Title: Leadership and The Self-Organizing School David F. Bower
1Leadership and The Self-Organizing School
- David F. Bower, Ed.D.
- Complexity Science and Educational Research
Conference - October 2004
- bowerd_at_ohio.edu
- Questions about my school
- Questions about my role as leader
- Questions about new theories of organization
- From holonomy to chaos theory to
self-organization to my study
4Problem statement
- What do we know about successful schools that
have sustained reform efforts over time? How can
a study of such schools inform our work of school
improvement? How can current organizational
theories become a lens to help us focus on
successful practices?
- The purpose of this research is to study the
dynamics of self-organization in a school.
6Research questions
- 1. What characterizes self-organization and
renewal within a school? - 2. How do self-organization and renewal sustain
reform and improvement? - 3. How does leadership support and sustain the
dynamics of self-organization, renewal, and
7Definition of terms
- Self-organization
- Reform and improvement
- Renewal
- Leadership
- School history and demographics
- Study of one school in depth
- Researcher as participant
9Conceptual Framework
- From core to process level to emergence level
- Core influences processes processes influence
emergence - Sustained and emerging changes can influence core
10 Conceptual framework
11Literature review
- Part One
- Educational Reform
- Organizational change
- Chaos and complexity
- Self-organization
- Part Two
- Leadership
12Purpose of literature review
- Set research study in context of educational
reform, organizational change, and new
organizational theories - Self-organization offers a new approach to
sustaining reform and improvement by organizing
from the inside out
13Methods and Procedures
- Qualitative research and phenomenology
- Research design
- Context of study
- Data collection methods
- Data analysis
- Population and participants
14Research Design
- First round of open-ended questions
- Document and history review
- Second round of semi-structured questions
- Transcription
- Categories and themes
- Focus group questions
- Final analysis
15Research Methods
- Constant comparative method
- Comparison of interview data with historical data
and with topics from literature review - Journal notes from researcher
16Context, Population, and Participants
- One school Roosevelt Middle School
- Population includes 47 certified teaching and
non-teaching staff - 21 staff members participated
- All participation was voluntary
- Researcher was also a participant
17Historical Background
- History of Roosevelt Middle School
- First interviews (open-ended) 2000-2001
- Records summary
- The garden metaphor
- Emerging patterns
18Emerging Patterns
- Topics of leadership, freedom and autonomy,
relationships, ecology (location, size,
community) emerge from the data - Emerging topics lead to further research questions
19Data Findings and Analysis
- Second interviews (semi-structured) 2001-2002
- Research questions
- 1. What characterizes self-organization within a
school? - 2. How do self-organization and renewal sustain
reform and improvement? - 3. How does leadership support and sustain the
dynamics of self-organization, renewal, and
20What characterizes self-organization and renewal
within a school?
- Focus
- Student focus Internalized focus Principles and
Philosophy - Interaction
- Relationships and Teams Communication and
Feedback Conversation - Emergence
- Renewal Creativity Personal Engagement
- Summary Developing patterns
21How do self-organization and renewal sustain
reform and improvement?
- Sense Making
- Collective and Individual Sense-Making
- Sustaining conditions
- Freedom Safe/Supportive Environment Ownership
- Summary Developing patterns
22How does leadership support and sustain the
dynamics of self-organization, renewal, and
- Individual leadership Principal
- Principal as buffer/filter Leadership Support
- Collective leadership Principal and teachers
- Shared leadership Inside/Out organization
- Putting it together The story of a school
retreat - Summary Developing patterns
23Focus Group Interviews
- Three focus group sessions May 2002
- Voluntary participants
- Methodology
- Seven focus questions transcribe taped
interviews analyze for patterns correlate to
prior interviews - Summary Confirming patterns
24Discussion of Data
- Review of problem
- Look at interaction of parts
- Study change that originates from within
- Examine renewal, sustained change, and
self-organization - Link data to literature
25First research question
- What characterizes self-organization and renewal
within a school? - Focus
- Interaction
- Emergence
- What characterizes self-organization and renewal
is what emerges from within.
- Core principles create a foundation for work
work emerges from within and organizes around
focus boundaries are open - Generative cultures have no boundaries (Chawla
and Renesch, 1995).
- Teamed relationships support communication and
conversation - Focus is student-centered
- Genuine accountability
- contrasting the effectiveness of ten
individuals acting alone with that of the same
ten people acting in concert (Marion, 1999).
