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VOTING TO ELECT A SINGLE CANDIDATE Single-Winner Elections Single-Winner Elections Election of a [unitary] executive office. Election of a representative from a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Single-Winner Elections

Single-Winner Elections
  • Election of a unitary executive office.
  • Election of a representative from a single-member
    district SMD
  • Election of slate Presidential electors running
    on a (winner-take-all) general ticket/slate.

Binary Voting
  • Just two options (so one winner and just one
  • Single-winner elections with just two candidates
  • straight fight British terminology
  • Yes/No voting
  • referendums
  • parliamentary voting

Kenneth Mays Theorem
  • Choices for voters in straight fight between A
    and B
  • vote for A
  • vote for B
  • abstain (if indifferent)
  • Possible voting outcomes
  • A is the winner
  • B is the winner
  • deadlock (no winner, hung electorate)

Mays Conditions (Reformulated)
  • Anonymity (of voters)
  • Neutrality (between options A and B)
  • Resoluteness (no deadlock)
  • Preliminary Theorem No voting system can be
    simultaneously Anonymous, Neutral, and Resolute.
  • All voting systems considered here are Anonymous
    and Neutral.

Mays Conditions (cont.)
  • Almost Resoluteness any deadlock is broken by
    any voter changing his vote.
  • Non-Negative Responsiveness votes dont count
  • Mays Theorem Anonymity Neutrality Almost
    Resoluteness Non-Negative Responsiveness ltgt
    Simple (Relative) Majority Rule

  • Moreover, in a straight fight SMR is
  • That is, no voter can ever improve the outcome
    with respect to his or her true preferences by
    misreporting those preferences on a ballot.
  • Voters will never regret voting sincerely or
  • Sincere voting is Nash Equilibrium.
  • However, in this respect SMR is not unusual in
    fact all non-negatively responsive voting systems
    are strategy-proof in a straight fight.

Three or More Candidates
  • Once the number k of options/candidates exceeds
    two, all sorts of problems arise.
  • Different (reasonable looking) voting
    procedures, all satisfying May-like conditions
    and equivalent to SMR in a straight fight, may
    produce different winners from the same
    preference profile.
  • No voting procedure is strategyproof.
  • No voting procedure is spoilerproof.
  • This is essentially Arrows Theorem.
  • One rationale for a two-party system is that it
    typically produces (something very close to)
    straight fights and therefore precludes these

Preference Profiles
  • With more than two candidates (k gt 2), voters
    preferences cannot be specified simply by listing
    their most preferred (top-ranked) candidates
    rather we must specify voters full preference
    ordering over all candidates (like the ice cream
  • A collection of preference orderings, one for
    each voter is called a preference profile.
  • We use British party labels to identify three
    candidates Labour, Liberal, and Conservative
    one of whom is to be elected. While there are
    six possible orderings of three candidates, we
    first consider a simple profile in which only
    three of these orderings are present and we
    indicate the popularity of each.
  • We assume all have strict orderings (no
    indifference) and there are no ties.

Preference Profile 1
  • of voters 46 20 34
  • 1st pref. Labour Liberal Conserv.
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Conserv. Liberal
  • 3rd pref. Conserv. Labour Labour
  • Simple Plurality Voting (SPV) first past the
    post or FPTP
  • Plurality Ranking
  • Candidates Votes Received ( First Preferences)
  • Labour 46 votes (winner)
  • Conservative 34 votes
  • Liberal 20 votes
  • Assuming sincere voting, SPV takes account of
    first preferences only.

Plurality vs. Majority Winner
  • Given a preference profile with k gt 2
  • A plurality winner is a candidate who has more
    first preferences than any other candidate.
  • A plurality winner always exists in the absence
    of ties.
  • A majority winner is a candidate who is the first
    preference of a majority of voters.
  • Every majority winner is also a plurality winner,
    but the reverse is not true.
  • There may not be a majority winner.

Plurality Plus Runoff (or Instant Runoff Voting
  • If there is no majority winner, there is a runoff
    between the top two candidates in the plurality
  • Under IRV, Profile 1 would produce a runoff
    between Labour and Conservative first and second
    in the plurality ranking, which Conservative
    would win.

