Title: Geodatabase
1Digital Mapping Techniques 04
By Vic Dohar, Natural Resources Canada
- Managing datasets in a map production environment
- No intention to create a data model or replicate
NADM - Geodatabase used for map production
- Snapshot of current migration strategies from
workstation to ArcGIS (work in progress)
3Current Map Production at GSC
- A-series and Open File geology maps since 1994,
50 to 70 maps per year - Data is managed in the coverage model using
ArcInfo Workstation 8.3 - GEMS application
- Digital data adheres to Cartographic Digital
Standards (CDS) - Stored/archived in ArcSDE (not in a geodatabase)
4Migrating to ArcGIS
- Change in ESRI technology forces us to change
- Geodatabases provide domains and custom topology,
used to validate features - ArcGIS is not restricted to coverages model,
various formats from various sources - ArcGIS provides connections to databases
- Open development for customizing ArcMap
- Tiered license ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo
5Migration Goals
- Develop a geodatabase schema for managing spatial
geology data - Make use of domains for standardizing feature
names and validating features - Produce similar maps with ArcMap as with
workstation, faster and more efficiently
6Migration Strategy
- Three stages (ArcGIS Help)
- Use existing data with ArcMap
- Data management and editing using the geodatabase
- Convert to geo-processing tools, ArcGIS 9.0
- Decided to bundle stages 1 and 2, due to
available resources, training, and managing a
production environment
7What is a Geodatabase?
- ArcGIS Help
- ESRI press
- Publications Modeling Our World
- Resources available from www.esri.com
- Download sample geodatabases
8Geodatabase Case Studies
9Designing a Geodatabase
- Several different methods1) ArcCatalog menus and
wizards2) CASE tools using Visio (UML) 3)
Geodatabase Designer (XML) - Experimented with importing existing coverages
into a personal geodatabase. - Organizing data into manageable features
10Geodatabase Designer
- Export schema to XML. Edit, modify using an XML
editor - XML schema can be imported or distributed
- Integrated with ArcCatalog
- Free!
11Geodatabase for Map Production
- Separate geodatabase schemas for bedrock geology
data, surficial geology data and cartographic
elements - Store datasets, simple features and tables
- Domains and topology used to validate features
- Sub-types used with domains to group/categorize
simple features - Use relationship classes to define relates
12Surficial Units Feature Class
- Single field used to differentiate geology
polygon units
13Surficial Geodatabase
- Map with compound units and veneers
14Surficial Unit Composition Table
15Surficial Unit Composition Table
16Surficial Legend Table
17Surficial Unit Composition Table
18Complex IDs Table
- Description of relationship involving complex
units for all surficial maps
19Surficial Geodatabase
- Labeling polygons using a table
20Surficial Unit Label Table
21How it all fits together!
Feature class
Unit labels table
Unit composition table
Complex ID table
Legend table
22How it all fits together!
- Expressed in relationship classes
23How it all fits together!
- Shown when performing a query or identify
24Surficial Geology Topology
- Topology can only exist for participating
features within a dataset - Implementing two simple rules
- Surficial units polygons must not overlap
- Contacts must overlap boundary of surficial units
25Geomorphology Line, Point and Area Features
- Remaining surficial features are classified into
point, line and area simple feature classes - Each of the feature classes contains a sub-type
field used to classify or categorize the features - Features are assigned a coded value from a domain
that pertains to the sub-type to which it belongs
26Coded Value Domain
- Domains are propertiesof the geodatabase
27Sub-Type Field
- Sub-types are properties of the feature class
28Geomorphology Line Feature Class
29Making Maps with ArcMap
30Style Files and Symbols
- Symbolsets from Workstation that utilize custom
fonts (IGL, TrueType) do not import into style
files - All line, marker, and pattern symbols require to
be created from scratch - Thus far have converted all shade colours, and
most line and marker symbols - Created true type font of point symbols
31Map Surround Generation
- Insert Word, CorelDraw, other files as objects
- Custom application for generating title block,
and recommended citation, and other surround
information - Design specifications and content are XML based
- Uses metadata that user enters in forms
- Ensures consistent high quality map product,
facilitates map production
32Legend Generation
- Current legend generation using ArcInfo
workstation is accomplished using a text file and
an AML - Proposing to store legend information in an XML
file - Contain units, minerals, lithology, and symbols
- Contain description as well as hierarchical
levels - Currently developing a XML schema to store this
33Legend Generation
- Design interface to populate XML file
- VBA script to render legend in ArcMap using
native graphics (boxes, lines, text, etc) - XML file is portable and can be used for other
34Connections to Databases
- Connect to geochronology database to display
point data - Script to generate graphic
- Not required to store age data
- Minerals database
- Use of table for labeling point data
- Field observations database, others ???
GSC lab Elevation
Age Material
x Mn
35Remaining Issues and Goals
- The verdict is not in on a final geodatabase
schema - Better labeling of features to avoid
managing/editing annotation (Maplex) - Implement in map production
- Next year have all pieces/connections in place
(GDR, SDE geodatabase, NADM)
- Parm Dhesi, GIS Specialist SymbolsRoger
MacLeod, GIS Specialist SymbolsNorah Brown,
ArcObjects XMLDave Everett, GIS
SpecialistSheila Hynes, GIS SpecialistBarb
Szlavko, ArcSDE/Oracle AdminTerry Houlahan,
ArcSDE/Oracle Admin
37Contact me at
- Vic Dohar Cartographic Applications Specialist
Publishing Services Subdivision ESS Info
Division Earth Sciences Sector Natural
Resources Canada 601 Booth Street Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada K1A 0E8 telephone 613-943-2693
fax 613-952-7308 email vdohar_at_NRCan.gc.ca - web www.nrcan.gc.ca/ess/carto