Banner 5.x Navigation Tutorial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Banner 5.x Navigation Tutorial


... 5.x Navigation Tutorial is an animated PowerPoint tutorial designed for the new Banner user. ... To exit the tutorial, use the Esc key on the keyboard or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Banner 5.x Navigation Tutorial

Banner 5.x Navigation Tutorial
  • Database Support Team
  • La Sierra University

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Oct. 2001
The Banner 5.x Navigation Tutorial is an animated
PowerPoint tutorial designed for the new Banner
The Table of Contents page of this tutorial
allows you to select the appropriate tutorial for
your needs.
Links to additional information and other
sections of the tutorial appear blue and
underlined in the text.
Clicking on a link connects you with additional
information and automatically returns you to your
previous location in the tutorial once you have
clicked through all the slides in that section.
To exit the tutorial, use the Esc key on the
keyboard or right click with the mouse and select
End Show.
Table of Contents Banner 5.x Navigation
Tutorial (Navigation Tutorial 15 - 20
minutes) (The following sections of the
Navigation Tutorial can be accessed
separately) What is Banner?
Forms Logging on to Banner
Form Name Structure The Banner 5.x
Interface Lists The Menu Bar
Setting up a Personal
Menu The Standard Toolbar
Queries The Vertical Toolbar
Object Search The Main Menu
Exiting Forms Direct Access
Exiting Banner Registration
Query Form (Registration Inquiries 5 - 10
minutes) Click here to exit this
Do you want to exit this tutorial?
To end the show click here
Or return to the Table of Contents page?
To return to the Table of Contents page click
What is Banner?
Banner is the software program that we use to
manage our Student, Finance, Financial Aid,
Alumni, and Human Resource information.
We input information into the Banner 2000 system
through screens referred to as forms. Application
forms feed the information into the Banner
We also use forms in Banner to retrieve
information from the Banner database. Forms used
to retrieve information in Banner are referred
to as inquiry forms.
When you launch Banner, a Logon dialog box will
appear prompting you to type in the appropriate
Username, Password, and Database name that was
provided to you by your Database
Administrator. Pressing the Tab key on the
keyboard will move the cursor from field to
field, or you can use the mouse to click in the
desired field.
Although the mouse pointer appears on the screen
as an hour glass, you can still use the mouse to
click on the Connect button. Or you can press
the Enter key on the keyboard to connect. If you
wish to exit the Logon dialog box, click on the
Cancel button.
When you first make the connection, the General
System Global Establishment Form appears briefly
on the screen
Shortly thereafter, the Banner Main Menu appears
on the screen.
Banner version 5.x Main Menu
The Title Bar displays the name of the program
and the name of the database to which you are
connected. The Menu Bar shows the menus that are
currently available for the screen that is on
display. (Menu names that are faded out are
currently unavailable.) Selections are made from
these drop-down menus to perform certain Banner
functions. The Standard Toolbar includes toolbar
buttons for the various functions in Banner. If
you place your mouse pointer over any of the
toolbar buttons, a tool tip will display the
function of the button.
Lets look at the Standard Toolbar more closely...
Save - clicking on the Save button will save any
information you have entered on a form. (Forms,
of course, are the screens in Banner through
which data is either entered and retrieved.)
Rollback - temporarily clears the information
displaying in the area (or block) where the
cursor is located in the form and rolls the
cursor back to the first (or key) information
area (block) of that form.
Select - is used to select items from lists of
information in Banner.
Moving to the right...
Insert Record - The Insert Record button allows
you to insert a new record of information related
to a person, or vendor. For example, if you
would like to include a business address, as well
as a mailing address, for an alumnus, you must
insert a new record to add the business address
to the their information.
Delete Record - Clicking on this button will
delete the particular line (or record) of
information where your cursor is located in an
entry (application) form.
And to the right again...
Enter Query - Queries allow you to search any
list in Banner for specific information.