Approval Voting
  • Voters can vote for (approve of) more than one
  • The candidate with the most approval wins.
  • Approval voting outcomes are indeterminate.
    Presumably a voter casts an approval vote for A
    and not for B only if the voters preference
    ordering ranks A over B no skipping.
  • In Profile 1
  • Labour wins if all voters cast only one vote.
  • Conservative wins if only voters in the middle
    bloc cast two votes
  • Liberal wins if all voters in the right bloc cast
    two votes or if all voters cast two votes.
  • S. Brams and P. Fishburn, Approval Voting

Borda Point Voting
  • Votes rank the candidates on the ballot.
  • Candidates are awarded three points for each
    ballot on which they are ranked first, two points
    for each ballot on which they are ranked second,
    and one point for each ballot on which they are
    ranked third (if k 3).
  • In general, m points, m-1 points, etc., when
    there are m candidates.
  • Borda Ranking for Profile 1
  • Liberal 220 points (winner)
  • Labour 192 points
  • Conservative 188 points

Condorcet Voting
  • Votes rank the candidates on the ballot.
  • Examine all pairs of candidates and see who wins
    each straight fight.
  • For Profile 1
  • Liberal vs. Conservative Liberal wins by 66-34
  • Conservative vs. Labour Conservative wins by
  • Liberal vs. Labour Liberal wins by 54-46
  • Assemble the Majority (or Condorcet) Ranking
  • 1st pref. Liberal (Condorcet Winner)
  • 2nd pref. Conservative
  • 3rd pref. Labour (Condorcet Loser)
  • Precisely opposite of Plurality Ranking (based on
    1st prefs. only) and different from Borda Ranking
    (also based on full rankings)

Condorcet Winners
  • A Condorcet winner is a candidate who can beat
    every other candidate in a straight fight.
  • A Condorcet loser is a candidate who is beaten by
    every other candidate in a straight fight.
  • A majority winner is always a Condorcet winner,
    but the reverse is not true.
  • A plurality winner may not be a Condorcet winner.
  • A Condorcet winner may not be a plurality winner.
  • Indeed, a Condorcet winner may have the fewest
    first preferences (e.g., Liberal in Profile 1).

Condorcet Voting (cont.)
  • Moreover, Condorcet Voting appears to be
  • Strategyproof, because it is built on Simple
    Majority Rule, which is strategyproof and
  • Spoilerproof, because (for example), regard-less
    of whether Nader is a candidate or not, Bush is
    the Condorcet winner only if he beats Gore in a
    straight fight.
  • So what about Arrows Theorem?

Problem There may be no Condorcet Winner
  • This assertion seems puzzling because every
    ranking has a highest ranked element.
  • But there may be no Majority Ranking.

Preference Profile 2
  • of voters 46 20 34
  • 1st pref. Labour Liberal Conserv.
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Conserv. Labour
  • 3rd pref. Conserv. Labour Liberal
  • First preferences are unchanged from Profile 1,
    so the plurality winner is unchanged.
  • As before, there is no majority winner.
  • Conservative remains the Plurality Runoff winner.
  • Labour becomes the Borda point winner.
  • Approval voting remains indeterminate.

Cyclical Majorities
  • Re-examine the straight fights
  • Liberal vs. Conservative Liberal wins by 66-34
  • Conservative vs. Labour Conservative wins by
  • Labour vs. Liberal Labour wins by 80-20
  • There is no majority ranking, no Condorcet
    Winner, and no Condorcet Loser.
  • Instead we have a cyclical majority that behaves
    like the even stranger ice cream customer.
  • In general, Condorcet Winners may not exist and
    Condorcet Voting is not a proper voting system,
    so Arrows Theorem stands.

