Title: Dental Implant (1)
1Dental Implant
- DentalImplantsCostNow.com
2Dental Implant
- Unlike other methods of replacing a missing
tooth, the dental implant is by far the best
long-term solution. - This is because, while dental care has improved
drastically in recent years, millions of
Americans still suffer from tooth loss. - There are dozens of reasons that can cause teeth
to die prematurely, but the most common include
tooth decay, gum disease (such as gingivitis or
periodontitis), or high impact injuries which
cause the tooth to fall out.
3Dental Implant
- In addition to this, those who smoke, have
diabetes, high blood pressure, and rheumatoid
arthritis are also at an increased risk of losing
teeth early. - It was previously thought that if your lost a
tooth due to any of these reasons, you simply had
to go without, wear poorly fitting dentures, or
bridges that damaged surrounding teeth. However,
thanks to the dental implant, all of this has
4What is a dental implant?
- A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that
holds a prosthetic tooth in place. - Unlike dentures, the tooth doesnt require any
special denture creams, pastes, or glues to stay
in place. - Because its an artificial root rather than just
a tooth, it also doesnt require the support of
neighboring teeth the way a crown does.
This makes dental implants ideal for those who
are missing multiple teeth, or those who simply
dont want to damage additional teeth in order to
replace one.
5What is a dental implant?
- Dental implanting works by taking a titanium post
and inserting it under the gum, or more commonly,
deep within the jaw bone. - The bone accepts and osseointegrates with the
titanium rod, merging into the bone in a similar
manner as to how a natural tooth root is enclosed
within the bone.
6What is a dental implant?
- Once the bone has completely fused with the
titanium, an artificial tooth can be secured into
the rod. - Because the rod is implanted within the gum or
bone, its virtually impossible to come out.
This means that the prosthetic tooth is much more
secure than if dentures or bridges were being
used instead.
7Types of dental implants
- There are three types of dental implants,
endosteal, subperiosteal, and transosteal.
- Endosteal implants are most common. During
endosteal implants, the gum is opened up, then a
hole is drilled within the bone. Titanium screws
and cylinders are then inserted within the
jawbone. Once the bone has healed, the teeth can
be secured in place.
8Types of dental implants
- Subperiosteal implants are less commonly done.
During this implant, the screws are placed on top
of the bone but under the gum line. This method
is typically only used for patients who have
minimal bone height and are unable or unwilling
to wear dentures.
9Types of dental implants
- Transosteal implants are used even less than
subperiosteal implants. This method involves
drilling completely through the lower jaw, then
bolting a metal plate into the bottom of the
mouth. The titanium then goes through the bone,
however the failure rate with this form of
implant is incredibly high.
This method also requires opening the skin under
the chin, resulting in scarring around the neck
area and unnecessary recovery time. This, paired
with the high failure rate, has caused most
dentists to no longer attempt transosteal
10Types of teeth implants
Just as there are several types of dental
implants, there are also two types of artificial
teeth that can be selected removable or fixed
implants. With a removable implant, the rod
itself is not removable, but the tooth that
screws into the rod is. This form of prosthesis
includes an artificial white tooth with a plastic
pink gum to appear realistic.
11Types of teeth implants
The tooth snaps into the metal rod, and is
typically removed at night. There are several
pros and cons to this implant, including
- More affordable than a fixed tooth
- Easy to remove for repairs
- Can cover a wider area for multiple missing teeth
for a lower cost
12Types of teeth implants
- A fixed implant is an artificial tooth that stays
in place all the time, either due to permanently
being screwed into the metal rod or because the
implant has been cemented in place. Pros and
cons of this implant include - More secure than removable implants
- Can be cleaned and treated like normal teeth
- Much more expensive, therefor unable to use for
multiple teeth unless price isnt a concern.
13During the procedure
Because the dental implant typically merges with
the bone, the surgical procedure must be done in
steps. The entire process can take as little as
three months to as many as nine, depending on the
individuals situation. The first surgery will be
to insert the titanium post within the bone or
gum of the mouth. Patients wont need to stay at
a hospital overnight, however the procedure is
typically conducted at a hospital on an
outpatient basis.
14During the procedure
The patient will be sedated, then the doctor will
cut open the gum in order to expose the bone.
Once exposed, holes are drilled in the area where
the future tooth will be placed. A titanium
cylinder is then placed within these holes, deep
within the bone just as a natural tooth root
would be. The gum is then stitched up so the
cylinder is covered.
15During the procedure
Next, the patient must wait for the metal
cylinder to osseointegrate with the bone. This
typically takes between two to six months.
Patients should also expect to follow a soft food
diet for seven to ten days after their first
surgery. Most dentists use dissolving stitches,
however if the stitches used within the gums
arent self-dissolving, the patient will need to
visit their doctor to have them removed manually
after about two weeks.
16During the procedure
After the first surgery, patients can expect to
have swelling, bruising, pain, and minor bleeding
around the gum area. Patients will be given
pain medication to help make this bearable, and
those who are prone to infection will be given
antibiotics to help lower the risk of future
complications occurring.
17During the procedure
After the bone has merged with the metal, a
second surgery is done. During this surgery
the gum is reopened to expose the previously
implanted metal rod. An abutment, where the
future tooth will be screwed in, is then
attached. The gum is then closed around, but
not over, the abutment.
