Title: Democracy Under Pressure
1Democracy Under Pressure
- Chapter 9
- Political Parties
2Political Parties
- When Senator John Kerry accepted the 2004
Democratic party nomination for president, he
pledged to fight terrorism and "restore trust and
credibility to the White House." - Many voters felt they really did not know Kerry,
despite his well-publicized Vietnam war record
and his antiwar activism afterwards. Moreover,
he was challenging the incumbent. - Kerry was described as "Lincolnesque", but had
difficulty connecting with voters on a personal
- Despite a passionate speech, Kerry received very
little of the "convention bounce."
3Political Parties
- The Republicans chose New York City for their
convention site, in order to emphasize Bush's
leadership after the 9/11 attacks. Bush
repeatedly invoked 9/11 and the dangers of
terrorism to America. - Despite the advantages of being the incumbent,
Bush had reason to be concerned-most Americans
considered themselves Democrats rather than
Republicans. The gap between the two parties had
4Democracy Under Pressure
5What Is a Party?
- What is a party? There are many ways to describe
a party, according to Frank Sorauf.
- Voters, a majority of whom consider themselves
Democrats or Republicans.
- Party leaders, outside of government, who handle
the party apparatus and can use it as a power
- Party activists, who perform the day-to-day,
grass-roots work.
6What Is a Party?
- Party leaders in government who include the
president, leaders in Congress, and state and
local leaders.
- A major party is a broad-based coalition that
seeks to gain control of government by winning
- Political parties are less powerful today because
PACs, campaign managers, and interest groups have
taken over many duties parties used to perform
for candidates. Political parties in a democracy
are different from those in totalitarian systems.
7What Is a Party?
- In democracies, parties help manage the peaceful
transfer of power in government.
- a. In totalitarian systems, power is not
relinquished without force.
- b. Parties in the United States serve other
functions for the political system
- i. They manage the succession of power.
- ii. They offer competing candidates for office,
and policy alternatives.
- iii. They operate the machinery for nominations,
campaigns, and elections.
8What Is a Party?
- They help mobilize demands and support (inputs)
for the system and participate in developing
policy (outputs).
- The party in power defends the status quo, and
opposing parties describe a need for change.
- Parties channel public support or opposition.
- They hold officials accountable to voters.
- They recruit candidates.
- Parties hold officials accountable to the voters.
9What Is a Party?
- Parties are different from interest groups.
Parties run candidates for office, interest
groups do not.
- Interest groups are oriented toward narrow issue
- Parties try to form winning coalitions by
creating combinations powerful enough to govern.
- Winning parties reconcile conflicting groups to
get broad enough support to win elections.
- Their victorious presidential candidate appoints
cabinet, staff, and other department heads to run
the executive branch.
- He appeals to legislative branch members of his
party for party loyalty to get his program
- This linkage in the governmental process helps to
organize and run government down to the state and
local levels.
10Democracy Under Pressure
- The Development of American Political Parties
11The Development of American Political Parties
- The Founding Fathers did not provide for parties,
but did provide for the regular election of the
president and Congress.
- James Madison's famous reminder in The Federalist
No. 10 said that we should expect to have
factions and parties in the "necessary and
ordinary operation of the government." - Washington warned against their divisiveness in
his farewell address.
- Still, the party system took shape in the 1790s
while Washington was still president.
12Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
- Federalists, organized under Alexander Hamilton,
were the first national political party in the
United States. They stood for a strong central
government, appealing to banking and commercial
people. - Democratic-Republicans, founded by Thomas
Jefferson, were a mix of small farmers, debtors,
Southern plantation owners, frontiersmen, and
later, big city organizations like the Sons of
Tammany in New York.
13Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
- Jefferson's win in 1800 began a 28-year
ascendancy of his party.
- Federalists didn't try to win the presidency
after 1816. The Era of Good Feeling with little
partisan activity followed until 1828.
14Democrats and Whigs
- The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 began a
new era of two-party rivalry, which was mainly
due to the Democrat-Republicans splitting into
factions. - Democrats became the party of the aspirations of
the common man.
- The Whigs, led by Henry Clay, William Henry
Harrison, and Daniel Webster, were a coalition of
bankers, merchants, and southern planters who
bonded through their distaste for Jacksonian
15Democrats and Whigs
- Clinton Rossiter said "Out of the conflict of
Democrats and Whigs emerged the American
political system. . . . "
- Two major parties and a sprinkling of third
- National nominating conventions.
