Title: Brooks Elementary
1Brooks Elementary
A small but mighty learning community building
future leaders within a caring environment.
2A small but mighty learning community
35 Businesses Helped Raise 3,000 in Brooks
First Silent Auction.
3- Home Depot
- Wal-Mart White Lake
- Dr. Carol Wilkop
- Olympic Lanes
- Highland House
- Gilroys
- Bike City
- White Lake Supermarket
- D. J.s Meats
- Therapeutic Massage by Trish Mercure
- Movie Land
- Gun Barn
- Highland House
- Mike Kowall
- Rite Aid
- Highland McDonalds
- Highland Golf Center
- Steamers Hobby Dollar Sundry
- Derma Defense
- Hungry Howies
- Rest Relax Renew
- Vans Novi Skate Park
- Next Generation
- Wing Nuts Cones Coneys
- Companion K-9 Academy
- Highland Recreation Riding Stable
- The Draft Pick
- Zelony Well Drilling
- Video Palace
- Fun Barn
- Thornes Lawn and Landscape
- Derma Defense
- Brendel Septic
- Steve Tracey Duchesne
- Heavenly Hair
- Mike Lani Carey
4Businesses also donated to Brooks Fun Fair and
Brooks Annual Beautification Day.
5Building future leaders
- Staff Development Base Camp Team Building
- Literacy Enhancement Activities Program (LEAP)
- Science Night with Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum
6Base Camp Staff Development Team Building
7Building future leaders through innovative
8ClassroomsWithin a caring environment
- Students learning about the connections with Art
and Literature.
- Learning about Math in the real world.
9What Makes Brooks a Caring Environment Is Our
Staff, Students And Parents.
10(No Transcript)
11A small but mighty learning community building
future leaders within a caring environment.