Title: WHAT
- Skin Care of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing
Standard External Beam Radiation - Donna M. Braunreiter RN BSN OCN
- MSN Student
- Alverno College
- Spring 2009, MSN 621
- dmbraunreiter _at_ aol.com
- dmbraunreiter _at_ wi.rr.com
- Explain effects of external beam radiation
therapy. - Briefly describe genetic mechanisms involved in
radiation. - Summarize the acute physiologic mechanisms of
inflammation. - Describe the structure and function of skin.
- Identify breast skin changes after radiation
treatment. - Review nursing care for breast cancer patients
undergoing radiation therapy.
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6Radiation Treatment
- Skin reaction is the most common side effect
during breast cancer radiation treatments - Over 90 of women receiving radiation for breast
cancer will develop some skin changes during
their course of treatment
- Interacts with all biological materials in its
path - Direct and indirect damage to cells causes DNA
changes - Causes many molecular responses that induce
cellular mechanisms for DNA repair, cell cycle
arrests, and apoptosis
- Major effect on dividing cells is reproductive
death - Leaves cells unable to reproduce
- Radiosensitivity of cell determines degree of
injury and when it will happen
9Radiation Direct Effect
- DNA absorbs radiation
- The atoms become ionized and damaged
- Less common than indirect damage
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10Radiation Indirect Effect
- Water molecules surrounding DNA are ionized
- Creates highly reactive free radicals such as
hydroxyl radicals, peroxide, hydrated electrons,
and oxygen radicals - These radicals interfere with DNA and cause
damage and strand breakage - Common because 80 of a cell is water
11Radiation Damage
- Direct and indirect damage break bonds in DNA
backbone - Results in loss of base, nucleotide, or one or
both strands of DNA - Single-strand DNA breaks are repaired using the
opposite strand as a template - Can result in mutation if not repaired correctly
12Radiation Damage
- Double-strand DNA breaks related to cell killing
- Results in mitotic death
- X-rays are sparsely ionizing and
cause locally clustered damage - Leads to clinically significant
events -
DNA Structure
United States National Library of
Medicine -
- Inducing apoptosis
- Causing permanent cell cycle arrest or terminal
differentiation - Inducing cells to die of mitotic catastrophe
- Programmed cell death
- Radiation damage triggers signaling cascades
which causes cell self-destruct mechanisms - Characteristics are nucleus fragmentation and
blebbing - Tumors undergoing apoptosis have good clinical
15 Cell Cycle
- www.wikigenetics.org/images/4/4b/C
16Cell Cycle Death/Terminal Differentiation
- Cells can arrest in any phase of cell cycle
- Radiation damage mainly in G1 and G2 phases
- Normal cells and cancer cells retaining p53
function block in G1 - Cancer cells with p53 loss or mutation block in
G2 phase - G2 arrest related to cellular repair of DNA
radiation-induced DNA damage
17Radiation Effects
- Cells renewing rapidly with little or no
differentiation - Examples are skin cells, mucous membranes, and
hematopoietic stem cells
- Cells that do not divide regularly or at all and
are highly differentiated - Examples are muscle cells and nerve cells
18Radiation Effects
- Acute effects
- Damage within weeks to months of exposure
- Temporary
- Normal cells affected are capable of repair
- Dependent upon dose-time-volume factors
- Late effects
- Damage months or years after first exposure
- Permanent
- Damage becomes more severe as time goes on
- Dependent upon dose-time-volume factors
19Radiation Effects
- Higher doses over shorter periods of time to
larger volumes of tissues result in more severe
acute reactions - Acute damage results from depletion of actively
proliferating parenchymal or stromal cells - Characteristics are vascular dilation, local
edema, and inflammation
- Severity of late effects more dependent upon
total dose delivered and volume if tissue
irradiated - Damage to endothelial cells or connective tissues
results in late effects occurring as a result of
narrowing or occlusion of small vasculature and
20Radiation Effects
- Acute and late side effects from radiation
therapy are LOCAL and ONLY affect tissues
receiving treatment - Presence and severity of acute effects can not
predict late effects of radiation - Late reactions such as tissue necrosis or dense
tissue fibrosis can occur independently of acute
- Most common position for breast cancer radiation
therapy - MUST be used if lymph nodes need to be treated
- May involve radiation exposure to heart, lungs,
ribs, and contralateral breast -
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- Used for women with larger pendulous breast,
cardiac and/or pulmonary comorbidities - Possible improved dose homogeneity
- Potential reduction in lung and heart irradiation
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23Patient-Related Considerations
- Normal age-related changes
- thinning of the epidermis and dermis,
- diminished elasticity,
- decreased dermal turgor,
- which results in delayed healing.