Clicking on this button temporarily clears the
information from the list currently displaying
and allows you to enter the criteria that you
wish to extract from the list.
Execute Query - clicking on this button will
extract the information from the list that you
have requested according to your criteria.
Cancel Query - clicking on this button will
cancel the query and return you to the original
Moving across to the next section of the Standard
Previous Record - moves your cursor to the
previous line (or record) in an information block.
Next Record - moves your cursor to the next line
(or record) in an information block.
Previous Block - moves your cursor to the first
field of the previous information area (block) on
a form.
Next Block - moves your cursor to the first field
of the next information area (block) on a form.
Moving to the right again...
View/Send Message - retrieves the General Message
Form which indicates whether or not you have any
pending messages in Banner. For example, may
might have a message indicating the approval of a
Requisition Form. This form also allows you to
send messages to other users in Banner.
Print - this option prints a screen capture, (it
graphically prints the form or menu currently
displaying on the screen).
Graph Information - this button invokes the
Graphing Wizard Form which allows you to create
graphical representations of certain reports.
And now for the last section of the Standard
Show Keys - clicking on this button will give
you a list of the keyboard key combinations to
press for various functions in Banner.
Bookshelf - this option connects you with SCTs
Banner Documentation via the Adobe Reader
On-Line Help - this version of SCT Banner Help
is very user friendly. At this time, On-line
Help is available for only selected forms.
Exit - this button allows you to exit a form or
exit the Banner program.
The Menu Bar, of course, provides drop-down menus
with menu commands equivalent to those functions
found on the Standard Toolbar. The Menu Bar is
just another way to access Banner functions. And
remember, you can also invoke Banner functions by
using keyboard commands, (as found on the Show
Keys listing).
The Vertical Toolbar gives you access to the
Calculator, Calendar, Microsoft Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint. It also gives you access to the
Internet through your browser, as well as Banner
Dynamic Help, and SCTs Strategic Enrollment
Management (SEM) program, (if you have purchased
The Main Menu consists of two panes
A folder in the Left Pane can also be selected or
collapsed with the menu drop-down bar.
When the appropriate form appears in the Right
Pane, you can access the form with a single left
click on either the form icon or the form name.
Sometimes the Right Pane includes icons for both
Menus and Forms. Either can be selected from the
Right Pane.
Direct Access provides a quicker way to access a
form, (if you know the forms seven character
form name). Instead of using the menus, simply
type the seven character form name into the
Direct Access field and press the Enter key on
the keyboard.
Another way to access forms is to set up your own
Personal Menu with the forms you use most often.
The menu you design is to linked to your Banner
User ID. So every time you log on to Banner, you
can access your own Personal Menu. Once set up,
you can click on the Personal Menu folder in the
Left Pane of the Main Menu and the forms you use
most often will appear in the Right Pane. (This
way you do not have to remember which menus to
access to find forms or the seven character form
The grey bar at the bottom of the Banner window
displays the Auto Hint and Status Line.
Here is an example of a form
The Organization Budget Status Form, (FGIBDST),
is referred to as an Inquiry form because
information, (budget information in this case),
is being retrieved
The keyboard command for Next Block is Ctrl/Page
Application forms, such as this Requisition Form
(FPAREQN), are used to enter or update
information in the Banner database. The
Requisition Form is used to obtain purchase
On the Requisition Form, items requested on the
form become records of information in the Banner
Clicking on the Delete Record toolbar button will
delete the record currently highlighted.
Clicking on the Delete Record toolbar button will
delete the record currently highlighted.
Keep in mind, there is no Undo function!
Form Name Structure
Example 1 FGIBDST (Organization Budget
Status Form) Character Description Representat
ion F Banner System (Finance) G Module of
(General Ledger) (Finance) System I Type of
Form (Inquiry) BDST Abbreviation of (Budget
Status) Form Name
Form Name Structure
Example 2 FPAREQN (Requisition
Form) Character Description Representation F
Banner System (Finance) P Module of
(Purchasing) (Finance) System A Type of
Form (Application) REQN Abbreviation of
(Requisition) Form Name
To exit a form, click on the Exit toolbar button.