- State and local bosses.
- Patronage and popular campaigning.
- Presidency-centered politics.
- Slavery caused the Democratic party to split into
northern and southern wings.
16Democrats and Republicans
- The new Republican Party grew out of antislavery
society in February of 1854. It was a new party,
not just a new version of the Whigs.
- a. It opposed the extension of slavery into the
- b. Their first candidate, John C. Fremont, was
unsuccessful in 1856.
- c. In 1860 it nominated Lincoln, who won against
a slavery-divided Democratic Party with 39.8
percent of the popular vote. Lincoln preserved
the union and consolidated the party.
17Democrats and Republicans
- d. For the next 25 years, the GOP, as it came to
be known, consolidated its hold on the White
House and Congress.
- i. The Democrats remained the party of the South,
slavery, and defeat.
- ii. By 1876 Democrats were able to mount
competitive races.
- iii. In 1884 and 1892, Democrat Grover Cleveland
was elected.
18Democrats and Republicans
- After the Civil War, this nation of immigrants
faced industrialization. Railroad and steel
magnates amassed huge wealth and farmers felt
left out. - Agrarian discontent led to the creation of the
Grangers, the Greenbackers, and the Populist
(People's) Party. Their strength was mostly in
the West.
19Democrats and Republicans
- By 1896, the Democrats had taken on the populist
message with a "free silver" platform and William
Jennings Bryan as their candidate. He lost to
Republican William McKinley. - GOP winner William McKinley defended the gold
standard and conservative fiscal policies as he
led a coalition of Eastern business interests,
urban workers, Midwest farmers, and New
20Democrats and Republicans
- Teddy Roosevelt held the new coalition together
from 1901 to 1909, but it fractured in 1912.
- The Conservative wing renominated Taft.
- The Progressive (or Bull Moose) Party nominated
Teddy Roosevelt, giving the election over to
Democrat Woodrow Wilson.
- Wilson's two terms were a short Democratic era.
- The Harding and Coolidge presidencies in the
1920s created a "Big Business era" and numerous
21Democrats and Republicans
- The stock market crash and the depression caused
a major shift in allegiances, much like the Civil
War had.
- The result of these events was the election of
FDR in 1932 and 20 years of uninterrupted
Democratic rule.
- In 1952, the GOP, with Eisenhower as its
standard-bearer, recaptured the White House. He
was followed by Democrats JFK and LBJ. LBJ
garnered 61 percent of the vote in 1964.
22Democrats and Republicans
- In 1964 Barry Goldwater moved the GOP to the
right and lost in a landslide.
- Showing GOP resilience and reinforcing the
two-party system, Republicans regrouped under
Nixon and won in 1968. The war in Vietnam helped
to defeat LBJ. - Urban riots also hurt LBJ and helped to convince
him not to run.
- Nixon's 1972 landslide was eclipsed by the
resignation of his vice president, the Watergate
scandals, and his own resignation, helping Jimmy
Carter win in 1976.
23Democrats and Republicans
- Even Watergate could not endanger the system. In
1980 and 1984, the GOP won by landslides and they
made inroads in Congress, including a short-lived
Senate majority.
24Democrats and Republicans
- The ability of the parties to survive adversity
rests on the fact that many districts are
dominated by one party. Even when defeated, it
still has pockets of power across the nation. - Reagan carried 49 states in 1984, but the
Democrats retained 34 state governorships and
control of the House of Representatives.
- Democrats recaptured the Senate in 1986, with
Bush facing a Congress controlled by Democrats.
- In 1992, both the presidency and Congress were
controlled by the Democrats, but in 1994, the
Republicans captured control of Congress.
25Democracy Under Pressure
26The Two-Party System
- The two-party system has prevailed throughout
most of our history.
- Winning the nomination of one of the two major
parties is half the battle for many candidates.
- In some one-party states, winning in the
primaries means virtually automatic election
- From 1828 to the present, the two major parties
have consistently gotten 90 percent or more of
the vote.
- George Wallace and his American Independent Party
received 13.5 percent of the popular vote in 1968.
