Title: Content Is King - Tangerine Digital
1Content is King !!
2Shortcut To Become King- CONTENT
- It is the textual, visual or aural content
encountered on websites - Text
- Images
- Sounds
- Videos
- Animation
- It is the very lifeblood of the internet.
3Why Content ??
- It adds value back into the community
- It helps to establish expert status
- It facilitates your ability to reach prospects
(wherever they are) - It nurtures leads through the buying process
(educating, empowering, inspiring enabling) - It contributes to your organic search ranking (so
when youve been doing it as long as these guys,
youll be at the top too) - It allows you to have a relevant impact
4Tips To Become CONTENT KING!
The introduction should be catchy to attract more
While writing, you should start over being
generic and gradually turn specific on the topic
Inclusion of comparisons in your content writing
will surely make your content attractive.
Organization of the thoughts is very important
while writing an article.
5Get IN Touch !!
- Tangerine India
- DLF IT Park, Tower C,
- 1st Floor, Plot No. 44 45, Sector 62,Noida
201309, Uttar Pradesh, India.Tel 91 120
4601800amitk_at_tangerinedigital.com - www.TangerineDigital.com
Tangerine US 104 East Graham PlaceBurbank,
California 91502, USAsales_at_tangerineus.com