Title: Avoid Failure, Improve Performance, and Reduce Cost
1 Avoid Failure, Improve Performance, and Reduce
- Surface Modify Your Geosynthetics with
Fluoro-Seal Reactive Gas Treatments
2 - Fluoro-Seal treatments with elemental reactive
gas create chemical change in the exposed
surface molecules of thermoplastics, including
geosynthetics. Reactive gas molecules bond to and
chemically modify all exposed surfaces. The
treatment has been used for many years to
increase hydrocarbon barrier properties and
enhance adhesive bonding to coatings, sealants,
and epoxies.
3Bond Geosynthetics to Almost Anything
- And
- Increase Permeation Resistance
- As Well As
- Increase Chemical Resistance
- Increase Resistance to Surface Oxidation
- Increase Resistance to Stress Crack Initiation
- Reduce Depletion of Stabilizers
4Surface Modification Improves Performance and
Long Term Durability of Containment Systems
- Fluoro-Seal Treatments
- Reduce potential for future failure
- Lower life-cycle costs
- Permit new applications of lower cost materials
- Reduce liability by reducing failure frequencies
- Reduce liability by using best-available-technolo
5Bond Geosynthetics to Almost Anything
6Surface Modified Geosynthetics Permit High
Strength Adhesive Assembly
- For example, polyethylene liners have
traditionally been joined with heat seaming and
mechanical attachment. Use of adhesives and
coatings have been out of the question due to
poor adhesion. - But good quality structural adhesion is now
possible by chemically changing the surface of
geomembranes through Fluoro-Seal reactive gas
initiated surface modification. The process
provides a surface treatment similar to corona,
plasma, or flame treatments, while going deeper
into the material with a much more effective and
long term change of surface chemistry.
- Reliable structural adhesive assembly through
Fluoro-Seal surface modification means - 1) Better installation and repair opportunities
in field applications, - 2) More reliable methods for bonding dissimilar
materials such as concrete, steel, and different
polymers - 3) New opportunities for improved efficiencies
in pre-fabrication assemblies, - 4) The option to bond over 100 of contact
surface areas (as opposed to edge or spot
connections only), - 5) Secondary supplemental seaming for liability
protection in leak-prone locations as desired,
and - 6) The bonding and application of beneficial
paints and coatings - 7) New opportunities for the assembly of
geosynthetic composites
8Tensile Peel Test of 60 mil (1.5 mm) White
Surfaced Geomembrane Adhesively Bonded after
Fluoro-Seal Surface Modification
- Results Film Tear Bond
- Adhesive connection is stronger than tear
strength of the geomembrane
- Meets most rigorous requirement even for heat
9Film Tear Bond in Tensile Peel Test of 100 mil
(2.5mm) Polyethylene Adhesively Bonded After
Fluoro-Seal Surface Modification
- Adhesive bond strength exceeds tear strength of
100 mil (2.5mm) thick HDPE a remarkable
performance for adhesive bonding
10With Surface Modification Many Different
Geosynthetics Can be Reliably Bonded to Similar
and Dissimilar Materials Including Concrete and
Steel as Shown Here with Geonet
11Film Tear Bonds in Tensile Tests of Surface
Modified Polyethylene Geomembrane Adhesively
Bonded to Steel using Two Different Epoxies
12Concrete and Other Dissimilar Surface Connections
Can Now be Fully Sealed
- Heretofore geomembranes have been limited to
batten strips and neoprene gaskets, and expensive
embedded strips, Fluoro-Seal surface modified
HDPE geomembrane can now be adhesively joined
with structural bonding to nearly all surfaces,
hard or soft, smooth or rough.
