Title: "Diverse Models of Sociological Practice
1"Diverse Models of Sociological Practice
Positive Deviant Practice
A Spontaneous, Thematic Model of Sociological
Li-chin (Crystal) Huang
Social Science Dept. UW-Stout
2One learns to know only what one loves (or what
is relevant to ones life,) and the deeper and
fuller the knowledge is to be, the more powerful
and vivid must be the love, (the relevance of
learning,) indeed the passion. Goethe LCH
3Visual Elements
Vocal Communication
Spoken words
Linstrone and love, 1997
4Positive Deviant Practice in Introductory
The Creation of a Spontaneous, Thematic
Pedagogy 1.Teaching and learning through
connecting to the current and emerging
issues 2. Understanding theories and practice
through minds-on and hands-on projects 3.
Integrate macro and micro approaches and
critique issues from multiple perspectives 4.
Fully utilize macro/hyper media technology
through E-community communications
5Positive Deviant Practice in Introductory
Positive Deviant Practice in Intro Sociology
The Creation of a Spontaneous, Thematic Pedagogy
History-Middle East
International Relationship
Chap 17. Politics Government-Focusing on
Terrorism Wars
Chap 3 Culture
Chap 19 Religion and Society
Chap 5 Socialization
Chap 10 Social Stratification
Sep 11. 2001
Chap 8 Deviance
Chap 12 Global Stratification
American Government and Politics
Geography-Middle East
Direct sources Indirect sources
6Positive Deviant Practice in Introductory
Positive Deviant Practice in Intro Sociology
The Creation of a Spontaneous, Thematic Pedagogy
Early Childhood
Juvenile Delinquency
Chap 5. Socialization
Chap 3 Culture
Chap 18 Family
School shooting teen violenceColumbine
Santee CA, 2001Kings brothers FL2002
Chap 16/ 22Works and Economy, Population and
Chap 10 Social Stratification
Chap 8 Deviance
Chap 20 Education
Human Development and Family Education
Positive Deviant Practice in Introductory
Positive Deviant Practice in Intro Sociology
The Creation of a Spontaneous, Thematic Pedagogy
History-Middle East
International Relationship
Chap 17. Politics Government-Focusing on
Terrorism Wars
Chap 3 Culture
Chap 19 Religion and Society
Chap 5 Socialization
Chap 10 Social Stratification
March 20, 2003 Showdown Iraq
Chap 8 Deviance
Chap 12 Global Stratification
American Government and Politics
Geography-Middle East
8 Positive Deviance Practice
Implementationby the instructor
Teacher collaborates with students in designing
course contents
Create Situational themes
Explore available information technology-sharing
URLs. Video clips, reading, magazine and
Track on the Blackboard forum and threading
Opening class sessions with discussion of
the News of the day
9 Positive Deviance Practice
Implementationby students
Construct portfolios/keep journals or logs.
Fully involve in electronic communities(resource
Competewith or challenge the Instructor
Compete between groups
Cooperatewithin group (Support structure)
10Cyclical Nature of Spontaneous Thematic Action
Sources of Self-evaluation
1.Students Critiques on readings,
2.Analytical writings. 3.Blackboard/
classroom discussions 4.Research
projects. 5.Journals and
portfolios 6.Quizzes and exams.
Create Thematic focus
Collect relevant and applicable information
Modify /Continue
Instructors self Reflection from Students
Analyze and interpret collected info and data
Take Action (classroom activities)
11Thank You!