27The Two-Party System
- Independent Eugene McCarthy got less than 1
percent of the vote in 1976. John Anderson
defected from the GOP, campaigned hard, and got
only 6.6 percent of the popular votes and no
electoral votes in 1980. - In 1992, independent Ross Perot made the
strongest showing of any candidate who was not a
major-party nominee since Teddy Roosevelt ran in
1912. - In 1992 he got 19 million votes (19 percent) of
the popular vote. In 1996 his support had eroded
- In 2000, two minor parties received attention
conservative Pat Buchanan was nominated by Ross
Perot's Reform Party and consumer activist Ralph
Nader was nominated by the Green Party.
28The Roots of Dualism
- America has always been a two-party nation.
- Tradition and history.
- Dualism is as old as the nation. It is accepted,
in part, because it has always been there.
- The electoral system.
- The system of elections favors two parties.
- In a single-member-per-district Congress, the
winner takes all.
29The Roots of Dualism
- A presidential candidate with the most popular
votes in a state usually gets all of the state's
- Minor parties lack the strong geographic base
needed to win and instead disappear.
- State election laws often make it difficult for
minor parties to get on the ballot.
- Patterns of belief.
- Ideological differences in American voters are
not so intense that we have as many ideological
parties as exist in Western Europe.
30Democrat and Republicans Is There a Difference?
- Neither party has the support of a majority of
U.S. voters, so they must garner support from
outside their party.
- To win a presidential election, candidates
usually appeal to the great mass of voters in the
ideological center.
31Democrat and Republicans Is There a Difference?
- Where the parties diverge on issues
- GOP leaders identify with business, free
enterprise, and economic conservatism.
- Democrats are pro-labor and support government
regulation of the economy.
- According to a survey of leaders in 2004, 77
percent of Democratic delegates agreed that the
government enacting anti-terrorism laws
excessively restrict civil liberties. Only 15
percent of Republicans agreed with that statement.
32Democrat and Republicans Is There a Difference?
- Eighty-six percent of Democratic delegates said
that the U.S. should have stayed out of Iraq,
compared to only three percent of Republican
delegates. - Forty-nine percent of Republican delegates agreed
that gay couples should not have legal
recognition, compared to five percent of
33The Decline of Party Loyalty and Party Influence
- Fading party loyalties among voters have become
evident in recent years.
- Ladd and Hadley contend the drop-off has been
dramatic over the last decade to the point that
the public is indifferent to it.
- Martin Wattenberg found a large part of the
public views parties with indifference.
34The Decline of Party Loyalty and Party Influence
- Austin Ranney has observed that an almost
"no-party" system has developed in presidential
- GOP candidate Ronald Reagan won 58 percent of the
vote, while less than one-third of the voters
identified themselves as Republicans.
- Non-party candidate Ross Perot got nearly one of
five votes cast in 1992.
35The Decline of Party Loyalty and Party Influence
- Various reasons have been suggested for the
decline in party ties
- A more educated electorate with less need for
guidance from a party.
- Increased split-ticket voting.
- Increasing importance of television and news
media, and the breakup of old alignments within
major parties.
- Professionals now provide services once provided
by the parties. Functions of the party have been
taken over by PACs, campaign managers, and
interest groups. - Decline in urban political machines. Candidates
no longer rely on parties to run campaigns.
36The Decline of Party Loyalty and Party Influence
- Decline does not mean political parties are
becoming extinct.
37The Democrats
- One way to look at the differences between the
two major parties is to examine their images.
- The "typical" Democrat lives in a big city in the
North, is a member of a minority or ethnic group,
drinks beer, belongs to a union, works on an
assembly line, goes bowling, and is low-income. - This contrasts with the "typical" Republican a
well-paid, white Protestant who lives in the
suburbs in a split-level house, commutes to the
city, belongs to a country club, and drinks
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39The Democrats
- The preceding caricatures are overdrawn.
- The Democratic base has changed since the New
- They've lost ground with some of their old
constituencies unionists and big-city and
Southern whites.
- They've made up for those losses with gains among
the upper-middle class.
- GOP has lost ground among young people of
relative privilege (i.e., yuppies).
40The Democrats
- Studies seem to mirror reality, to an extent.
- Democrats tend to gain support from labor,
African Americans, Jews, ethnic minorities, young
people, those with low incomes, and city
dwellers. - GOP more likely to be white, suburban,
Protestant, rural, older, wealthier,
college-educated, and professionals or business
41The Democrats
- Many of these patterns are changing.
