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Stems and Roots


Stems and Roots Chps 9 and 10 Roots Need Food and Oxygen Plant root cells are efficient at mineral absorption, but they use a lot of ATP. ATP is also required for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stems and Roots

Stems and Roots
  • Chps 9 and 10

Chp 9 Vocabulary
  • Lignin
  • Tracheids
  • Vessel elements
  • Primary xylem
  • Primary phloem
  • Vascular bundles
  • Sieve elements
  • Companion cells
  • Symplastic loading
  • Secondary xylem
  • Secondary phloem
  • Cork
  • Periderm
  • Suberin
  • Pressure (mass) flow
  • Vascular cambium
  • Cork cambium

Stems are Fundamental Plant Organs
  • Vascular plants are those plants that have a
    conducting system composed of vascular tissue
    (xylem and phloem).
  • Stems are indispensable organs for most plants.
    All other organs (leaves, buds, roots) are
    attached to stems. Stems enable plants to
    increase their height or length, mass, and
    surface by the activity of apical meristems.
  • Plant stems are usually branched, which allows
    increase in mass and the amount of surface
    available for attachment of leaves and
    reproductive structures. The more leaves on a
    stem, the greater the amount of sunlight they can
    harvest in photosynthesis.
  • Stems transport water and minerals collects by
    roots from the soil to the leaves where these
    materials are needed for photosynthesis (xylem),
    and conduct sugars produced in the leaves to
    roots and any other places where sugar fuel is
    needed (phloem)
  • Xylem is defined by the presence of the tough,
    waterproofing compound lignin on walls of
    specialized cells tracheids and vessel
    elements. Lignin also provides support to
    vascular tissue and thus the plant.

Structure and Function of Stems
  • In herbaceous (nonwoody) stems and the young
    stems of woody plants, xylem and phloem tissues
    differentiate from precursor tissue (procambium)
    formed by the apical meristem.
  • Mature conducting tissues formed in this way are
    known as primary xylem and primary phloem. These
    primary conducting tissues are located near each
    other within elongate vascular bundles.
  • The vascular tissue in a plant is interconnected
    extending from the roots, through thte stem,
    into branches and leaves and other organs like
    the water pipes in your house.

Phloem Tissues
  • Phloem tissues include pipeline components known
    as sieve elements, which may consist of sieve
    cells or sieve tube members end to end.
  • Sieve elements possess pore-containing end walls
    known as sieve plates. Their perforations
    develop by expansion of plasmodesmata. Pores in
    the end walls of sieve elements allow phloem sap
    a watery solution of sugars and other organic
    molecules to move freely from one cell to the
  • Phloem sieve elements are alive at maturity, but
    the nucleus and some other cell components are
    degraded during sieve element development and are
    thus absent from mature cells. In order to
    function, sieve elements require the help of the
    adjacent companion cells, which have nuclei and
    provide materials to the sieve cells via

  • Ex. When a plant is cut or wounded, P protein
    (phloem protein) masses along the sieve plate of
    sieve elements, forming a slime plug. Such
    plugs function to reduce the loss of phloem sap,
    much as clots reduce blood loss from the vascular
    system of animals.
  • Another wound response is deposition of the
    carbohydrate callose, which also helps to plug
    phloem sap leaks.

Phloem Conducts Sugars
  • Phloem provides plants with a long-distance
    transport system. The direction of transport in
    phloem is from the source of organic molecules to
    sites, known as sinks, where molecules are
    utilized like roots, flowers, etc.
  • Direction is source to sink
  • In some plants, sugars are loaded from the cells
    producing them either directly into sieve
    elements or indirectly, via companion cells
    through plasmodesmata. This process is known as
    symplastic loading.
  • Other plants have apoplastic loading of phloem,
    which occurs from intercelular spaces. This
    means that it will require active transport
    through the cell membrane.
  • The force that moves organic compounds within the
    phloem is known as pressure flow or mass flow and
    is based on osmosis and cell water potential.

Water Moves bc of Transpiration
  • With a few exceptions, plants obtain their water
    and minerals from the soil and move these
    materials via the roots xylem into the stem.
    The stems xylems main function is to transport
    water and minerals to other organs.
  • Water moves in the xylem as the result of
    transpiration, the evaporation of water from
    plant surfaces like the stomata. A stream of
    water rises through the plant as each water
    molecule lost from a cell at the surface is
    replaced by another from inside the cell, which
    in turn exerts an attractive force on nearby
    water molecules, causing the water to rise.
  • Xylem will help new leaves and flower buds grow
    by placing sugar in a watery solution to flow up
    the tree (days are warm, nights are cold in
    spring). Maple trees are good sources of such
    xylem sap and are cultivated in large plantations
    called sugar bushes. With care, 150 L can be
    tapped per year without harming the tree.