Preference Profile 3
  • of voters 35
    33 32
  • 1st pref. B C D
  • 2nd pref. A A A
  • 3rd pref. C D B
  • 4th pref. D B C
  • Example of a socially divided society (e.g.,
    Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds in Iraq) Candidate A
    is the alliance (cross-community) candidate.
  • Candidate A is the Condorcet Winner even though A
    has no first preferences.
  • Candidate A is the Condorcet Winner even though
    the is a majority cycle among the other
  • Side point If A, B, C, and D are parties, the
    Alliance Party A wins no seats under list-PR.

Condorcet Consistency
  • A voting rule is Condorcet consistent if, given
    sincere voting, it always selects the Condorcet
    winner when one exists.
  • Previous examples showed that, given Profile 1,
    Liberal may fail to win under each of the other
    voting rules discussed, so none of them is
    Condorcet consistent.
  • Condorcet voting is obviously Condorcet
    consistent but, since it is does not always
    select a winner, it cannot be deemed a
    full-fledged voting rule.

Parliamentary (Yes/No) Voting
  • There are options A, B, C, D, .
  • Voting is by a sequence of binary votes taken in
    some fixed order (say alphabetical)
  • (1) A vs. B
  • (2) winner of (1) vs. C
  • (3) and so forth
  • If there is a Condorcet Winner, it can never be
    knocked out, so CW wins regardless of the voting
  • If there is a majority cycle and no CW, winner is
    determined by the voting order (later entry is

Single-Peaked Preferences
  • To say that majority cycles may exist is not to
    say that they typically are present.
  • Indeed, if preferences are structured in a simple
    way by ideology (or otherwise), cycles cannot
  • In British politics, the three major parties are
    generally perceived to be ideologically ranked
    from left to right in the following manner
  • More leftwing Labour
  • Relatively centrist Liberal
  • More rightwing Conservative

Single-Peaked Preferences (cont.)
  • Admissible Orderings Inadmissible
  • Leftwingers Centrists
    Rightwingers Orderings
  • 1st pref. Lab Lib Lib Con Con Lab
  • 2nd pref. Lib Lab Con Lib Lab Con
  • 3rd pref. Con Con Lab Lab Lib Lib
  • Why the name single-peaked?
  • In diagrams below, L leftist, C centrist, and
    R rightist

Single-Peaked Preferences (cont.)
  • Note the strength of the centrist (Liberal)
    candidate in the admissible orderings.
  • While it may be that few voters most prefer the
    centrist, no one likes the centrist least.
  • The centrist candidate must be the Condorcet
    Winner unless a majority of voters have the
    leftwing or rightwing ordering.
  • In other words, the centrist candidate fails to
    be the Condorcet Winner only if one of the
    extreme candidates is a majority winner.
  • In the general case, if all voters can be ranked
    from most leftwing to most rightwing with respect
    to their first preferences,
  • no cyclical majority occurs
  • some position on the ideological spectrum is the
    Condorcet Winner and
  • that CW position corresponds to the first
    preference of the median voter, such that no more
    than half the voters are more leftwing and no
    more than half are more rightwing (Duncan Black,
    Theory of Committees and Elections.
  • The Hotelling-Downs theory of electoral
    competition (to be discussed later) states that
    two competing vote-seeking parties or candidates
    achieve equilibrium only when both adopt the
    position that corresponds to the first preference
    of the median voter.

Strategic Voting under Plurality Rule
  • Any voting rule with three or more candidates may
    give some voters incentives to vote otherwise
    than sincerely.
  • Consider Profile 1 again.
  • of voters 46 20 34
  • 1st pref. Labour Liberal Conserv.
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Conserv. Liberal
  • 3rd pref. Conserv. Labour Labour
  • Labour wins under Plurality Voting if voters are
  • But a majority of 54 voters prefer both other
    candidates to Labour.
  • If they all vote for the same other candidate,
    that candidate wins, an outcome they all prefer
    to a Labour victory.
  • But doing this requires some voters among the 54
    to vote insincerely, i.e., for their second
  • Thus simple Plurality Voting can encourage what
    the British call tactical voting and most
    political scientists call strategic voting, i.e.,
    non-sincere voting.