18During the procedure
For those who would rather not have two
surgeries, the abutment can be placed within the
gum during the first. Because the bone is still
healing, however, the tooth or teeth can
typically not be put in place yet. This means
that the abutment will be visible for several
months until the fake tooth or teeth can be put
into place. Many patients dislike this and opt
for a second surgery to prevent the unsightly
object being seen within their mouth.
19Advantages of dental implants
- There are several advantages to dental implants,
including - High success rate of around 95
- Feels and chews like real teeth
- Doesnt alter neighboring teeth
- Completely secure after healing
- No creams or glues are needed
- Better for long-term oral health
- Looks identical to real teeth
- Can be used for one tooth or several
- Easy to care for
20What is involved with getting a dental implant?
Getting a dental implant isnt for everyone.
Only patients who need a replacement tooth with
benefit from the implant.
For those looking to correct cosmetic problems,
such as having discolored or misshapen teeth,
veneers are likely to be more practical.
Typically veneers cost much less than an implant
because patients arent actually getting a tooth
to chew on, but rather a porcelain cover-up.
21What is involved with getting a dental implant?
Even those who are missing one or more teeth may
not be a good candidate for dental implants.
Ideally, a patient must be in good health, but
generally speaking and orally. For example,
those who have lost teeth due to gingivitis may
not be eligible for dental implants.
22What is involved with getting a dental implant?
Its also highly recommended that patients be of
adult age. This is because both children and
teenagers still have their jaw bones growing. If
an implant is placed too early, it can cause
complications later on in life. If a child or
teenager happens to be missing a tooth, whether
from tooth decay or injury, they will likely be
given a bridge until they become old enough to be
a candidate for the implant.
23What is involved with getting a dental implant?
Tooth implants cost can also be quite high as
well, ranging from 1,300 to 3,000 per implant.
This price can go up significantly depending on
certain circumstances however, such as where the
tooth is being implanted. For example, if a tooth
is being placed in the upper jaw, this may cost
more than a tooth being placed in the lower jaw.
This is because the sinus areas are affected,
making the surgery much more complicated.
24What is involved with getting a dental implant?
For those who have multiple teeth missing, the
price of implants can rise to as much as
30,000. While this is a very large price to pay
upfront, most patients end up spending less money
overall since the implants are permanent and
dont damage neighboring teeth. Despite this,
the high price tag can still deter some patients.
25What is involved with getting a dental implant?
There are also many risks involved when receiving
an implant. Some of these include
- Infection at or around the implantation area
- Injuries to the surrounding teeth
- Nerve damage
- Pain, numbness, or tingling feeling in the gums,
mouth, chin, or neck area - Sinus problems, especially if the implants are
being placed in the upper jaw.
26What is involved with getting a dental implant?
Because receiving a dental implant is so serious,
patients must be sure to have both a doctor and a
periodontist working together to develop a care
plan. Patients should also expect to have
regular dentist visits after the surgery to make
sure the tooth implant and the bone are healing
27What can be expected after a dental implant?
On average, 95 of dental implanting surgeries
are successful. The 5 of failures are usually
due to the bone failing to fuse with the metal,
or patients practicing bad habits which can lead
to complications resulting in a failure.
28What can be expected after a dental implant?
The most commonly done bad habit is smoking.
Patients should refrain from smoking tobacco for
as long as possible after the surgery has been
done. A dentist will be able to give patients
an exact time frame depending on the amount of
teeth that have been implanted, but as a general
rule, the longer the better. If a patient must
smoke, using an electronic cigarette is
encouraged, as this prevents smoke from damaging
the implant area.
29What can be expected after a dental implant?
Patients should also refrain from chewing on hard
items, such as pens, pencils, ice, or hard
candy. For those who have TMJ or other teeth
grinding conditions, its vital that proper
treatment, such as using a mouth guard, is done
30What can be expected after a dental implant?
Patients should also expect to visit their
dentist six months after the surgery has been
done. This will allow the dentist to ensure
that both the implant and bone are healing
correctly. The dentist will also be able to
check other teeth so future implanting due to
teeth decay isnt needed.
31What can be expected after a dental implant?
Finally, patients should expect to treat their
new artificial teeth the same way as their
natural teeth. Teeth must be brushed and cleaned
on a daily basis, and flossing is especially
important to clean out the nooks and crannies
around the metal abutments. Patients may also
need to use a special toothbrush known as an
interdental brush. This brush is able to slide
through gaps more easily than a typical
toothbrush, making it easier to clean the metal
area of the implant.
32Who would benefit from an implant?
Due to the high success rate of dental implants,
just about any healthy adult missing teeth would
benefit from the procedure, however those who
would benefit most include
- Individuals missing one or more teeth due to
injuries or tooth decay - Any adult who is experiencing speech problems due
to missing teeth - Individuals who have trouble eating or chewing
due to lack of teeth - Patients who are unable or unwilling to wear
33Who would benefit from an implant?
- Patients who would like to have a tooth added
without damaging neighboring teeth - Adults who are developing premature wrinkles or
sunken in cheeks due to missing teeth - Patients who want a artificial tooth that lasts a
lifetime as oppose to just a few years
34Who would benefit from an implant?
- Adults looking for a more permanent soultion to
partial denture - Patients who dont feel their dentures are secure
when chewing - Adults who feel insecure about their smile due to
missing teeth and are looking to get their
confidence back
35Who would benefit from an implant?
Because the dental implant is able to help a wide
range of people, its often recommended for those
who have the time and money to invest in the
procedure. Not only do the implants offer a
long term solution for tooth loss, but also the
36Dental Implant
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For details please visit
- DentalImplantsCostNow.com