- In the 1992 election, Catholics, a Democratic
mainstay, moved away from the party. Forty-two
percent of white Catholics under 30 identified
themselves as Republicans. - Hispanics voted Republican in that year.
42The Democrats
- Socioeconomic factors may better correlate with
voter preferences.
- In a survey, half of people with low incomes
identified with the Democrats but only 26 percent
of the low-income group identified with the GOP.
- The gender gap was also evident in 1996, with 54
percent of women and 44 percent of men voting
- Democrats see themselves as the "inclusive"
party, according to political scientist Jo
Freeman, while the GOP sees itself as
representing the core of American society and as
a carrier of its fundamental values.
43The Democrats
- Since 1932, Democrats are the party of Franklin
Roosevelt and the New Deal.
- The Fair Deal, New Frontier, and Great Society,
which sought to use federal funds and energy to
solve social problems, were patterned after the
New Deal. - Clinton called himself a New Democrat in 1992,
but philosophically he supported the party's
traditional views.
- In 2000, Democrat Al Gore proposed to pay for
prescription drugs.
44The Democrats
- FDR's grand coalition still has two distinct
halves Southern moderates and Northern urban
- The old South is no longer a solid Democratic
- They went solidly for Nixon in 1972.
- By 1980, Jimmy Carter only carried his home
state, Georgia. In 1984 Mondale did not carry any
southern states, and in 1988 Dukakis also failed
to carry any. - Clinton, a southerner, carried only four southern
states in 1992.
45The Democrats
- Democrats are labeled as the party of social
innovation. Democrats tend to be more raucous,
while Republicans are more sedate.
- However, in 2004, Democrats showed unusual
harmony in choosing John Kerry.
- Today, the conventions tend to be carefully
scripted and manicured for television.
46The Republicans
- In describing the party, Theodore White sees the
old Protestant-Puritan ethic of small towns and
the belief that the individual (man or
corporation) can produce the common good more
swiftly and better than big government. - In recent decades, people who identify themselves
as Democrats have outnumbered people who say they
are Republicans.
- Despite five presidential election wins from 1968
to 1998, the GOP has tried to widen its appeal.
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48The Republicans
- Democrats are partially accurate when they call
the GOP "the party of Big Business." Democrats
have traditionally been known as the party of
organized labor. - The GOP got 221 million in campaign money from
businesses in 2000.
- By July 2004, the GOP received 225 million from
- GOP administration regulators have been gentle
with the businesses they were regulating.
49The Republicans
- Like the Democrats, the GOP has a split
- Since 1912 there have been moderate and
conservative wings.
- In the convention of 1952, the conservative Taft
wing battled the Eisenhower moderates for the
- Other examples include the 1964 Goldwater versus
Rockefeller fight the 1968 battle with Reagan on
the right, Nixon in the center, and Rockefeller
and George Romney on the left and, the
Reagan-Ford battle in 1976.
50The Republicans
- The split surfaced again in 1999 during the vote
on the impeachment of Bill Clinton.
- In the 1980s and 1990s, the Christian Coalition
and conservative religious groups supported Bush
and later Dole and the GOP ticket, fearing social
breakdown and moral decay from the Democratic
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52Minor Parties and Independent Candidates
- They have been active throughout our history.
Examples the Anti-Masons of the 1830s the
Greenbackers of the 1880s the Populists of the
1890s and the Progressives of the 1920s. - In 1986, American Independents under Governor
George Wallace of Alabama scared the major
parties, fearing he'd have enough electoral votes
to keep a major candidate from winning in the
electoral college. He only got 46 electors and
13.5 percent of the popular vote.
53Minor Parties and Independent Candidates
- In 1992 Ross Perot spent 63.4 million of his own
funds and got 19 percent of the vote. In 1996 he
took 29 million in federal matching funds and
still lost. - Other candidates are less funded. In 1980,
independent candidate John Anderson did not carry
a single state, but did better than most with 6.6
percent of the popular vote.
54Minor Parties and Independent Candidates
- V. O. Key, Jr., suggests that minor parties fall
into two broad categories
- Those formed to propagate a particular doctrine,
like the Prohibitionists and Socialists.
- Transient third-party movements, including
economic protest parties like the Populists, the
Greenbackers, and the Progressives of 1924 and
secessionists like the Progressives of 1912 and
the Dixiecrats of 1948. - Sometimes third parties have strong nativist
tendencies. The Know-Nothings and Wallace's
(1968) American Independent party are examples.