Strategic Voting under Plurality Rule (cont.)
  • But how will the 54 voter majority coordinate
    their votes? Will they all vote for Liberal or
    for Conservative?
  • While all 54 voters prefer to see Labour
    defeated, they disagree as to how to defeat him,
    i.e., by voting Conservative or by voting
  • It is generally believed that, in practice,
    tactical voting in Britain mostly leads Liberal
    supporters to shift their votes tactically to
    their second-preference (Labour or Conservative)
    candidate, because they typically observe
    pre-election polls showing Liberal trailing well
    behind both other candidates, and they therefore
    conclude that a Liberal vote is wasted and that
    they should vote for the one of the two leading
    (non-Liberal) candidates that they prefer.
  • This can happen even though Liberal is the
    Condorcet winner, reflecting the fact that polls
    (almost always) ask only about first preferences
    and Liberal's great strength lies in second
  • If Liberal supporters find Labour and
    Conservative to be equally objectionable, they
    have no incentive to vote tactically.
  • If pre-election polls show something close to a
    tie for second place (or a three-way tie),
    tactical voting becomes far more conjectural.

Strategic Voting under Runoff or IRV
  • Preference Profile 1
  • of voters 46 20 34
  • 1st pref. Labour Liberal Conserv.
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Conserv. Liberal
  • 3rd pref. Conserv. Labour Labour
  • Under Plurality Runoff or IRV, the 46 voters
    who most prefer Labour would do better by ranking
    Liberal first, as this assures a Liberal victory
    (without a runoff), which outcome they prefer to
    the Conservative victory that otherwise results.
  • Moreover, other voters have no countermoves
    available. No strategic vote is available to 34
    voters whose first preference is Conservative,
    and the 20 voters whose first preference is
    Liberal are already getting their first

Strategic Voting Under Borda Point Voting
  • Given Profile 1, no voters can change their Borda
    score ballots in a way that improves the outcome
    for them.
  • Profile 2
  • of voters 46 20 34
  • 1st pref. Labour Liberal Conserv.
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Conserv. Labour
  • 3rd pref. Conserv. Labour Liberal
  • Given Profile 2, if the bloc of 20 ranks
    Conservative first and the bloc of 34 ranks
    Labour third, then Conservative gets the most
    Borda points (208 vs. 200 for Liberal and 192 for
    Labour), an outcome all 54 such voters prefer to
    victory by the sincere Borda winner Labour.

Strategic Voting Under Borda (cont.)
  • Preference Profile 3 4 in Handout
  • 46 54
  • 1st pref. Labour Conservative
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Labour
  • 3rd pref. Conservative Liberal
  • Labour wins if voting is sincere (demonstrating
    that Borda Point Voting can deny victory to a
    majority winner).
  • But the 54 Conservative-preferring voters can
    elect Conservative if they (insincerely) push
    Labour down to third place on their ballots.
  • In turn, the 46 Labour-preferring voters can
    counteract this by pushing Liberal to the top of
    their ballots (the resulting Liberal victory
    being preferable to Conservative).
  • Note that if strategic manipulation stops at this
    point (though it need not), Liberal is elected
    even though everyone prefers Labor to Liberal.
  • And things can get worse.

Borda Strategy Turkey Raising
  • There are three candidates a more or less
    reasonable Democrat D, a more or less reasonable
    Republican R, and a real turkey T. Everyone
    one ranks T last, except two deranged T
    supporters. The profile is
  • 50 voters 48 voters 1 voter 1
  • D R T T
  • R D D R
  • T T R D
  • If everyone votes sincerely, the Borda Point
    totals are D249, R247, and T104.
  • Anticipating this defeat, Republican voters
    caucus and notice an interesting feature of Borda
    Point Voting it can pay voters to engage in
    turkey raising, i.e., to strategically raise
    the turkey in their ballot rankings, so as to
    push the rival serious candidate down in their
    rankings and increase the point spread between
    the two.

