Title: PowerPointesitys
1 2Universities in Finland in 2007
- One of the most comprehensive university
networks in Europe - 10 multi-faculty universities
- Helsinki, Turku (2), Tampere, Oulu, Jyväskylä,
Joensuu, Vaasa, Kuopio, Rovaniemi - 3 universities of technology
- Helsinki, Tampere, Lappeenranta
- Faculty of Technology in Oulu 4818 students
- 3 schools of economics and business
administration - Helsinki (2), Turku
- Faculty of Economics in Oulu 1023 students
- 4 art academies
3Universities in Finland in 2006
- University students 176,660
- women 94,720
- new students 20,760
- women 11,730
- postgraduate students 22,200
- students from abroad 4,430
- 29 universities of applied science, students
131,200 - Combined over 300,000 students in the
universities and universities of applied science - 2004 high school graduates 36,2 admitted to HE
institutions (source Statistics Finland)
4OECD Higher Education Statistics
- Age group 25-64
- Finland 17 have a HE degree
- OECD average 16
- Best USA (29 ), Norway (29)
- Age group 25-34
- Finland 23 have a HE degree
- OECD average 20
- OECD expectation value for Finland 49 (highest
value with Australia)
Source Education at a Glance. OECD Indicators
2005. OECD 2005.
5Finland in International Surveys
- World Economic Forum
- Global Competitiveness Report 2006-07
Switzerland, Finland and Sweden are the worlds
most competitive economies - European Innovation Scoreboard 2006 (evaluates
and compares the innovation performance of the EU
member states) - Finland is among the top performing EU countries
with an innovation performance well above the EU
average - OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development) PISA (Programme for International
Student Assessment) - Survey every 3 years (2000 onwards) on learning
outcomes in reading, mathematics, science and
problem solving - The rankings are based on tests taken by
15-year-olds in 57 countries - 2003 41 countries/regions participated Finnish
students among the best in all four domains - 2006 Finland was the highest-performing country
on the PISA 2006 science scale - in Finland, there has been an emphasis on
education as a key to economic success and the
"knowledge economy".
6Degree Structure
- Bologna Process
- degree structure reform 1.8.2005
- ECTS credits
- Grades
- Diploma Supplement awarded to the University of
Oulu by the European Commission in 2006 - Since August 2005 two cycle degree structure
- Bachelors Degree, 3 years
- Masters Degree, 2 years
7The Universitys Primary Regions of Influence
Geophysical Observatory Research Liaison Officer
(OY, LY)
Oulanka Research StationNaturpolis Kuusamo
Meri-Lappi Institute Research Liaison Officer
University of Oulu
Perämeri Research Station
Department of Teacher EducationKajaani
University Consortium
Graduate Engineer Training Program
Chydenius Institute (JY) Research Liaison
Officer(OY, JY, VY)
Oulu Southern Institute
Research Liaison Officer (OY, KY)
8University of Oulu Northern Gateway to
- Founded 1958
- Students 16,661
- Admissions 2,057
- Staff 3,079
- professors 242
- Awarded Degrees in 2005 1,710
- first degrees 1,333
- doctorates 130
- Expenditure in 2005 203.0 M
- state budget 123.4 M
- external funding 79.6 M
9Northern Gateway to Knowledge
Biocenter Infotech Oulu Thule-institute
PRIMARY FUNCTION Scientific research and
teachingPromoting the development of spiritual
andmaterial well-being in Northern Finland
Immediatecontacts withNorthern
Scandinavia,Karelia and the Kola Peninsula
Close co-operationin teaching and researchwith
the rest of Europeand the whole world
NORTHERN FINLAND A population of 800,000A rich
cultural heritage
10Admissions 2006
- Altogether 7367 applicants, 2057 admissions
- Humanities
- 1472 / 254 (17)
- Education
- 1878 / 269 (14)
- Science
- 2091/ 570 (27)
- Medicine
- 966 / 223 (23)
- Economics
- 902 / 150 (17)
- Technology
- 1124 / 590 (52)
Source University of Oulu Communications
11Admissions 2007
- Altogether 7367 applicants
- Popular fields
- Teacher education 1 709 applicants, 80 admitted
- Architecture 400 applicants, 40 admitted
- Industrial Engineering and Management 272
applicants, 35 admitted - Dentistry 247 applicants, 45 admitted
- Medicine 620 applicants, 124 admitted
- Management and Organisation 768 applicants
(nationwide), 20 admitted - Biology 587 applicants, 50 admitted
- Geography 269 applicants, 35 admitted
- Logopedics 183 applicants, 30 admitted
- History 220 applicants, 12 admitted
12Awarded Degrees 2007
- 1342 Masters Degrees (in 2006 1287)
- 130 Doctoral Degrees
13Student Numbers according to Faculty and
health care
14Student Enrolment in 20002005
15Research in Focus Areas
- Information Technology and Wireless
Communications - Wireless communication, mobile applications