55Minor Parties and Independent Candidates
- There also are special state third parties, like
the Liberals and Conservatives in New York.
- It is noted that major parties tend to absorb the
third parties. And no minor party has risen to
become a major party nor a major dropped to a
56Democracy Under Pressure
57Party Structure
- American political parties are more loosely
organized (decentralized).
- Rather than a system with power flowing down, it
is a series of layers of a party, with each layer
concerned first about elections in its area.
58National Political Parties
- National party organization is the trophy
bestowed on the winner of the nomination and
election for president.
- Lose the election, and you must relinquish the
party apparatus to someone else.
- The national convention, which nominates the
party's candidates for president and vice
president, writes the platform, settles disputes,
writes party rules, and elects the national
59National Political Parties
- The national chairperson, formally elected by the
national committee, is in practice picked by the
winning presidential nominee.
- The national committee is the governing body of
the party. Members are chosen from each state.
- In the past, the committees were little more than
the permanent offices of the party that house the
national chairperson and the staff.
- Recently, they have been involved between
presidential elections in public relations,
patronage, research, and fund-raising.
60National Political Parties
- Presidential nominees largely ignore the national
committee, preferring to build a personal
organization to run the campaign.
- Further decentralizing the parties is the
practice of having congressional and senatorial
campaign committees in Congress, chosen by the
party members in Congress, and not tied to the
national committee. These committees help members
with their reelection efforts with money,
speakers, campaign advice, and assistance.
61State and Local Parties
- Laws governing parties vary widely from state to
- State parties are under the control of the
governors, with mayors of large cities carrying
clout in many northern industrial cities.
- When the other party has the governorship, the
party chairperson has more personal influence
but in some states the party is run by a single
party boss-either an elected government official
or party officer.
62State and Local Parties
- David Mayhew classified many states as having
"traditional party organizations" that are
independent and highly organized, seeking to
nominate candidates to a wide range of offices.
They offer rewards to loyal followers. - There are great variations in party politics from
state to state. The Democrats in Alabama are very
different from the ones in Michigan.
- Some state parties have big city versus the rest
of the state cleavages, as in Cook County
(Chicago) and downstate Illinois.
63State and Local Parties
- The possibility of riding into office on a
winning presidential candidate's coattails can
tie state parties to national ones.
- The state committees are below the national
committee on the party flow charts.
- Below the state committees is the county level
county chairs, district leaders of various sorts,
precinct and ward captains, and party workers.
64State and Local Parties
- Patronage jobs for the party workers help hold
the party organization together and link it with
- Although big-city machines still exist, the
political "boss" of the 19th and 20th centuries
really no longer exists.
65State and Local Parties
- The urban machines drew power from vast waves of
- The machines offered help-from food baskets to
city jobs-in return for votes.
- Since the 1930s, federal social programs undercut
the city machines.
- The establishment of the direct primary and party
reforms also contributed to the destruction of
boss systems like Carmine De Sapio's Tammany Hall
and the last of the city bosses, Richard J. Daley
of Chicago.
66State and Local Parties
- Still, people participate at the grass-roots
level for a number of reasons that aren't merely
- For the sheer excitement of being involved in a
presidential campaign.
- Being a precinct captain in some places is
- Being a party worker might help you go to the
quadrennial national party convention.
67State and Local Parties
- Two kinds of activists are the most common at
various levels of the party and at the national
- Activists are volunteers who are committed to a
particular issue or candidate.
- Activists supporting particular candidates for
high office.
- Only about 10 percent of the population could be
called politically involved.
- In 2000, only 18.3 million made campaign
contributions, 10.2 million attended political
events, and 6.1 million did political work.
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69Democracy Under Pressure
70The National Convention
- The influence of television on American politics
in 2004 is such that the conventions were
carefully controlled, made-for-television,
designed by producers to appeal to prime time
audiences. - Gone are the days of gavel-to-gavel coverage when
the conventions provided real drama.
- In 2004, broadcast networks limited the
Democratic convention to one hour, and only three
of the four nights.
71The National Convention
- Even the parties carefully script the convention
down to the minute and the tone of the speeches.
- In most conventions, the delegates merely ratify
what is a foregone conclusion for weeks and
months. One wonders whether delegates have any
meaningful power, or are they robots legally
bound to vote for the winner of their state's
primary? - Although the acceptance of the nominee draws
millions of viewers, conventions are denounced as
a carnival and a bore.
