Title: Springdale Elementary School Improvement Plan 20092010
1Springdale Elementary School Improvement
- Board Presentation
- April 29, 2009
- 700 p.m.
2Princeton Pride
- Introduction Kelly R. Wilham
- District Mission Statement
- Princeton is a diverse community where we are
all learners inspired to dream and challenged
to achieve.
4The School Improvement Team
- Kelly R. Wilham, Principal
- Dr. Mari Phillips, Associate Superintendent
- Sandy Schreiver, Parent
- BethCahill, Preschool Teacher
- Tanesha Brooks, Gr. 1 Teacher
- Liana Lee, Gr. 2 Teacher
- Mary Jo Melia, Gr. 3 Teacher
- Jocelyn Vanell, Gr. 3 Teacher
- Sue Martin, Gr. 4 Teacher
- Amy Sloan, Gr. 4 Teacher
- Rebecca Biddle, Gr. 5 Teacher
- Katie Huffman, Gr. 5 Teacher
- Steve Green, Gr. 5 Teacher
- Maggie Leutzinger, Enrichment Specialist
- Susie Witte, Psychologist
- Shawn Toadvine, Behavior Specialist
- Peggy Rolfes, Intervention Specialist
- Theresa Shepherd, P.E. Teacher
- Debbie Nadaud, Media Specialist
- Welcome Kelly R. Wilham
- Face of Springdale Elementary Katie Huffman
- Goals and Action Steps (new action steps in
yellow) - 1. Literacy Jocelyn Vanell Susie Witte
- 2. Math Steve Green Amy Sloan
- 3. Conditions and Expectations
- Rebecca Biddle Beth Cahill
- Evaluation Kelly R. Wilham
- Q A Session
6Face of Springdale-Students
7All Students Race/Ethnicity
86 Year TrendEconomically Disadvantaged
95 Year TrendCaucasian
105 Year TrendAfrican American
115 Year TrendMulti-Racial
123 Year TrendBehavior
- Out of 44 ongoing IAT meetings,
- 13 of our students are at/near the
- Intensive level of need and are on
- behavior intervention plans.
- Functional Behavior Assessments
- have indicated needs for many of
- our students to seek negative
- attention from peers and to avoid
- tasks.
- Five students are diagnosed as ADHD.
- Three students are diagnosed with ODD.
- Five students are also affected by Sensory
Integration Disorder.
13Face of Springdale -Staff
14All Staff Gender
15All Staff Race/Ethnicity
16Certified StaffEducation level
17Certified StaffAverage Years of Experience
18Highly Qualified Staff
19School Improvement Process Data Analysis
20Collaborative Problem Solving Process
21Measure Up-Summary
22Proficiency Results by Longevity
23Springdale Report Card 2007-08
24Performance Index
6.2 14.8 78.9
25Adequate Yearly Progress 2007-08
26Literacy at Springdale
27Data Analysis
- Academic Reading Data
- Ohio Achievement Test (Grades 3-5)
- Report Card, AYP, Value Added
- DIBELS (K-5) AIMSweb
- State Diagnostic (Grades 1 2 Reading, Grades
1-3 Writing)
28Report CardReading
29AYP READING Three Year Trend
30AYP TrendStudents with Disabilities
31Value Added Reading
- Hypotheses for 2007-08
- Gr. 4 did not meet value added BUT did meet the
state indicator (Gr. 4). - All teachers were new to the 4th grade level.
- Implementation dip of new curriculum-Treasures.
- Large class sizes.
32Kindergarten Readiness AssessmentLiteracy
33Kindergarten Readiness AssessmentLiteracy
34DIBELS DataWinter 2008-2009
80 Target
35DIBELS Summary of Effectiveness2008-09
36Data SummaryLiteracy
- Review of the Winter DIBELS scores indicated many
areas of strength. We will continue to focus on
instruction for the Tier 2 level. - We will implement research-based programs for
all grade levels including ReadWell, - 6 Minute Solutions, and Sound Partners. We will
continue bi-monthly progress monitoring.