Wood and Bark
  • Many plants produce no wood or bark, but woody
    plants produce wood tissue and bark by the action
    of two meristems (vascular cambium and cork
  • The girth increase of a tree trunk is known as
    secondary growth. The cambiums are secondary

Vascular Cambium
  • Mature vascular cambium takes the form of a
    cylinder. It produces lignin-rich secondary
    xylem tissue on the inside (wood) and secondary
    phloem on the outside (inner bark).
  • Addition of a thick cylinder of wood requires
    that the circumference of the vascular cambium
    must increase, necessitating the addition of new
    vascular cambium cells by cell division.
  • Ray initials produce ray parenchyma cells and ray
    tracheids (together form vascular rays). Rays
    store things and transport food laterally across
    the stem.

  • During each growing season, the vascular cambium
    produces new cylinders of secondary xylem, adding
    new wood and growth rings. Rings from previous
    years may still transport water, but really old
    rings (toward the center) can become clogged by
    tyloses from neighboring parenchyma cells.
  • Innermost wood is heartwood full of
    decay-resistant chemicals, good for furniture
  • Phloem exists towards the outside, in the inner
    bark layer. They are susceptible to bark damage
    because it would cut off its food supply
    (girdling or ringing a tree will kill it).

Cork Cambium
  • As young woody stems begin to enlarge, the
    delicate epidermis eventually ruptures and its
    protective role is replaced by cork.
  • Cork is produced to the outside of a secondary
    meristem called the cork cambium.
  • Together, the cork, cork cambium and parenchyma
    cells make up the periderm. When periderm become
    worn out, they will be replaced by a new periderm
    on the inside. Eventually the old periderm will
    create outer bark. The outer bark is dead
    whereas inner bark is still living.
  • Cork cell walls have layers of lignin and
    suberin. Suberin helps prevent microbial attack
    and also waterproofs the stems surface.
  • Lenticels are slightly raised patches of various
    shape that interrupt the barks cork layer to
    allow gas exchange for the inner stem tissues.

Human Uses for Stems
  • Paper Paper started as papyrus, which was made
    from the stems of the papyrus plant. Papyrus
    also made rafts, sails, cloth, and cord. To make
    paper, the Egyptians peeled the outer layers of
    papyrus stemss off, exposing the pith. The pith
    was sliced into thin strips and laid across one
    another. Workers then pounded the layers making
    starch release from the cells and thus gluing the
    strips together and then dried in the sun.
    Today, most paper is made from wood pulp.
    Genetic engineers are working on making trees
    with more cellulose and less lignin for paper.
    Lignin byproducts of the pulp are toxic and can
    threaten water supply.
  • Cork The cork oaks cork layer is several inches
    thick. It can be stripped without hurting the
    tree. Cork is able to float and is used as
    insulation, floor covering, shoe soles and bottle
  • Bamboo used for housing in some areas. UK is
    working on creating earthquake-proof housing with
  • Wood construction material, fuel, paper,
    furniture. Known for strength and beauty and
    makes up more than 1 of the worlds total
    economy. Species like redwood and white oak are
    desired for ship building. Basswood, yellow
    birch, and black cherry are valued for making
    musical instruments because their structure lends
    to a beautiful tone.

Chapter 10 Vocabulary
  • Embryonic root
  • Storage root
  • Prop root
  • Aerial root
  • Buttress root
  • Lenticel
  • Epiphytic plants
  • Taproot system
  • Feeder root
  • Root hairs
  • Gravitropism
  • Mucigel
  • Pericycle
  • Micorrhizal fungi
  • nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Roots Play a Variety of Roles
  • When seeds germinate, the first plant organ to
    emerge is the embryonic root, the radicle, and a
    primary root is soon present on young plants.
  • Shoot development depends on enlargement of cells
    by water uptake. And photosynthesis requires
    water to serve as the necessary electron donor.
    Both of these processes are highly dependent on
    an early water and mineral supply.
  • Bryophytes do not have roots. Moss and
    bladderworts are examples. Because their leaves
    are so thin, they can directly absorb water and
    minerals from their very wet environment.
  • Some roots store carbohydrates during the first
    year of growth of biennials. Carrots, sugar
    beets, parsnips, and rutabagas are biennials
    grown for their food-roots.