72The National Convention
- Nelson Polsby has observed that national
conventions survive mainly as spectacle and as
entertainment, although they may conduct business
of great importance to the party's future. - Conventions, even in 2000, can still give the
candidate a short-lived public opinion bounce in
their favor.
73Nominating a Presidential Candidate
- Today's national conventions are less important
than in the past, and normally take place over
four days in July or August.
- If there is competition for the nomination,
rumors fly of deals. This has not been the case
in recent conventions. Instead, large
corporations set up hospitality suites and throw
lavish parties that double as fund-raisers for
74Nominating a Presidential Candidate
- Day One involves a report by the credentials
committee on the seating of delegates, followed
by keynoters who stir the delegates to
commitment, setting the tone of the convention. - Day Two includes debating and voting on the
75Nominating a Presidential Candidate
- Day Three includes nominating speeches,
"spontaneous" demonstrations for the candidates,
voting by a roll call of states, and an
acceptance speech by the vice presidential
candidate. - Day Four finds the presidential candidate
accepting the nomination. The presidential and
vice presidential candidates then make their
climactic appearance with their families before
cheering delegates.
76The Delegates
- Who are they? A cross section of the party who
can afford to go to the convention and stay at
hotels during the convention.
- Usually include governors, senators,
representatives, mayors, state legislators, state
party officials, and activists.
- Delegates are chosen by a variety of methods.
Most states select delegations in presidential
primaries. In other states, delegates are chosen
at state conventions, party caucuses, and state
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78The Delegates
- Since 1972, Democratic party reforms have ensured
the participation of large numbers of women,
blacks, youth, and Spanish-speakers.
- Delegates chosen by state and party organizations
are pledged by party leaders to vote for a
particular candidate.
- In 1980, Democratic selection rules gave
officeholders and party officials more say in the
nomination. In 2000 13 percent of Democratic
delegates were elected public officeholders.
79The Delegates
- Delegates may hold stronger views than rank and
file members. At the 2004 Democratic convention,
75 percent of delegates thought abortion should
be generally available, compared to 49 percent of
Democratic voters. Forty-four percent favored gay
marriage, compared to 36 percent of Democratic
voters. Ninety-three percent of the delegates
thought the war in Iraq was not worth the costs,
compared to 85 percent of Democratic voters.
80From Smoke-filled Rooms to the Television Age
- The national convention system evolved slowly.
- Prior to 1824, nominations for president were
made by party caucus in Congress.
- In that year, Andrew Jackson, who knew he would
not be chosen by congressional caucus, led his
supporters to bypass the caucus. He created a
situation in which there was no majority in the
electoral college and John Quincy Adams was
chosen by the House. - In the Election of 1832, "King Caucus" was
dethroned, giving way to the first national
81From Smoke-filled Rooms to the Television Age
- James K. Polk was elected on the eighth ballot as
a dark horse candidate.
- Backroom deals were made by political bosses
operating secretly in smoke-filled rooms, as was
the case of the GOP's nomination of Warren G.
Harding in 1920. - In 1924 the Democratic convention battled to a
103rd ballot, settling on dark horse John W.
- FDR was nominated on the fourth ballot in 1932.
- The GOP had its greatest split since 1912 when
Eisenhower took on Taft in 1952.
82From Smoke-filled Rooms to the Television Age
- Since 1960, the national conventions no longer
select but ratify. The power of the party bosses
has ebbed.
- As a result of intense media coverage, the polls
have convinced the public who is likely to be the
nominee long before the convention.
- Media coverage of the "race" uses all of the
metaphors of a derby favorites, dark horses,
gaining ground, etc.
83From Smoke-filled Rooms to the Television Age
- Though national conventions nominate the
presidential candidates, not many voters
participate in selecting the delegates. In 2004,
only about 12.7 million (8 percent) of Americans
of voting age participated in the primaries.
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85The Future of the Convention System
- One proposal to replace the national convention
system has been to have a national presidential
primary. Voters could then directly select the
party nominees for president. - Critics argue that the candidate who had the most
intense support could win the nomination, but
have a poor chance of a November victory.
- Runoffs might be needed and the top vote-getter
in the first primary would lose in the second.
- National primaries would hurt the lesser-known
- A national primary would further weaken the role
of political parties.