Turkey Raising (cont.)
  • Suppose the Republicans strategically modify all
    their ballots so as to produce the following
    ballot profile
  • 50 voters 48 voters 1 voter 1
  • D R T T
  • R T D R
  • T D R D
  • The point totals would then be D201, R247, and
  • Democrats also notice this feature of Borda
    Voting and, concerned that Republicans may engage
    in turkey raising, they engage in some turkey
    raising of their own in order to counteract the
    anticipated Republican stratagem. So the final
    ballot profile is
  • 50 voters 48 voters 1 voter 1
  • D R T T
  • T T D R
  • R D R D
  • The final point scores are D 201, R 197, and
    T 202. May the best turkey win!

Spoiler Effects
  • A sincere electorate using Plurality Voting may
    behave exactly the confused ice cream customer.
  • Preference Profile 1
  • of voters 46 20 34
  • 1st pref. Labour Liberal Conserv.
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Conserv. Liberal
  • 3rd pref. Conserv. Labour Labour
  • Conservative beats Labour in a straight fight,
    but Labour wins if Liberal enters the election.
    So Liberal is a spoiler to Conservative.
  • Likewise, Liberal beats Labour in a straight
    fight, but Labour wins if Conservative enters the
    election. So Conservative is also a spoiler to
  • Note that the effect of the spoilers entry is to
    elect the last preference of the spoilers
    supporters, so the spoilers entry is
  • Note that, in this profile, Labour cannot be a
    spoiler, because if Labour enters what had been a
    Liberal-Conservative straight fight, Labour wins.

Spoiler Effects (cont.)
  • Spoiler effects may be mitigated by strategic
  • Duvergers Law Single-Winner elections with
    Simple Plurality Voting tend to produce two-party
    systems and straight fights Strategic voting to
    mitigate spoiler effects is one factor that
    drives Duvergers Law.
  • Dont waste your vote on a hopeless third
  • Candidate entry deterrence is the other,
    probably more important, factor that drives
    Duvergers Law.
  • Dont run as a third candidate, you will spoil
    the chances of the preferable of the two major
  • Multi-Winner elections no elected executives
    with any variant of Proportional Representation
    PR sustains multiparty systems. Other half of
    Duvergers Law

Spoiler Effects under IRV
  • Plurality Runoff/IRV is sometimes advocated on
    the grounds that it precludes the spoiler effects
    that characterize Simple Plurality.
  • Plurality Runoff/IRV is an improvement over
    Simple Plurality in this respect.
  • Under IRV, a single third candidate (such as
    Nader) with little first-preference support
    cannot act as a spoiler in what is essentially a
    straight fight between two major candidates,
    because the runoff will become precisely that
    straight fight.
  • However, if there are many candidates and/or
    first preferences are dispersed, Plurality
    Runoff/IRV is subject to spoiler effects.

Two Variants of IRV
  • There are (at least) variants of IRV.
  • They are equivalent if there are just three
    candidates but are distinct (and may produce
    different winners) if there are more than three
  • The first variant mimics Plurality Runoff.
  • If there is no majority winner, all candidates
    except the leading and second-place candidate in
    the plurality ranking are simultaneously
  • The ballots of all eliminated candidates are
    trans-ferred to one or other surviving candidate
    on the basis of lower preferences.
  • The surviving candidate with the most (original
    plus transferred) ballots is elected.

Two Variants of IRV (cont.)
  • The second variant is distinct from plurality
  • If there is no majority winner, the candidate
    with the fewest first preference ballots is
  • The ballots of the eliminated candidate are
    trans-ferred to one of the surviving candidate on
    the basis of second preferences.
  • If there is still no majority winner, the
    surviving candi-date with the fewest (original
    plus transferred) ballots is eliminated and the
    ballots are transferred on the basis of second or
    lower preferences.
  • And so forth until there is a majority winner
    (which necessarily occurs once all candidates but
    two have been eliminated.

