Cell Membrane, Cell Transport - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cell Membrane, Cell Transport


Cell Membrane, Cell Transport & Cell Division Chapter 7: Membrane Structure and Function Chapter 12: The Cell Cycle Plasma Membrane Plasma Membrane ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cell Membrane, Cell Transport

Cell Membrane, Cell Transport Cell Division
Chapter 7 Membrane Structure and
Function Chapter 12 The Cell Cycle
Plasma Membrane
Plasma Membrane Structure
  • Boundary that separates the living cell from its
  • Phospholipids are the most abundant lipid
  • Arranged in a bilayer
  • hydrophobic region (tails)
  • hydrophilic region (heads)
  • Exhibits , allowing some substances to
    cross it more easily than others
  • The states that a membrane is a fluid
    structure with a mosaic of various proteins
    embedded in it

Phospholipid Structure
Selective Permeability
  • A cell must exchange materials with its
    surroundings, a process controlled by the plasma
  • Regulates what enters and leaves the cell
  • Hydrophobic (nonpolar) molecules, such as
    hydrocarbons, can dissolve in the lipid bilayer
    and pass through the membrane rapidly
  • Polar molecules, such as sugars,
  • Maintains inside the cell
  • Allows for of cells in same organism

Fluid Mosaic Model
  • Phospholipid molecules can
  • Makes the membrane act like a
  • Fluid Mosaic Model Animation

Membrane Cholesterol
  • Cholesterol is a
  • Adds to plasma membrane
  • Helps keep fatty acid tails of phospholipids

Membrane Proteins
  • Different proteins are embedded in the fluid
    matrix of the lipid bilayer
  • They determine most of the
  • Spread throughout the membrane like raisins in
    raisin bread
  • Allow membrane to with its environment

Membrane proteins
  • are bound to the surface of the membrane
  • penetrate the hydrophobic core
  • Integral proteins that span the membrane are
  • The hydrophobic regions of an integral protein
    consist of one or more stretches of nonpolar
    amino acids, often coiled into

Membrane proteins
  • Six major functions of membrane proteins
  • Signal transduction
  • Intercellular joining
  • Attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular
    matrix (ECM)
  • Includes a carbohydrate chain

Carbohydrate chains
  • Carbohydrates on the external side of the plasma
    membrane vary among species, individuals, and
    even cell types in an individual
  • Attached to phospholipids ( ) or proteins (
  • These a cell
  • Individual (Mr. Fusco cell)
  • Species (Human cell)
  • Type (kidney cell)
  • Cells recognize each other by binding to surface
    molecules, often carbohydrate chains, on the
    plasma membrane

LABEL THESE PARTS Cholesterol Glycolipid Phosphol
ipid Glycoprotein Integral protein Carbohydrate
chain Peripheral protein Inside/Outside of cell
Cell Transport
  • Because of the numerous amount of activities
    associated with the cell, substances must
    constantly move in and out of the cell
  • There are 2 types of cell transport

Passive versus Active
  • Passive
  • the concentration gradient ( )
  • From random molecular motion
  • Active
  • the concentration gradient ( )

Concentration Gradient
  • From High ? Low
  • NO energy needed
  • From Low ? High
  • Energy Needed
  • Substances diffuse down their concentration
    gradient easily
  • No work must be done to move substances
    the concentration gradient
  • Work is required to move substances
    the concentration gradient

Transport Types
  • Passive
  • Diffusion
  • Osmosis
  • Facilitated Diffusion
  • Active
  • Protein pumps
  • Endocytosis
  • Exocytosis

  • Diffusion is the tendency for molecules to
    into the available space
  • Although each molecule moves randomly, diffusion
    of a population of molecules may exhibit a net
    movement in one direction
  • the concentration gradient
  • HIGH ? LOW
  • require energy
  • Results in (as many molecules cross
    one way as cross in the other direction)
  • Diffusion Animation