If you wish to add another type of address, such
as a business address, you must insert another
record using the Insert Record toolbar button.
Here is the mailing address information for an
Clicking on the Insert Record toolbar button will
temporarily clear the current record and allow
you to enter an additional record of information.
Once you have entered the required fields of
information, you can click on the Save toolbar
button to save the additional record.
Here is the Vendor List
The Banner database contains lists of
information, (such as the Vendor List). An item
can be selected from the list to populate a field
in a form that brought you to the list. To
select an item from a list, simply double-click
the item. You can also single click the item,
(which highlights the item in blue), and then
click on the Select toolbar button.
Queries allow you to extract information from
When a list is displaying on the screen, (in this
case, the Vendor List), clicking on the Enter
Query toolbar button will temporarily clear the
The criteria above will extract only those vendor
names that include the word Computer. (The
percent sign serves as a wildcard representing
any number of unknown characters.) Remember,
queries are case sensitive, so criteria must be
entered exactly as it appears in the Banner
database or the data requested will not be
Clicking on the Execute Query toolbar button will
then extract the information from the list,
(according to your criteria).
Equivalent keyboard commands for entering and
executing queries are as follows Enter Query F7
function key Execute Query F8 function key
To set up your Personal Menu, you will need to
access the Personal Menu Maintenance Form
When the Personal Menu Maintenance Form appears,
a blinking cursor can be found in the Description
First, type one of the form names that you wish
to appear on your Personal Menu, (if you know
(No Transcript)
If you wish to add another form to your Personal
Menu, click to place the cursor on the next line
in the Description column, and repeat the process.
When you find the form that you wish place on
your Personal Menu, simply left click on the form
name to select it, (this will highlight the name
in white), and click on the Insert Selection
You can select more than one form at a time,
simply by clicking on the form names to highlight
them, and then place them on your Personal Menu
by clicking on the Insert Selection button.
Be careful of the Insert All button. If you
click on the Insert All button, all of the object
names listed in the left pane will be inserted
into the right pane.
You can remove an item from your personal menu by
selecting it and clicking on the Remove Selection
toolbar button.
You can also access other lists of Banner objects
to add to your Personal Menu, (such as Jobs,
Menus, and QuickFlows), by clicking on the
drop-down bar above the list and making a
When you select Jobs from the drop-down bar, a
list of the various Banner reports and processes
appears in the left pane.
To query a list, (in this case, the form list),
you must place the cursor somewhere in the list.
In order to do this, you must click on a form
name in the list, (which will then highlight the
name in white). Next, you must deselect the
form by clicking on it again, (otherwise the
system will think you wish to add this form to
your Personal Menu).
Next, click on the Enter Query toolbar button to
clear the list.
Now type in as much as you know of the name and
use the percent sign () as a wildcard symbol
for any unknown characters. Be sure to type the
name in Title Case, (upper and lower case
combination). Then click on the Execute Query
toolbar button to invoke the search.
This query will retrieve all forms that begin
with the word Organization.
The system should then retrieve the forms that
match your query criteria.
When you find the form that you wish place on
your Personal Menu, simply left click on the form
name to select it, (this will highlight the name
in white), and click on the Insert Selection
To save the changes to your Personal Menu, click
on the Save toolbar button.
When changes have been saved to your Personal
Menu, a confirmation will appear in the Auto Hint
If you click on the Exit button before saving any
changes, a message will appear asking you if you
want to save the changes that you made.
To save the changes, click on the Yes button.
To return to the Main Menu without saving the
changes, click on the No button. To cancel the
exit, click on the Cancel button.
Here is an example of the General Message Form
(GUAMESG) that appears when you click on the
View/Send Message toolbar button, (there are
currently no messages)
When you click on the Graph Information toolbar
button, the Graphing Wizard Form appears, (if you
have the Graphing program installed.)