Two Variants of IRV (cont.)
  • The second variant of IRV is also called the
    Alternative Vote.
  • It is the single-winner special case of a
    multi-winner voting system called the Single
    Transferable Vote (STV).
  • STV is used in small multi-member districts
  • It produces approximately proportional
    representation of groups among the winners, even
    if those groups are not political parties.
  • contrast with List-PR
  • STV is used to elect
  • the Irish Dail (Parliament)
  • the Australian House of Representative
  • the Cambridge MA City Council

Spoiler effects under Plurality Runoff (and 1st
IRV variant)
  • When there are many candidates, the Plurality
    Runoff and the first variant of IRV are subject
    to spoiler effects in precisely the same manner
    as Simple Plurality Voting, with respect to the
    question of which two candidates will survive
    into the runoff.
  • This is illustrated by the 2002 French
    Presidential election (Two Round or Plurality

  • Left splinter candidates spoiled Jospins
    chance to get into the second round runoff
    against Chirac.
  • However, if the second AV variant of IRV had
    been in used
  • ballots for left splinter candidates would have
    (presumably) transferred to Jospin
  • few ballot would have transferred to Le Pen and
  • Jospin would have gotten into the runoff and
    might have won.

Would Runoff/IRV Lead to a Proliferation of
Presidential Candidates?
Spoiler Effects under 2nd IRV Variant (AV)
  • However, spoiler effects also exist under the
    second IRV variant. This is illustrated by
    Preference Profile 1 with just three candidates
    (in which case the two variants are equivalent)
  • of voters 46 20 34
  • 1st pref. Labour Liberal Conserv.
  • 2nd pref. Liberal Conserv. Liberal
  • 3rd pref. Conserv. Labour Labour
  • Liberal wins a straight fight with Conservative,
    but Liberal does not even make it into the runoff
    if Labour enters the field. So Labour is a
    spoiler to Liberal under IRV.
  • This is not a distinctive flaw in Plurality
    Runoff (or IRV) because, as previously noted, the
    problem is unavoid-able with three or more

Negative Responsiveness under Plurality Runoff
(or IRV)
  • Plurality Runoff (or IRV) has another flaw that
    is distinctive (and avoidable).
  • Plurality Runoff (or IRV) can respond negatively
    when a candidates position in a preference (or
    ballot) profile becomes more favorable put
    otherwise, it can punish a candidate for gaining
    more support.
  • This sometimes called monotonicity failure.
  • It is a violation of Mays Non-Negative
    Responsive-ness condition

Negative Responsiveness under Plurality Runoff or
IRV (cont.)
  • Original Preference Profile 4
    Revised Preference Profile 4
  • 35 10 25 30
    35 10 25 30
  • A B B
    C A A B C
  • B A C A B
    B C A
  • C C A B
    C C A B
  • Prior to the election, a poll indicates that
    voting intentions those shown in Original
    Preference Profile 4. Candidate A is pleased
    with this information, because it projects that A
    and B will go into the runoff, which A will win.
  • However, A doesnt want to take any chances and
    urges his supporters to go out and drum up still
    more support for A. As supporters are
    successful, transforming the original profile
    into the revised profile, in which 10 voters who
    previously preferred B to A now prefer A to B.
    (No other preferences have changed.)
  • As a result of this successful campaign, A loses
    the election.

IRV and the No Show Paradox
  • Here is a related peculiarity of Plurality
    Runoff or IRV.
  • Preference Profile 5
  • 5 6 4 2 B C A A C B B B
    A A C C
  • The preference profile is as shown above, but the
    two individuals with the bracketed preference
    orderings fail to vote.
  • The election outcome is determined by the
    remaining 15 voters. Candidates B and C are
    paired in a runoff, which B wins.
  • This is somewhat disappointing for the two
    individuals who failed to vote, in that their
    second preference won.
  • They regret their failure to get to the polls and
    wonder whether their first preference A might
    have won if they had not failed to vote.
  • It can be checked that, if they had gotten to the
    polls and voted according to their preferences, C
    would have won (so the outcome would have been
    worse, not better, for them).

