Title: Lipid Transport
1Lipid Transport
- Lipoprotein Structure, Function, and Metabolism
2Clinical Case
- 8 y.o. girl
- Admitted for heart/lung transplantation
- Medical history
- Xanthomas at 2 yo
- MI symptoms at 7 yo
- TC1240mg/dl
- TG350mg/dl
- Diet statin cholestyramine
- Mother TC 355, father TC310
- Coronary artery bypass at 7 yo
- 8 yo severe angina, second bypass
- TC 1000mg/dl
- Transplantation successful
- TC260mg/dl, xanthomas regressing
3Plasma LipoproteinsStructurefigure 19-1
- LP core
- Triglycerides
- Cholesterol esters
- LP surface
- Phospholipids
- Proteins
- cholesterol
4Plasma LipoproteinsClasses Functions
- Chylomicrons
- Synthesized in small intestine
- Transport dietary lipids
- 98 lipid, large sized, lowest density
- Apo B-48
- Receptor binding
- Apo C-II
- Lipoprotein lipase activator
- Apo E
- Remnant receptor binding
5Chylomicron Metabolismfigure 19-3
- Nascent chylomicron (B-48)
- Mature chylomicron (apo C apo E)
- Lipoprotein lipase
- Chylomicron remnant
- Apo C removed
- Removed in liver
6Plasma LipoproteinsClasses Functions
- Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL)
- Synthesized in liver
- Transport endogenous triglycerides
- 90 lipid, 10 protein
- Apo B-100
- Receptor binding
- Apo C-II
- LPL activator
- Apo E
- Remnant receptor binding
7Plasma LipoproteinsClasses Functions
- Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (IDL)
- Synthesized from VLDL during VLDL degradation
- Triglyceride transport and precurser to LDL
- Apo B-100
- Receptor binding
- Apo C-II
- LPL activator
- Apo E
- Receptor binding
8Plasma LipoproteinsClasses Functions
- Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
- Synthesized from IDL
- Cholesterol transport
- 78 lipid, 58 cholesterol CE
- Apo B-100
- Receptor binding
9VLDL Metabolismfigure 19-4
- Nascent VLDL (B-100) HDL (apo C E) VLDL
- LPL hydrolyzes TG forming IDL
- IDL loses apo C-II (reduces affinity for LPL)
- 75 of IDL removed by liver
- Apo E and Apo B mediated receptors
- 25 of IDL converted to LDL by hepatic lipase
- Loses apo E to HDL
10Plasma LipoproteinsClasses Functions
- High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
- Synthesized in liver and intestine
- Reservoir of apoproteins
- Reverse cholesterol transport
- 52 protein, 48 lipid, 35 C CE
- Apo A
- Activates lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
(LCAT) - Apo C
- Activates LPL
- Apo E
- Remnant receptor binding
11LDL Metabolism
- LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis
- LDL receptors on coated pits
- Clathrin a protein polymer that stabilizes pit
- Endocytosis
- Loss of clathrin coating
- uncoupling of receptor, returns to surface
- Fusing of endosome with lysosome
- Frees cholesterol amino acids
12Coordinate Control of Cholesterol Uptake and
- Increased uptake of LDL-cholesterol results in
- inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase
- reduced cholesterol synthesis
- stimulation of acyl CoAcholesterol acyl
transferase (ACAT) - increased cholesterol storage
- TG C -gt DG CE
- decreased synthesis of LDL-receptors
- down-regulation
- decreased LDL uptake
13Heterogeneity of LDL-particles
- Not all LDL-particles the same
- Small dense LDL (diameter lt256A)
- Large buoyant LDL (diameter gt256 A)
- Lamarche B, St-Pierre AC, Ruel IL, et al. A
prospective, population-based study of low
density lipoprotein particle size as a risk
factor for  Can J Cardiol 200117859-65. - 2057 men with hi LDL, 5 year follow-up
- Those with elevated small dense LDL had RR of 2.2
for IHD compared to men with elevated large
buoyant LDL - Detection expensive
- Treatment for lowering small dense LDL similar to
lowering all LDL (diet, exercise, drugs) - Some drugs (niacin, fibrates) may be more
effective at lowering small dense LDL.
14LDL Particle Size and Apolipoprotein B Predict
Ischemic Heart Disease Quebec Cardiovascular
Apo B
gt120 mg/dl
lt120 mg/dl
LDL Peak Particle Diameter (nm)
Lamarche B et al. Circulation 19979569-75.
15HDL Metabolism Functions
- Apoprotein exchange
- provides apo C and apo E to/from VLDL and
chylomicrons - Reverse cholesterol transport
16Reverse cholesterol transportfigure 19-6
- Uptake of cholesterol from peripheral tissues
(binding by apo-A-I) - Esterification of HDL-C by LCAT
- LCAT activated by apoA1
- Transfer of CE to lipoprotein remnants (IDL and
CR) by CETP - removal of CE-rich remnants by liver, converted
to bile acids and excreted
17Resolution of Clinical Case
- Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH)
- Family history
- Early xanthomas and very high TC
- Absence of LDL-receptors
- Homozygous FH
- Parent TC consistent with heterozygous FH
- 1/500 Americans with heterozygous FH, treatable
with diet/drugs - 1/106 with homozygous FH
- Diet and drugs relatively ineffective
- Liver has 70 of LDL-receptors
- Combined liver/heart recommended because of
advance CHD
18(No Transcript)
19Exam 2Monday, July 18
- Lipid Transport
- Chapter 19
- MAAG chapter 54
- Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance in Adipose
- Effect on LPL causing hyperlipidemia
- Signaling fault resulting in inappropriate
lipolysis - Cholesterol Metabolism
- Chapter 21
- MAAG chapter 32
- Format
- Multiple choice questions
- Short essay questions