13The Batten Strip/Gasket Connections to Concrete
in Surface Impoundments Should Not be Expected to
Remain Leak Free
- Silicone seals of battening do not last
- Batten Strips and Gasketing Can Also Be Expensive
- Battening leaks around bolt holes and bolt
threads - Once saturated, neoprene gaskets will leak
14Better Concrete Connections can be Made Using
Adhesives and Sealants with Surface Modified
15In Concrete Block Pullout Tests with Surface
Modified HDPE the Adhesive Bond is Stronger than
the Concrete
16Fluoro-Seal Surface Modified HDPE Adhesively
Bonded to Concrete was Subjected to Pullout Tests
using Large Flathead Bolts Glued to the Bonded
Membrane. When Cut Around the Bolt Head with a
Circle Saw and Pulled out with a Tensometer, the
Specimens Broke in the Concrete not the Adhesive
17The Same Tests were Run on Concrete Embedment
Liner (CEL) Set into Molded Bricks
- Pullout strengths for the adhesively bonded
surface modified HDPE were 2 8 times as great
as the pullout strengths of concrete embedment
liners molded into bricks. The fact that adhesive
bonding covers a larger area, versus being
limited to the locations of embedded studs, means
that corresponding pullout resistance per unit
area is much higher for the adhesive bonded
SMHDPE than for the CELs.
18Excellent Bonding to Concrete Held up through
Repeated Thermal Cycling Tests as Well.
Expansion/ Contraction Forces are too Low to
Relax Bonding.
19Structural Adhesive Assembly of Dissimilar
Materials Applies to Thermoplastics of all Shapes
and Configurations When Surface Modified
20- Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings for Example Can be
Joined with the Help of Adhesives and are no
Longer Restricted to Sometimes Cumbersome and
Expensive Heat Seaming
21Adhesion in Wet Conditions is Possible with
Underwater Rated Epoxies
22Penetrations are Historically the Locations Prone
to Leak in Geomembrane Containments
- Surface modifying penetrations and adjacent
skirting allows supplementing the construction
with properly bonded sealants to provide
insurance against leakage
23Penetrations are Often Prefabricated from
Separate Pieces, and Lend Themselves Well to
Surface Modification and Adhesive Assembly
24Both Standard and Specialty Penetrations Can
Benefit from the Use of Adhesive Connection
25Exposed Hazardous Waste Surface Impoundments
Require Routine Inspections for Damage
- Fluoro-Seal surface modification enables
do-it-yourself routine repairs, and supplemental
sealing for liability protection, in addition to
hydrocarbon diffusion resistant containment.
26Traditional Repair Options for Such Cases Require
Hiring Trained and Specialized Technicians with
the Right Equipment - Expensive Over the
Impoundment Life
27Hardware Store Available Dual Tube Applicators
for Two Part Epoxies Can be Employed, using Tape
to Hold Epoxy in Place for Cure
28Here we see Use of a Dual Tube Epoxy Applicator
to Bond Geomembrane to a Concrete Surface, Prior
to Connecting with a Second Panel
29Trowel-able Sealants and Adhesives Can be Spread
to Bond Entire Surfaces of Geomembrane to
Concrete and Other Materials for Longterm
Durability and Leakage Interception
30Sealed to Concrete, the Membrane Lays Flat
without Wrinkles Note Wrinkles in Unbonded
Adjacent Overlapped Panel and Walls
- Sections Bonded to Concrete Offer Built In Leak
Protection and Wrinkle Free Construction
31Not Only Does Fluoro-Seal Treatment Make
Geosynthetics Bond with Epoxy Adhesives, but the
Surface Modification Makes Longterm Application
of Paints and other Coatings Possible for
Decorative or Performance Related Purposes
32Adhesive Bonding and Coating Applications are
Essentially Unlimited. Any Assembly which
Benefits from Structural Adhesion of
Thermoplastics - Bonding to Themselves or Other
Substrates Should be Considered. Just Let Your
Imagination Soar.