37Data SummaryLiteracy
- Analysis of OAT scores has shown slight downward
trend over the past two years. The students with
disabilities subgroup had 33.3 proficient in the
4th grade and 37.5 proficient in the 5th grade.
However, the gains made over the last three years
are climbing toward the trend line. - Value-Added data for 4th grade reading indicated
that students did not make a years growth from
3rd to 4th grade.
38Goal 1- Literacy
- All students in grades K-5 will meet or exceed
proficiency or grade-level benchmarks as measured
by the OAT (Reading and Writing) and AIMSweb - The value added report for reading will show that
each student makes at least a full year of
39Action Steps for ReadingTier 1
- Provide professional development on district
adopted reading program and additional materials
for core instruction - Implement district adopted reading program and
standards-based curriculum maps and assessments - Guided Reading Groups
40Action Steps for ReadingTier 1
- Develop a vertical team for reading
- Provide PD on research-based instructional
practices for literacy - Supplement core phonics instruction with Fountas
and Pinnell Word Study (K-2) - Develop building-wide data team
41 Reading InterventionsTier 2
- Use SuccessMaker (K-2) and Study Island (Grades
3-5) to track student progress - Implement Test Talks with strategic students
- Re-evaluate and implement an after school
intervention program
42Reading InterventionsTier 2
- Title I Program
- Conduct child study meetings for addressing the
academic needs of groups of students -
Interventions will be planned, implemented, and
progress will be measured (AIMSweb)
43Reading InterventionsTier 3
- Conduct Intervention Assistance Team meetings for
students with intensive academic needs - Smaller group size
- Increased time
- More explicit instruction
- More frequent progress monitoring (AIMSweb)
44Math at Springdale
45Data Analysis
- Academic Math Data
- Ohio Achievement Test (Grades 3-5)
- AIMSweb K, 2 3 (K-5)
- State Diagnostic (Grades 1 2)
46Report CardMath
47Value Added Math
- Hypotheses for 2007-08
- Gr. 4 did not meet value added BUT did meet the
state indicator. - All teachers were new to the 4th grade level.
- Gr. 5 met value added BUT did not meet the state
indicator. - No set curriculum.
- Large class sizes.
48AYP MathThree Year Trend
49AYP Math Three Year Trend
50AYP MathThree Year Trend
51AYP MathThree Year Trend
52AYP MathThree Year Trend
53AIMSweb DataKindergarten Oral Counting
54AIMSweb DataKindergarten Missing Number
55AIMSweb DataGrades 2 3 Math Computation
56Data SummaryMath
- Currently the district does not have a universal
data collection system for math. - Better monitoring of student skill in math prior
to the spring of third grade. - OAT will allow us to be proactive in addressing
the deficits.
57Goal 2 - Math
- All students in grades K-5 will, at a minimum,
meet or exceed proficiency or grade-level
benchmarks as measured by the OAT and AIMSweb - The value-added report for math will show that
each student will demonstrate at least a full
year of progress
58Action Steps for MathTier 1
- Implement standards-based curriculum (Everyday
Math K-2, District created curriculum maps and
assessments Grades 3-5) District math coaches
will model lessons and coach. - Implement focused instruction for math (K-5)
- ( A tutorial and enrichment block building-wide)
59Action Steps for MathTier 1
- Develop building-wide data team
- Develop a vertical team for math
- Provide professional development in AIMSweb
60Math InterventionsTier 2
- Marilyn Burns Do the Math Programimplement and
monitor effectiveness of program (Tiers 2 3) - Implement Test Talks with strategic students
- Re-evaluate and implement an after school
intervention program - Students will participate in district-wide summer
61Math InterventionsTier 2
- Increase progress monitoring for AIMSweb math
fluency - Conduct child study meetings for addressing the
academic needs of groups of students -
Interventions will be planned, implemented, and
progress will be measured - Use SuccessMaker (K-2) and Study Island (Grades
3-5) to track student progress
62Math InterventionsTier 3
- Conduct IAT meetings for students with
- intensive academic needs
- Smaller group size
- Increased time
- More explicit instruction
- More frequent progress monitoring
63Conditions and Expectations at Springdale
64Data Analysis
- School-Wide Information System
- Office Discipline Referral Data
- Effective Schools Survey
652008-09 SWIS Data
- 86 of ALL students had
- 1 or less office discipline referral
14 are Tier 2 3
66SWIS Data
155 referrals
672008-09 Referrals By Student
- 155 Office Discipline Referrals for 2008-09
School Year - (as of 4/16/09)
- Of those referrals 14 students have 5 or more
office discipline referrals this year. 13 out of
those 14 students are in Tier 3 who recieve
intensive behavioral supports.
