Title: Money, Inflation and the Business Cycle
1Money, Inflation and the Business Cycle
- The Taylor Rule
- Reverse Causation
- Segmented Markets
- Misperceptions Model
- Commitment Monetary Policy
2- Readings
- Williamson, Ch 11
- Williamson, Ch 17
3- Recall that money in the CE model is either
- (i) Neutral Superneutral in the ad-hoc or CIA
model w/ exogenous income (Classical
Dichotomy). - (ii) Neutral but not Superneutral in CIA model
w/ production. - CIA model w/ production ? money growth leads to
lower employment and output (countercyclical). - BC fact is money is procyclical and leading.
4Figure 3.13 Money Supply (black line) and Real
GDP (colored line) for the Period 19592003
5- Three CE explanations of procyclical money
- (i) Reverse Causation ? procyclical neutral.
- (ii) Segmented Markets ? procyclical
non- neutral. - (iii) Misperceptions (Lucas-Friedman) Theory ?
procyclical non-neutral.
6The Taylor Rule
- Movements in money supply are often endogenous
and react to economic events. - Traditionally, FED has two primary objectives
- (i) Price Stability
- (ii) Output Stability
- The Taylor Rule (J. Taylor Stanford) quantifies
the observed decisions of the FOMC as depending
upon deviations of - (i) inflation from a target level (p)
- (ii) GDP from potential or target y
7FOMC Statement May 2000
- The Federal Open Market Committee voted today to
raise its target for the federal funds rate by
50 basis points to 6-1/2 percent. - Increases in demand have remained in excess of
even the rapid pace of productivity-driven gains
in potential supply The Committee is concerned
that this disparity will continue, which could
foster inflationary imbalances. - The Committee believes the risks are weighted
mainly toward conditions that may generate
heightened inflation pressures in the foreseeable
8FOMC Statement March 18, 2008
- The Federal Open Market Committee decided today
to lower its target for the federal funds rate 75
basis points to 2-1/4 percent. - Recent information indicates that the outlook for
economic activity has weakened further
Financial markets remain under considerable
stress Inflation has been elevated, and some
indicators of inflation expectations have risen.
Uuncertainty about the inflation outlook has
increased. - Downside risks to growth remain. The Committee
will act in a timely manner as needed to promote
sustainable economic growth and price stability.
9- Taylor Rule expressed in terms of a nominal
interest rate rule - 1 increase in p gt p ? 1.5 increase in R
- 1 decrease in y lt y ? 0.5 decrease in R
- Taylor Rule expressed in terms of a money supply
rule - where a1 ,a2 gt 0.
10RBC View Endogenous Money(Reverse Causation
- If money is neutral in a CE model, can it explain
why the nominal money supply is procyclical and
leading the business cycle? - Yes. Focus on Feds price stability objective.
- Combine the Taylor Rule with RBC model Let y
be the CE value of output and set yt yt - where a1 gt 0.
11- Example Productivity Shocks and Fed Reaction
- Today (t) Fed forecasts negative productivity
shock ( ) - ? future prices (Pt1)
- ? p gt p
- ? Mts
- Future (t1) Productivity shock ? Yt1
- and p p.
- Conclusion Mts today and Yt1 tomorrow.
- ? money is procyclical and leading but
neutral -
12Figure 3.13 Money Supply (black line) and Real
GDP (colored line) for the Period 19592003
13Non-Neutral Money
- There is evidence that monetary policy is
non-neutral - (i) Reverse causation cannot completely explain
procyclical money supply. - (ii) Statistical Evidence Money ? Output
- (iii) The Taylor Rule implies FED operates as if
it can affect real output - Can this explained in CE models w/o assuming
fixed prices (e.g. IS-LM)?
14Segmented Markets Theory
- Motivates by the Bank Lending Channel of
monetary policy emphasized by B. Bernanke and A.
Blinder. - Originates with works of Robert Lucas (1990) and
Timothy Fuerst (1992). - Sometimes called Limited Participation models
- Inventory Models of Money (Baumol/Tobin)
- Costly Portfolio Adjustment
15- The traditional view of effect of monetary
policy - Short-Run ? Liquidity Effect
- Long-Run ? Anticipated Inflation Effect
- or Fisher Effect R r pe
- Assumptions
- (i) Segments goods and financial market.
- (ii) Monetary policy works through financial
markets. - (iii) Firms must use borrowed cash from
financial market to pay their wage bill (and/or
16- Money Supply
- where Xt mtMts transfer of money to
financial market and mt money growth rate - average money growth rate, e random money
growth shock.
17M1 Money Supply, 2000-2010Growth Rate
18- Flow Chart
- Timing in Period t
- (i) Households begin with Mt money, Firms have
Kt capital stock. - (ii) Portfolio decision - Household deposits Dt
into financial market based on rational
expectation of Xt. Deposits pay interest rate
Rt - (iii) Fed injects money Xt into financial
market. - (iv) Firms borrow Qt from financial market to
pay wages, produces output from labor and
capital, buys investment goods. Loans are
charged Rt. - (v) Households consume with cash Mt - Dt.
