Title: PfxUltima™ DNA Polymerase
1PfxUltima DNA Polymerase The highest PCR
fidelity available
- Product Configuration
- Cat. No. Pack Size
- 12355-012 100 rxns
- 12355-036 500 rxns
- Component 100 Rxn Kit 500 Rxn Kit
- PfxUltima DNA Polymerase (5 U/µl) 100 µl 500
µl - 10X PfxUltima PCR Mix 1.3 ml 2 1.3 ml
- 50-mM Magnesium Sulfate 1 ml 1 ml
- 10X PfxUltima PCR Mix contains MgSO4 at a final
concentration of 1.2 mM. A - tube of 50-mM MgSO4 is provided for further
optimization. -
- 10X PfxUltima PCR buffer contains BSA store at
Standard PCR Enzyme product configuration
Highest Fidelity, short cycling times, and an
outstanding first time PCR success rate are the
ideal combination that allows researchers to
quickly advance to the next step in their
PfxUltima DNA Polymerase
Features Benefits Selling Questions
- Pfu Ultra and Pfu turbo
- Longstanding Hi Fidelity market leader
- lower product yields and specificity than Pfx
Ultima - Less enzyme is required with Pfx as well as
shorter extension times - Sold directly in most countries
Pricing List Price is aggressive to primarily
convert customers away from Stratagenes Pfu
portfolio before Phusion takes it. The list price
is below the lower limits of Stratagenes
discount guidelines and slightly less than
Phusion (which is sold at a discount of around
20-30) Remain competitive by cross-selling the
breadth of IVGNs cloning portfolio, especially
products associated with D-TOPO and Zero Blunt
TOPO kits. And, never forget dNTPs, NAPQ and
The higher fidelity and faster amplification than
More robust than PfuUltra
- Primary Target
- Leverage customer base using Directional TOPO and
ZeroBlunt TOPO cloning kits. The majority of
these customers are using Pfu based solutions.
This segment is most interested in high fidelity
and is our first opportunity for incremental
revenue (share steal). These people are already
your customers since they are using IVGN cloning
kits and should welcome the ability to get
improved performance and consolidate - orders.
- Secondary Target
- Cannibalize Platinum Pfx. The strategy is to
cannibalize this business and lock them into
PfxUltima before it is stolen by PfuUltra and