivating etc..)
  • Type of team (eg. task force, project,
    self-directed etc.)

Lets look at these things that contribute to
team performance in more detail
  • The team needs to know what the organisation is
    trying to achieve
  • The team should also be aware of the measures
    that are important to the organisation
  • The team should be able to see how they are
    helping the organisation to achieve its
  • In todays workshop this is one of the first
    things we will do
  • look at what your organisation is trying to
  • look at what is being asked of the team
  • And ask if there is alignment

Understanding the desired outcomes
  • It is human nature - people to want to be
  • People want to know what is being asked of them -
    knowing where the goalposts are!
  • Achieving the desired outcomes should be
    celebrated and can help with affirmation of the
  • In the workshop we will help you to establish
    what the desired outcomes of your team process or
    task are

The existence of performance measures
  • Its true what they say
  • What gets measured gets done!
  • Measuring performance provides information to
    help with training, coaching, rewarding etc..
  • Performance measures help to create a positive
    feedback cycle
  • Later in the workshop we will help you to develop
    the appropriate measures for your team.

Team skills, behaviours etc.
  • In order to successfully achieve their process
    objectives the team will need to develop certain
    competencies and capabilities
  • Skills
  • Experience
  • Team dynamics
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Attention to quality
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility etc
  • Different teams will have different requirements
    in terms of competencies and capabilities
  • In the workshop we will help you to establish
    what enablers will be crucial for your team

Organisational support and management
  • The organisation needs to support the team in
    order for them to achieve their objectives.
  • For example the team may need..
  • Information
  • Access to resources
  • Spreading best practice
  • Trust etc
  • Different teams will have different requirements
    in terms of support they need from the
  • In the workshop we will help you to establish
    what organisational enablers will be crucial
    for your team

Type of team
  • Teams come in different guises
  • Some of us work in one team on one process
  • For others we will be part of many teams that are
    put together for specific purposes eg. a task
  • Before we develop performance measures we need to
    take the type of team into consideration

What type of team do you have?
What should we measure?
  • - the building blocks of the team performance
    measurement system

(No Transcript)
The process we will follow
  • 1. The Process
  • 1.1understand what the outputs of the team task
    or process are
  • 1.2 identify process objectives
  • 1.3 establish the appropriate measures to check
    performance against objectives

2. The Team Enablers 2.1 understand what the team
needs to do to achieve the process objectives 2.2
identify team objectives 2.3 establish the
appropriate measures to check performance against
3. The Organisational Enablers 3.1 understand
what the organisation needs to do to help the
team to achieve its process and team
objectives 3.2 identify organisational
objectives 3.3 establish the appropriate measures
to check performance against objectives
1. Identifying Process Objectives
  • The first thing we have to establish is the
    objectives of the process that the team is
    responsible for
  • What we mean by a business process is a series of
    linked activities, with a clear output that adds
    value to the business or to internal stakeholders

Questions we need to ask
  • Who are the customers of the team ?
  • What does the process team deliver to the
    customer ?
  • What performance criteria are the customers
  • What is the organisation really paying this team
    to achieve?

2. Identifying team objectives
  • Having established the process objectives we now
    need to ask
  • what does the team need to do to achieve these
  • What sort of competencies and capabilities will
    they need
  • Can we set objectives for the team to gain these
    competencies and exhibit these capabilities

Questions we need to ask.
  • What sort of behaviour is required to achieve the
    process goals ?
  • What are the values you want the team to share ?
  • Are there any procedures or processes you want
    the team to adhere to ?
  • What level of teaming is required ?
  • How crucial is communication amongst the team ?
  • What competencies are important ?

Critical success factors team enablers
3. Identifying organisational objectives
  • The team will need to be supported by the
  • We now need to establish what the organisation
    can do to support the team in achieving its
    process and team objectives

Questions we will ask
  • What knowledge does the organisation need to
    provide the team with ?
  • What technology does the team need ?
  • What other resources are required ?

Critical success factors organisational enablers
Introducing the team performance measurement
  • - how to build your own measurement system

Using the workbook to set objectives
  • The workbook will help you to look your own team
    and the context within which the team is working
  • It will help you to set objectives each of the
    three areas (building blocks)
  • Process objectives
  • Team Objectives
  • Organisational Objectives

Measuring performance against objectives
  • Having established objectives in the three areas
    we then need to think about how we measure
  • How the process is performing against the process
  • How the team is performing against the team
  • How the organisation is performing in terms of
    the support it is giving the team

Create Measures
  • Not everything can be measured with numbers
  • Good measures are those that can be observed and
    verified by someone else
  • Measures are the yardstick used to judge how well
    you have performed on each result
  • General Measures
  • quantity
  • quality
  • cost
  • timeliness
  • Specific Measures
  • numeric measures
  • descriptive measures
  • In the workshop we are going to use the catalogue
    of measures developed by the Centre for Business
    Performance at Cranfield University.

Provide Feedback
  • Need to give both positive and negative feedback
  • Effective tracking systems are
  • relevant
  • frequent
  • immediate
  • specific
  • Data Collection Decisions
  • what data to collect
  • when to collect it
  • who should collect it
  • who should receive it
  • how to collect it

Questions ?
  • lets go do it!

Agenda for the workshop
  • Understanding the process the team is responsible
  • Setting process objectives
  • Establishing appropriate process performance
  • Understanding what is needed from the team
  • Setting team objectives
  • Establishing appropriate team performance
  • Understanding what the organisation needs to do
    to support the team
  • Setting organisational objectives in relation to
    the team
  • Establishing appropriate organisational
    performance measures

Next Steps
  • What you can go and do next

Weight the Objectives
  • Weight is a percentage that describes the
    relative importance of a result
  • Weights can help the team prioritise and manage
    their time
  • Weights help the team member prioritise both team
    and individual results
  • Lack of priorities can cause problems
  • confusion about what is important
  • lack of shared vision
  • people will complain about their lack of credit
    for their contribution

Linking Team and Individual Objectives
  • Human nature - people want to be recognised for
    their individual contribution
  • Evaluating individual performance provides
    information to help with training, coaching,
    rewarding etc..
  • Rewarding outstanding contribution may be
    valuable - even in a loosing team
  • The problem is, how do we make sure the team and
    individual measures dont conflict ?
  • You might want to draw up a matrix
  • This may help team members to understand how the
    teams objectives/deliverables fit with their own

Linking Individual Process Objectives
Process Objectives
Team Members
Team Measures Matrix
Objective-Performance Matrix
To conclude
  • Hopefully you are leaving todays workshop with a
    better understanding of team performance
  • You should have the basis of a team performance
    measurement system which has been designed to
    suit your own team situation
  • You know what you should be measuring
  • And you have discussed which measures are
    appropriate to your team, taking into account
  • the company strategy
  • the type of team
  • the process or task objectives (process
  • the team competencies and capabilities (team
  • the organisational support needed (organisational
  • issues surrounding data collection

Still to do
  • Back at work you might consider weighting the
    objectives to help the team prioritise and
    manage their time and resources
  • And you may choose to link the team objectives
    and measures to individual objectives, measures
    and rewards
  • But the main thing is to put your team
    performance measurement system in place and
    start collecting the data so that you can start
    to see the areas where performance needs to be
  • And dont forget to review the measures you are
    using on a regular basis!
  • Good luck.

  • We welcome feedback.
  • . and let us know how you get on!
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