86The Future of the Convention System
- Nelson W. Polsby suggested that parties should
continue selecting presidential nominees. Parties
are crucial for the "proper general functioning
of the political system." - The convention system, which has been around
since 1832, is unlikely to disappear.
- The conventions still serve a purpose in that
they choose the nominees for president and vice
president. They also provide a forum for voters
to see the candidates in action and unify the
party and generate voter interest in the fall
87Democracy Under Pressure
- Political Parties and Democratic Government
88Political Parties and Democratic Government
- Americans have been ambivalent toward politics
and politicians.
- Eisenhower in 1952 was an outsider, Ronald Reagan
ran for California governor as an outsider in
- To many voters, politicians are merely
unprincipled opportunists.
- Watergate did not seem to surprise voters, who
felt that "they all do it.
- Political parties are vital to functioning of the
American democracy, yet do not enjoy prestige.
89Political Parties and Democratic Government
- The truth about politics and practitioners lies
somewhere between Aristotle's view that "the good
of man" is the object of politics and Simon
Cameron's view that politicians are "bought" and
"will stay bought." - Americans might have a more generous view of the
craft of politics if it were more widely
understood that parties and democracy are
mutually dependent because of the functions they
perform. - The rest of the world has great concern about how
the parties select a presidential nominee who may
hold the nuclear button.
90Political Parties and Democratic Government
- The brokerage role of mediating among groups and
resolving social conflict is of tremendous import
to a democracy under pressure.
- Both parties try to develop broad-based appeals.
- The party not in power offers alternatives in
Congress and rallies its followers to bring about
- The parties keep conflict manageable.
91A Choice, Not an Echo?
- There is a common lament that the two parties are
the same but in reality there are significant
- Gerald Pomper studied the differences in the
party platforms to determine the differences in
views, finding
- Platforms are reasonably meaningful indications
of the party's intentions and identify the party
with certain policies.
- He also found that the parties kept more than
two-thirds of their promises over a ten-year
period (1968-1978).
92A Choice, Not an Echo?
- American parties are not sharply ideological, but
then neither are the voters.
- Max Lerner noted of party difference "While it
is more than the difference between Tweedledum
and Tweedledee, it is not such as to split
society itself or invite civil conflict. . . ."
93Are Parties Accountable to the Voters?
- American elections elect people, not parties, but
hold both accountable.
- American parties are criticized for not being
"responsible" to the voters because
- They cannot be held to their platform promises.
- They lack the internal discipline to whip their
programs through Congress.
- Gerald Pomper has noted that political parties do
carry out many platform pledges.
94Are Parties Accountable to the Voters?
- In parliamentary systems like Great Britain's,
political parties are more closely linked to the
electorate than in the United States because the
parties run both legislative and executive
branches when elected and have a chance to carry
out their campaign programs.
95Are Parties Accountable to the Voters?
- Political scientists have debated the value of
responsible parties
- On the down side, party cohesion strong enough to
pass programs in Congress could only be achieved
by reducing the role and independence of
individual legislators. - Advocates of responsible parties suggest several
ways to get them, short of adopting the British
- Attempt to achieve greater discipline within the
parties by rewarding cooperative members with
campaign funds.
- Elect committee chairs in Congress based on party
loyalty, not just seniority.
96Are Parties Accountable to the Voters?
- Party responsibility already exists to a degree,
as presidents who seek election have learned.
- In the 1964 election, LBJ presented himself as a
"dove" v. Goldwater's "hawk" on Vietnam, but
could not run in 1968 because he felt the voters
would punish him for switching sides.
97Democracy Under Pressure
98A Look Ahead
- It is hard to predict the future of politics, as
was found by those who predicted that no member
of the GOP could be elected in 1968 after the
debacle of 1964, and those who foresaw the doom
of the GOP after Watergate. - Clinton defied early odds to win the presidency
in 1992.
- The GOP, which lost the White House to Clinton,
won the Congress two years later.
99A Look Ahead
- One fact is clear Political parties must respond
to pressures for or against change or pay the
price with defeat.
- In addition, minor parties will arise in times of
stress. More non-party candidates, like Ross
Perot, will seek the White House.
- Candidates will continue to rely on television,
which can reach millions of voters.
100A Look Ahead
- Political commercials, professional campaign
managers, political polls, and skilled media
techniques now play a major role in campaigns.
- Political parties play a vital role in
translating the hopes of Americans into action.