Here is an example of the Show Keys window which
lists keyboard commands for the various functions
in Banner...
When you click on the Bookshelf toolbar button,
the Adobe Reader program will launch connecting
you with SCTs Banner Documentation
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
The Object Search function allows you to search
for various components of Banner, such as Menus,
Forms, Jobs, and QuickFlows, which are referred
to as objects. You can always access the Object
Search function from the File Menu, (or, at the
Main Menu, you can type the functions seven
character short form name into the Direct Access
field GUIOBJS).
After selecting Object Search from the File Menu,
(or typing its seven character short name into
the Direct Access field), the Object Search Form
(GUIOBJS) will appear on the screen
Next, click in the appropriate field that you
wish to use for your search, (for example, the
Description field), and type in as much of the
title of the object as you know using Title Case
letters, (where the first letter of each word is
The percent sign () is used as a wildcard symbol
representing unknown characters, (in this
example, unknown words before or after the word
You can then select, from the Type drop down bar,
the type of object you wish to search for, (in
this case, a Form).
Once the Type of object is selected, press the
F8 function key on the keyboard to process the
search. (Or, you can also use the Query/Execute
menu command to process the search.).
When the list of forms that match your criteria
appears on the screen, you can double-click the
appropriate form name to access the form, (or
single click the form name and then click on the
Start button to access the form).
Clicking on the Clear button will clear the
search so that you can begin a new search.
Clicking the Cancel button twice will return you
to the Main Menu.
The Registration Query Form (SFAREGQ) allows you
to retrieve student registration information
Then type the appropriate Student ID number into
the ID field.
When you click on the Search button, the Person
Search Form will appear
You must enter a query in this form to retrieve
the list of persons.
Type a percent sign () in the first ID field.
The percent sign in Banner is a wildcard symbol
that represents unknown characters. (Typing a
percent sign in the ID field will retrieve all of
the possible ID numbers and their associated
You can also query this list to find a specific
When you find the appropriate person, simply
double-click on the associated ID number to
select it.
Then the selected information will populate the
associated fields in the Registration Query Form.
CRN - (Course Reference Number) is a Banner
generated course number. Part of Term - is a code
that represents the portion of a term, (for
example, 1 might represent the 1st half of the
Summer term). Subj Code - refers to the subject
category. Crse Num - is a University generated
course number that you would find in a course
catalog. Sec Num - represents the section, (or
timeframe), that the course is taking place. For
example, 001 may represent the 1000 a.m. to
1050 section.
Bldg - this code represents the building where
the class will be held. Room - is the room number
in the building where the class is being
held. Credit Hours - indicates how many credit
hours are associated with the class. CEU
Indicator - indicates whether or not (Y/N), the
class is approved for Continuing Education
Units. GM (Grade Mode) - references the grading
mode, (such as Standard Letter Grade, Pass/Fail,
Audit, Transfer, etc.).
As you scroll to the right in this information
block, you will see Building codes, Room numbers,
Credit Hours, an CEU Indicator, and Grade Mode.
CL - (Cross Listed) indicates whether or not the
class is cross listed in the catalog under
different departments, or even perhaps under
slightly different course names. For example,
Writing Skills 101 and Business Writing. Camp -
is the code used to define the campus where the
class with be held. Instructor Name - may include
the name of the instructor teaching the course,
if available.
The last few fields of information in this block
include CL, Camp, and Instructor Name.
If you wish to return to the key information
block to type in another Student ID or select
another Student through the Search button, click
on the Rollback toolbar button. Then proceed to
access the related registration information using
any of the Next Block commands previously
To return to the Main Menu, click on the Exit
toolbar button.
When you are at the Main Menu and click on the
Exit button, a prompt will appear asking you if
you wish to exit the program.
To exit the program, click on the Yes button.
To remain in the program, click on the No button.
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