- Nutritional status is also important for healing.
24What is the effect of radiation on cells?
A. Reproductive death of cells throughout the
B. Reproductive death of cells in the treated
area only
C. Radiation skin reactions cause internal
D. Radiation helps repair DNA damage.
25Wrong answer, try again.
- Radiation only affects the area being treated and
causes damage to DNA.
Click here to return to question
26Correct! Radiation causes the reproductive death
of cells in the treated area only.
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28 Chromosomerod-shaped molecule of DNA threaded
around proteins containing specific genes that
carry hereditary informationHistones are
proteins that act as spools around which DNA
winds, as compaction is necessary to large genes
inside cell nuclei histones also function as
gene regulators
- United States
National Library of Medicine
biological unit of hereditary segment of DNA
needed to contribute to a function and specifies
a trait
- United States
Library of Medicine - http//ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/illustrations/ge
30Radiation effect on genes
- Ionizing radiation causes phosphorylation of
histone H2AX (forming gamma-H2AX) - Reaction dependent on ataxia telangiectesia
mutated (ATM) molecule - Followed by accumulation of 53BP1, a protein
acting as central mediator for critical pathways,
including phosphorylating (which conveys the DNA
damage signal to) tumor suppressor protein p53
31Genetics in Radiation
- Next, phosphorylating the ATM protein amplifies
the damage signal - And recruits proteins critical for repair, such
as the BRCA1 and HDAC4 - Which allows a G2 cycle checkpoint
- 53BP1 important in double-strand DNA damage
sensing, repair, and tumor suppression
32Genetics in Radiation
- HR (homologous repair) efficient in late S or G2
phase when sister chromatids have replicated but
not separated - Repair is cell cycle dependent
- Undamaged homologous chromosome or sister
chromatid or replicated chromosome is used as a
template to fill in missing DNA sequences in
damaged chromosome -
33Genetics in Radiation
- Human tumor cells block in G2 after DNA
double-strand damage, when repairs are
detectible, and irradiation induced G2 checkpoint
allows more time for cells to undergo HR
(homologous repair) and survive radiation
34Genetics in Radiation
- NHEJ (nonhomologous endjoining) is where blunt
ends of chromosomes severed by radiation are
directly rejoined - Less cell cycle dependent
- Highly mutagenic due to template-free rejoining
lacks specificity of HR - Ends of different chromosomes can be rejoined,
leading to chromosomal aberrations or expression
of dangerous fusion proteins
35p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene
- p53 stops activity of tumors
- Loss or mutation of p53 predisposes to cancer
- (e.g. inheriting only one functional copy of
p53 gene from parents) - p53 protein binds DNA and stimulates another gene
to produce protein p21 and blocks next stage of
cell division - Mutant p53 no longer binds DNA and does not
interact with p21 - Results in p21 unable to act as a stop signal
- Cells divide uncontrollably
36 Genetics in Radiation
- Ras, Raf, and EGFR alter cellular sensitivity to
radiation, but exact mechanisms unknown - Ras is a proto-oncogogene (portion of DNA that
regulates normal cell proliferation and repair) - Raf is a gene coding for protein kinase
- EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) found on
surface of some cells and where epidermal growth
factor binds, causing the cells to divide
37What is a common gene that can lead to many
cancers it is mutated or lost?
B. p 21
C. p 53
D. Ras
38Wrong answer, try again.
- EGFR is epidermal growth factor, Ras is a
proto-oncogene, and p21 is a protein influenced
by p53 and acts as a stop signal in the cell
Click here to return to question
39 Correct! p 53
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- Reaction of vascularized tissue to local injury.
- Causes are many and varied.
- Commonly it results from an immune response to
infection organisms. - Other causes are trauma, surgery, caustic
chemicals, extremes of heat and cold, and
ischemic damage to body tissues.
(Porth, 2005).
42Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation
- Redness
- Swelling
- Heat
- Pain
- Loss of function
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43Acute Inflammation
- Two major components
- Inflammatory mediators, acting together or
in sequence, amplify the initial response and
influence its evolution by regulating the
subsequent vascular and cellular responses
(Porth, 2005). -
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44Vascular Stage
- Constriction of small blood vessels in injured
area - Vasoconstriction followed rapidly by vasodilation
of the arterioles and venules - Causes the area to becomes congested and results
in redness and warmth
45Vascular Stage
- Capillary permeability increases causes swelling,
pain, and impaired function - Movement of fluid from capillaries into
interstitial spaces (swelling) dilutes the
offending agent - Extravasation of plasma proteins into
extracellular spaces causes exudate - Blood stagnation and clotting of blood in the
capillaries around the injury site aids in
localizing the spread of infectious microorganisms
46Vascular Stage
- FIRST is immediate transient response
- SECOND is immediate sustained response which
occurs with more serious injury and continues for
several days and damages vessels in the area - THIRD is a delayed hemodynamic response, which
increases capillary permeability that occurs 4 to
24 hours after injury, seen with RADIATION types
of injuries
47Cellular Stage
- Movement of phagocytic white blood cells
(leukocytes) into area of injury - Two types of leukocytes involved--granulocytes
and monocytes - Requires the release of chemical mediators from
sentinel cells (mast cells and macrophages)
already positioned in tissues
48Cellular Stage Granulocytes
- Granulocytes divided into three types
- neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.
- Neutrophils are primary phagocytes arrive within
90 minutes to injury site contain enzymes and
antibacterial substances that destroy and degrade
engulfed particles.
49 Segmented Neutrophils
- http//upload.wikimedia.org/wikip
50Cellular Stage Monocytes
- Mononuclear phagocytes are largest of white blood
cells - Last 3 to 4 times longer than granulocytes and
survive longer in the tissues. - Help to destroy agent, aid in signaling processes
of specific immunity, and help to resolve
inflammatory process. - Arrive by 24 hours and at 48 hours monocytes and
macrophages are predominant cells at injury site - Engulf larger and greater quantities of foreign
materials and migrate to lymph nodes.
51Phases of Acute Inflammation Response
- Leukocytes increase adhesion molecules,
- slow migration, and move along periphery of
blood vessels
52Phases of Acute Inflammation Response
- Leukocytes pass through capillary walls and
migrate into tissue spaces
53Phases of Acute Inflammation Response
- Leukocytes in tissues guided by cytokines,
bacteria, and cell debris
54Phases of Acute Inflammation Response
- Neutrophils and macrophages engulf and degrade
bacteria and debris -
Phagocytosis -
- http//upload.wikimedia.o
rg/.../180px-Phagocytosis2. png -
55Inflammatory Mediators
- Polypeptide products of various cell types-
- mostly lymphocytes and macrophages
- modulate functions of other cell types
- directs growth of immature marrow precursor cells
56Inflammation with Chemical Mediator
- Swelling, redness, and
- tissue warmth
- (vasodilation and increased capillary
- Histamine (fast acting and causes dilatation
and increased permeability of capillaries), - Prostaglandins,
- Leukotrienes,
- Bradykinin,
- Platelet-activating factor
- (attracts neutrophils)
57Inflammation with Chemical Mediators
- Tissue Damage
- Lysomomal enzymes and products released from
neutrophils, macrophages, and other inflammatory
58Inflammation with Chemical Mediators
- Pain
- Prostaglandins
- Bradykinins
59Inflammation with Chemical Mediator
- Leukocytosis
- Interleukin-1
- Other Cytokines
60What are the five major signs of inflammation?
A. Redness, pus, fever, pain, and swelling
B. Pain, swelling, numbness, tingling, and cold
C. Heat, pain, swelling, pus, and loss of
C. Heat, pain, swelling, pus, and loss of
D. Redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of
61Wrong answer, try again.
Click here to return to question
62Correct! Redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss
of function.
