Title: Lomonosov Moscow State University
1Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Actual topics for collaboration on Physics and
Chemistry of Advanced Materials
2Topics Advanced carbon materials for modern
applications Professor A. Obraztsov, Physics
Department Materials for energy storage and
conversion Professor E. Antipov, Chemistry
Department Organic photovoltaics Professor
D.Paraschuk, Physics Department New technology
of HT-supercondactors production Professor A.
Kaul, Chemistry Department Novel thermoelectric
materials Professor A.Shevelkov, Chemistry
Department Others topics could be considered as
3Carbon nanotube forest production by CVD
Remote plasma allows usage non-conductive
(dielectric) materials for substrate and reduce
substrate temperature.
R.R. Ismagilov et al., Nano ACS, submitted
4Non-catalytical production of carbon nanotubes
Traditional catalytical CNT growth
Catalyst free growth of CNT
R.R. Ismagilov et al., Nano ACS, submitted
5Mesoporous Nano-Graphite Films
A.N. Obraztsov et al., Diamond and Rel. Mat.
8(199)814 Carbon 46(2008)963
6Graphite films of nanometer thickness
AFM image of graphite film on Ni
STM image of graphite film on Ni
Graphite CVD films on Ni contain atomically
flat regions and net of wrinkles. Typical height
of the wrinkles is about 30 nm.
A.N. Obraztsov et al., Carbon 45(2007)2017
7Field Effect Transistor of CVD Graphite Film
FET device made with graphene flakes pilled out
from CVD graphite film.
4 and 6 probe measurement at Room
temperature SiO2 bottom gate (15) Al2O3 top
gate (2) Source-drain contact (3,4,8,19) 5 nm Ti
50 nm Au
8New materials for Li batteries
Li batteries the most efficient energy storage
Design and testing of new cathode materials based
on mixed transition metal compounds with
polyanions fluorophosphates and borates
- Motivation
- higher ionicity of the M-F bond (as compared to
the M-O one) and inductive effect of the
(MOn)m- polyanions with strong M-O bonds is
expected to enhance the potential of the
corresponding Mn/Mn1 redox couple - twice larger amount of F is needed to achieve the
same valence for transition metal ? larger free
unit cell volume ? faster lithium migration
Materials for batteries with higher energy and
power densities
9Li2CoPO4F perspective high-voltage cathode
2 migration pathways
Upper limit of electrolyte
? 3.5 volume expansion (0.6 Li removal)in
contrast to 7 volume contraction in olivine
Capacity vs. voltage from potentiostatic
stepmeasurements between 4.2 V and variable
anodic potentials.
Solid solution behavior
The slope of the capacity-voltage dependence 0.7
V per 1Li mole (like in LiCoO2)
High potential range
1) Patent New Alkali Transition Metal
Fluorophosphate International Publication Number
WO 2010/023129 A2, 2010, 2) Structural
transformation of Li2CoPO4F upon
Li-deintercalation / JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 196
(2011) 355-360
Cathode material for high energy and power
densities batteries
10Third generation organic and hybrid
photovoltaicsthin, flexible, cheap, and
Polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
Flexible substrate
Protective layer
100 nm
Active area 13 mm2 Efficiency 4 _at_ AM1.5
Active area 1 cm2 Efficiency 1 _at_ AM1.5
11 Novel nanomaterials for third generation
The goals - towards 10 efficiency - to scale
by wet roll-to-roll technology
- Donor-acceptor charge-transfer complexes of
conjugated polymers, highly photostable - Exohedral metallocomplexes of fullerenes
- for higher photovoltage
- Low-bandgap polymers for
- higher photocurrent
- For dye-sensitized solar cells low-temperature
TiO2 processing, Ru-free dyes, soft-solid
12Second generation (2G) HTSC coated conductor
- The technology is based on Metalorganic Chemical
Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) of buffer and
superconducting layers. -
- high deposition rate
- high superconducting properties of HTSC layers
- easy way to introduce nanosized inclusions for
increasing superconducting current in high
external magnetic field - low process price compared to high vacuum
deposition technologies
The realized conception of the material is based
on the texture transfer from metal tape (textured
substrate) to superconducting layer via the
buffer layer
13- At home synthesized volatile precursors
- Non-toxic
- May be produced in industrial scale at moderate
Home made ???VD equipment
14New Ideas for Better TE Materials
Modern concept Phonon Glass, Electron Crystal
Basic idea Almost independent optimization of
charge carrier transport and phonon transport due
to the spatial separation of structural elements
Phonon engineering !
- New objects
- Nanocage and nanoblock compounds
- Nanocomposites
- Superlattices and Nanostructures
A.V. Shevelkov, Russ. Chem. Rev. 2008, 77,
119 A.V. Shevelkov, et al. Chem. Mater. 2008,
20, 24762483 A.V. Shevelkov, et al. Inorg.
Chem. 2009, 48, 37203730
15Recent Achievements in TE Engineering
Nanocage inorganic clathrates Covalent framework
efficient transport of charge carriers Guest
rattling rejection of heat-carrying phonons
Prove of the conceptExtremely low thermal
conductivity lowest for narrow-gap semiconductors
High thermoelectric efficiency ZT
S2T?/? (dimensionless)
- Already promising properties
- ZT?0.6 at 650 K ? for automotive applications
- ZT?0.4 at 1100 K coupled to utmost chemical and
thermal stability ? for solar energy conversion - Almost 3-time growth of ZT at 300 K with
nanocomposites formation ? are new routes to
better ZT possible?
A.V. Shevelkov, et al. Solid State Sci. 2007, 9,
664671 A.V. Shevelkov, et al. Chem. Eur. J.
2008, 14, 54145422. A.V. Shevelkov, et al. Chem.
Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1258212589
16PCAM-MSU Looking forward for fruitful