Title: futureofprimarycare.com
1Key-elements for the national agenda how to
achieve integrated primary care?
- Prof.dr. Robbert Huijsman MBA,
- Professor of Integrated Care Management
2Neo-liberalist view prevails
Regulated health care markets
Civil Society
Free choice Shared decisions Quality of Life
Quality of care, Peers, income
3Contents of my contribution
- Wake up the market philosophy will continue!!
- Evidence-based or ideology-driven?
- Holistic/generalistic vs disease/specialistic
- New patients ? professional skills
- The service/business model
- Performance management
- The systems approach
- Strategy, politics and leadership
4Turn around in health care
- Input resources, availability, equal excess
- Throughput efficiency and cost minimisation
- Output products and performance
- Outcome public (health) accountability
5New care concepts
- De-institutionalization home and community,
civil society - Integrated care programmes for disabled, chronic
diseases, - Technology (ICT, domotica, robots, genomics,
pharmacy) - For supply on demand, quality of life, shared
decision making - Service as core product JIT, information,
communication - From evidence-based medicine to evidence-based
(primary) care, -management and -policy
6Incorporating international evidence
- Example de-institutionalisation of care for the
elderly - multidisciplinary teams based in the community
- with medical expertise (here geriatrics)
- integral needs assessment and single-point entry
system - case management and monitoring (Individuals and
Groups) - integrated budgets (I and G again) and
decentralized authorities - a solid, durable organisation (ICT) pays itself
7Ideology for integrated primary care
policy with vision
housing, communities
social services
appropriate governance
cost containment
participation and education
care cure
demand focused
Example whos responsible for playing grounds
for obese kids?!
8The evidence base for primary care
- From health problems in the population to
hospital care - 1000 (pop) ? 100 (PC) ? 10 (hosp.) ? 1
(acad.hosp.) - Effectiveness 1GP gt GP-care gt joint cons gt
dir.referals - Evidence gap for many prevention and care
programmes - But international studies show strong
relationship between good primary care and lower
Primary care score
98 not EB
90 GP
Cost per caput
9Professional competencies in a multicultural and
multidisciplinary world
life-long learner
information broker
Expertise knowledge
shared decision making
disease manager
team- player
empathic supporter
10The service/business model
- market segmentation what do you want to be to
whom? - optimise health, well-being and social
functioning - reduce health risks and prevent illnesses
- maximise clinical effectiveness and efficiency
- outcome measurement and continuous improvement
- adequate management, ICT and MIS
- incentive schemes difficult, but necessary!
- product/market combinations, including price
setting - service, operational excellence and/or
innovation choose!
11The integration puzzles
Systems integration
Organisational system
chained careprocesses
12Driving the integration process
13Tracks of integration and coordination
14Elements for change management
- Clear urgency, with internal external pressure
- Vision, ambition, and leadership
- Communicate, communicate, communicate
- Dedicated teams, managers professionals
- Sufficient resources and competencies
- Open up the windows (best practices)
- Get short-term wins, to foster implementation
- Adapt structures, procedures, planningcontrol
- Challenge and adapt organisational culture
- Re-adjust incentives (not only financially)
- Performance management
15Too many objectives for Performance Indicators?
Choice for patients
Payment for professionals
Quality improvement
Governance and steering
16Performance management ideal
central database
17Take away the barriers
Make oil and water mix
We love innovation, how about implementation
Challenge professional autonomy
18Key-elements for national agenda
- PC-sector leadership, evidence and integrated
lobby - Professionals out-reaching, skills training,
teams - Managers performance management
- Educators team work, organisation, innovation
and implementation, ICT - Local government put public health first,
foster intersectoral linkages - Insurers innovative incentive schemes, disease
management, contracting for chains - Researchers collect the proper evidence
- Minister paradigm shift towards PC, break-down
19Do not hide from the challenges!
20Thanks for your attention
Prof.dr. Robbert Huijsman MBA Institute Health
Policy Management Erasmus University
Rotterdam/Erasmus MC PO Box 1738 3000 DR
Rotterdam email huijsman_at_bmg.eur.nl
21Principles of disease management
A process in which a continuous improvement of
measurable results of the treatment continuum
(prevention, diagnostics, management) is
1. Shared vision 6. Evidence-based protocols 2.
Economic analysis 7. Casemanagement 3.
Prevention oriented 8. Integrated data
systems 4. Commitment patient 9. Involvement of
the 5. Continuity of care pharmaceutical