Title: Electronic High School Transcripts
1Electronic High School Transcripts
- Dennis Crowson
- Blinn College
- TACRAO Technology Committee
2Electronic High School Transcripts
- History of the project
- Outline of the project
- Advantages and Cost savings
- Project status and timeline
3Would like to emulate the success of electronic
college transcripts
- Process has been proven as successful
- Savings of time and money to transmit college
transcripts - Makes things easier on the students
- Could possibly become larger than college
transcript network
4History of the project
- TEA contracted with TRIAND Corp. to put all K-12
transcript data online - Web-Enabled Student Transcript (WEST) Project
- Statewide K-12 database set up
- TRIAND writing processes to upload data from ISD
system to database - 10 15 K-12 ISIS in Texas
5History of the Project (cont.)
- Goal is to have all ISDs in Texas in database by
end of the year - Have many completed
- The system currently houses over 2.4 million
records - Over 700,000 high school students
- Over 1,000,000 hits per day
- About 250 High Schools
- Heavy in the Houston, Dallas, and Corpus Christi
6TRIAND Information
7(No Transcript)
8College Involvement
- Contact made with TACRAO and TRIAND
- Idea that this could aide lead to electronic
transcripts to colleges hatched - TRIAND presented to the SPEEDE Users Group
- Texas Higher Education Efficiency Committee
identified efficiencies that could be realized - TEXPRESS ad hoc committee formed
9THEE Committee
- Committee formed to create high impact
efficiencies in student services - Council of Public University Presidents and
Chancellors - Members include Troy Johnson and Christie Kangas
- One of their initiatives in their 2004 report was
to - Develop a statewide system to encourage and
facilitate the use of electronic high school
- Dennis Crowson
- Dave Stones
- Shelby Stanfield
- Christie Kangas
- Fred Hample
- Mario Lucchesi
- Monique Snowden
11Implementation Ideas
- One of the goals is to make it as easy and
inexpensive as possible for both colleges and
ISDs - Request triggered
- Data flow similar to that of SPEEDE college
transcripts - Issues to be resolved
12www.ApplyTexas.org State of Texas Common
Application For Admission web site. Student
requests high school transcript be sent to chosen
ANSI X12 TS 146 Request for Transcript
ISD/Service Center
ANSI X12 TS 130 "ExPRESS" (Exchanging Permanent
Records Electronically between Students and
Schools) High School Transcript
TRIAND Educational Solutions Systems
Destination Institutions
13Student requests, in person, high school
transcript be sent to chosen institution.
ISD/Service Center
ANSI X12 TS 130 "ExPRESS" (Exchanging Permanent
Records Electronically between Students and
Schools) High School Transcript
TRIAND Educational Solutions Systems
Destination Institutions
14Triggering Modalities
- Transcript triggered when students use Texas
Common Application - Part of the overall seamless admissions model
- Transcript requested to be sent by the student
- Transcript sent by the high school
- Transcript requested by the college
15More on Triggering
- Since many universities need current and final
transcripts, some timing issues - All students do not use the common application,
so they will need mechanism - Universities may only need those final
transcripts of students who have been accepted
and will attend
16Common Application Triggering
- Goal is to have a one-stop application process
- Student enters high school code
- Either through a query or through an
authentication screen, the HS transcript is
requested - FERPA questions still
- TS146 sent to TRIAND
17Common Application
- Next step is to get test scores from common
application in a similar manner - A one-stop application!!!