Roots are Hormone and Secondary Compound Sites
  • Roots produce the plant hormones cytokinins and
    gibberellins, which are transported in the xylem
    to the shoot, where they influence growth and
  • Roots are also a site for producing protective
    secondary compounds. Ex. Nicotine is made in the
    roots of tobacco plants and moved to the leaves
    to act as a poison that helps prevent herbivore
  • The roots of an African tree has long been known
    to produce a yellow substance used by healers to
    treat syphilis and leprosy (both caused by
    bacteria). Recent studies showed that the yellow
    compound (identified as a terpene) does in fact
    kill bacteria and fungi.

Root Support
  • If you look closely at the base of corn plants,
    you may notice prop roots, growing from the stem
    into the soil. These specialized roots help the
    tall corn plants stay upright even though they
    lack woody tissue.
  • Some tropical trees grow in thin soil and use
    buttress roots to help keep from falling over on
    a windy day.
  • Aerial roots form from a stem and form massive
    columns to support the heavy branches.

Specialized Roots
  • Pneumatophores (breath bearers) are specialized
    roots of some types of mangrove trees. They grow
    upward into the air, absorb oxygen rich air via
    surface openings lenticels.
  • When the tide is up, the lenticels are protected
    by waterproofing substances. When the tide goes
    back down, air is sucked into the lenticels.
  • Some herbaceous plants like dandelions have
    contractile roots which shorted by collapsing
    their cells. This allows the root to pull deeper
    into the ground where its warm to survive
    changing early spring weather.
  • Parasitic plants like the dodder obtain water,
    minerals, etc from host plants by producing
    rootlike organs that penetrate the hosts stem
    and tap into the hosts vascular system.
  • Epiphytic plants grow non-parasitically on other
    plants and have specialized roots Their roots
    are aerial and are photosynthetic. Ants often
    form an association with such plants and provide
    nitrogen to the plant with their waste.

Types of Underground Root Systems
  • Plant roots differ in their external form. These
    differences result from variations in the fate of
    a seedlings primary root. For example, in
    gymnosperms and eudicot angiosperms, the primary
    root generates a taproot system single main
    root from which many branches emerge.
  • In grasses and other monocots, the primary root
    lives for a short time and is replaced by a
    system of roots that develop from the bottom of
    the plants stem. Roots from a stem are called
    adventitious roots. Many adventitious make up a
    root system.

  • If no single root is most prominent, then we say
    its a fibrous system (many branched roots).
    These are usually shallower in the ground than a
  • Feeder roots, produced by both taproot and
    fibrous root systems are fine (lt2mm in diameter)
    peripheral root that are most active in absorbing
    water and minerals from the soil. Feeder roots
    have limited lifespans and are continuously
  • Knowledge of feeder roots is helpful in
    landscaping. When transplanting a plant, make
    sure you know where the roots end so you do not
    risk cutting them when digging the plant up,
    otherwise the plant may not be able to obtain
    nutrients from the injured roots and not survive.

External Root

Root Structure and Function
  • Feeder roots are young branch roots. Soil
    texture influences root branching. Plants that
    must grown through hard, dry soil have fewer
    branch roots than those growing in moist, loose
  • Branch roots and the main root axis are covered
    by an epidermis, which is sometimes covered by a
  • A region closer to the root tip is fuzzy with
    countless root hairs fingerlike extensions from
    some epidermal cells. For most roots, these
    hairs are the main location of water and mineral
    absorption, and root hairs are a major site of
    uptake selectivity, the ability of plant roots to
    discriminate between useful and harmful soil
  • At the cone-shaped tip, there is a root apical
    meristem (RAM). This region of meristematic
    cells, which divide rapidly, increasing the
    number of cells in the main portion of the root.

  • Protecting the RAM is a root cap, whose cells are
    also generated by the apical meristem. Cells in
    the center of the root cap contain starch-rich
    plastids, amyloplasts. Some experts think that
    amyloplasts operate as gravity sensors since they
    are heavy enough to fall as the root grows, thus
    signaling the downward growth path normal to most
    root cells.
  • Other experts believe there are different
    mechanisms for gravitropism, a roots growth
    response to gravity. Plant biologists do not
    fully understand why plants know which way is
  • Root cap cells slough off the root tip a few days
    after being created, so they must continually be
    replaced. These dispersal cells, known as root
    border cells, do not then just die, but
    apparently help modify the external root
    environment in ways that prevent attack by
    microbes and tiny soil worms.
  • The tips of roots are embedded in a blanket of
    mucigel, a gluey substance secreted from the
    Golgi apparatus of root tip epidermal cells.
    Mucigel lubricates the root and helps in water
    and mineral absorption and creates a favorable
    environment for beneficial microbes.

