Title: Solar Installation Los Angeles
1California Leads Nation in Solar Power- Find a
Solar Company in Los Angeles
- Gain independence from rising energy rates
- Turn sunshines into savings
2High energy generation against your low usage
Some of this energy is used at night when you are
home using appliances and the sun is no longer
shining. Your high energy generation against
your low usage are a good equation for a lower
utility bill.
3Solar Installers Los Angeles
- The solar industry advocates say that although
several rebate and incentive programs have been
created by California and the federal government
to encourage solar panel installation, net
metering is the biggest reason for the rapid
growth in residential solar panels. Net metering
has been successful in California and 42 other
states that have adapted similar programs.
4The solar industry encourages consumers to take
advantage of their liberal calculations before
the cap kicks in.
5Thanks for watching this presentation For more
details Visit http//americansolarsolution.com/ab