- Renewal, creativity, personal engagement come
from within - Co-creation links change to renewal (people
support what they create) - Edge of chaos or bounded instability avoids
complacency, stability, and routine - edge of chaos(Pascale, 2000).
- Ecotone edges where differences come together
are the richest of habitats (Krall, 1999).
29Second research question
- How do self-organization and renewal sustain
reform and improvement? - Sense making
- Sustaining conditions
- Self-organization and renewal sustain reform and
renewal indirectly and are related to emergence. -
30Sense making
- Individual and collective sense-making reduces
isolation, supports sense of fit, and fosters
internalization of purpose - Holonomy the interaction of individual and
collective - integrative and self-assertive tendencies of
holons (Capra, 1982).
31Sustaining conditions
- Safety and freedom support risk-taking and
creativity - Ownership emerges from shared leadership and
internalized focus on principles - Autonomy freedom coherence through
self-organization (Wheatley,1992)
32Third research question
- How does leadership support and sustain the
dynamics of of self-organization, renewal, and
improvement? - Leadership supports these dynamics by shifting
the concept of leadership from individual to
collective. Attention to processes and
relationships supports this shift.
33Individual leadershipPrincipal
- Buffer/filter listen supportfocus
- Balance process and content
- All managers can do is to establish the
conditions that enable groups of people to
learn (Stacey, 1992)
34Collective leadership Principal and teachers
- Collective leadership is based upon sound
relationships - Leadership must be redefined
- Leading from inside/out is collective and
creative process - If self-management is our goal, then leadership
will have to be reinvented in a fashion that
places followership first (Sergiovanni, 1992).
35What I have learned about leadership in a
self-organizing school
- Shift focus to relationships and to interaction
of the parts - Support the processes
- Be patient while results emerge
- Communicate values and leadership philosophy
clearly - Balance direction with improvisation
36What leaders can do
- Move organizations to edge of chaos or bounded
instability - Remember that the whole determines the behavior
of the parts - Keep the focus clear complexity will emerge
37Unanticipated findings
- Teams cannot support interaction,
internalization, or emergence if relationships
are dysfunctional - Public nature of teaching can intimidate as
isolation ends - An independent/autonomous school may lack ability
to integrate and to balance self-assertion with
38Further research
- Serendipity and synchronicity may exist with
self-organization. Do we have the lens to see
these phenomena? - Applying principles of self-organization to
district-level work - Can self-organizing schools sustain their work?
- Education from Latin roots ex meaning out and
ducere meaning lead - If education is about leading out, then it is
about what emerges from within - Self-organization, emergence, and leadership
support this dynamic
- Chawla, S. Renesch, J. (Eds). (1995).
Learning organizations Developing cultures for
tomorrows workplace. Portland, Oregon
Productivity Press. - Capra, F. (1982). The turning point Science,
society, and the rising culture. NY Bantam
Books. - Marion, R. (1999). The edge of organization.
Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications. - Pascale, R.T., Milleman, M., Gioja, L. (2000).
Surfing the edge of chaos The laws of nature and
the new laws of business. New York Crown
Business. - Krall, F.R. (1994). Ecotone Wayfaring on the
margins. Albany, New York State University of
New York Press. - Wheatley, M. J. (1992). Leadership and the new
science. San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler
Publishers, Inc. - Stacey, R. (1992). Managing the unknowable
Strategic boundaries between order and chaos in
organizations. San Francisco Jossey-Bass
Publishers. - Sergiovanni, T. J. (1992). Moral leadership
Getting to the heart of school improvement. San
Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass Publishers.
41About the Author
- David F. Bower is an assistant professor of
teacher education in the College of Education at
Ohio University. His primary program affiliation
is Middle Childhood Education. - Dr. Bower joined the faculty at Ohio University
in the fall of 2003. He completed his Doctor of
Education in Educational Leadership at the
University of New Mexico in May 2003. He
received his Master of Arts degree in Educational
Administration from UNM in 1996. He also holds a
BA degree in English, Theater Arts, and Education
from Grove City College in Pennsylvania. - Dr. Bower was a high school English and drama
teacher for twenty years prior to his work as a
middle school administrator. He is a former
principal of Roosevelt Middle School in
Albuquerque, NM. - Dr. Bower has presented at a variety of
conferences including the Coalition of Essential
Schools Fall Forum, the NM Administrators
Conference on Education, and the South Australian
Middle Schooling Conference. - Research interests include teacher preparation,
quality, and leadership chaos and complexity
theory as applied to schools and organizations
and middle childhood education.