33But Adhesion Applications are not the Only
Improvements Resulting From Fluoro-Seal Surface
- Fluoro-Seal Treatment Will also
- Increase Permeation Resistance
- And Can
- Increase Chemical Resistance
- Increase Resistance to Surface Oxidation
- Increase Resistance to Stress Crack Initiation
- Reduce Depletion of Stabilizers
34Geomembranes are in Actuality Quite Permeable to
- Hydrocarbons permeate geomembranes at much higher
rates than water, salts, and heavy metals - In rare situations the vapor phase permeation is
even visible, as in the case of this freshly
drained geomembrane lined trench, which had
leaked kerosene to the underlying concrete,
wetting the saturated wall from the backside. - Engineers should be concerned about hydrocarbon
permeation, not about moisture permeation, even
in dilute situations -
- Rowe, K.R. Geosynthetics and the Minimization
of Contaminant Migration through Barrier Systems
Beneath Solid Waste, Keynote Lecture,
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on
Geosynthetics, Atlanta Georgia, March 1998, pg 27
- 102.
35VOCs Can Permeate This Geomembrane Cover as Can
Hydrocarbons the Geomembrane Liner Underneath
- Hydrocarbons in dilute solution permeate even
faster than in concentrate - This is because lower solubilities in water
increase the affinity for and solubility in the
geomembrane - For example, toluene permeabilities through HDPE
are three orders of magnitude higher for the
average of reported aqueous solution
permeabilities, versus the average for pure
36In Addition to Landfills Many Surface
Impoundments Also Contain Hydrocarbon Wastes
Which Permeate the Liners
- For a typically well-inspected installation,
permeation is the governing rate for aquifer
contamination. It has been calculated that for
different reasonable scenarios of clay adsorption
and biodegradability, and typical Municipal Solid
Waste landfill source concentrations, toluene
(which has a drinking water limit of 24 ppb)
would range from approximately 5 to 500 ppb in an
aquifer 3 m underneath a 60 mil HDPE geomembrane
and 2 ft compacted clay composite liner system
(Rowe, pg 64). Clearly, the risk of contaminated
groundwater is present in this typical case ! The
solution to eliminate such risk is to specify
very thick clay layers, or to specify better
hydrocarbon barriers.
Rowe, K.R. Geosynthetics and the Minimization
of Contaminant Migration through Barrier Systems
Beneath Solid Waste, Keynote Lecture,
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on
Geosynthetics, Atlanta Georgia, March 1998, pg 27
- 102.
37Surface Modification Helps Resist Hydrocarbon
Absorption and thus the Damaging Effects of
Solvent Swell
- Peel stress and failure has been known to result
from solvent absorption and swell - Hydrocarbon absorption interferes with seam
quality, and can cause welds to come open
38Fluoro-Seal Treatment can also Provide a Surface
More Resistant to Acid Oxidation
- For this immersion of unpigmented HDPE sample
plaques the upper two sets of specimens were
Fluoro-Seal treated. The lower set was not, and
shows signs of acid etching.
39Acid Runoff in this Trench at a South American
Mine, Together with High Altitude Sunlight, has
Oxidized and Degraded with Brittle Fracture this
HDPE Drainage Ditch Liner . The Geomembrane
could have benefited from the extra protection of
Surface Modification.
40Surface Degradation can Lead to Other Forms of
Premature Failure, Including Stress Cracking
41Fluoro-Seal Treatments have been Shown to Resist
Stress Crack Initiation
- As tested in constant load stress crack testing,
ASTM D 5397, Fluoro-Seal surface modification has
enabled otherwise poor stress crack resistant
resins to perform well.
42By Significantly Reducing Hydrocarbon Diffusion,
Fluoro-Seal Treatment Can Extend the Time of
Migration and Depletion of Geomembrane
Antioxidants and Thus Extend the Lifetime of
- Antioxidants are hydrocarbons of varied mobility
in thermoplastics - Antioxidant depletion time is a function of
extraction rate, a permeation/diffusion
phenomenon - Their mobility out of a geomembrane (depletion)
is thus restricted by Fluoro-Seal treatment of
the surface
43 - Fluoro-Seal Reactive Gas Initiated Surface
Modification of Geosynthetics Improves Key
Properties Related to
- Improved Assembly, Improved Installation,
and More Secure Containment - Best Available Technology has Improved!