(No Transcript)
  • Osmosis is the across a selectively
    permeable membrane
  • Water diffuses across a membrane from the region
    of lower solute concentration to the region of
    higher solute concentration

Simple Rule for Osmosis
  • Salt is a
  • When it is concentrated inside or outside the
    cell, it will draw the water in its direction

  • is the ability of a solution to cause a cell
    to gain or lose water
  • Three types of solutions
  • solution
  • solution
  • solution
  • Hypertonic or hypotonic environments create
    osmotic problems for organisms
  • , the control of water balance, is a
    necessary adaptation for life in such environments

Isotonic Solutions
  • water and solute (salt) concentrations
    inside and outside the cell
  • Dynamic Equilibrium
  • Water in water out
  • Cells keep normal shape
  • Solute concentration is the same as that inside
    the cell
  • across the plasma membrane

Hypotonic Solutions
  • solute (salt) concentration outside than
  • Since salt sucks, water will move into the cell
  • Solute concentration is less than that inside the
  • (swells) and may burst

Plant Cells in Hypotonic Solution
  • is the pressure inside plant cells
  • Cell walls help maintain water balance
  • A plant cell in a hypotonic solution swells until
    the wall opposes uptake
  • Cell is now
  • If a plant cell and its surroundings are
    isotonic, there is no net movement of water into
    the cell
  • Cell becomes , and the plant may wilt

Hypertonic Solutions
  • solute (salt) concentration outside than
  • Water sucked out of the cell
  • Solute concentration is greater than that inside
    the cell

Cells in Hypertonic Solutions
  • Animal Cells
  • Plant Cells
  • Turgor pressure drops
  • In a hypertonic environment, plant cells lose
  • Eventually, the membrane pulls away from the
    wall, a usually lethal effect called

Facilitated Diffusion
  • Some molecules are so small that they pass
    through the membrane with little resistance
  • Oxygen Carbon Dioxide
  • Lipid molecules (even though very large) also
    pass easily
  • In speed the passive movement of
    molecules across the plasma membrane
  • (transmembrane) provide corridors that
    allow a specific molecule or ion to cross the
  • , for facilitated diffusion of water
  • that open or close in response to a
    stimulus (gated channels)

(No Transcript)
Active Transport
  • Moves substances their concentration
    gradient (Low ? High)
  • Requires energy in the form of
  • Active transport is performed by specific
    proteins embedded in the membranes

Protein Pumps
  • Protein 'pump' requires energy (ATP) to function
  • Allows cells to maintain concentration gradients
    that differ from their surroundings
  • The is one type of active transport
  • Exchanges in animal cells
  • Transported molecules enter the in the
  • The energy causes a shape change in the protein
    that allows it to move the molecule to the other
    side of the membrane

(No Transcript)
  • Ability of a cell to
  • Ex. large molecules, groups of molecules, or
    whole cells
  • Requires Energy
  • Cell takes in macromolecules by forming vesicles
    from the plasma membrane
  • There are three types of endocytosis
  • Phagocytosis ( )
  • Pinocytosis ( )
  • Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Types of Endocytosis
  • In a cell engulfs a particle in a vacuole
  • The vacuole fuses with a lysosome to digest the
  • In , molecules are taken up when
    extracellular fluid is gulped into tiny
  • In , binding of ligands to receptors
    triggers vesicle formation
  • A is any molecule that binds specifically to
    a receptor site of another molecule

Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis
  • Opposite of endocytosis
  • To expel wastes or secrete hormones
  • Requires energy
  • Transport vesicles
  • Many secretory cells use exocytosis to
  • Endocytosis and Exocytosis Animation

Cell Division
  • Life is based on the ability of cells to
  • Rudolf Virchow (German physician) stated omnis
    cellula e cellula meaning
  • cell division one cell divides into two cells