- (vi) All loans and interest on deposits are
paid. Ends period with Mt1, Kt1. -
19- Key Portfolio decision (ii) happens before
(iii)! - Modified Cash-in-Advance constraints.
- Households
- Firms
20- Household Deposits/Portfolio FOC
- expected marginal cost of deposits expected
marginal benefit - or expected marginal value expected marginal
- of cash in goods market value of cash in
- financial market
- Let L (Actual Marginal Value of Cash in Goods
Mkt) - -
- (Actual Marginal Value of Cash in Financial
Mkt) - L lt 0 ? More than expected cash in goods market
- L gt 0 ? More than expected cash in financial
21- Labor Supply FOC
- Firm FOC
- Investment
- Labor Demand
- Market-Clearing Conditions.
- Goods
- Money
- Labor
- Financial
22- Household portfolio decision, i.e. money demand,
based upon expected nominal interest rate (
) - Net-of-Deposits Money Demand
- The expected nominal interest rate obeys Fisher
Effect - The actual nominal interest rate follows
23- Unexpected positive money shock ? Excess cash in
financial market ? R lt Re. - Unexpected negative money shock ? Excess cash in
goods market ? R gt Re . - Recall Labor Demand will be inversely related to
R -
24Expected Money Shock
- Purely temporary (r0) and expected money shocks
are neutral. - An expected and persistent (r gt 0) positive money
supply shock (e) ? Similar to CIA model w/
production - Increases expected inflation rate
- Increases nominal interest rates (R)
- Decreases ND and NS
- Decreases N, c, y
- Money growth is countercyclical!
25Simulation Expected Monetary Shock in Period 5
- Nominal Interest Rate (R)
Money Growth Rate (m)
26Simulation Monetary Shock in Period 5
Labor (N)
27US DATA Unexpected Negative Monetary Shock
(Bernanke Gertler, 1995)
28Unexpected Money Shock
- An unexpected positive money supply shock (e)
- Current Period
- (1) Excess cash in financial market ? R lt Re
- Lower R ? Firms borrow more to increase labor
demand. - ? Increases w and N
- (3) Higher N ? Shifts Output Supply right
- ? Increases y and decreases r
- (secondary effect on NS)
- This is often called the LIQUIDITY EFFECT
29Simulation Unexpected Monetary Shock in Period 5
Segmented Markets Model
- Nominal Interest Rate (R)
Money Growth Rate (m)
30Simulation Unexpected Monetary Shock in Period
5, Segmented Markets Model
Labor (N)
31- Future Period
- (1) Excess cash is pulled out of financial market
by households ? R Re - (2) Persistence of money shock ? increase
expected future money growth and inflation ?
- N,y, c will be temporarily lower than their
long-run steady state values but eventually
converge. - Money is procyclical and non-neutral in the
short-run. - Shortcoming No persistence effect of monetary
policy on nominal interest rates and real GDP.
32Table 11.2 Data Versus Predictions of the
Segmented Markets Model with Monetary Shocks
33- Non-neutrality of money is caused by imperfect
(unexpected) information about monetary policy. - Remarks about optimal policy
- (i) Generally inefficient to create unexpected
monetary shocks to boost output (lowers
utility). - (ii) If the Fed can react faster to productivity
shocks then a procyclical money supply may be
welfare improving - ? Optimal ND greater than expected but
limited cash in financial market. FED adds
liquidity to support ND and increase Y to its
efficient level
34Misperceptions Theory(Money Surprise Model
Williamson Ch 17)
- Origins M. Friedman (1968) The Role of
Monetary Policy - The Worker Surprise Model
- Formalized R. Lucas (1973) Some
International Evidence on Output-Inflation
Trade-Offs - The Producer Island Model
35Worker Surprise Model
- What should matter to workers are real wages w
W/P. - Labor Market with Nominal Wages.
- Workers confuse W and w.
- Recall W wP. It can increase because
- (i) positive productivity shocks ? increases w
- (ii) an increase in Ms ? increases P.
- An unexpected increase in P ?
- increases N and Y.
36Lucas Island Model
- Supply of individual firms depends positively on
local price relative to aggregate price level. - Time-Line of Information
- (i) Period t-1 Form Et-1Pt (expected value of
Pt given information up to time t-1). - (ii) Period t Observe local price NOT Pt.
- Let 0 lt q lt 1 represent the correlation between
local price and aggregate price Pt - q 0 ? No Correlation
- q 1 ? 100 Positive Correlation
- 0 lt q lt 1 ? Some Correlation
37- The AS Curve
- where y CE value for output (w/ perfect info)
- If q 1 ? y y
- If q lt 1 then
- Et-1Pt Pt ? y y
- Et-1Pt lt Pt ? y gt y
- Et-1Pt gt Pt ? y lt y
38- The Lucas Critique Expectations about
(monetary) policy affects the impact of the
policy. - Value of q is based on rational expectations
- High inflation countries ? q 1 ? AS steep
- Low inflation countries ? q 0 ? AS flat
39Application Rational Expectations and Monetary
- T. Sargent and N. Wallace (U. of Minnesota)
- Consider the following reduced form macro model
(let a 1-q). - (AS Curve)
- (AD Curve)
- (Monetary Policy)
- Variables are in logs. y is the CE value of
output w/ complete info. - Tools of Fed
- e ? surprise shock to money supply.
