Title: JTS: Tools for Implementing DomainSpecific Languages
1JTS Tools for Implementing Domain-Specific
- D. Batory, B. Lofaso, Y. Smaradgakis
- Department of Computer Sciences
- University of Texas at Austin
2Jakarta Tool Suite (JTS)
- DARPA-sponsored project to develop a next
generation tools for building scalable
domain-specific component technologies and their
generators - GenVoca generators goal is to automate tasks
that experts would perform manually - specify and automatically synthesize customized
applications without coding through high degrees
of automation
3Jakarta Tool Suite (JTS)
- JTS to make programming languages extensible
- JTS itself is built using an extensible Java
- automate software development
- OO design pattern transformations
- substantially simplify the evolution of OO
applications with tools that automatically apply
design pattens
4JTS Tools
- Consists of two separate tools
- Jak Language (extensible Java)
- Bali (a GenVoca generator of Jak languages and
5The Jak Language
- open, extensible superset of Java
- examine base extension
6Metaprogramming in Jak
- Extends Java with
- AST constructors
- represent and manipulate programs as data
- adds LISP backquote/comma to Java
- package for AST traversals, manipulation
- arbitrary program transformations
- plus other goodies...
7AST Constructors
- Added constructors for code fragments of
different types (expression, statement, ) - similar to LISP backquote
AST_Exp t exp 7 x8 exp AST_Stm s
stm if (ygt4) return r stm t.unparse( )
// outputs 7 x8 s.unparse( ) // outputs
if (ygt4) return r
8Composing Code Fragments
- Explicit escapes
- LISP comma
AST_Exp t exp 7 gt x8 exp AST_Exp s
stm if (exp(t)) return r stm s.unparse( )
// outputs if (7gtx8)
return r
9AST Constructors
- Focusing on AST constructors for Java/Jak now
- Add AST constructors for other languages
- Embedded SQL
- (subsets of) C, C
10AST Traversals
- Package/classes for depth-first searches,
manipulations - support arbitrary program transformations
AstCursor c new AstCursor( ) Ast_Node root
// root of AST to search for (c.First(root)
c.More( ) c.PlusPlus( ) ) if (c.node
instanceof AstInterface) c.Delete( )
11How JTS Works
12SSTs versus ASTs
- Surface syntax tree (SST) is a syntactically
correct parse tree - tree constructors, modifiers guarantee syntactic
correctness - SSTs may not be semantically correct
- Abstract syntax tree (AST) is a type-checked SST
- with annotations to symbol table
- invoked by typecheck( ) method to root of SST
13Extensibility of Jak
- Microsoft IP Intentions
- new grammar rules introduce new AST nodes with
domain-specific semantics - P3 cursor, container types, operations
- at reduction time, intention nodes are replaced
with host language implementations - P3 replaced abstract cursor, container AST nodes
with their concrete Java implementations - Jak/Java inherently open compiler
14JTS Follows DSL Paradigm
15How to...
- Produce lexers and parsers?
- Produce transform program?
- Where does GenVoca fit in?answers in remainder
of talk...
- GenVoca Generator of
- DSL Precompilers
17Family Languages
- Jak is a family of related languages
- versions with/without AST constructors
- with/without P3-generator extensions
- Classic library scalability problem
- n features with 2n combinations
- cannot build all 2n combinations by hand
- can generate them
18Bali is a GenVoca Generator
- Assembles variants of Jak from components
- Components encapsulate primitive extensions
- AST constructors
- domain-specific generators like P3
- Compositions of components specifies particular
19Two Aspects
- Tool for writing compilers for Domain-Specific
Languages (DSL) - looks similar to other DSL-compiler tools
- specify syntax of DSL or language extension using
annotated, extended BNF grammars - GenVoca generator
- software component technology
- architectural, extensibility aspects
20Bali Grammars
- Extended BNF grammar
- extended to handle repetitions
- e.g., POPART
StatementList ( Statement )
ArgumentList Argument ( , Argument )
21Bali Grammars are Annotated
- by class to instantiate when production is
recognized - POPART, DIALECT, common OO design techniques
SelectionStmt IF ( Expr ) Statement
IfStm SWITCH ( Expr ) Block
22Bali Specifications
- Jak grammar
- 160 tokens
- 240 productions
- 800 lines
- Bali grammar
- 15 tokens
- 20 productions
- 73 lines
// bali spec lexical patterns grammar rules
23What can be generated...
- Lexical analyzer
- Jlex (java version of lex)
- Bernie Lofaso (Jakarta Team Member)
- Parser
- Java_Cup (java version of yacc)
- Scott Hudson_at_Georgia Tech
- Inheritance hierarchy and AST classes
- constructors, unparsing, editing methods
24What cant be generated...
- Type checking, reduction, optimization methods
- AST node specific
- hand code subclasses to Bali-generated class
25Big Picture
- Traditional approach to building compilers for
domain-specific languages - clean model of proven technology
- Problem dont want to hand-code and
hand-assemble each variant - too expensive
- Solution GenVoca component technology
- components encapsulate primitive extensions
- compose components to form variants of Jak
- Model of parameterized programming
- addresses the architectural aspects of software
- building blocks of domains are refinements of
fundamental domain abstractions - components are implementations of refinements
- components composed by parameter instantiation
- visualize component composition as stacking layers
27Quick Tutorial
- Software system is named composition of
components called a type equation
Question what is relationship of components to
28Key Idea Layering and Inheritance
- Inheritance hierarchy is an inverted layering
hierarchy - calling super classes same as calling lower layers
29Relationship to GenVoca
- GenVoca components are large scale
- consistent refinements of multiple classes
30Relationship to Jak
T Ast With Java Kernel
- JTS integrates different technologies
- Java
- metaprogramming
- domain-specific language compiler tools
- architectures components/generators
- Powerful tool suite for
- building generators/precompilers for embedded,
non-embedded languages - used it to build P3 (data structures generator)
- JTS itself (bootstrapping using extensible Java)
32The End