68Referrals by Ethnicity
- Disproportionate percentage of referrals for our
African American Students - This disproportionality is addressed in our
action plan.
69Data Summary Behavior
- Our behavior data at SP shows 4 things
- School-wide PBS is working for the majority of
our students at this time (86) - Decrease in referrals following implementation of
new school-wide systems - 14 of our students need more intensive supports
related to behavior - We are researching and developing alternative
ways to meet the needs of our disproportionate
70Goal 3 Conditions and Expectations
- 95 or greater of students will have one or fewer
office referrals and will follow school-wide
behavior expectations as measured by the SWIS
data system - Springdale staff will engage in HQPD that
supports collaborative problem solving,
data-based decision making, culturally responsive
practices, and a system of academic and
behavioral supports for all students as evidenced
by an 85 or higher rating on survey
71Action StepsConditions and Expectations
- Provide workshops for parents on how to support
students in math and literacy - Staff will participate in a retreat where PD on
team building and communication will be the focus - All staff will participate in cultural competence
professional development - Develop a monthly school-wide newsletter for
72Action Steps for Conditions and Expectations
- Celebrate school success monthly at staff
breakfast - Conduct life skill groups and monthly classroom
guidance lessons - Provide an alternative to suspension with
behavior modification lessons - Research programs that will support students with
mental health issues
73School Wide Discipline PlanTier 1
- Common Expectations
- I am Safe
- I am Respectful
- I am Responsible
- I am a Problem Solver
- Teach Behaviors
- Behavior maps
- Inside Springdale
- Morning Meetings
74Positive Behavior Incentives
- Monthly Spectacular Student Breakfast
- Viking Ticket Rewards
- Character Bracelets
- Doughnut Chats with the Principal
- Ice Cream Social
- Fun Friday
- Appearance on Inside Springdale
75Olweus Bullying Prevention PlanTier 1
- Adopted by Princeton as a district wide
initiative - Comprehensive program that has shown a 50
reduction rate in bullying when implemented with
fidelity - Springdale will begin implementing the program in
the Fall 2009
76Behavior InterventionsTier 2 3
- Child Study monthly team meeting to discuss
groups of students receiving similar
interventions - Intervention Assistance Team team consisting of
but not limited to, parent/guardian, teacher,
administrator, other support staff, monitor and
revise targeted interventions and perform
Functional Behavior Assessment - Sample intervention Check and Connect, Teacher
Buddies, Incentive Charts, and counseling
77Monitoring Student and Staff Progress
78Accountable Talk
- Test Talks-
- Staff will work with students
- one on one to set academic
- goals
- Learning Walks-
- Administration will
- conducts learning walks
- to observe standard-based
- teaching and learning
79Accountable Talk
- Building Leadership Team will utilize the
Collaborative Problem Solving Process to measure
progress towards goals - Building Leadership Team will use data from the
Effective Schools Survey to improve school
environment and student learning
80Question Answer Session