- r ? anticipated (systematic) policy rule.
40- Results
- Anticipated or systematic changes in monetary
policy (r) have no effect on real output (y). - Unexpected shocks matter for real output
41- In this situation (exogenous) changes in money
supply is procyclical ( non-neutral). - Note that unlike CIA model w/ production, money
is also superneutral (no anticipated inflation
effects) - Policy Evaluation a matters for the effect of
monetary policy - q 1 ? a 0 ? dy/dm 0
42- Result became know as the Policy Ineffectiveness
Proposition Anticipated changes in monetary
policy are neutral and unexpected changes are
non-neutral. - Information regarding monetary policy and the Fed
matters for the effect of money on real output. - If goal is to minimize output fluctuations (yt
y), ala the Taylor Rule, it is optimal for FED
to set et 0. (monetarist constant growth rate
43Phillips Curve
- The Phillips Curve is a statistical
- (i) Positive relationship between inflation and
real GDP. - (ii) Negative relationship between inflation
and unemployment rate.
44Figure 17.2 The Phillips Curve, 19471959
45Figure 17.3 The Phillips Curve, 19601969
46Figure 12.1 The Phillips curve and the U.S.
economy during the 1960s
47PC in Keynesian Model
- If nominal wages (W) are slow to adjust there
will be a - (i) Positive relation between p and Y
- (ii) Negative relation between p and
unemployment rate u. - where u is the natural unemployment rate
- Trade-off can be permanent
- Fed can exploit this trade-off and control UR by
choosing p.
48Some Historical Facts about US Inflation
- Stable and low inflation in 1950s and 60s
- High inflation and unemployment in 1970s
- Low inflation and unemployment in 1990s
- PC broke down since 1970s.
- Failure of Keynesian models to account for PC
break down (see Mankiw article).
49Figure 17.3 The Phillips Curve, 19601969
50Figure 17.4 The Phillips Curve, 19701979
51Figure 17.5 The Phillips Curve, 19801989
52Figure 17.6 The Phillips Curve, 19902003
53Figure 12.2 Inflation and unemployment in the
United States, 19702002
54CE Model View of PC
- Both segmented markets misperceptions models
imply expectations about monetary policy, prices,
and inflation affect PC trade-off. - Expectations augmented PC
- where u natural rate of unemployment.
- Natural Unemployment is due to worker-job
mismatches caused by - (i) Frictional reasons (search theory ? may be
optimal) - (ii) Structural reasons
55- Generic macro policy cannot should not be used
to affect natural unemployment. Only targeted
policies - Worker retraining, education, employment
agencies, unemployment insurance reform, ect. - There are costs of inflation in CEM high
nominal interest rates, lower output. (recall the
Friedman Rule) - Robert Barro studies money supply and inflation
across 83 countries (1950-90). Finds - Median Inflation 8 (23 gt 10)
- Median Money Growth 11 (57 gt 10)
- WHY??
56Central Bank Commitment
- If inflation is bad why do we see it in almost
every country around the world? - Two possibilities
- (i) Inflation tax.
- (ii) Central bank commitment problem
- Kydland and Prescott (2004 Nobel Winners)
pioneered work on policy rules and discretion.
57- Should Fed follow rules or discretion?
- The time consistency problem arises when the best
plan is made and then there are incentives to
abandon it at a future date. - Hostages, Speeding, Exams.
- PC and central bank commitment.
- Fed preferences
- Credibility problem and pe
58Commitment A Simple Example
- Assume that FED can directly set inflation rate
p. - FEDs Loss Function
- L p2 u2
- Phillips Curve
- Initially pe p 0 ? u u and L (u)2
59- FED takes pe 0 as given and sets p to minimize
loss function L - p 2u/5 gt 0
- Public has rational expectations and understands
the incentives of FED - p pe 2u/5 gt 0.
60- Rational expectations equilibrium w/ no
commitment - p pH 2u/5 gt 0
- u u
- L (pH)2 (u)2 gt (u)2.
- Rational expectations equilibrium with
commitment - p pH 0
- u u
- L (u)2.
61- Solutions to commitment problem
- (i) Tough central banker
- (ii) Tougher consequences for not meeting
inflation targets. - (iii) Central bank independence.
62Senate Testimony of Ben Bernanke, Fed Chairman
Nominnee (11/15/05)
- the Federal Reserve's success in reducing and
stabilizing inflation and inflation expectations
is a major reason for this improved economic
performance. - Monetary policy is most effective when it is as
coherent, consistent, and predictable as
possible. - One possible step toward greater transparency
would be for the FOMC to state explicitly the
numerical inflation rate or range consistent
with the goal of long-term price stability
63Figure 14.10 Central bank independence and
64- Another reason for expansionary monetary
policies CE is wrong, markets fail, involuntary
(cyclical) unemployment is a big problem, and
there is a role for Keynesian stabilization
policies. - (i) Sticky price (non-market-clearing)
- (e.g., IS-LM model)
- (ii) Coordination failure