- Electronics and photonics
- Nanotechnology, machine vision
- Intelligent systems, ubiquitous computing
- Health applications
- Coordinated by Infotech Oulu
- Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine
- Molecular and cellular biology, molecular
enzymology, molecular genetics, developmental
biology, bioprocess engineering, population
genetics - Connective tissue diseases, cardiovascular
diseases - Coordinated by Biocenter Oulu
- Northern and Environmental Issues
- Global change in the north, circumpolar health,
multidisciplinarity - Sustainable use of natural resources, cooperation
with Environmental Administration - Coordinated by Thule Institute
16Years Needed for Masters Degree Completion
17Basic Degree Training Cost Per Degree in 2005
18Expenditure of the University of Oulu in
19International Relations
20International Relations
- Exchange programmes
- International Networks
- International degree programmes
- Joint degree programmes
- International Student Services
- Kummi Students
- Kummi Family Programme
21Student Mobility and Finnish Universities
- Finland 2006 (2005)
- 8610 (8487) outgoing students
- 8191 (7697) incoming students
- Since 2000, the number of
- outgoing students has grown 25 and
- the number of incoming students has grown 70
- University students 23 go on exchange
- University of Oulu 16
- Variation University of Joensuu 14, Sibelius
Academy 39 - 65 of outgoing students are female (incoming
50/50) - MOST TO Germany, UK, Spain, Sweden
- Erasmus 45, bilateral 21, free mover 13,
Nordplus 7 - MOST FROM Germany, France, Spain, Poland
- Erasmus 76, bilateral 10, free mover 4
- Finland, because
- Teaching in English
- Good student services
- High tech
- Exotic culture
Sources Irma Garam Kansainvälinen liikkuvuus
yliopistoissa ja ammattikorkeakouluissa 2005.
Cimo Publications 1, 2006. Irma Garam
Kansainvälinen liikkuvuus yliopistoissa ja
ammattikorkeakouluissa 2006. Cimo Publications 2,
22Exchange Programmes
- Erasmus (about 400 European partner universities)
- Nordplus (Nordic Countries)
- FIRST (Russia)
- ISEP and International to International ISEP
(USA, South America, Asia) - UN-CEP (USA)
- north2north (USA, Canada, Russia, Nordic
Countries) - North-South-South (Africa)
- University of Oulu bilateral agreements
- 52 partner universities around the world
23Exchange Programmes
FIRST, n2n
Bilateral, n2n, ISEP
South Korea
Bilateral, n2n, ISEP
Erasmus, Nordlus,
Bilateral, n2n
Bilateral, ISEP
Hong Kong
South Africa
Brazil, Uruguay, Chile
Bilateral, ISEP
New Zealand
24International Bilateral Partners
- Germany
- TU Clausthal
- Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
- Universität Ulm
- TU München
- Sweden
- Luleå University of Technology
- Umeå University
- Estonia
- Tallinn Technical University
- Tartu Ülikool
- Russia
- University of Petrozavodsk
- Karelian State Pedagogical University,
Petrozavodsk - Arkhangelsk State Technical University
- Pomor University, Arkhangelsk
- Murmansk State Technical University
- Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk
- Japan
- Tohoku University
- Nara Institute of Science and Technology
- Hokkaido University,Sapporo
- Kogakuin University, Tokyo
- Osaka University
- China
- Peking University
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
- Canada
- Lakehead University, Thunder Bay
- Université de Montreal
- University of Waterloo
- University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
- Washington College
- East Carolina University
- Montana State University
- University of Missouri St- Louis
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington
- State University of New York at Buffalo
- State University of New York at Albany
- University of North Dakota
- Pittsburg State University, Kansas
- Michigan Technological University
- University of Kansas
- Namibia
- University of Namibia
25European Erasmus Partners 2007
- 337 agreements
- about 250 partner universities
- In 27 countries
- Most agreements
- Germany 67
- France 44
- UK 25
- Italy 24
- Spain 23
- Austria 21
- The Netherlands 21
26International Networks
- University of the Arctic
- Northern Cross Border University
- Compostela Group of Universities
- Finland Distinguished Professor Programme,
FiDiPro - funding programme for top researchers in Science
and Technology - programme launched by the Academy of Finland and
Tekes, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and
Innovation - In Oulu during 2007-08
- professor Behnaam Aazhang at the Centre for
Wireless Communications (CWC) - professor Ghassan Jabbour at the Department of
Electrical and Information Engneering, - professor Ryuji Kohno at CWC and
- professor Mark Nuttall at the Thule Institute.