Root Mineral Absorption
  • Root xylem obtains minerals and water in one of
    two ways
  • Water and minerals are selectively taken up by
    root hairs and transmitted via plasmodesmata
  • Water and minerals that penetrate root tissues
    within intercellular spaces and cell walls are
    selectively absorbed at the cell membrane of
    nonsuberized surfaces of endodermal cells and
    released on the other side.
  • Mineral passage from root hairs through the
    cortex and endodermis via plasmodemata is known
    as symplastic transport. This allows beneficial
    minerals to be absorbed and harmful ones to be
  • When minerals dissolved in water diffuse from the
    roots environment into epidermal cell walls,
    then through walls of cortical cells to the
    endodermis, such movement is known as apoplastic
    transport. In apoplastic transport, harmful
    minerals are unable to be excluded which could
    cause the plant to be injured.

Root Hairs Have Selective Absorption
  • Epidermal root hairs and cells of the endodermis
    filter out mineral content of water.
  • Many metal ions (iron, copper, manganese, and
    magnesium) are needed by plants for the proper
    functioning of enzymes and other complex
    molecules in plant cells. Magnesium is used in
    chlorophyll and iron is an electron carrier in
    photosynthesis and respiration.
  • Aluminum is abundant in soil but toxic to plants.
    It can bind to things like proteins and
    nucleotides causing disruption in membrane
    function. The first symptom of aluminum toxicity
    in plants is that roots stop elongating within 5
    minutes of exposure.

  • Aluminum toxicity is a major limitation in
    growing crops. Its more prominent in acidic
    soils in high industry areas.
  • Acid rain can turn soil acidic. When soil gets
    below a pH of 5, positively charged metals stick
    to the soil releasing aluminum ions that are then
    dissolved in the soil water and available for
    absorption. Plants can bind the aluminum by
    releasing organic acid, but the best way to avoid
    it, is to uh, avoid it! ?

  • Phosphate is needed to construct phospholipid
    membranes, ATP, and DNA/RNA. Phosphate is one of
    the most important components for plants.
  • Phosphate forms strong chemical bonds with iron
    and aluminum oxide minerals in solid, reducing
    its availability. The organic acids mentioned
    earlier can help dissolve the aluminum, freeing
  • Plant root cell membranes contain transporter
    proteins whose shapes enable them to bind even
    small amounts of soil phosphate and move it into
    the cell. When soil phosphate is low, root cells
    increase the number of phosphate transporter

Roots Need Food and Oxygen
  • Plant root cells are efficient at mineral
    absorption, but they use a lot of ATP. ATP is
    also required for cell division at the root tip.
  • The most efficient mode of ATP production is
    aerobic respiration (uses O2). Roots cannot
    photosynthesis, so the phloem must bring them
    sugar sap.
  • Roots of a plant are called heterotrophic because
    they (like animals) must consume their food
    (dont make it).
  • Root produced carbon dioxide dissolves in soil
    water to produce carbonic acid which will cause
    weathering of the soil. This is another way
    plants help reduce carbon dioxide.

Beneficial Microbes
  • Beneficial microorganisms can form symbiotic
    relationships with plant roots.
  • These include mycorrhizal fungi and
    nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which live within roots
    of legumes and some other plants.
  • These microbes help plants obtain the large
    amouts of minerals needed for growth (this growth
    would otherwise be limited). This allows for a
    better competing plant and a higher crop yield.
  • Mycorrhizal fungi are important in providing
    phosphate. Almost all vascular plants have
    mycorrhizal fungi.
  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria supply the nitrogen
    compounds required by plants to produce amino
    acids and proteins. Legumes have much closer
    associations with such bacteria, producing
    special root nodules whose tissues harbor
    nitrogen-fixing bacterial partners.

  • Legume-bacterial relationships begin with a
    chemical conversation.
  • Legume roots secrete flavonoids into the soil
    (secondary compound)
  • Legume-root flavonoids signal to soil N-fixing
    bacteria, which respond to the flavonoid signal
    by secreting small organic molecules into the
  • Legume-root epidermal cell membranes contain
    receptor molecules that recognize and bind
    molecules excreted from specific bacteria. These
    bacterial compounds cause the root hairs to curl
    within special root cells.
  • Root nodules contain both infected and uninfected
    cells and mature nodules possess vascular tissue
    that connects with the root vascular system that
    distributes compounds containing nitrogen
    throughout the plant.
  • The bacteria are plant specific due to the
    secondary compounds released.
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