Title: Nancy Schreiber - Therapist in Santa Fe, New Mexico
1Nancy Schreiber Therapist In Santa Fe, New Mexico
Nancy Schreiber is drug abuse therapist in Santa
Fe, New Mexico. She works with people addicted to
all kinds of drugs and alcohol as well. Schreiber
is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and
works hard to assist people in need of help
kicking their damaging addictions and habits that
are hurting their relationships and lives.
Schreiber had to go through many levels of
education and training to receive her LMHC status.
2Nancy Schreiber LMHC In Santa Fe, New Mexico
Nancy Schreiber is a Licensed Mental Health
Counselor based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She
works with people addicted to drugs and/or
alcohol and works with them to get through their
issues and cure their disease. Schreiber has
successfully brought many people out of addiction
through therapy and talking through the issues
while at the same time holding them accountable.
3Nancy Schreiber Excellent Mother For Her
Children In Santa Fe, New Mexico
Nancy Schreiber is an excellent mother to three
children in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She works hard
to provide for them while working as a Licensed
Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) for people
addicted to drugs and alcohol. She treats these
people with rare compassion, empathy, and respect
so that they can get their lives back from their
damaging and life-threatening addictions.
4Nancy Schreiber Involved In Childrens
Activities In Santa Fe, New Mexico
Nancy Schreiber is heavily involved in her
childrens activities in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
She leads a carpool to and from soccer practice,
volunteers to help out with coaching her children
for their basketball and baseball leagues, and
she is involved in their schools in the Santa Fe
area. Schreiber and her husband, Tim, are also
active Parent-Teacher Association members who try
to do whats best for their childrens schools.
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