- In Oulu during 2008-09
- Anthony J. DeArdo (USA) at the Centre for
Advanced Steels Research, CASR - Tadashi Matsumoto (Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology) at CWC
27Exchange Students 2006 (2005, 2004)
- Total Student Mobility
- From Oulu 313 (314, 273) students to 33 countries
- To Oulu 445 (363, 345) students from 42 countries
- Finland
- 75 of outgoing exchange students to Europe
- 88 of incoming students from Europe
- Oulu
- 74 to Europe
- 79 from Europe
- 345 (294, 303) international degree students
28Exchange Student comments about Oulu
- My programme coordinater was very nice and tried
to help me at every problem I had. - My kummi student was a really nice girl and she
helped me a lot, during the first days she guided
me doing everything I needed and she was there
everytime I needed. Having someone waiting for
you when you arrive at a foreign country where
you are completely alone it's really nice. - I had great time in Oulu. I can talk only from a
point of view of a medical student. Maybe more
lectures and seminars in English. I can't have
any objections on clinical pratices cause its
really hard to follow medical examination in a
language you don't speak. But this is the price
we non-Finnish speaking students had to pay. - I liked relationships with teachers and students
at my department. They are really nice and
sincere. Of course exchange life is something
worth to experience ) - I had a great time in Oulu! It was maybe the
best thing I have ever done in my life. I learned
a lot in Oulu, not only academically but also
socially. I would recommend it to anyone. - The Kummi family programme is excellent. It
makes you feel very settled and welcome. - Cold and dark - but I loved it!!!
- One of the most exciting periods in my life. I
enjoyed my stay very much. This is due to the
very well organised university and some very nice
people I met.
29Total Student Mobility between 1992-2006
30Outgoing Exchange Students by Host Country
Total 313 (2006)
Moreover, 8 Czech Rep., Hungary 6 Japan,
Russia 5 Norway 4 Singapore 3 Hong Kong,
Iceland, China, Greece, New Zealand, Slovakia 2
South Africa, Ireland, Namibia, Portugal,
Estonia 1 Belgium, Korea, Mexico, Poland 11
31Incoming Exchange Students by Home Country
Total 445 (2006)
Moreover, 9 Slovakia, Turkey 7 Belgium 6
Indonesia, Namibia 5 Australia, Portugal,
Sweden 3 The Netherlands, India, Canada,
Singapore 2 South Africa, Hong Kong, Mexico,
Norway, Denmark, Estonia 1 Argentina, Ireland,
Japan, Greece, Nigeria, Pakistan, Romania,
Zambia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka
32Outgoing and Incoming Exchange Students by Faculty
Total 363
Total 314
33Outgoing Exchange Students by Programme
Total 313
34Erasmus Teacher Exchange, outgoing
(as of 1.6.2007)
35International Degree Programmes
- Masters Programmes in English
- Master of Education International Programme
- Masters Programme in Education and Globalisation
- FMA, International Masters Programme in
Financial and Management Accounting - MSc in Protein Science and Biotechnology
- Masters Programmes being developed, first intake
autumn 2008 or later - Masters Programme in Circumpolar Health and
Wellbeing - FE, Masters Programme in Finance and Economics
- Masters Programme in International Business
- Masters Programme on Environmental Engineering
- Architectural Design
- Masters Programme in Information Technology in
the Humanities, Arts and Media - Graduate Schools
- Biocenter Oulu Graduate School
- Infotech Oulu Graduate School
- The Graduate School of Circumpolar Wellbeing,
Health and Adaptation
36Intl Degree Students 2001-2006
37Intl Degree Students 2001-2006
38Intl Degree Students by Faculty
39Intl Degree Students by Home Country
Also, 7 Iran, Poland, Turkey, 6 UK, Ukraine 5
Bangladesh, Canada, France, Nigeria, Romania 4
Hungary 3 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark,
Kenya, Switzerland, Vietnam 2 Argentina,
Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Greece, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malaysia, Morocco, The Netherlands 1
Algeria, Armenia, Ireland, Israel, Lebanon,
Luxemburg, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan,
Taiwan, Thailand, Togo
40Integration of International Students
- Pre-arrival Information package (Guide for
Foreign Exchange Students, arrival information,
maps) - Orientation Week (Autumn Spring Semester)
- Culture Day
- Language Preparation
- Kummi Students, i.e. Finnish student tutors
- Kummi Family Programme 150 families, about 50
of exchange students have a Kummi Family
41Future Challenges
- Increase mobility
- Goal 460 outgoing and incoming exchange students
- New degree structure and mobility?
- Quality
- More foreign degree students
- Goal 4 of the total number of students
- More Masters Programmes in English
- More Joint Masters Programmes with international