Title: Human Growth and Development
1Human Growth and Development Chapter
Four Prenatal Development and Birth
Agenda Finish Lecture1-3 (and 2
activities) Discuss XC observation Quiz 1-3
due Lecture Chapter 4 with video clips (sonogram,
preemie, birth)
Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the
potential to give something back. Princess
2- Germinal periodfirst 14 days
- Embryonic period3rd through 8th weeks
- Fetal period9th week through birth
4Germinal The First 14 Days
- Zygote divides and keep dividing (at least though
3rd doubling they are the same) - At this stage (8 cells) differentiation begins
5- At about a week after conception the multiplying
cells separate into two masses - outer layer forms a shell (later the placenta)
and the inner cells from a nucleus (later the
embryo) - first task of outer cells is to achieve
implantation - 60 of all natural conceptions fail to implant
70 of in vitro procedures fail to implant
6Embryo From the Third to the Eighth Week
- First sign of human structure thin line down the
middle (22 days) that becomes the neural tube,
which eventually forms the central nervous
system, including brain and spinal column - fourth week
- head begins to take shape
- heart begins with a miniscule blood vessel that
begins to pulsate
7- fifth week
- arm and leg buds appear
- tail-like appendage extends from the spine
- eighth week
- embryo weighs 1 gram and is 1 inch long
- head more rounded face formed
- all basic organs and body parts (but for sex)
present - 20 of all embryos spontaneously abort now
8Fetus From the Ninth Week Until Birth
- Called a fetus from 9th week on
9Third Month
- Sex organs take shape
- -genital organs fully shaped by 12th week
- All body parts present
- Fetus can move every part of body
- Fetus weighs 3 ounces and is 3 inches long
10Middle Three Months Preparing to Survive
- Heartbeat stronger
- Digestive and excretory systems develop more
fully - Impressive brain growth (6X in size and
responsive) - new neurons develop (neurogenesis)
- synapsesconnections between neurons develop
11- Age of viabilityage at which preterm baby can
possibly survive (22 weeks) - 26 weeks survival rate about 50
- brain maturation critical to viability
- weight critical to viability
- 28 weeks survival rate about 95
12Fetal Brain Maturation
13Final Three Months Viability to Full Term
- Maturation of the respiratory and cardiovascular
systems - Gains weight4.5 lbs. in last 10 weeks
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15- Teratologystudy of birth defects
- teratogenssubstances that may cause prenatal
abnormalities or later learning disabilities
16Timing of exposure is important
- Critical periodin prenatal development, the time
when a particular organ or other body part is
most susceptible to teratogenic damage - entire embryonic period is critical
17Amount of exposure is important
- Dose and/or frequency
- Threshold effectamount when dangerous
- Interaction effectother teratogens also present
18Genetic Vulnerability
- Males are more genetically vulnerable
19Specific Teratogens
- No way to predict risk on an individual basis
- AIDS and alcohol extremely damaging
- pregnant women with AIDS transmit it to their
newborns high doses of alcohol cause FAS
alcohol drug use increase risk to developing
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21Low Birth Weight
- Low Birth Weight (LBW)
- less than 5 1/2 lbs.
- grows too slowly or weighs less than normal
- more common than 10 years ago
- second most common cause of neonatal death
- Preterm
- birth occurs 3 or more weeks before standard 38
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23- Small for Gestational Age (SGA)
- maternal illness
- maternal behavior
- cigarette smoking (25 of SGA births)
- maternal malnutrition
- poorly nourished before and during pregnancy
- underweight, under-eating, and smoking tend to
occur together
24The Birth Process
- Hormones in mothers brain signals process
- Contractions begin strong and regular at 10
minutes apart - average labor for first births is 8 hours
25The Birth Process
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31Birth Complications
- Anoxialack of oxygen that, if prolonged, can
cause brain damage or death
32Mothers, Fathers and a Good Start
- Strong family support
- Fathers play a crucial role
- Parental alliancecommitment by both parents to
cooperate in raising child - helps alleviate postpartum depression
33- Parent-infant bondstrong, loving connection that
forms as parents hold, examine, and feed their