Why Cells Divide
  • Unicellular organisms
  • cell division asexual reproduction (new
  • Multicellular organisms
  • (single cell to trillions)
  • Cell division is an integral part of the cell
    cycle, the life of a cell from formation to its
    own division

Cell Cycle - Eukaryotes
  • Defined nucleus houses DNA as chromosomes, a
    condensed form of chromatin
  • Most cell division results in daughter cells with
    identical genetic information (DNA)
  • A special type of division produces nonidentical
    daughter cells (gametes, or sperm and egg cells)
  • Goal
  • Chromosomes are from 1 parent cell
    (before division) to each daughter cell (after
  • Includes

Cell Cycle - Eukaryotes
Cell Cycle
  • Interphase ( ) can be
    divided into 3 subphases
  • (first gap)
  • (synthesis)
  • (second gap)
  • The cell grows during all three phases
  • Makes proteins
  • Copies organelles
  • Chromosomes are duplicated only during the S
  • Mitosis is the division of the
  • Cytokinesis is the division of the

Eukaryotic Chromosomes
  • Chromatin
  • Long strands of DNA wrapped around proteins
  • In preparation for cell division, DNA is
    replicated and condenses to form chromosomes
  • Each duplicated chromosome has two , which
    separate during cell division
  • The is the narrow waist of the
    duplicated chromosome, where the two chromatids
    are most closely attached
  • Chromosomes must be copied before a cell divides
  • Each new cell must have a complete set
  • Contain thousands of genes
  • Vital for organisms to properly function

(No Transcript)
Human Example
  • 23 pairs of chromosomes
  • 1 originally from mom, 1 from dad
  • Every time our body cells ( )
  • Each NEW cell must also end up with 23 pairs of

Chromosome Duplication
  • One chromosome
  • 2 sister chromatids
  • Exact copies
  • Attached by a centromere
  • Cell division separates sister chromatids
  • Each new cell gets one copy of each chromosome

Mitotic Phase
  • Mitosis is conventionally divided into five
  • Prophase
  • Prometaphase
  • Metaphase
  • Anaphase
  • Telophase
  • Cytokinesis is well underway by late telophase
  • Some texts do not recognize this as a separate

ProphasePro before
  • Chromosomes
  • Nucleolus and nuclear envelope
  • Microtubules that controls chromosome movement
    during mitosis
  • Includes the centrosomes, the spindle
    microtubules, and the asters
  • An aster is a radial array of short microtubules
  • During prophase, assembly of spindle microtubules
    begins in the centrosome, the microtubule
    organizing center

  • Nuclear envelope completely gone
  • Microtubules
  • Some spindle microtubules attach to the of
    chromosomes and begin to move the chromosomes
  • Kinetochores are specialized protein structures
    at the centromere

MetaphaseMeta with (middle)
  • Chromosomes line up at
  • Also called the metaphase plate (midway point
    between the spindles two poles)
  • Microtubules attach

Anaphase Ana upward or back (apart)
  • Sister chromatids
  • Move along microtubules connected to kinetochore
    towards opposite ends of cell
  • Chromatids now chromosomes
  • Other microtubules elongate cell

TelophaseTelos end
  • Reverse of prophase
  • Begins when chromosomes reach poles
  • Chromosomes (less condensed)
  • Genetically identical daughter nuclei form at
    opposite ends of the cell

  • Division of cellular contents
  • Cytoplasm
  • Organelles
  • In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by a process
    known as

  • In plant cells, a
  • Formed from vesicles that pinch off of the Golgi
    body, move along microtubules, and join in the
    middle of the cell

Some Animations
  • Mitosis Animation
  • Mitosis and Cytokinesis Animation
  • Mitosis Animation 2

Mitosis Ho-Down
  • MITOSIS is a process that helps one cell become
  • It happens when a cell dies or makes some brand
  • This is how a cut heals and how a baby grows
  • It works all oer the body from your head down to
    your toes
  • PROPHASE is the first phase where chromosomes
    you'll see
  • Then comes METAPHASE where they line up perfectly
  • After that is ANAPHASE where they are pulled
  • Finally is TELOPHASE, cells split then go back to

