Title: New Mexico State Bataan Battalion
1New Mexico StateBataan Battalion
- No Mama No Papa No Uncle Sam
2New Mexico State University
Battalion Commander LTC Bradley D. Gavle
Ranger Challenge Team
Recruiting Officer MAJ Agustin Nakamoto, Jr.
ROTC Office (505) 646-4030
Office (505) 646-1099
Office (505) 646-7682 Cell (505) 635-6988
- Morrill Act of 1862 provided land grant to
establish colleges required military training - Activation of Department of Military Science and
Tactics at NMSU 1902-03 School Year - Original Corps of Cadets consisted of 36 students
- In 1989, the unit changed its name to the Bataan
Battalion as a tribute to the New Mexico
National Guard survivors of the Battle of Bataan,
4What is Army ROTC?
- Produces 65 of Army Officers
- Focused on Leadership, Service, and Adventure
- Provides Generous Financial Support
- Famous NMSU Grads
- Charlie Johnson 61 (college pro quarterback,
Ph.D. in chemical engineering) - James Manatt 71 (University Regent)
- Tom Stewart 72 (Apache helicopter pilot, Lincoln
County Manager) - Other famous ROTC Grads Colin Powell, Sam
Walton, Earl Graves, Lenny Wilkins, and James
Earl Jones - Fortune 500 Companies favor employees with ROTC
leadership skills and discipline
5Whos in ROTC
- All academic majors (including Masters Degrees)
- Engineering - Computer Science
- Criminal Justice - Foreign Languages
- Business - Finance
- Animal Science - Theater
- Nursing - Social Work
- All walks of life
- Fraternities - Sororities
- Athletics - Student Government
6What can ROTC do for me?
- Keep you in school
- Academic counseling/mentoring
- Generous financial support
- Non-deployable status (Guard/Reserve)
- Give you fantastic leadership experience
- Provide you a dynamic, leader-oriented job
after you graduate - Full time active duty Army
- Part time National Guard / Army Reserve
7Time Commitments
- Freshmen
- one class and one lab per week
- Sophomores
- two classes and one lab / week
- Juniors
- two classes, one lab per week
- 33-day summer leadership course at Fort Lewis
- Seniors
- two classes, one lab per week
- All students
- Physical Training (PT) class 3 x per week
- (PE 104, 1 credit hour)
8Optional Commitments
- On Campus Opportunities
- Ranger Challenge
- Bataan Memorial Death March
- Summer Training
- Airborne - Mountain Warfare
- Air Assault - Northern Warfare
- Survival Training - Field Training
- Summer Internships
- Engineering Internship Programs
- National Ground Intelligence Internship
- Medical Internship Programs
- Judge Advocate General (legal) Internship
9Other Requirements
- Maintain a 2.0 or above as a full-time student
- Pass a doctor-administered physical exam
- No cost to Student
- Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test
- Meet Army height/weight standards
- Understand and adhere to Army Values
- Loyalty - Honor
- Duty - Integrity
- Respect - Personal Courage
- Selfless Service
10ROTC Progression
Senior (MS IV)
Junior (MS III)
LTC Leader Training Course, 28 days, Ft. Knox,
KY LDAC Leader Development and Assessment
Course, 33 days, Ft. Lewis, WA
11Types of ROTC Cadets
- Enrolled Cadet
- Student has made no commitment to the Army
- Student receives no ROTC financial benefits
- Contracted Cadet
- Student has signed a contract to accept a
commission as a Lieutenant after graduation - Receives all financial benefits
- Is considered non-deployable if a member of a
National Guard or Army Reserve unit - Participating
12Contracting Options
- ROTC Scholarship
- Contract at any point
- 5, 4, 3, and 2 year scholarships
- ROTC Non-Scholarship
- Contract as soon as the sophomore year
- ROTC pays monthly stipend
- Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
- Contract as soon as the sophomore year
- Join the National Guard or Army Reserve
- ROTC pays stipend Guard/Reserve pays tuition
- May be eligible for Montgomery GI Bill
13ROTC Non-Scholarship Benefits
Example Junior (MS III) Student
- Stipend
- Sophomore 350/mo.
- Junior 450/mo.
- Senior 500/mo.
- 5,400 / year
- 5,400 / junior year
13,000 for a 3-year non-scholarship student!
14UndergraduateROTC Scholarship Benefits
- 3,918 / year
- 13,206 / year
- RB is the Flat tuition rate and is taxable
- 45 day rule applies to 1st semester
- 900 / year
- (Nurses get the full amount at the start of the
school year and its taxable) - 300 / mo. while in school
- 350 / mo. while in school
- 450 / mo. 12 months (LDAC)
- 500 / mo. while in school
- Freshmen 7,818 / 17,106
- Sophomore 8,318 / 17,606
- Junior 10,218 / 19,506
- Senior 9,818 / 19,106
- Tuition or Room Board (RB)
- Instate
- Out of state
- Book money
- Stipend
- Freshmen
- Sophomore
- Junior
- Senior
- Total amounts (In/Out) Approx.
Over 36,000 for a 4-year scholarship student!
15GraduateROTC Scholarship Benefits
- 4,206 / year
- 13,560 / year
- RB is the Flat tuition rate and is taxable
- 45 day rule applies to 1st semester
- 900 / year
- (Nurses get the full amount at the start of the
school year and its taxable) - 450 / mo. 12 months (LDAC)
- 500 / mo. while in school
- 1st year 10,506 / 19,860
- 2nd year 10,106 / 19,460
- Tuition or Room Board (RB)
- Instate
- Out of state
- Book money
- Stipend
- 1st Year
- 2nd Year
- Total amounts (In/Out) Approx.
Over 10,000 for a 2-year scholarship student!
16Simultaneous Membership ProgramNational
Guard(no MGIB benefits)
Example In-State Junior (MS III) Student
- 4,461 / year (E-5 over 4 yrs.)
- 3,918 / year
- 5,400 / year
- 13,700 / junior year
- Drill Pay (E-5 or E-6)
- Tuition
- (paid by N.G.)
- ROTC Stipend
- Sophomore 350/mo.
- Junior 450/mo.
- Senior 500/mo.
Over 25,000 for a 3-year SMP student!
17Simultaneous Membership ProgramArmy Reserves(no
MGIB benefits)
Example In-State Junior (MS III) Student
- 4,461 / year (E-5 over 4 yrs.)
- 3,918 / year
- 5,400 / year
- 13,700 / junior year
- Drill Pay (E-5 or E-6)
- Tuition
- (must complete BCT/AIT to receive)
- ROTC Stipend
- Sophomore 350/mo.
- Junior 450/mo.
- Senior 500/mo.
Over 25,000 for a 3-year SMP student!
18Simultaneous Membership Program(with MGIB
Example In-State Junior (MS III) Student
- 4,461 / year
- 3,918 / year
- 5,400 / year
- 2,820 / year
- 2,000 / year
- 19,499 / junior year
- Drill Pay (E-5)
- (E-5 over 4 yrs.)
- Tuition
- ROTC Stipend
- GI Bill
- GI Bill Kicker
Over 43,000 for a 3-year SMP student!
19The First Four Years
0 yrs
4 yrs
2 yrs
1 yrs
3 yrs
2nd Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant
Based on 2006 Pay Scale
20Officer Education System
1 yrs
22 yrs
10 yrs
4 yrs
17 yrs
2nd Lt
War College
21Active Duty Monthly Base PayYears Service
22National Guard/Reserve Pay4-Drill Basic Pay