18Data Flow
- Data would go from the ISDs to the TRIAND
statewide database - Then data would be sent to UT SPEEDE Server via
EDI or XML - Server would treat this similar to a college
transcript and package to the individual colleges
19SPEEDE Server Side
- Transcript received from TRIAND database
- Packaged and sent to destination colleges in the
TS130 format (same format currently used for
college transcripts) - Same as current college transcripts
20College Side
- Transcript can be printed as is using the UT
provided printing program - Or SIS could be programmed to download high
school data into the colleges database - Both EDI and XML aspects are being discussed
- EDI Implementation first
21www.ApplyTexas.org State of Texas Common
Application For Admission web site. Student
requests high school transcript be sent to chosen
ANSI X12 TS 146 Request for Transcript
ISD/Service Center
ANSI X12 TS 130 "ExPRESS" (Exchanging Permanent
Records Electronically between Students and
Schools) High School Transcript
TRIAND Educational Solutions Systems
Destination Institutions
22What is needed
- ISD Side
- Connection with TRIAND database
- Buy one of TRIANDs other products and will get
this free - Other products cost approximately 1/student
- Possibly some way to trigger transcript
- College Side
- Ability to read in high school TS130 into SIS
- Can always just print them out
- TRIAND Database
- Triggering mechanism
- Ability to send EDI or XML to SPEEDE server
- How to trigger the sending of the transcript?
- Legal issues FERPA?
- Who will pay for the TRIAND database and support
it? - What data elements do we (colleges) need?
- ISD Side
- Do not have to print out and mail transcripts
- Already connected with TRIAND database
- College Side
- Faster receipt of high school transcript
- Can automatically enter high school data into SIS
- Student
- Transcript should get to college faster
- Faster admissions decisions
- Not solely dependent on high school to send
25Current Costsas identified by the THEE Committee
- Colleges to process HS transcripts
- (10 min/transcript, 12/hr, 720,000 transcripts)
- 1,440,000
- High schools to print transcripts
- (30 min/transcript, 13/hr, 720,000 transcripts)
- 4,680,000
- High schools to mail transcripts
- (1 / transcript)
- 720,000
26Current Costsas identified by the THEE Committee
- Total current annual costs
- 6,840,000
27New Annual Costsas identified by the THEE
- ISD Costs
- (1 minute / transcript _at_ 12/hr)
- 144,000
- College Costs
- (5,000 / College for 100 colleges)
- 500,000
- Other statewide costs
- 6,000
28Cost Savings
- Current Annual Costs 6,840,000
- New Annual Costs 650,000
- Annual Cost Savings 6,190,000
29Start-up CostsAs identified by the THEE Committee
- Colleges (11,000/college) 1,100,000
- Only needed if SIS will be updated
- ISDs (11,000/ half of HS)
- (11,000/ half of ISDs) 14,916,000
- This is the work TRIAND is currently doing
- Total 16,016,000
- However these amounts could be much less
30Project Status and Timeline
- TEXPRESS Committee members and other pilot
schools have sent in mock requests for high
school transcripts - 160 were sent to TRIAND
- All from the Houston area
- All were found in the TRIAND database
31Project Status and Timeline
- Meeting with Shelby, TRIAND, myself
- TRIAND programmers and UT programmers are meeting
this week - EDI specifications will be discussed
- TRIAND plans to have these back to pilot schools
by Dec. 1 - Gap Analysis performed by pilot schools during
32Project status and timeline
- During spring TRIAND will implement some
triggering mechanisms - Testing of these done during the spring semester
- Triggering mechanism will be put into the common
application during the spring and summer
33Project status and timeline
- Production triggering put into place for the
common application when the new features are
frozen in August - Available to state participants thereafter
- More information available this afternoon in the
EDI workshop session
- Not near as far along as we had hoped to be
- Impetus has been placed on TRIAND and hope they
will now put more resources on the project - TRIAND also now doing state of Wyoming
- Only about 90,000 students
35TEXPRESS Committee
- Dennis Crowson Blinn College
- Fred Hample UT San Antonio
- Christie Kangas Texas State University
- Mario Lucchesi Univ. of Houston
- Monique Snowden Texas AM Univ.
- Shelby Stanfield UT Austin
- Dave Stones Southwestern University
36- Presentation can be found at
- www.blinn.edu
- Under Quick Links Electronic High School