Cell Cycle Controls
  • The sequential events of the cell cycle are
    directed by a distinct , which is similar
    to a clock
  • The cell cycle control system is regulated by
    both internal and external controls
  • The clock has specific where the cell cycle
    stops until a go-ahead signal is received
  • G1, G2, M checkpoints

Cell Cycle Controls
  • G1 checkpoint seems to be
  • A go-ahead signal at the G1 checkpoint allows
    cell to complete the S, G2, and M phases and
  • No go-ahead signal and the cell will exit the
    cycle, switching into a
  • G2 checkpoint
  • Assesses success of
  • Triggers start of mitosis
  • Mitosis checkpoint
  • Assesses accuracy of mitosis
  • Occurs during

Cell Cycle Controls
  • Two types of regulatory proteins are involved in
    cell cycle control
  • Activity of cyclins and Cdks fluctuates during
    the cell cycle
  • MPF (maturation-promoting factor)
  • A cyclin-Cdk complex
  • Triggers a cells passage past the G2 checkpoint
    into the M phase
  • Also called mitosis-promoting factor
  • Cell Cycle Control Animation

  • Disease of cell cycle
  • DNA mutation changes genes that normally control
  • Cancer cells do not respond normally to the
    bodys control mechanisms

Features of Cancer Cells
  • Normal cells divide about 50 times before dying
  • Aging, toxins (smoking), mutagens (UV light), DNA
    replication errors
  • Instead of sticking to neighbors, cancer cells
    become round, allowing for metastasis (spread)
  • Keep growing after touching neighbor

  • Cancer cells form
  • Masses of abnormal cells within otherwise normal
  • Abnormal mass of essentially normal cells
  • Remain at original site
  • Invade surrounding tissues
  • Can
  • Move to other sites and create a new tumor
  • Cells send out signals for blood vessel
  • Gives them food, oxygen, escape route

Review Questions
  1. Identify and describe the parts of the fluid
    mosaic model of the plasma membrane.
  2. Describe the various regions of a phospholipid
    molecule as they apply to the arrangement of the
    plasma membrane.
  3. Explain the role of cholesterol in the membrane.
  4. Describe the 2 main types and 6 various functions
    of membrane proteins.
  5. Differentiate between passive and active
  6. Explain the idea of a concentration gradient,
    along with moving down and against it.
  7. Define tonicity and explain hypertonic, isotonic,
    and hypotonic solutions.
  8. Define osmoregulation and turgor pressure.
  9. Differentiate between diffusion, osmosis, and
    facilitated diffusion, naming the parts of the
    membrane that help these transports.
  10. Differentiate between protein pumps, endocytosis,
    and exocytosis, naming that parts of the membrane
    that help these transports.
  11. Name and describe 3 types of endocytosis.
  12. Explain the importance of cell division.
  13. Name the parts of the cell cycle and state the
    events that occur in each stage.
  14. Differentiate between chromatin, chromosome, and

Review Questions
  1. Define somatic cells.
  2. Name the 5 steps to the cell cycle.
  3. Define cytokinesis and explain how it differs in
    plant and animal cells.
  4. Describe the 3 events that occur in prophase.
  5. Name 2 events that occur in prometaphase.
  6. Name 2 events that occur in metaphase.
  7. Name the main event of anaphase.
  8. Name 3 events that occur in telophase.
  9. Explain how the cell plate forms in plant cell
  10. Name the 3 checkpoints of the cell cycle control
    system and explain what occurs in each step.
  11. Differentiate between the roles of cyclins and
    cyclin-dependent kinases.
  12. Define the importance of MPF.
  13. Relate the formation of cancer to the cell cycle.
  14. Name 4 major features of cancer cells.
  15. Define tumor and differentiate between benign and
  16. Define metastasis.
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