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- Largest organ of the body
- Receives approximately one-third of hearts
oxygenated blood - Bodys FIRST defense mechanism
- Three Layers
- Epidermis (outer layer)
- Dermis (middle layer)
- Subcutaneous tissue (inner layer)
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66 Skin Structure
- http//upload.wikipedia.org/wiki/FileSkin
- Multi-layered and impermeable
- Outer layer that forms a resistant cover and
permeability barrier of varying thickness - Renews itself continuously through cell division
in deepest (basal) layer - Undergoes keratinization to produce scales that
are shed from outer layer - Avascular and receives nutrients from dermis
68Epidermal Layers
- Stratum corneum is outermost layer composed of
flattened dead cells and is about 25 of total
thickness - Stratum granulosum is thin transitional layer
- Stratum spinosum (squamous cell) is viable layer
made up of mainly post-mitotic cells - Basal cell layer is viable and deepest layer
where majority of cell division occurs
69 Layers of Epidermis
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image
70Terminal Transition in Epidermis
- Half the cells produced in basal layer undergo
mitosis - After dividing, cells leave basal cell layer and
enter stratum spinosum and then stratum
granulosum - This is where the cells flatten, lose
organelles, and become mature, keratininized
cells of the stratum corneum - Cells detach and desquamate, but are continually
replaced by cells produced in basal layer
(turnover process is 30 days)
- Tough and durable middle layer 1-3mm thick
- Gives skin strength, elasticity, and softness
- Protects deeper structures from injury
- Contains blood vessels that regulate body
temperature and provide nourishment to epidermis
also contains nerves, hair follicles and various
glands - Interacts with epidermis during wound repair
72Subcutaneous Tissue
- Composed mostly of adipose tissue
- Cushion to physical trauma
- Insulator to temperature change
- Energy reservoir
- Nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics run through
73Functions of Skin
- Regulation of body temperature
- Sensory perception
- Vitamin D production
- Provides an active system of immunologic defense
(dermal lymphocytes, mast cells, mononuclear
phagocytes, Langerhans cells) - Excretion
- First line of defense against bacteria and
foreign substances, physical trauma, - heat, or rays
- Microsoft Office Clip Art 2007
- Protection works by
- (1) eccrine gland sweating
- (2) insulation by the skin and subcutaneous
tissue - (3) regulation of cutaneous blood flow
(vasoconstriction and - vasodilation)
- (4) muscle activity
- (shivering)
75What is the major function of the skin?
A. Vitamin D Production
B. Sensory perception.
C. Regulation of body temperature.
D. Protection
76Wrong answer, try again.
Click here to return to picture
77Correct! Protection.
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79Radiation Changes
- Reflect injury occurring mostly in the epidermis
- Primary target for acute radiation skin reactions
is the basal cell layer - Entire epidermis turns over in 30 days
80Radiation Changes
- Early erythema within few hours after radiation
and subsides after 24-48 hours - Inflammatory response from histamine-like
substances that cause dermal edema from the
permeability and dilatation of capillaries
81Radiation Changes
- Main erythematous reaction occurs 3-6 weeks after
radiation begins and is due to a varying severity
loss of epidermal basal cells - Basal cell density changes with higher doses of
radiation - Reddening of the skin due to a secondary
inflammatory reaction or hyperemia
82Radiation Changes
- Higher radiation doses reduce number of mitotic
cells and increase in degenerate cells - When cells are not being reproduced at the same
rate in the basal cell layer and the normal
migration of cells to stratum corneum continues,
epidermis is denuded in time equal to natural
turnover (30 days)
83Dry Desquamation
- If enough numbers of clonogenic cells (cells
giving rise to a clone of cells) remain to
replace injured cells, there is atypical
thickening of the stratum corneum - The populations of the basal-layer stem cells
become depleted in the radiation treated area - This can result in dry flaking, scaling, and
itching in the treated area
84 Dry Desquamation
- Adapted with permission by Nature Publishing
Group Leukemia, volume 17, issue 7, 2003.