Clone Candidates
  • When I was 12 years old I was nominated to be
    treasurer of my class at school. A girl named
    Michelle was also nominated. I relished the
    prospect of being treasurer, so I made a quick
    calculation and nomi-nated Michelles best
    friend, Charlotte. In the ensuing election, I
    received 13 votes, Michelle received 12, and
    Charlotte received 11, so I became treasurer.
    T.N. Tideman
  • Consider the following preference profile, in
    which a Republican minority is united behind a
    single candidate R but the Democratic majority is
    split between the two clone candidates D1 and
  • Preference Profile 6
  • Democrats Republicans
  • 35 25 25 15
  • D1 D2 R R
  • D2 D1 D1 D2
  • R R D2 D1

Clone Candidates (cont.)
  • Clones are candidates who very similar in terms
    of their ideology, issue positions, etc. and are
    therefore adjacent in all voters preference
  • Simple Plurality is notorious for penalizing
    clone candi-dates.
  • In this case, the Republican candidate wins due
    to the Demo-cratic split, even though R is the
    Condorcet loser and would be beaten by both D1
    and D2 in straight fights.
  • D1 and D2 are spoilers against each other.
  • It is precisely the expectation of such outcomes
    under Simple Plurality voting that leads to party
    formation and party discipline.
  • The Democrats and the girls have a huge
    incentive to hold a prior nominating convention
    or primary to choose between D1 and D2 and then
    send just one of the two clones forward against
    the Republican.
  • Given the preference profile above, D1 would win
    the nomination and then the general election.

Plurality Runoff or IRV and Clones
  • Are there voting rules that can reduce,
    eliminate, or even reverse the self-defeating
    effect of run-ning clone candidates?
  • Given Profile 6, Plurality Runoff (instant or
    other-wise) solves the clone problem.
  • The first-round election functions as the
    (Democratic) primary (except that Republicans
    also vote in this primary).
  • The runoff functions as the general election in
    which the Democratic majority gets its way.
  • If there are four or more candidates, Plurality
    Runoff or IRV does not treat clones so well
    and, as we have seen, it is subject to other
    problems in addition.

Approval Voting and Clones
  • Brams and Fishburn advocate Approval Voting as a
    desirable a voting rule that (among other things)
    does not punish clones.
  • In Profile 6, presumably (almost all) Democrats
    would vote for both D1 and D2, one of whom would
    be elected.
  • By not penalizing clones, AV does not encourage
    party formation or party unity.
  • For this reason, many political scientists are
    more inclined to support AV for primary elections
    and non-partisan elections than for partisan
    general elections.

Double-Vote List-PR and Clones
  • A variation of one type of party-list PR
    (Propor-tional Representation) system is another
    voting method that does not penalize clones who
    have the same party affiliation.
  • In a district that elects m candidates, each
    voter votes for m candidate, but these vote
    counts in two ways
  • first, as a party vote to determine which party
    wins the election and
  • second, as a candidate vote to determine which
    candidate(s) of the winning party is elected. In
    the profile above (with m 1), D1 would be

Borda Point Voting and Clones
  • Perhaps surprisingly, Borda Point Voting actually
    rewards the running of clones.
  • Suppose that there are two candidates and
    Republicans are again in the minority.
  • Preference Profile 7A
  • 60 voters 40 voters
  • D R1
  • R1 D
  • With just two candidates, the Borda point rule is
    identical to Plurality Voting (and SMR), so the
    Republican candidate R1 loses.

Borda Point Voting and Clones (cont.)
  • But, if Borda Voting is in use, the Republicans
    can reverse this outcome by nominating an
    additional clone candidate R2 whom everyone sees
    as identical to R1 with respect to issues and
    ideology but inferior with respect to (lets say)
    personal qualities.
  • Preference Profile 8A
  • 60 voters 40 voters
  • D R1
  • R1 R2
  • R2 D
  • Democrats can counteract this Republican
    stratagem by strategi-cally ranking R2 above R1.
  • Alternatively, they can counteract it by running
    their own clone.
  • Borda voting is highly susceptible to strategic
    maneuvers of this sort (which, moreover, have the
    effect of expanding the candidate field rather
    than winnowing it down in the manner of Plurality
  • Also recall turkey raising under Borda

Overall Conclusion
  • Two-candidate elections (straight fights) are
    clean and simple.
  • Elections with three or more candidates are
    complex and inevitably quirky.
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