- www. Nature.com/leu/journa
85Moist Desquamation
- If new cell proliferation is inadequate, there is
exposed dermis with oozing of serum - Repopulation of the basal cell layer of epidermis
after irradiation is mainly from surviving
clonogenic cells (cells giving rise to a clone of
cells) within the irradiated area - If the treated area is completed denuded of
clonogenic epithelial cells, then healing results
from division and migration of viable cells from
skin around the irradiated area
86 Moist Desquamation
- Used with permission , Adapted from Ostomy Wound
Management , volume 51, issue 10, Managing
Radiation Skin Injury - www.o-wm/com/article/4752/files/photos
87Acute Skin Reactions
- Redness that outlines treatment field and
intensifies as treatment continues - Increased skin temperature
- Edema
- Follows after 2-3 weeks after standard
fractionated radiation and resolves 20-30 days
after last treatment
88Acute Skin Reactions
- Dryness
- Flaking
- Peeling
- Pruritus
- Following 3-4 weeks of standard fractionated
radiation and resolves 1-2 weeks after completion
of treatments
89Acute Skin Reactions
- Tanned appearance
- Following 2-3 weeks of standard fractionated
therapy and is usually resolved in 3 months to 1
year after treatment but may be chronic
90Acute Skin Reactions
- Bright erythema
- Sloughing skin
- Exposed dermis
- Serous exudate
- Pain
91Acute Skin Reactions
- Can occur with radiation or with trauma or
friction and most recovery usually 2-4 weeks
after completion of treatment - SKIN REGROWTH
- New skin is smooth, pink, thin, and dryer
- Depends upon severity but usually is complete 2-3
months after therapy
92Late Skin Reactions
- Enhanced erythema over skin exposed to UV
radiation from sun and tanning bed/booths - Begins during treatment and is lifelong
93What develops after 3 -4 weeks of radiation with
symptoms of dry, flaking, and peeling skin?
A. Dry desquamation
B. Erythema
C. Moist desquamation
D. Hyperpigmentation
94Sorry, wrong answer.
Click here to return to question
95Yes! Dry desquamation.
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97Nursing Care
- Perform skin assessment before radiation
treatments, at least weekly during treatments, - 1 month following completion of treatment,
and each follow-up appointment. - Initial assessment includes the patients present
skin condition, preexisting skin disorders,
medical conditions, medications, age-related
factors, and nutritional status. - Consistency in assessment and documentation is
98Patient Instructions
- Use gentle soaps ONLY, such as Dove or Ivory,
which do not contain additives - Use a moisturizing lotion on the treatment area
twice a day - Expose the treated area to the air as much as
possible - Do not wear underwire bras
- Do not wear tight-fitting clothing that rubs or
binds underneath the breast
99Patient Instructions
- Wear a comfortable bra. Wear cotton t-shirts
underneath your bra to absorb moisture. - Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
- Eat well-balanced meals and maintain your weight
during treatment. - Continue with your normal daily activities.
100Patient Instructions
- Sexual activity may continue during treatment.
You are not radioactive and there are no dangers
to your partner. - Avoid extreme temperatures to the affected area.
Do not use water bottles, heating pads, sun
lamps, ice bags, etc. - Avoid exposing your skin to the sun, as the sun
and sun rays are an additional form of radiation
to the skin. Always apply sunscreen with SPF or
15 before sun exposure.
101Patient Instructions
- Do not apply tape or adhesive bandages to the
treated area. - Speak with your nurse about deodorant use
- Continue with the range of motion exercises for
your arm and shoulder. - Report any pain or swelling to your doctor or
102Breast Skin Products
- Cleanser and moisturizer
- Given to every breast cancer patient being
treated with radiation - Have patients use twice a day
103Breast Skin Products
- Healing ointment and skin protectant
- Used for dry desquamation
- Apply to affected area
104Breast Skin Products
- Topical aluminum acetate packets (astringent)
mixed with normal saline - Gently debride area and apply solution to area
for 20 minutes rewet every 10 minutes and repeat
once a day - Apply hydrocolloid dressing over affected area
and secure - Do NOT use hydrocolloid dressing 4 hours before
105What is the recommended treatment for every
radiation patient?
A. Soap and water once a day
B. Apply cleanser and moisturizer twice a day on
the affected area
C. Apply a hydrocolloid over the treated area
D. Encourage daily sun exposure.
106Sorry, incorrect. Try again.
Click here to return to the question
107Yes! Apply cleanser and moisturized twice a day
to the affected area.
108Case Study
- Mrs. K is a breast cancer patient who has
received radiation to her left breast for the
past 4 weeks. She is complaining of increasing
pain and her left breast is bright red in color,
with sloughing skin and a serous exudate. -
- What is the name of this skin condition
caused by radiation? What would be the nurses
actions and interventions?
109Case Study
- Moist desquamation.
- The nurse would apply an aluminum acetate
solution for 20 minute and gently debride the
area. - A hydrocolloid dressing would then be placed over
this area and secured. - The patient would be given instructions about
this treatment once a day. - Pain management will be addressed.
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113Good Job
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